Tom Jones Preview

Tom Jones Preview


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Sleuth Entertainment
Sleuth Entertainment - 15.07.2023 11:37

What is this trash???😂😂😂😂
So, the 1963 Tony Richardson movie is still the best adaptation of the Henry Fielding's novel

BAR-1 Studios
BAR-1 Studios - 06.06.2023 18:27

"You don't want to give your heart to a bad boy."
Ah. I see "diversity" means we also dumb down the dialog. Delightful.
Is there.. anywhere within.. a shred of Henry Fielding's masterpiece?

amafirenze - 04.06.2023 22:15

What do you like aWuthering Heights with a caribbean Heathcliff? Or a My Fair Lady with an indian Eliza?

The Celt
The Celt - 31.05.2023 06:55

Saw the blackwashing of the characters so will not be watching it.

TheLogicBeast - 25.05.2023 17:56


Bill Ploplis
Bill Ploplis - 22.05.2023 20:59

No match to the Tony Richardson film. Better yet: read the very long novel yourself; it is hilarious, especially the narrator.

knmonlinemedia - 22.05.2023 04:53

Just channel surfed and came across this. Love it. Enjoyed it. I watched the Albert Finney version lots and this new masterpiece version will be a new favorite😊.

Versus Kid
Versus Kid - 21.05.2023 23:10

Tired of seeing these period dramas that ignore slavery by casting inclusive actors. In those times it would have been unheard to socialize or be seen with someone of color. This isn’t what historically happened the producers just seem the ignore the issue as though slavery never occurred in those times. Its totally wrong because the next generation will see this and think its accurate rather than read in books. You cant pretend that past didn’t happen and just throw in beautiful scenery and costumes like nothing to depict everything was grand which it wasn’t. You look at Roots and North & South that showed the real dark ugliness of humanity. Those miniseries were historically accurate. Slavery was no different than in North America or Europe it was a globally social disease to civilization. Ignoring it here is just tragic.

Waad Ali
Waad Ali - 20.05.2023 20:03

Don’t watch this girls the male interest cheats so many times on her. How is this supposed to be a romance ? The woman is such an talented actress though

Rose Redd
Rose Redd - 18.05.2023 19:02

I love this

Sheena Rea
Sheena Rea - 17.05.2023 06:53

When is the Malcom X movie coming out starring Christopher Bale?

Peter Chapman
Peter Chapman - 16.05.2023 17:13

i really dont like the modern interpretation of period drama which seems to be coming around more often, i so love it when it is period correct in clothing, the manner of the actors in the way they speak and conduct themselves so we can truly get a feel for the past, i will not be watching Tom Jones

Grace maina
Grace maina - 15.05.2023 09:58

Tom Jones is about a remarkably stupid Boy who cant keep it in his pants...

Admel - 13.05.2023 02:44

This has been the most chaotic love story ever🤣. Something went left with the skript. If you know u know.

Maisha Rahman
Maisha Rahman - 12.05.2023 17:21

Where is the full episode????
How can i watch it?

RobertoRA - 12.05.2023 01:28

Don’t know about that version! I find it hard to surpass Albert Finney’s version. I will just stick to that.
I do not mind the actors race, but I really hate changing the characters’ personalities.

Lee Jones
Lee Jones - 10.05.2023 15:14

More woke crap I see

LDR - 09.05.2023 19:30

Black people are 3% of the British population today and 0% (rounded) in the 18th century. Why are they astronomically overrepresented in all forms of media?

Caz L
Caz L - 09.05.2023 10:19

If you want diversity in a period drama then write original stories but please leave these classics alone

mr democracy
mr democracy - 08.05.2023 22:38

Another woke production of how to ruin a English classic period drama.
It seems to be the norm lately casting black ethnic actors in Classic English period dramas.(that would never of happened in the 18th c.England)
Sorry but I will not be watching this woke production of a classic

Fabrizio Bozzato
Fabrizio Bozzato - 08.05.2023 17:29


Steven McBrien
Steven McBrien - 08.05.2023 15:33

Do yourselves a favour. Watch the 1997 BBC series with Max Beesley and Samanthan Morton. It's peerless and cannot be bettered.

barbara bain
barbara bain - 08.05.2023 07:52

why are folks so angry bout the race switching in some roles?? must they alwys be true to the original text ?

