Countdown Hypnosis

Countdown Hypnosis

Nimja Hypnosis

2 года назад

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@BlueHawk66 - 30.12.2021 22:22

soo.................will this help me with my sleep?
Can I sleep?
with this file?

@revaslatts8011 - 30.12.2021 22:34

Looks like I arrived here in third place.
Anyways, love the vid as per norm, Sir.

@WestLakeAngel - 30.12.2021 22:36

This is such a teasy file, Sir! I love your voice, every count. ❤️

@tianav573 - 31.12.2021 00:21

So much teasing aaaaa but was definitely worth it in the end. Amazing as always Sir

@KJ-ww7nc - 31.12.2021 01:29

As someone who is fond of countdowns, I found this file to be deliciously delightful. Waking us a few times was a bit evil, but that's just because I don't fall very easily or fast, so I tend to prefer not waking once the slide down has started. That being said, I loved that you gave us permission to ignore the last wake.

I also loved the languaging during some of the countdowns, especially when you encouraged us with "let go" and "that's right".

Very well done file. This one is going into my regular rotation. 🙂

@6AncientCharms9 - 31.12.2021 02:15

"pay attention" has way too much power. I'm so used to "wake" it put at the alert when I was so deep already. Working double shifts are making drops so much more powerful so that first wake was startling. Wonderful as always, Sir.

@rami_ungar_writer - 31.12.2021 04:09

Happy New Year, Nimja.

@DJ_Animations - 31.12.2021 07:31

Wow it felt like my mind was being pulled away from me with every count. It felt amazing! Thanks!

@Yumi-fb2rw - 31.12.2021 11:12

Even just starting the video and hearing your voice for a few seconds calms me down
The only way I fall asleep every night atm

@monolalia - 31.12.2021 11:34

Still can't do it not-in-person. :.(

But maybe that's for the better. I'd just never want to get back to the surface.

@nadine6242 - 31.12.2021 18:12

adding this to my list of favourite induction files :)

this file felt like a rollercoaster ride through all the teasing, and the waves of relaxation and times of increased awareness.

And of course: the teasing. 🥰

not to mention, your voice is deeply hard to resist smiles

@karlmurphy1360 - 31.12.2021 19:53

Hi Nimja, I absolutely love your channel and I love this video too. I was wondering if you could do a video that could help with standing up for yourself more and to be able to stand your ground. I'm sure there's some people out there who could benefit from it too thank so much Nimja,
Love and positive vibes from Ireland 🇮🇪

@thenarrator6846 - 31.12.2021 21:15

Nimja: "Oh wait, that's a countup. I shouldn't do that."
Me: (glaring while trying not to smile) You cheeky...

@SpaceS0ck - 02.01.2022 04:12

That was really good. As someone who has adhd and often struggles with focusing on a file, the countdowns really helped me.

@Emberventure - 02.01.2022 04:21

Wow that was amazing to the euphoric level. Like an intimate slow dance through and between wake and sleep, finally ending at sleep. Loved all the meandering detail that kept me engaged every moment of the way. I so enjoy your skills 😊

@mels.martinez - 04.01.2022 03:57

Wonderful and so calming❤️💕❤️

@jesperhaggback4918 - 04.01.2022 05:11

Are you supposed to keep your eyes closed or open

@beecothegreat9967 - 05.01.2022 00:40

Darn this works so well, thanks dude

@RevCrow-hh8ei - 06.01.2022 08:09

Thank you so much for making these files, they have helped me with my sleeping problems, and has made me feel more secure and overall has helped me beat my depression back. So thank you so much, you are loved

@Lim1nall - 13.01.2022 05:40

Right up my alley!

@MadeliefCornelisse - 25.01.2022 03:32

Oh my, this was so much fun!!

@SacraficeSanctuary - 06.02.2022 13:38

What does this do?

@HannahHäggAutisticTransWoman - 27.02.2022 00:04

Wow like this countdown I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper when you countdown. It felt so relaxing. I absolutley like being hypnotized. When you hit 1 immediately fall asleep when I woke up the video was over about 2-3 mins later wow.

@misatakahiro1823 - 10.03.2022 14:39

I watched a countdown video for 👀 certain things, and now I always think about it when counting down for relaxing and the anticipation is extremely satisfying.

@stella14 - 01.04.2022 01:22

I yawned so much every time you said 4😂 still practicing on letting go and dropping but this was nice

@lauraroberts2250 - 10.10.2022 00:13

This one is crazy! And so much fun. I find myself giggling so much. Thanks, Nimja dear. X

@redfelfethypnose3962 - 30.11.2023 06:19

This one got me so hard that i tranced deeply aaaand fell asleep.😅

@asawanidinya2303 - 05.03.2024 17:02

watching here from fathi

@Miho-9 - 25.03.2024 20:06

after listening to this too many times , I finally realized there were secret countdowns!!
No wonder why this video is so effective every time!
You, sir, are amazing.
