Bitwise Operators and WHY we use them

Bitwise Operators and WHY we use them

Alex Hyett

1 год назад

53,091 Просмотров

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@loayalsaid6343 - 03.08.2023 12:55

small missed detail, : the bitwise, & and | or whatever, they look if both are set, meaning both are one, not just matching, because if both are 0 for example, & will give zero and not 1
The video is amazing, Thank you, really!.

@Tech-Dev - 30.11.2023 13:00

Cheers for making this concept so easy to understand.

@kevinbatdorf - 25.11.2023 03:01

What are some common use cases for the last three you mentioned? ~ << >>

@Xander95X - 06.11.2023 20:08

Wow, this video is great, super succinct and explained very clearly.

@Ctrl_Alt_Elite - 19.10.2023 18:14

I'm learning DSA atm, and came across a constant time solution for the Power of 2 problem that uses the AND bitwise operator

AMAZING videos, watched both the binary & bitwise operators vids and learned a tonne! Thanks a lot! 😁

@kdt85 - 10.10.2023 21:57

what practical uses do the left and right bit shifts have?

@doomer1 - 19.09.2023 18:25

This channel is a gem

@seanfull7123 - 15.09.2023 07:40

Teach my class plz

@SaMcfc05 - 22.08.2023 22:39

Thank you, this makes things a lot simpler to understand

@oglothenerd - 17.08.2023 21:42

Well, I just learned something cool about UNIX file permissions! I love this, because I use Arch, btw.

@oglothenerd - 17.08.2023 21:40

I am needing to use them because I am making a voxel game.

@davidvillalobos3854 - 24.07.2023 23:38

good video,very simple, straight to the point and the example of user permission was great and easy to follow. Thanks

@moonasha - 23.07.2023 08:01

in unity we use these for layer masks. For whatever reason, layers are stored as a series of booleans in a 32 bit (i think) integer... so if we want to mask off layer 7, we have to bit shift 1 over 7 places, 1 << 7. Other things in unity like physics constraints also use this system. It was very confusing and unintuitive at first

@mossabDiae - 19.07.2023 22:17

Great video Alex and well explained!
I've been using Linux in a while and it's the first time to know the origin behind choosing those exact numbers for files permission, learned a lot!
Thank you, subscribed.

@meerkatpowergaming9412 - 11.07.2023 13:29

This video is a bit loaded for someone who is truly a beginner.

@timi_t_codes - 06.07.2023 02:27

You keep things so simple!! I would love to teach like you do.

@mr.luxxyandreneo5168 - 11.06.2023 18:38

Sir really , the rwx ex. from linux was amazing , none told us such deeply, thanks for relating bin no with programming & with linux, just amazing

@hernanphillip334 - 09.06.2023 00:45

Very very nice video sir, it has helped me out a lot!

@amaniabid4476 - 05.06.2023 00:02

thank you for this because I get it very easy when you explain it

@AFriendOfYours0 - 02.06.2023 16:00

Thank you so much. I was trying to make sense of some code I came across on GitHub and I had no idea what was going on until I watched this. Didn't think I'd have to deal with bitwise operators in JavaScript haha. Loved the simple explanation and the lighting/graphics.

@oreokarail - 01.06.2023 15:32

Don't stop. There's a long way to go...

@blaxpow - 23.04.2023 08:38

That's excellent content. Good explanation and video editing. +1 subscriber 🎉

@mateoleoncamacho1292 - 03.03.2023 04:16

this is gold

@kevinpellerin6715 - 02.03.2023 08:17

Programming can be so high level, coming from microprocessors, its a little hard to not have to think about registers and interrupts.

@gabehcuodsuoitneterp203 - 17.01.2023 10:47

Someone beat the f***sh*t outta Biff and took his almanac. 🤔

@DaveDemers69 - 09.01.2023 05:58

Thank you, this helped a ton!

@luis.barragan - 03.01.2023 03:11

This was a really professional video, straight to the point. Thanks for saving my day.

@marios_c - 18.11.2022 08:10

Thanks a lot for this video! I am self - studying through a book and I got a little bit confused. You really helped me understand the Bitwise Operators

@lanniekins666 - 24.10.2022 00:45

Thank you for this! I've been a game developer for a while and had never had to deal with this concept, but it's been thrown at me with very little explanation in the cybersec course I'm taking. This was very helpful :)

@paval1s69 - 24.10.2022 00:11

Nice! Already learned it but it was still great as a refresher and also a great introduction for newbies to the topic. A shame that the channel is not that big yet

@numbertumbers529 - 23.10.2022 23:57

This was very well-made and informative! You deserve a lot more than 94 subscribers!
