Everything wrong with Woke Feminism!

Everything wrong with Woke Feminism!

Baggage Claim

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Baggage Claim
Baggage Claim - 25.05.2021 01:43

Hey everyone! Thanks for the amazing comments on this video! I love it!! Just FYI, I know I messed up and used the screenshot of Ghostbusters 2 instead of using the one from 2016. Also, I misused penultimate - should have said ultimate. Whoops! Just know I'm aware, but I can't fix the issues - whomp whomp :(

Javier Rangel
Javier Rangel - 13.10.2023 14:45

This video was spot on

Luke Scioscio
Luke Scioscio - 12.10.2023 07:56

Dang you're a badass. You speak so incredibly well about these topics. New fan here.

Milay Castillo
Milay Castillo - 11.10.2023 20:14

"better" never means "better for everyone"

Nukiger - 10.10.2023 15:23

Yea they are trying to be men .. and they will never be men…. Because they are women ….

Eyepatch - 10.10.2023 12:06

nothing more refreshing than a based girl. Big respect! Love this!

Paulie's Walnut
Paulie's Walnut - 09.10.2023 23:39

It's insane to me the number of current hollywood writers who grew up watching Buffy Summers kick ass while being a vulnerable flawed person who now write female characters that are none of that.

Cool Roy
Cool Roy - 09.10.2023 01:55

Woke is basically self oppression.

CrimsonFinn - 08.10.2023 23:20

Woke Feminists do infact work for equality, but they just want it for the women, not the men😅

olebole370 - 08.10.2023 01:11

YOU are a true strong woman. Don't let the woke crap put you down. Thank you for this video.

Sam Indian
Sam Indian - 07.10.2023 20:51

Excellent video 👌 I just love Gal gadot in wonder woman. I just loved it. ❤️❤️ I remember the times when they were searching for an actress to play wonder women on silver screen. Gal gadot name was ridiculed by many but TBH after seeing the movie I became her fan. She became more popular than her Fast & Furious role. Today every one knows her as wonder woman & NOT as some hot chick in fast & furious. She earned it unlike the other feminazi celebs out there

Trivial Trip
Trivial Trip - 07.10.2023 10:07

Wow amazing script. Finally someone explained it crystal clear. I loved rita vatarski.

Keiro Ty
Keiro Ty - 05.10.2023 22:52

they're just Mary Sues

Ankit Raj
Ankit Raj - 05.10.2023 18:17

How the hell do you have so few followers... I am gonna like ans subscribe, but this time, I'll also share

Alwyn Smit
Alwyn Smit - 05.10.2023 08:56

It's amazing, isn't it? If a women stands up for her own, she's a feminist, brave & courageous. When a man stands up for his own, he's a chauvinist. See how they managed to attach a negative connotation to one, but not the other, even when they both do exactly the same? Damn, even the Oxford dictionary shows it's bias in the description attached. Still want to believe women have it harder than men?

MaryandDale Davidson
MaryandDale Davidson - 05.10.2023 04:42

I believe men should stop buying into the patriarchy myth. Feminists have too long controlled the narrative. They only use it against men with assigning collective guilt and attempted emasculation. The patriarchy does not exist. Stop supporting the feminist power grab and lies.

His Honorable
His Honorable - 03.10.2023 06:35

People should be good, so that everyone else is dead for it.

Melissa Zapata
Melissa Zapata - 02.10.2023 22:38

It's like make fn new movies of you want a character made badass and portray it as a cool character and not a character bashing men already! You dont have to promote it as a woke woman

J Anderson
J Anderson - 01.10.2023 08:31

Elizabeth Banks. Hot v Crazy scale....

seriall1337 - 30.09.2023 16:13

The core of the problem is that social media and entertainment is dominated by a small percentage of very driven narcisstic people that exploit culture and norms to boost their own ego. They are fueled by a sense of virtue but it's purely ego-driven. They don't want equality or to empower other people, they want to feel superior without having to work for it.

Steel Standing
Steel Standing - 30.09.2023 11:40

The female "heroes" you lift up is just as bad as the rest, total bosslady cringe.

safaridice - 29.09.2023 18:48

Banks looked she was still in her movie character

boe dilllard
boe dilllard - 29.09.2023 03:08

Let's look at some of the most dreadful woke crap I've seen in the last few years - all new big buget junk. Prey, Thor for love of god stop making movies with Natalie Portman, Black Panther forever...

Jarrod Barker
Jarrod Barker - 28.09.2023 00:09

Women? Um... Ellen Ripley.

nothankyouiwouldprefernot - 27.09.2023 17:11

You had me at Zoey from Firefly. Browncoats unite.

MRBROOKLYNITE - 27.09.2023 09:19

The Republicans that own it are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons they just wanna piss everybody off how else are they gonna get the GOP to get half or more of people to vote for them that's all they got and it's working😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

MRBROOKLYNITE - 27.09.2023 09:16

schemers that's why these so-called woke companies are just rich Republicans doing it to piss people off not to help which is why the movies suck and it's not only them the m&m republicans Mr. potato head Republicans and all the rest. and it's super obvious to me this is fifth grade behavior how people are not noticing that these people are helping by hurting the people they're supposedly helping. The writer strike going on for so long that was only to take away the popular shows that the hosts spoke their mind like Jimmy Kimmel the daily show John Oliver I bet you magically the strike ended coincidentally at the end of their seasons right so they're not gonna be able to interfere with the elections because they want Trump back even NBC or NBC's advertisers to be more exact.

