What’s the Difference Between Appropriation and Appreciation?

What’s the Difference Between Appropriation and Appreciation?


4 года назад

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Martin K
Martin K - 29.09.2023 16:20

How is it possible, that there is no european people in this video? We have cultures too.

I'm german. Our culture includes Christmas trees (yes, we invented these things). Is it ok, to have one without beeing german?
Is it ok, wear a necktie, if you aren't from croatia?
Is it ok, to play soccer, if you aren't from england?
Is it ok, to sing silent night, if you aren't a german?
Is it ok, to bake croissant, without beeing a french or austrian?
What's about furnitures from IKEA?

The CCP is a parasite
The CCP is a parasite - 25.09.2023 05:07

There is no such thing as cultural appropriation. People always cross pollinate. Get over it. Think of it this way imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

Evan Mostyn Evans
Evan Mostyn Evans - 25.09.2023 01:44

I'll tell you what is cultural appropriation, Jodie Turner, an African woman playing Anne Boleyn on mainstream British TV. Bridgerton. Black Hercules, black Achilles, now we have the BBC claiming that africans biilt Stone Henge... but sorry for wearing breads on holiday bitch.

Bob Frezno
Bob Frezno - 05.09.2023 20:49

Pretty sure just one culture invented alphabet while all the rest of you were writing with pictures(cuneiform). Why are all of you appropriating Aryan alphabet culture, go scratch pictures in rock bitch.

liz anya
liz anya - 03.09.2023 08:53

white people in the comments deciding for people of color what is and isn’t cultural appropriation is crazy 💀 “culture is meant to be shared 🤓” literally who said that? if you are not part of the minority group whose culture is being appropriated, you don’t decide what their culture is “meant for”. stop being entitled.

mugiwaratrii - 01.09.2023 08:30

To the liberals and snowflakes who cry cultural appropriation, answer me this. Where do women that wear weaves and extensions, where tf do they get them from? Is it from their own people? Of course not. Its from people from other countries like india and other asian countries. You dont hear them screaming cultural appropriation. Its not okay when other people get "your style of hair" but its okay for you to USE their hair? You sound retarted.

mugiwaratrii - 01.09.2023 08:30

To the liberals and snowflakes who cry cultural appropriation, answer me this. Where do women that wear weaves and extensions, where tf do they get them from? Is it from their own people? Of course not. Its from people from other countries like india and other asian countries. You dont hear them screaming cultural appropriation. Its not okay when other people get "your style of hair" but its okay for you to USE their hair? You sound retarted.

mugiwaratrii - 01.09.2023 08:30

To the liberals and snowflakes who cry cultural appropriation, answer me this. Where do women that wear weaves and extensions, where tf do they get them from? Is it from their own people? Of course not. Its from people from other countries like india and other asian countries. You dont hear them screaming cultural appropriation. Its not okay when other people get "your style of hair" but its okay for you to USE their hair? You sound retarted.

Omid - 28.08.2023 19:34

Its stupid and only leads to fights about who owns what

Dantz Music Studio
Dantz Music Studio - 27.08.2023 22:52

Because of the fact that no individual or company owns a particular culture, it cannot be purchased, 'stolen' or appropriated. The concept of cultural appropriation is a man-made invention designed to further divide the already fragmented human race.

Jason Haynes
Jason Haynes - 23.08.2023 07:49

"Taking something that has cultural or spiritual significance... and stealing from it". Hmmm, there's a lot of loaded assumptions and meaning already in that one sentence. It's as if culture just exists in a vacume to this woman. What they all talk about here is 'authenticity'. And yet none of these 'creatives' look 'authentic' in anyway. The Chinese guy is wearing a Cuban style shirt with Greek designs on it refashioned into embroidery; a stitching technique that may well have begun in China, but we cannot be certain. Indeed, it is accepted as a universal method. Is that acceptable then? Yes, actually it is, because he likes the clothes (I assume since he's wearing it) and isn't based on any malice. It may contain little to no 'spirtual significance', or have any interesting depth to it; in fact it is quite clichè in its portrayals. But it may have some meaning to him. Or he may not have even considered this irony in the video. And that's the point. There is no defined line.

