Brewstew - Middle School

Brewstew - Middle School


3 года назад

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@losethealtitude7730 - 08.05.2024 06:39


@Gayboyslay - 07.05.2024 16:56

I have a teacher named Miss Watson

@cringycontent - 05.05.2024 06:04

Wow! The auto generated chapters are actually great this video!

@fachengye5129 - 05.05.2024 04:21


@Fatluckydoge - 05.05.2024 02:54

idk 700

@endlessoceanic - 29.04.2024 07:51

This is giving south park lmao..

@KoyoRadster40 - 29.04.2024 07:14

the guy on the thumbnail reminds of the guy from static x

@JXGojiramemes - 28.04.2024 21:33


@gotgunpowder - 26.04.2024 06:31

the george washington reference lmao

@mr.carenthusiast6198 - 24.04.2024 15:39

Why are all the teachers old as hell???😅

@natevs.theuniverse3847 - 24.04.2024 05:39

Limp Bizkit!!

@BrickzillaStudio-gu2qw - 23.04.2024 16:32

I found it so funny with the spiky hair because in the drawings it looks so sharp like it could kill something but in real life that’s shit just go flat

@ZebowDimes - 19.04.2024 21:38

Nice Jack Lambert Picture

@anti_fur_guy - 19.04.2024 19:01

kan je = kanye

teen zuigen

@erickuykendall8755 - 16.04.2024 12:00

Just discovered this channel today. Watched the Pokémon one first. I’m hooked. Great stuff.

@Halo_spartan12 - 16.04.2024 03:22

i might be to young to be watching this but I laugh my bum off

@pathutchison7688 - 14.04.2024 23:56

I was great in middle school. I’m awkward and weird now.

@samrindge8042 - 12.04.2024 22:26

I thought it was me who had panic dreams about finding a classroom in school. It's strange because when I was in school I don’t recall dreaming about getting lost. Now as an adult my worst nightmares are the ones when I can never find a class in high school 😂

@the-rogamer7955 - 12.04.2024 15:14

Why do you look like Tom from Eddsworld with that spiky hair tho

@clxxxiv - 11.04.2024 01:31

no refrences to "malcom in the middle" you must have lived under a rock. not 1 bart simpson joke either

@SouthOfSanity79 - 10.04.2024 19:38

You only had a couple classes before lunch? Jesus Christ we had eight or nine classes a day through elementary and high school. And homework for most of those fucking classes. Nothing like having seven or eight classes a day with five of them giving you homework due the next goddamn day. And then block scheduling started. You go to mass one day but then you don't go the next day cuz you're going to fucking science or something and then the day after that you have your fucking math class again. Yeah we didn't get that lucky. 7 or more classes every fucking day that were the same every time.

@ImSkylerJ2000 - 08.04.2024 13:59

At least you didn’t look like a female version of Harry potter. The short hair and all… with big glasses.

@jenniferriccardi4086 - 08.04.2024 05:51

Who else loves Brewster rais your 🤚

@ciddoctor6993 - 07.04.2024 22:33

Funny trauma good. 🙃

@Enchiefee - 07.04.2024 09:51

How tf did u know I had braces...

@adrian_veidt - 07.04.2024 08:14

I would've punched Mr Delato if he embarrassed my kid like that. But dang he funny asf lol

@CarterFelixOfficial - 07.04.2024 01:25

As a 12 year old, I got the moustache

@weenking6767 - 06.04.2024 04:07


@Lilbro63 - 05.04.2024 08:46

Bru no way I just learned that same quadratic function formula 😂

@Joaquin4154 - 04.04.2024 20:59

Michael is a goat

@msfox103able - 04.04.2024 18:19

I graduated highschool in 2011. When I was in 7th grade they sent papers home to spank us if we needed it. Yes my parents signed it , but it never happened to me. I was in 7th grade in history class it was quiet no noise at all. My teacher had the door open. The principals office was down the hallway. Suddenly i head a loud smack echoe in the hallway. Then a kid scream in pain. It was funny. Everyone was laughing. My principal was a guy so even though my parents signed the papers I figured as a female I was safe because it wouldn't be appropriate. That was the only time I heard that so the probably changed it after that. Nobody said they ever got paddled in jr high again.

@DandreRodriguez-hn7ck - 02.04.2024 03:57

Mr.Delato looks like Uncle Ian from Alvin and the chipmunks.

@AJRosenow-bu4jc - 01.04.2024 03:51

My first day of middle school it took me 2 hours to find my first class

@sweetteatruckin3202 - 31.03.2024 15:31

We still hit that ass with wooden paddles in a lot of schools

@jonnn420 - 31.03.2024 11:29

Hate to break it to ya brew stew but if ur teacher made u stand In front of a bunch of other kids with ur privates showing ur a victim of “S.A” 😭 u def needa tell someone

@Tylerbourne1997 - 31.03.2024 04:56

I miss the shitty square sausage pizzas, i would do anything to have one of those again!

