Something TERRIFYING Is Happening to The World Population

Something TERRIFYING Is Happening to The World Population

Geo Capital

5 месяцев назад

22,344 Просмотров

The Global fertility rate has been steadily declining over the years. Africa still has the highest number of births, followed by Asia, the U.S. and Europe. What’s worrying is that, with the exception of Africa and a few countries in Asia, the majority of the world is experiencing a fertility crisis, leading to a population decline. So, how will the world solve this demographic crisis? Discover the answer in this Geo Capital documentary.


00:00 Intro
02:19 The Malthusian Trap
04:19 Factors of Low Birthrates
05:04 Higher Women Education
06:02 Women in the Workforce
07:33 Financial Obligations
08:48 Family Support System
09:22 Family Planning
10:06 National Policies
13:51 Environmental Challenges
14:09 Medical Challenges
15:05 Global Demographics
15:53 Demographic Consequences
18:49 Reversing the Trend
22:09 Conclusion Maps:

MapBox by GEOlayers 3

Voice: Jack Jacobs

Birth rate, Population decline, Population collapse, birth rate decline, Italy demographic crisis


#Birth_rate #Population_decline #Population_collapse #birth_rate_decline #italy_demographic_crisis #low_birth_rate #Population #demographics #crisis #documentary #depopulation #population_collapse #italy_population_decline #Japan_population_decline #population_decline_in_world
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@GeoCapitalYT - 18.01.2024 13:56

Hi friends 👋, this video is a reupload due to an audio issue with the last version. If you've seen and/or found it interesting, I'd appreciate it if you would like 👍 the video once more and share it. Thank you!

@chriskappert1365 - 27.06.2024 16:29

NO .......not terryfying !
Great news for saving the planet !

@gogrape9716 - 26.06.2024 03:11

Population collapse ??? Is that code talk for the Sixth Great Extinction... Mass human infestation is a temporary state of affairs...

@VzxWzx - 26.06.2024 02:58

We need to make more babies 💪🏻❤️

@TrackProbe - 24.06.2024 03:30

Brong the population down below 100 million

@Krogzaxants - 23.06.2024 15:03

This is a very good thing, the planet cannot support 8 billion people. Would be much better if we had 1 billion people spread out over the world.

@callicordova4066 - 19.06.2024 18:51

I don't find this terrifying. What fertility crisis? The only fertility crisis I can think of is women who WANT to have a child who are unable to get pregnant.

@garybarr1045 - 15.06.2024 09:03

I'll get to the point. The world is overpopulated to the tune of about 7 billion too many. Planet Earth can handle about one billion American lifestyle people. The American lifestyle is what everyone around the world wants and envies. This is not a problem other than the new world is going to have to figure out how to reduce the population down to the one billion number. Nature may ultimately make the decision for man by simply wiping out the vast majority of mankind from pollution, disease, and general human self-imposed decadence.

@priscillanichols9107 - 14.06.2024 18:46

Watch the documentary "Birthgap" by Stephen J. Shaw!!!!

@makeitcount2985 - 14.06.2024 17:11

It's not terrifying, first we had a population boom far exceeding what it should have been.... Next people don't have the support or funds to have kids, it's too expensive. Most people can't afford homes, or food

@peggysue457 - 14.06.2024 12:30

$190 per month for a child? It's going to take more like $5000 per month.

@peggysue457 - 14.06.2024 12:27

Instead of a guy lecturing about this, let's hear from the women.

@Africanchild825 - 14.06.2024 00:40

They say Africa is poor but they are having kids and most are surviving.Maybe it's is the west and other places that are too poor to take care of their children.Or it could be cultural...they are just too selfish to make the sacrifice or have to work too many hours to take care of their kids.Anyhow it appears that Africans will inherit the earth.

@eveharris30 - 11.06.2024 15:12

We have enough people.

@MarcosSantos-dj6lk - 10.06.2024 19:25

For me is great nothing terrifying about it

@PaulTrippy-bj8ho - 02.06.2024 16:32

import Asian women to Europe, seems like the MGTOW/Redpill community and the Asian feminists have a lot in common

@MegaDePorter - 01.06.2024 23:14

This silly and B.S. We are at about 8 billion
We will do well at 7 B and 6 B. Relax.