You may well be superficial about a culture, and you may well commodify it, both of which are negative outcomes, in my opinion. But they are nevertheless interpretations. They are interpretations coming from certain attitudes (consumerism, fashion etc.). But creativity is often about 'stealing'. Sure, it is also about respecting too, and seeking new interpretations, and one person was right to state this. Maybe it's because they're part of an industry that is essentially about commodity and being 'new' all the time, but I think they are incredibly naive to think that having a model that 'represents' the culture from which the ideas were taken from, that this somehow ordains it. It doesn't. It's still high fashion selling you something and commodifying. This is just a different strategy, and believe me, I'm now old enough to see this kind of shit before. It's the attitude and nature of the beast being shown here. Don't like it? Do something different then. Fuck high fashion and catwalks if you don't like culture stealing and commodifying it. That's the answer.

In addition, I have lived in different countries and been to many, and what is truly interesting is how the people within their countries are actually the ones who are more insensitive to their own cultures. Very often any kind of 'cultural appropriation' as defined at the start, is done so by those living among it! Simply, it isn't simple. I also find it a little distasteful how it is always a victimhood. Notice how there is also no representation of white people here. There never is.

Max Conrad
Max Conrad - 21.08.2023 18:14

I don't appreciate stupid people, and stupid people wet themselves over "cultural appropriation."

Derek C
Derek C - 17.08.2023 18:58

Appropriation is a silly concept... It's not Appropriation for a white girl to have braids, or for white or black girls to wear hoop earrings from Hispanic culture, or for a black person to wear a suit and tie, use a smart phone, speak English, or any other white inventions.

Haustorial Roots
Haustorial Roots - 15.08.2023 01:39

I’m white. I’ll take what I want. This is the way.

Van D
Van D - 10.08.2023 00:48

Who first started farming? Who invented clothes? Living indoors? Heating homes? Furnaces? Cooking food?

Fucking losers. Calm down, sit down, and shut the hell up. Youre embarrassing yourselves .

deleter kun
deleter kun - 01.08.2023 19:09

I’m a black person and black vs. white jokes and stereotypes have always bothered me.

You cannot be a slightly unique black person with being called white in an offensive way if you step outside of the pretend boxes… It’s really gross. Every single black person is extremely unique.

Like, if you like rock (made originally black people lol) or even eating mayo suddenly you’re whitewashed. We try to act like it’s a joke to say those things but they genuinely hurt.

Don’t say “You’re black you must know how to dance!” and then not teach a kid to dance.

I really hate the “black people don’t” discussions too we’re all unique.

You cannot!!! Call me whitewashed for liking mayo when I grew up in a historically black town.

It hurts when people call me white to be offensive or say I’ll marry a white man when I care about my culture and my roots so much.

Or side eye me the second I listen to a non black artist at random. It’s been this way all my life. (I’m talking about my sister btw)

Some people have internalized the stereotypes and racism when the true message of being “black and proud” was to be who you are with your cultural identity as a subset of YOU a unique individual.
My background should be included in my individuality, but not all of it.😤

Not every black person thinks like this cause we are all unique but those who do, REALLY annoy me.

MUDJA caleLOVER - 18.07.2023 18:20

Oh Shit I guess i cant learn any other language🤣

DarkEagle99 - 17.07.2023 13:15

The term "cultural appropriation '" is just utter BS. You cant own a hairstyle, you cant have monopoly on a way to speak or dance. My conclusion is that in our age of wealth and prosparity people create their own issues and problems where there are none. Racism still exists and needs combating. But "cultural appropriation"... doesnt

wingaard - 14.07.2023 12:19

I see Arabs, Africans & Asians wearing denim jeans everyday !!!

Valeria-Chantal - 11.07.2023 19:53

I think we could benefit from cultural exchange if we gave people from other cultures a chance to participate in creating mass culture. Like, instead of selling a Chinese inspired dress with a cheap dragon print, hire a Chinese fashion designer to add the aesthetics of traditional Chinese clothing to contemporary fashion.