@user-sf6rf5yr9k - 29.03.2024 01:37

The goth guys dad looks like Rick grimes

@jaygregus4815 - 28.03.2024 07:41

La looks.. blast from the past

@liquidmang - 28.03.2024 00:58

I'm positive that LA Looks is responsible for all the premature balding at age 24. Hair product shouldn't burn and flake off after 2 hours

@tiffanychandler9861 - 27.03.2024 06:29

I’m the kid who grew a little dirt mustache

@FKVentaFan - 24.03.2024 09:55


@jcg9388 - 23.03.2024 09:53

Haha lmao

@taraheck9004 - 18.03.2024 01:26

Fucking love the Brad Neely reference on the whiteboard.

@barbiegirlfashionsta - 13.03.2024 15:30


@STAZZED - 10.03.2024 11:01

the hair when you did as you were younger looks like johnny test

@user-zt6kf5vf2o - 09.03.2024 03:00

3.24M subscribers





11M views 3 years ago
I don't want to hear anybody complain about their middle school experiences. Snap into a Slim Jim.

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3 years ago
I wasn’t as cool as you brew. My heart is an ocean of sadness because I had a bowl cut in middle school.



228 replies
3 years ago
"Why are you putting letters in mathematics"

Good question, practically ruined my childhood!



18 replies
2 years ago
This acutely resembles my first year of middle school.
“It’s pizza day, can I have $2?” That just brought back some memories.



2 replies
5 months ago
Okay guys, let’s be honest, this guy has never failed to make me laugh



1 reply
3 years ago
Brewstew is a basic adult version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.



38 replies
3 years ago
I can't be the only one that thought mr Watson was a woman before we knew his name



20 replies
1 year ago (edited)
This makes me wanna give highlights of some of my most notable middle school teachers
1. Mrs. Smith, 8th grade pre algebra: I was fortunate enough to have Mrs. Smith in her last year before retirement which was good for a few reasons. The first being that she had done this for so long that all of her lessons were pretty streamlined and she could explain everything easily so we got through everything quickly. The second being that she absolutely did not care about shit. We had this know it all kid named Louren, who was a boy. Yep, a boy named Louren, and he would try to answer no less than five questions in class per day with about a 40-60% hit rate and Mrs. Smith would outright laugh at him when he got one wrong because she had no reason to care if he was offended.
2. Mrs. Johnston, 7th grade AP English: Everyone remembers Mrs. Johnston's name because Mrs. Johnston only ever talked in the third person and taught using rhymes and an advanced placement class. She was also friends with my mom so if I fucked up, there was a solid shot that my mom would know about it before I would. It also just made parent-teacher conferences a fucking blast.
3. Mrs. Williams, 7th grade math: I don't know at what point in her career Mrs. Williams was at or if there's just something about being a math teacher that makes you not give a fuck but Mrs. Williams did not give a fuck, and she was loud about it. Our school was fairly spread out and there were only five minutes between classes so it was common practice to start gathering your shit up in the last few minutes of a class so you were ready to haul ass to your next one but Mrs. Williams didn't give two shits. If the bell didn't ring, you were still in her class and if you started gathering your shit up early and she caught you, she'd hold you until one minute before the tardy bell.
4. Mr. Daniels, 8th grade science: Still to this day the driest person I've ever met. He delivered lessons, praises, and scoldings in the same monotone voice. Oh, and he also just had a mason jar full of mercury so that's fun. It was really fun when a kid accidentally dropped it while it was being passed around the room and got a week of detention.
5. Ms. Beshier, 7th grade science: Top three bitchiest teacher I had through all of my years in school. Only beaten by a computer professor I had in college who made attendance 60% of the grade just so people wouldn't do everything at home and maybe by another American history professor I had. It seemed like Ms. Beshier's mission was to make sure her students learned everything they were supposed to and had zero fun doing it. We never did any labs or special projects, we just took notes and tests, and of course she taught our sex ed course with her morbidly obese self. Another fun thing is that she wouldn't let kids leave class to use the bathroom so a dude straight up pissed himself in class one day. It was the class before mine so we're all walking in and the janitor's in there with a mop and bleach spray and Ms. Beshier is somehow acting bitchier than normal. We walk in like "What happened here?" and she just says "Don't worry about it. Sit down and be quiet."



9 replies
1 year ago (edited)
Mr delato had me gasping for air🤣😂🤣



3 years ago
"it's the type of panic that gives you nightmares later on in life" Why is this so fucking relatable.