@WalkerOne - 28.05.2024 15:47

This idea it is to expensive is obvious a 1st world mentality. Poorer the country the higher the birth rate.

@shikb - 27.05.2024 17:39

Birth control (condoms, pills, etc) It’s not that complicated!

@FilipChilyan - 27.05.2024 14:17

I don't get it, can someone explain to me how we keep hearing about the world being overpopulated? We even touched upon that topic briefly in high school. Now all of a sudden i hear about a shortage of population. Was anyone wrong/ lying, or did the situation shift completely?

@SergioPereiraCWB - 27.05.2024 01:33

Bitcoin fixes it.

@ralfkoenen3405 - 26.05.2024 15:42

Decreasing population is nothing bad an necessary to achieve a good and sustainable number. Less population means less stress, more space and more recourses for those who remain. If the life condition improve also birth rates will rise again.

@reuvenpolonskiy2544 - 20.05.2024 16:45

Broken cultures, values and genes are being filtered out this way.

@mickbenson9161 - 18.05.2024 19:04

The mating crisis is the primary driver of the plummeting birth rates. Women are sleeping around on mind-altering hormones throughout their most fertile years. Almost all women's right swipes go to a pool of just 4.5% of men's profiles. Due to their hypergamous nature and dating app algorithms, the majority of women in their teens and 20s are now taking turns "dating" the same small pool of Chads in their city. These guys have perfected the 'funnel' from the app to their bedroom and are juggling rosters of hundreds of women each year, stringing them along in 'situationships.' When women hit 30 with 90% of their eggs gone, they have ridiculous double-digit notch counts, STDs, and trauma. Jaded, desensitized, and disillusioned, they struggle to compete with younger women on the apps. They think all men are lying, cheating bastards because they've been pumped, dumped, and ghosted by so many Chads. That's when they either get off the pill and settle for doomed relationships with men they're not attracted to or remain single and childless. 45% of 45-year-old women will be childless and alone by 2030. 1 in 3 men under 30 are sexless. 65% of men under 30 are single.

@ReturnOfTheJ.D. - 18.05.2024 04:34

Productivity per worker has more than tripled since the 1970s. If a worker is doing more than three times as much as 40 to 50 years ago, the scales of that person's time and energy have to tilt angularly towards work and away from everything else (family, leisure pursuits, religious observances). Combine that with stagnant wages relative to inflation since the late 1970s and you now have a resource deficiency compounding a time and energy deficiency. Then you have student loans, high housing costs, increasing cost of living, record immigration and ultimately, to cope with all of that, growing debt (usually high interest credit cards). People who work a lot, who are in high debt, who spend a lot of their income on shelter, food and transport, don't have enough left over to support a family.

@pavelperlik6717 - 17.05.2024 10:43

Set different taxes to businesses. Say -2,5% to married and -5% to mathers to prefer them
Set diferent taxes to worker, say -4% to first kid, -3% to second kids, -2% to third, and -1% to fourth to mathers, that can send half of them to husband or all of them to 3 year of yongest kids if care of them
Decrease taxes to maried by 1%
Decrease taxes to buying house by family with kids, increase for single ones
Set work time to 6 hours and shift them by hour by sex, to ease childcare

Change divorse property division. You cant take half from man/woman, if they dont want divorse or dont cheat (initiated by other one). Change it to 40% to one that want divorse. And max to 30% if cheating multiple times and reduce other obligation as well. I thing bigest problem with mariage are goldminers, that take half of you property, cheating many times, and left with your house and bring new guy to them.

@user-mz6zw6zv6m - 17.05.2024 06:28

Come to India and look population explosion Indians think about population collapse India population growth crore

@williamriley5118 - 16.05.2024 15:13

In 1950 the world had 2.5 billion people living in it and things were just fine with that number.

@Ruth-os4mi - 16.05.2024 07:04

Fewer children is . . .
Good : For families.
Bad : For corporations.

