Can Gold Really Protect You During An Economic Collapse?

Can Gold Really Protect You During An Economic Collapse?

The Ramsey Show Highlights

2 года назад

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@craigklein5563 - 21.01.2024 01:51

I would have to question anybody's common sense that says Joe Biden hasn't devalued our dollar and that devaluing our dollar hasn't had an effect on housing and auto prices!

@user-yk5hc4qt1n - 21.01.2024 00:42

Did he say gold and silver have no intrinsic value? Silver is the best conductor of electricity known on the periodic table. In dentistry, for say posterior crowns... gold is the absolute best material.

@scottcureton6055 - 20.01.2024 23:59

Dang, Dave. Way off on this one for inflation blame. Liked what you said about gold though.

@taichitao85 - 20.01.2024 23:09

Why do central bank buy gold?
Why do people kill each other for gold?
Why do aliens want gold?

@lagoonlane - 20.01.2024 22:44

Nice to hear Dave being fair to Joe Biden.

@dilatedtime - 19.01.2024 17:12

This guy clearly has no idea what he talking about. Lol.

@brianshishnia3278 - 14.01.2024 01:49

Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate are also only worth what someone will pay you for them.

@michaelmohrle1773 - 13.01.2024 11:07

So what is worth more now, say if you had purchased $1,000 in gold or silver at the prices they were say in 2001 and held on to it or $1,000 in cash ?

@chrisa.515 - 08.01.2024 01:36

Can gold protect you during an economic collapse? Maybe not, but I don't see how having all of your assets tied up in paper stocks, bonds or out in cyber space is going to protect you any better.

@LaloCruzOficial - 06.01.2024 03:56

Who created the pandemic haha

@g1984AF - 05.01.2024 22:25

I agree in the difference of returns between gold/silver and stock market. But gold and silver are extremely important in a technologic society.

@First4America - 04.01.2024 20:28

Can paper currency protect you during an economic collapse? Ask Venezuelans!

@davefouquette4192 - 02.01.2024 19:50

Silver absolutely has intrinsic value. It's used in the tech industry and in the military. I think hedging inflation with 10% in gold and silver is smart in the current situation with the National debt, govt spending, continuous printing of money, and more than likely new quantitative easing (inflation) on the horizon. I do not watch the main stream media news, but I do pay very close attention to those who I consider to be trusted sources bringing truth and facts, with have a proven track record. The US dollar is quickly losing it's value, with no end to govt spending and printing of money in sight. Because of this, the old rules will soon no longer apply. Anything tied to the US dollar will take a major hit if the dollar collapses. You can get poor quick by burring your head in the sand and living in a bubble.

@sammyshreds - 02.01.2024 15:48

Too much faith in the dollar. Biblically, gold and silver have always been God's money and have outlasted all other currencies.

@joshterry8800 - 02.01.2024 15:31

Hard to watch, he gives an inaccurate picture

@Rui-of7du - 01.01.2024 01:15

Lol gold is god money doesn't exist and if it does its debt lol

@Fireworxs2012 - 31.12.2023 02:21

The only people that ever make money on precious metals are the people digging it out of the ground. Everybody else is simply managing loss, including the Federal Government
It's December 30th, 2023, Joe Biden is still President and Gas is under $3.00 a gallon. Take that Mr. Ramsey 🖕

@gw10758 - 26.12.2023 14:16

Dave, it is amazing to me how illiterate you are regarding precious metals. Since you are obviously a Keynesian, in the end you will lose your 200 million green pieces of paper....

@kylemonkiewicz2803 - 26.12.2023 03:07

Dave Ramsey want you to be poor apparently

@paulaxiuk7609 - 25.12.2023 16:39

The Venezuelan people are digging into their hillsides and trading gold nuggets for essentials. Their currency has collapsed. The Russians traded weapons for Venezuelan gold .

@thomaskirby7475 - 23.12.2023 03:10

yea right, like the pandemic wasn't fake and planed by biden amd his dirty puppet pullers

@maletdan1699 - 22.12.2023 23:46

I have learned and understood that we all need more than one way to survive and minimum 2 backup plans » just in case.
I don’t have a big salary but manage to diversify my backup plans and I go month by month little by little and i’ll manage with how things comes.
. Stack a little of silver oz.
. Invest in crypto
. Food storage
. Put A little bit of cash somewhere in a box
Life is unpredictable and the economy is unstable so be more on the safe side than ignore that inflation is no joke

@maletdan1699 - 22.12.2023 23:40

Protect no, help yes

@whadayaatmeolcock6071 - 21.12.2023 21:55

Holy shit what horrible advice. Anyone who wants some sound logical advice, listen to Lynette Zang.

@tkilg7169 - 20.12.2023 23:20

I should call in to his show and ask how he feels about 'stakeholder capitalism', which is the cornerstone of the utopia being set up for all of us. Climate change being the pretense for the creation of this system.

Sure, we can't hold Biden responsible for short term things that happen in the economy, but we sure as hell can hold him responsible for supporting the 'build back better' policy which is the battlecry of the Davos group.

If you are blind to the strings that control Biden as well as most of our government, then you will be blind to the 'own nothing and be happy' plans that are probably in our future.