ADAMX6000 - 11.07.2023 03:42

I got dreadlocks because I forgot to comb my hair

Ianhowe8422 - 10.07.2023 19:29

Cultural appropriation is how civilization started. People steal your s*** to make money get over it or be smarter. It's hard to believe this is even a thing

Temptor - 04.07.2023 23:51

this whole CA man. its just creating more division in the world and more problems. we dont need more issues in this sick world. How about this, ready- there are bigger issues in this world and you should be flattered from the imitation.

Nadja Frigewski
Nadja Frigewski - 04.07.2023 09:56

Did I get that right the girl with the STRAIGHT PINK HAIR feels insulteted by somebody wearing braids as a trend...?!?

Ronald Perkele
Ronald Perkele - 25.06.2023 20:33

Straight hair belongs to people who have straight hair

F-X de Mers
F-X de Mers - 24.06.2023 18:47

Nobody should wear ties, jeans, suits, watch, glasses, drive cars, fly planes, use computers and cell phones, go to space or university and a thousand other things than white people. They invented and used those first, it's theirs. Hands off other colors.

Big Mickey
Big Mickey - 24.06.2023 16:59

Ok but you don't genuinely celebrate Halloween so all you blacks and asian are culturely appropriating irish holiday's 😂

PyroGamer - 17.06.2023 09:41

Bunch of babies

FefferRyerr - 16.06.2023 19:23

I used to think cultural appropriation was a bad thing, but now that I see that black people have no problem with cultural appropriation of white culture, I've changed my mind.

KongSunWu - 12.06.2023 03:36

For me it is when I see black people with white people hair. For example Michelle Obama. I understand she is ashamed of being black but wearing a wig and pretending to be kind white is wrong

Doug Taylor
Doug Taylor - 11.06.2023 14:50

I wouldn't get too worried about dreadlocks showing up everywhere. How may people want a rag mop on their head?

Doug Taylor
Doug Taylor - 11.06.2023 14:47

If I do wear something to mock and ridicule it and/or the alleged culture from whence it is derived, I am free to do so, and will do so. Blood will run in the streets and war will rage before free people will be ruled by these would-be tyrants.

Doug Taylor
Doug Taylor - 11.06.2023 14:15

No one is going to tell me what I will war, EVER! This is the height of arrogance to think you have any business telling someone what they may wear, how to style their hair or what words to use. The United States is founded on the principle of individual freedom and countless people have given their lives to defend that freedom. If these tin pot dictators think we will submit to their efforts to control our decisions, they are in for a rude awakening.

Ⱥყąɱ ȺɠɧơųƖ
Ⱥყąɱ ȺɠɧơųƖ - 09.06.2023 12:55

Cultural appropiation doesn't exist!

detective potato
detective potato - 08.06.2023 21:53

Cultural appropriation is a passive way of being offensive to a persons culture. By adopting a style look or even cuisine without knowing anything about the meaning or use behind what you are adopting and using it in an inappropriate way to stereotype or discriminate against that culture. Cultural appriciation is respecting and taking an interest in a culture wearing a certain clothing to an apropriate event or enjoying native cuisines and even making an attemp at preparing cultural food yourself, and overall understanding the culture while taking part in it.

A white girl with dreads isn't cultural appropriation nor is it appriciation because african culture goes deeper than a simple hairstyle.

Cultural appropriation; a person wearing a native american head dress, chief uniform, and face paint running around screaming and making a fool of himself. Using elements of native american culture to stereotype an entire group of people.

Cultural appriciation: wearing a kimono to a special japanese event, trying the local foods and educating yourself more on japanese culture.

Sharing an interest in a culture and enjoying it is one thing but using it to harm and stereotype is another.

ピンボール - 04.06.2023 05:08

Nobody can do anything then

Lucky Poop
Lucky Poop - 18.05.2023 03:08

Everyone that is speaking English is Cultural Appropriating English people, unless your English!

JuNoKun1 - 15.05.2023 22:14

If you are into this cultural education trend, you have a low IQ.