Jatinpal Singh Bawa
Jatinpal Singh Bawa - 26.09.2023 21:56

Pinning this impeccable video and sharing it with everyone i feel NEEDS to see this

Nicole - 26.09.2023 19:58

This video is a mixed bag. Agreed on some, not on others. But good to always view both sides of any argument.

ניב - 26.09.2023 17:23

I liked the video. I was raised by a feminist mother from the sane generation. It's refreshing to see real women and not 'feminists'. you have my voice :)

Donald Willis
Donald Willis - 26.09.2023 16:21

It would clog the internet listing all that is wrong with it

K. Bee
K. Bee - 26.09.2023 14:54

What's "woke"? :)

But really-- this isn't about "woke" feminism, especially since conservatives don't even understand the term and can't define it; this is about bad writing and Hollywood trying to make a buck. Why don't you do a video on Andrew Tate and how he treats women, and how he's training young males to do the same? I mean, I live in a country where there are 400k rapes and assaults a year-- the -vaaaast (!) majority done by males against women and children.

Males have a LOT to work on in their own wheelhouse but seem unwilling to even admit there's an issue with their behavior.

RILEY (SlotDog) PLAYS SLOTS (He's a dog)
RILEY (SlotDog) PLAYS SLOTS (He's a dog) - 26.09.2023 06:38

Yeah. Pretending to be strong. Is weak. So pathetic. Im a man. I have to try about 40% to best other men. I just allow the woke women to think they are somehow superior to anything around me. It's amusing . They have a thing called women's rights in this county. It Is hilarious..
Ive had to save so many people in my life . I get the fact most men are beta and women are just as competent . But the fake stuff is just amazing. It's not reality.

Klaus von Stauffenberg
Klaus von Stauffenberg - 26.09.2023 01:59

When a feminist starts an irrational, evidence-free screed about how oppressed women are just ask her: Yeah? Wanna go back to 1973? They act like there’s been zero progress for women and it’s the 1820s out there ….

Ktt Ptk
Ktt Ptk - 25.09.2023 20:07

OK, I don't mind following a woman's orders... but how can we be sure it's a good plan? When even the script they created supports that idea. It can also make women look bad, even in the eyes of other women.

I think with this it is quite proven that “It is not about whether you are a woman or a man. But is it that you have enough talent or not?”
It has nothing to do with "men or patriarchy."

"You Don't Get What You Desire, You Get What You Deserve."

Stay strong and independent, sister.
We believe that one day you can do it. Because we also want to completely throw away this crazy baggage.!

No One's Home
No One's Home - 25.09.2023 20:05

Woke feminism is angry man hating lesbian mindset allowed to fester. The Lavender Menace took over.

Chris Austin
Chris Austin - 24.09.2023 22:04

They are getting what they have earned... nothing

Mei Heart
Mei Heart - 24.09.2023 21:43

I hate modern feminism but I will never understand why y’all go so hard defending men and acting like their poor victims when men will NEVER do this for women. Men making an entire video on women like this one? Never happening lol

Girl, Get up!!

Kerry Cunningham
Kerry Cunningham - 24.09.2023 19:10

Fans have not "loved it".

Because Reasons
Because Reasons - 24.09.2023 04:07

This was a really solid critique. Subbed. Oh and also the reason it's too much for these female characters to actually fight for, and earn their way and place is because the woke and female writers and directors putting this shit on, haven't had to do so... so they don't know what it's like.

Jay Carby
Jay Carby - 24.09.2023 00:25


Raymond Tonkin
Raymond Tonkin - 23.09.2023 23:49

Females of power is really cool an sexey.... but Charlies Angeles was silly 😜Using unrealistic lame politics 🙄 Wonder Woman was good very little virtue signaling 😊 Alien good 👍 😉 Feminine matriarchal blatant sexist politics make the storyline fragmented and politically boring 😴 unconvincing unrealistic 😊 WOKENESS DEI particularly irrational irrelevant disparity disconnected fragmented Presentism! ver of Tick Tock brain 🧠 reaching saturation to grab attention 😢 People will become more resistant to the 3 seconds dopamine hit of the movie 😊

Mr. Yusu
Mr. Yusu - 23.09.2023 00:48

Beatrix Kiddo and Kim Wexler
Strong characters who happens to be female is something hollywood feminism could learn from.

Sean Anderson
Sean Anderson - 22.09.2023 01:39

This was amazing! ✨💎✨

DNYLNY - 22.09.2023 01:26

I love all your video essays

The Bored Blueberry
The Bored Blueberry - 21.09.2023 15:43

Well as a man Thor is just the same as any of these terrible ideas about women….tough guy that tries to be humble like a female🤣yeah that’s accurate lol…terrible scripts and sad representation men too but that seems to be quite okay to constantly shove in our faces like they are quality movies compared to the female movies???

My question is WHY do people think Hollywood should reflect reality…so boring…it awesome to see a women as a hero vs the kitchen where I see most of them 🤣💯👊🏻💨💨💨🦂