@TheKATON132 - 20.12.2023 22:37

Dave doesn’t understand I think. The gold and silver isn’t for making money or getting major returns in a short period. He doesn’t seem understand it for us non millionaire peasants to store our wealth as a hedge against inflation and sometimes as a savings account so that we don’t have to fully trust the banks. Also as a way to barter during an another depression. Hes viewing it like a real boomer

@barry1705 - 19.12.2023 22:09

A portfolio should be divided between many different categories like l have made money on having a good paying job with a pension for life. Witch paid of my house. That got me into real estate. Bought my neighbors house , that needed repairs. I fixed it, and rented it out to college students. I restore classic cars . I flip houses and cars. I have only 5 to ten percent of my portfolio in precious metals Silver and gold. Works for me. No all or nothing singularity mindset

@RHS0909 - 19.12.2023 07:50

silver has gained 300% over the past 20 years .. Dave Ramsey is great for budget advice but his facts on Au and Ag is simply WRONG

@GraveKeeperDeath - 16.12.2023 09:36

61??? those squinting eyes look more on par with Joe biden. I think more like 81. Worst advice I've heard in years. Google stop putting this garbage in my recommendations.

@vanfja - 11.12.2023 06:02

Ramsey is a product of the cold war and US dominance globally. We have always had our stock market insulated from global problems to an extent and the petro dollar has been the global currency. This is changing. Financial intelligence will have to start adapting. Globally, gold is used as a safe haven. My friends in the UK who transferred money to gold have preserved their wealth while their neighbors have lost a lot due to inflation.
The UK once thought as we do, but all empires wane.
It would be smart to own some gold.

@4gma59 - 05.12.2023 19:50

Completely disagree with Ramsey on this one.

@abramtaylor7575 - 05.12.2023 16:32

Dave is a BOZO.
GOLD is and always has been king.

@Sldghmmr338 - 05.12.2023 15:20

I’m shocked that Ramsey doesn’t know the difference between currency and money. Bad advice there David…

@ronproietti6050 - 02.12.2023 22:34

Gold is and always will be !! Dave is and bought for by Wall Street,,,Gold has always been around,,thousands of years,,,fiat is doom to death,,period,,,Wall street brought to you by D.Ramsey..A sell out to multi media = PROPAGANDA !!

@c-krefinishers1850 - 02.12.2023 03:45

Gold & silver have been money for thousands of years. Also , possession of either is better than nothing from the banks closing and you losing all of your accounts.something to ponder

@himelu - 27.11.2023 17:02

Gold has been present since biblical times.

@paulcorrea1613 - 23.11.2023 18:43

Gold has never been worth zero, unlike fiat currencies or some stocks.

@moviesnobs9228 - 21.11.2023 02:00

In the 70s gold was 35 dollars an ounce. Now its 2000 dollars. In the year 2000 it was 200 bucks an ounce, its flirting with 2000 usd now. A 1000 percent gain. Look at the charts. They don't lie.

@moviesnobs9228 - 21.11.2023 01:54

Gold is king 👑. Dont listen to this old cranky man.

@chrisdimmick495 - 20.11.2023 05:21

All Dave’s property and stocks will be worthless like his cash if we have a collapse . But gold and silver will always be cash it has been sense the beginning of time. He’s making money on his land and stocks right now but in a crash it’s garbage. Gold and silver just holds your money value it will never change. In Venezuela people are buying food and water with gold and silver right now it is there cash. Get your bullets food water gas and other supplies then stock your gold and silver. And you’ll be all set. Unless you go in the rapture or die in a nuke. Then it don’t matter anyways

@Calmwater7 - 20.11.2023 00:50

He's not saying but I bet he is stashing silver and gold

@phillyBeats - 19.11.2023 01:30

If it has no value why are all the central banks around the world buy gold like crazy?

@xsavoie1 - 16.11.2023 21:02

Biden and the Democrats pushed the Covid pandemic narrative to the extreme in order to control people and help big pharma peddle their fake vaccine.Slowed down the economy to a standstill.

@dettcg817 - 14.11.2023 17:29

Silver is used to make mirrors, as it is the best reflector of visible light known, although it does tarnish with time. It is also used in dental alloys, solder and brazing alloys, electrical contacts and batteries. So it goes beyond having an intrinsic value

@DocsGreetingCards - 12.11.2023 16:13

lol. it looks like Dave ruffled the feathers of the gold nuts. way to go, Dave!

@muckeyduck3472 - 09.11.2023 07:25

That a stupid argument. Dollar investment my grow at 11x the rate of Gold, or Silver, but over same time it's purchasing power my be lessened by 11x. The purchasing power of an Oz. of gold today, is the same as it was in 1920.

@milesralls7972 - 08.11.2023 21:21

Wow… Dave’s clearly extremely uneducated about precious metals.

@MrRaybrown007 - 05.11.2023 14:06

This guy is so wrong on near all he said. When Dave sell is shares in tec and pharma, Thanks but no thanks. I will take my land and water and my food stash, hunker down and trade with locals,

@metricdeep8856 - 27.10.2023 06:23

I think it's well established that gold and silver are accepted as mediums of value. This guy is an idiot if he says otherwise. One's skill to barter is not so assured. You're not hiring a lawyer to sue the lame barter-dealer without some form of money (gold/silver). If it's worse than that...then you need a gun. Also, economic collapse is not defined - You-tubers post this crap every day. This guy is loud mouth.
