Chess Tips: Creating Counterplay | Beginner & Intermediate Strategy

Chess Tips: Creating Counterplay | Beginner & Intermediate Strategy


3 года назад

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No One
No One - 19.08.2023 18:05

Thank you, Gautam bhai

Adam Rixtor
Adam Rixtor - 05.06.2023 19:11

My problem is that I can see every move my opponent is going to make but I don't know how to develop my pieces

Talon Bergen
Talon Bergen - 31.05.2023 18:25

Hey, I'm trying to join your discord... I don't know what I've doing wrong. Can you help?

Rolando Giancola
Rolando Giancola - 13.05.2023 08:51

Just here looking for the pin of shame

MohAmed - 30.03.2023 22:02

Great vid I didn't understand a shit

demet demirkol beyenal
demet demirkol beyenal - 07.02.2023 18:43

its been 2 years and this video is still helpfull

Ayden Hill
Ayden Hill - 17.12.2022 12:28

I’ve known how to play the basics of chess for a while now but ever since I’ve really tried getting into it I’ve been stuck anywhere between 700-1000 but I can tell I’m not keeping up with a lot of my opponents. I’m not huge into chess but I watch videos here and there for tips and tricks but I can never seem to set up anything because I don’t know how to see their defensive moves from 2-3 moves ahead even. Hope to get better through practice and such but if anyone has tips on how to know when they’re defending or when I should give up the setup , etc that would be amazing. And even a book on this type of matter would help a ton cause I’d like to think that I pick up chess easily and I understand why certain moves are made but sometimes it looks like they’re doing absolutely nothing to defend and then two moves later I’m the one that’s trapped.

DeepChessKid - 06.10.2022 04:34

Is this counterplay?:My opponent trapped my queen but I kept attacking HIS queen but he kept on moving is queen away and my “Counterplay” doesn’t work. ???????

CodCats - 04.09.2022 11:01

i'm ready for the world championships

Popcatpat - 19.06.2022 11:31

He causally says “I was playing a grandmaster”

Zubair Ali
Zubair Ali - 01.06.2022 05:16

levy can you make a vid on not to make one attacking moves!

Leo_Santiago - 07.03.2022 19:02

Great, really good at explaining, my new chess favorite

Brothers and Co. Films
Brothers and Co. Films - 21.10.2021 01:15

When to counter play and when to defend?

Yodaddyandmommagreen - 31.08.2021 11:34

I watched a video, and I can’t recall the channel/creator, but his instructional really informed me about the game. I started protecting all the pieces and didn’t focus on gambits as much, and this video has helped in the same manner. There’s not an immediate need to trade pieces as long as there is still development as you mentioned.. Would you agree? Thanks for the vid…

Cornelius Constantine Balthazar Fitzpatrick V Sr.
Cornelius Constantine Balthazar Fitzpatrick V Sr. - 28.07.2021 13:51


Nachiket Choudhary
Nachiket Choudhary - 13.06.2021 20:16

how not to blunder

PollyPositive - 08.06.2021 22:17

Chess tips: how to set up your opening for midddle game transition

Scruffy Sean
Scruffy Sean - 01.06.2021 01:54

At "only" 75K views, this video is probably one of your most underrated. Lots of great ideas here.

ARGShkogamer24yt - 22.05.2021 09:55

i watched the beginner and intermediate chess lessons of yours please create the advanced chess lessons because im already studying chess

Gaurav Patel
Gaurav Patel - 08.03.2021 13:50

I love it this is really effective movesets and it's really helpful to teach the more effective moves you can do then simple trades or meaningless checks
love the vids!

Nafees Adib
Nafees Adib - 24.02.2021 20:19

hello Levy, please make a video on 'when to trade, what to trade, why to trade'. Thanks

Richard Fabio
Richard Fabio - 24.02.2021 18:40

Levy, love your channel. very helpful. i would benefit from a chess tips about how to use my queen and when. common roles the queen should play and things to avoid. thanks, r

Clayton Benignus
Clayton Benignus - 20.02.2021 08:42

Here’s an off the wall topic for you. What are Chess Women like? Are they beauties? Are they good to date? Kosteniuk is beautiful but she is also married. Ho Yi-Fan is beautiful but is supposed to have attitude. Who have you dated?

jaume gasgou
jaume gasgou - 09.02.2021 18:34

Can you do a video of chess paterns that we can try to force in games, in order to have atack ideas when we dont know what to do. Maybe like a mix of tactics and strategy. Thanks, I like your videos

Chuck Dean
Chuck Dean - 29.01.2021 14:17

Hey Levi, I love your videos. Could you make a video about spotting weaknesses and taking advantage of them or correcting your own?

The Ascendunt
The Ascendunt - 01.01.2021 16:20

Hey! You played against a Sri Lankan. That FM is the youngest to win that title in my country. It was a pleasant surprise to see my flag haha.

I love his series! Thank you.

Daniel Sayre
Daniel Sayre - 17.12.2020 09:14


Rupert G
Rupert G - 17.12.2020 08:28

Yes, thank you. One concept per video. I like your prompt "Pause the video and play"

Alonso Rabanes
Alonso Rabanes - 10.12.2020 18:13

next vid can you teach us how to find candidate moves

Maxwell Jann
Maxwell Jann - 14.11.2020 10:11

I like when you show a position and then discuss why the obvious moves are flawed and then show the best one

عبدالمنعم مكاوي
عبدالمنعم مكاوي - 07.10.2020 05:26

how to spot tactics in blitz i either miss out on tactics or get flaged

Ishan Goyal
Ishan Goyal - 05.10.2020 08:48

Hi gothamchess. Could you make a video on things to never do in a particular opening or in a game in general? Ty

Marshall7593 - 05.10.2020 07:12

Can we get a Endgame tips video. About Knights. with Knights and pawns being the endgame. How do we navigate those well? i always struggle with that

Souvik Mondal
Souvik Mondal - 03.10.2020 08:06

Hey Levy could you please make a video about how to convert an equal middle game or endgame to a winning game? Because everytime I try to do, I end up making wrong breaks or losing.

M P - 02.10.2020 18:13

Levi, when you castle opposite sides, is it good to sac your pawns and mobilize queen and rooks towards opponents King? I've both won and lost games this way. But fundamentally what'd do you suggest?

rohit kumar
rohit kumar - 01.10.2020 20:24

My only advice is to explain the follow up slowly. I am about 1000 rated player and i cant enjoy at the max.

J S - 01.10.2020 14:18

Poor FMs getting spanked

Wenlan Temple
Wenlan Temple - 01.10.2020 12:28

I like his video