@RobertHoller-yv8vv - 15.05.2024 19:47

Also, those areas near the equator expecting "significant rise" in population - these videos ALWAYS leave out the specter of climate change, heatwaves, and possible wet bulb temps WIPING OUT people in those latitudes at an alarming rate - much sooner than people are ready for. Buckle up!

@RobertHoller-yv8vv - 15.05.2024 19:43

This iteration of humanity - just not ready for the next stage. Back the HOLES after a collapse! Maybe next time we won't create a "society" that is hell bent on making the most lives miserable as possible for EVERYONE except a handful of greedy assholes.

@GDub96 - 14.05.2024 19:06

It should be considered as cruelty to bring a child to this planet.

@tryolegend - 13.05.2024 03:06

Did they talk about the women's charter. The women charter and also the child support just because a women says the baby is urs is also a policy that discourages getting along with women and then child bearing.

@dansmaaslet6623 - 10.05.2024 02:11

Of course billionaire are concerned where does the stock price go with less people on the planet. Yup that right down they lose money with less people

@endover422 - 09.05.2024 17:33

Constant commercials. Unsubscribed. I was not able to see the video peacefully.

@skillerkillero9344 - 09.05.2024 17:21

Lmao the parasitic rich just want more slaves and consumers. Stop having kids

@chriswatson1698 - 09.05.2024 14:34

A baby is two dependents: the child himself and the adult who must supervise and care for him. The elderly require expensive health care, while children need expensive education.

@chriswatson1698 - 09.05.2024 14:27

Economic growth is destroying the world. "Economic growth" is a case of gobbling up the world's resources at a faster and faster rate, while producing more and more waste and carbon emissions.

@chriswatson1698 - 09.05.2024 14:17

Since WWII, the world's population tripled. We have never had so many humans on the planet living so well. Our Earth is not coping with 8 billion humans, their consumption and their waste. Arable land is losing fertility and we are getting catastrophic events.
A shrinking population is just what we need.
After the Black Death, which took out a quarter of Europe's population, the oppressed lower classes were able to negotiate a better deal.

@snebis - 08.05.2024 07:41

AI already replacing people from jobs and in future we won't need many people around

@DeneseJamerson - 06.05.2024 00:44

It's called progress. Women don't HAVE to have children now unless they WANT them and have a partner/husband to actually help financially and emotionally raise them no matter the outcome of the births. (If the child is healthy or is born with some sort of physical, mental, emotional challenge)

@cecilemayor4037 - 05.05.2024 21:25

Why are only men talking about population decline? I only ever see the types of Tusk, Ma, Jordan and that Brit ex of Kathy Perry talking about this.
And have the impression that none of them has ever really asked any women why this could be. 🤔

@erikt1713 - 05.05.2024 16:31

This is going to turn around again in the long run. Only those who really want children will have them and they may transmit this preference to their children.

@HansAaraas - 02.05.2024 18:34

The plummeting birth rates are caused by feminism and hook-up culture artificially facilitated by the pill. Due to women's innate hypergamous nature, they're all sleeping with the same guy on Tinder throughout their teens and 20s while pursuing MBAs and carreers. When they're 30, they settle for (doomed) relationships with men they're not attracted to, but by then, 90% of their eggs are gone.

@user-ju1qd3ok2g - 02.05.2024 18:07

"This is the End of the World" ...
Or not? Parallell to the current described decline in birth rates a new development is happening. Men are becoming closer to sterile. Sperm counts shows men on average, year by year are becoming less fertil. This has not yet resulted in fewer births. But it will, soon, as the trend continues for a few years. We will probably end up with artificial insemination and ( just like oxen ) all humans will have DNA from a few prize individuals.

@DiamondKing-em7oc - 02.05.2024 16:01

The real problem will be that in the future we will not have enough white babies to outpass the black babies.

@lorrycamill6502 - 02.05.2024 15:34

The problem of less children only for the west but in Africa and some Arab nations they have fifteen or twenty children 😂

@lorrycamill6502 - 02.05.2024 15:17

My grand Ma Suntha use to say to me when end of world is near the youngest child would be seven years old so he can know whats happening

@redswood5731 - 29.04.2024 20:42

The explanation is all a bunch of Blah! Blah! Blah! They can't have children plain and simple.