Kuen Yo Tsou
Kuen Yo Tsou - 11.05.2023 12:12

After long and hard research of this topic, my conclusion. It's crazy! Get a life and stop making things up to get offended!

Andrea Anonymous
Andrea Anonymous - 03.05.2023 17:37

To the woman with the pink hair in this video. It can be usetting to see something you have always done suddenly made popular by a celebrity or a designer, especially when you or your culture were overlooked for it. But that's your ego running the show. It's a part of life. We all do it. Every day. When we grow up we have to realize that it's our wounded ego/pride that causes this problem. It's not something that we should really get upset about.

EVERY single human being EVERY single day is taking something or using something from another culture. The tennis shoes you wear, the car you drive, your hair color, the spaghetti, pizza and tacos you had last week for dinner etc. The phone you are using, the electricity to give it power... the list can go on and on. Anyone speaking about culture appropriation needs to realize that.

I am a natural blonde, it's part of my culture and where I came from, am I going to throw a fit because fifty percent of women dye their hair blonde? No. I'm not. That would be petty and childish. Did my ego when I was younger wish people wouldn't dye their hair blonde. To be honest, yes. Who's wrong here, me or them? I was. Emulation is a compliment. People wear my hair color because they like it. You have to mature and rise above your ego perhaps to understand this.

Admiral Bongo
Admiral Bongo - 25.04.2023 23:11

Ever heard of "intertextuality"? It's when something new takes elements from or references something that already exists. Pretty much the most works of literature, art, music, cinematography, etc. created through human history practice it. Hardly anything is created in a vacuum. Instead of bitching, be proud that some part of your culture inspired somebody.

Parker Williams
Parker Williams - 23.04.2023 08:32

But I have a question: I have a mullet and I decided to get zig zags on either side of my head… is that culture appropriation? If so please tell me why so I don’t make this mistake again!

russianspy - 21.04.2023 21:32

Okay y'all just need to travel to the places where those cultures originate from, no one will care about your so called offensive narratives
Anyone who does probably has nothing better to do and is just trolling

Annabelle Lee
Annabelle Lee - 20.04.2023 17:17

Hmmm, that woman died her hair pink and claimed it's her "culture". Pink hair isn't black culture, white culture, Asian culture. It is personal expression and it saddens me that so many people are ignorant.

Distran The Gloriously Deformed
Distran The Gloriously Deformed - 17.04.2023 18:59

Fucking a' if it's done with Reverence, who cares.

Don m
Don m - 17.04.2023 13:35

Cultural appropriation is an entirely fake notion that is ultimately the collectivist and racist groveling of the most pathetic parasites.

Every piece of a culture is available for anyone to pick from. No one has unique ownership of any part of it. No piece of a culture was ever made by a group in an area but invented by this or that individual and changed by other individuals. The people that claim appropriation are those that cling to some identity that magically flows through them by right of birth. They are engaged in a collectivist claim that only certain people by way of birth or race can be part of this or that culture. That is true racism.

Culture is what has been passed forward from individuals making or doing something usually at great personal cost and courage. If you choose to partake of an artifact, invention or philosophy of the past you have every right to do so. You are creating a personal link with these inventors of the past and that is the essence of culture--things brought forward whether it be principles of science, Culinary arts, philosophy, engineering, and archery.

The people that claim appropriation rob the world of common humanity by claiming essential fissures between different groups where there are none. I applaud people and companies that pursue their interests. Unfortunately people listen to the racists that scream "appropriation!" and set aside their personal interest to avoid the pathetic whining of the Twitterati. Don't listen to them. They are just loud but historically inconsequential. Pursue your goals in life and be proud.

Christian Mueller
Christian Mueller - 15.04.2023 15:55

Everybody has an opinion but no one has a clue 😅

CordourySammy - 12.04.2023 03:53

Wow I don't think any of these had good examples of cultural appropriation. Except the call out culture guy but that's not even about cultural appropriation

George Daniels
George Daniels - 26.03.2023 06:50

Your cultures aren't that important. You should be if anything more thankful to Whites and Asians for allowing this hogwash to continue.
