Use Excel to Connect to SQL Server Data

Use Excel to Connect to SQL Server Data

Anthony Smoak

2 года назад

98,478 Просмотров

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Frank Newton
Frank Newton - 29.08.2023 21:04

Hi Anthony, this is great. However, one issue I'm having is that the next time I open the workbook the data connection and associated quesry aren't being saved. I get an error saying the query was not found. How do I resolve this issue?

Trix Nik
Trix Nik - 13.08.2023 13:47

how to include additional columns with formulas based on the retrieved data from the database?

Hưng Nguyễn
Hưng Nguyễn - 12.08.2023 10:03

tks bro

firedustflame - 09.08.2023 23:28

How do i Create a connection, not a query,?

Snapperhead - 27.07.2023 01:52

Very nice, exactly what I was looking for; thank you very much!

SQL Server Tutorial in 3 Minutes
SQL Server Tutorial in 3 Minutes - 25.06.2023 00:56

Hi, can we change authentucation to SQL authentucation? Thanks

Danilo Tavares
Danilo Tavares - 21.06.2023 18:44

Is it possible to dinamically change the SQL statement based on specific cells values? For example, you could create a cell to specify how many top registers you want to get.

Unathi - 20.06.2023 01:17


kishore - 14.06.2023 17:51

What to do if I want to display the server name (data source) in a cell . When we have multiple boxes would like to display the source in the sheet itself.

Maxwell Ogbimi
Maxwell Ogbimi - 12.06.2023 18:32

Do SQL Developer connect Excel? I am struggling with the first step of connecting excel to the SQL server

Quickster - 26.05.2023 11:41

Can i change the Data in Excel?
So like i change the Order Key from "26" to "32" in Excel.
Is it possible then to automatically change this value also in the SQL-Sever table?

Christian Schroeder
Christian Schroeder - 09.05.2023 15:05

Hi dude I was wondering if you can answer me the following question. I am working on a project with a large scale data set in excel as the central point. This data set will be updated on share point by multiple users i.e. completion dates of the work and what not. This data set is stored on sharepoint and multiple different stakeholders require a cut off version of the master data set just with the relevant information. what I have done is to create a new SS to let's say Antony as an example and cut down the data based on his needs via power query to meet his needs. I have deployed a direct URL connection for Anthony to to the Master file in Share point and did a setup of a data refresh every 1 min of the source data for Anthony. However, even that the solution works, the new entries for Anthony's customized report out of the master data set take a hell of a lot time and refreshes until I can see the updated data in excel . In other words if I change something on the master file , refresh the query for Anthony, the changed data needs minutes to reflect that change. Is there a way to optimize power query in excel to reflect that change of data in real time ? The problem is that I have to create multiple customized data sets which are pointing back to the master file plus I have multiple data sets of third parties which feeding back into the master file, meaning once those get into my master file the sub sets of data created for certain stakeholders need to refresh. Does this makes sense bro ?

Energy - 06.05.2023 09:13

Thank you for the tutorial! I have successfully connected to the Server through SQL Management Studio, but I cannot export the desired database to the excel workbook to operate. The error message says "Microsoft ACE OLEDB.12.0 Provider is not registered on the local computer". I used to conntect well on the existing workbook to work with power query for importing, cleaning and transforming data just like what you teach in this video. But after installed MS Office 2021 I failed connection and therefore installed SQL Management Studio to recover. I appreciate if you could offer advice to resolve this issue.

Energy - 02.05.2023 06:19

Thank you for the tutorial. I have a question. After upgraded MS 2021 version, I cannot connect the SQL Server even though having the Server's name and database. The error message says "Principle name is incorrect. SSPI cannot be created!"

Sourav Roy
Sourav Roy - 22.03.2023 20:38

Thanks sir. After a long search I found this video. I was looking for how to edit SQL query in OLEDB Query and this video exactly shows how to do that.

Thanks again 😊

Glory Rome Zeus
Glory Rome Zeus - 27.02.2023 21:44

Good job dude, unexpected perfect. Do some more , bless

PCGerente - 14.02.2023 05:37

Hi, I loaded my data and run some pivot tables on it. Now I want to change the database name, but using Excel 2013 and no PowerQuery is shown. What should I do?

Cool Undies
Cool Undies - 29.01.2023 09:10

So glad I found your channel!

ong kam siong
ong kam siong - 21.12.2022 15:43

possible to connect to multiple databases so that I could query data with "JOIN"?

Todd Schultz
Todd Schultz - 09.12.2022 18:20

Is there a way to create a dynamic query? I pull data on a monthly basis from SQL Server and I need to change the reporting date to the corresponding month. It would be great if I could change the date in a named range and have it link to the query instead of having to manually edit it.

Rajas Godbole
Rajas Godbole - 06.09.2022 00:43

Is there a way for the SQL query to pick up parameter from Excel cells? Lets say there are dates in A1 and A2 cell. And I want the query to pick up these Dates for Where condition in SQL and query database.

Benrb - 27.08.2022 01:14

As a financial analyst I feel a little targeted haha. Nice video.

ArunDv - 18.08.2022 15:59

I'm a new user ,I'm getting unable to refresh query and data source not found error , how can we resolve that.

MethodOverRide - 18.08.2022 06:51

I'm doing this for some ad hoc reports but I find that the refresh is sometimes slow when importing about 10 or 15 sheets of data that have 1k to 15k of rows per sheet. However if I don't use Power Query and connect Excel directly to my SQL views it refreshs much faster. But the trade off is the setup of each sheet to each view and often times a re-setup if there are substantial updates to the view.

I like the flexibility of Power Query, but I'm not sure why it takes so long to refresh the data. I'm wondering now if VBA using an ole db connection to the database with SQL queries to pull the data is the way to go.

E Borne
E Borne - 14.08.2022 00:20

I'm totally new to SQL and usually dive into the deep end of things. Had to do some homework before understanding what you were doing but once I did that, you came thru clear as a bell. Thanks!

Jose Perez
Jose Perez - 31.05.2022 18:14

How about if i want to write to the SQL from the excel table?

Tiago Hillerman
Tiago Hillerman - 29.03.2022 18:48

Very simple and straightforward explanation, thank you! I have a problem that is maybe similar to this - do you know if there's a way to pull in data from a source published in Tableau Server directly to Excel/Access (or even Python)? Where I work, we don't have access to the original database tables, but we can connect to the published Tableau server data sources. I was wondering if there was a way to eliminate the "middle" steps (data source > creating a workbook in Tableau > building the view/filters > exporting to Excel/Access db). Sorry if this question is more appropriate for another video. Thanks again!