Peter Romero
Peter Romero - 07.05.2023 08:13

Race swapping at its finest. Congratulations, you've done it again.

Monique Writes
Monique Writes - 06.05.2023 22:40

As most BBC like dramas, this one is a little too sensual for me. Not sure why that’s such a big thing when the story itself is good enough to stand alone.

Delmise José
Delmise José - 06.05.2023 22:25

I fall in love for Tom Jones ✨😭😭💖

The Principal Officer
The Principal Officer - 06.05.2023 13:23

She’ll be married into her class. Pray tell what class is that?

The only black in the family we are supposed to take it seriously.

But loved the part where it a non binary tran strong empowered boss girl. Stunning and brave.

Tommy Atkins
Tommy Atkins - 06.05.2023 10:04

Bloody hell...its Wokerton mark 2. Was looking forward to this when it was anounced.....and now.....hmmm sigh

Steve Black
Steve Black - 05.05.2023 18:37

Here we go again, but at least it's a fictional story instead of a historical character. Henry Fielding would be sayin "What the ----?" in a 18th century manner. Queen Charlotte would be saying "At least it wasn't me this time", but she forgot about the new Netflix "Queen Charlotte, a Bridgerton Story."

NOTAN EMOPROG - 05.05.2023 17:30

Glad to see that this abomination bombed as hard as all the other recent woke "reimaginings"

harlow - 05.05.2023 02:02

When it goes woke it becomes a joke.

stringer 2295
stringer 2295 - 05.05.2023 01:41

Black washing .disgusting.

soulsculpta - 04.05.2023 21:47

It looks like they're ripped the comedy right out of it.

Dean - 04.05.2023 20:34

Blackwashing british history. What a load of rubbish 👎🏻

Ginger Peacenik
Ginger Peacenik - 04.05.2023 11:20

Great way to pretend that the atrocities of of past never happened, eh? Let’s all piss on the decades of struggle by Dr. King and millions of others by PRETENDING THEY NEVER HAPPENED!
The “Woke” lie to us all, and give a giant collective finger to the struggle for ACTUAL equity.

jeanine nguimbous
jeanine nguimbous - 04.05.2023 02:10

I love it! I expect to watch this new series in France.

cathy landers
cathy landers - 02.05.2023 06:31


TomSuntotheMax - 01.05.2023 21:18

There are quite a few stories where people of color truly got to enjoy the world of wealthier people and stories of the struggles of slavery that should be being done now instead of this crap. Uncle Tom's Cabin? The life of Shakespeare's Dark Lady? The life of Thomas Jefferson's love and his children with her needs re-telling. There are many more. And this is what you do? Pathetic.

sheilla kitambi
sheilla kitambi - 01.05.2023 14:23

Where do i watch this?

Mari Christian
Mari Christian - 01.05.2023 07:39

What a bland Tom Jones. The old Albert Finney version still has it.

Joe Nickell
Joe Nickell - 01.05.2023 04:07

Please stop.....

TomSuntotheMax - 01.05.2023 03:21

Thank god there is a stunning version of Fielding's novel done in film in1963. Fielding must be weeping in his grave at the liberties taken with his novel in this series.

PurpleSt@rr - 29.04.2023 20:19

Part of this reminds me of Belle the movie.

Jake the Kipper
Jake the Kipper - 28.04.2023 09:30

B1ack people were really around in this era of history. Yeah right.🤔

dirkbogarde44 - 28.04.2023 01:08

What is this bull***? Black women in Somerset then? With west country accents? Don't make me laugh.

goblondie - 27.04.2023 01:09

here we go again

Rania - 26.04.2023 23:01

Um people are bothered by black people ACTING in a period drama ? Guys get a life already… if you want smthin historically accurate go watch a documentary. This IS FICTION. Truly pathetic.

jimkillerx - 26.04.2023 18:32

Disgusting casting. The monkeys making these shows and movies always have to force their disgusting political propaganda onto everything they touch.

Not the real Tim Matthews
Not the real Tim Matthews - 26.04.2023 11:17

I think I'll read the book instead.

Mark Nash
Mark Nash - 26.04.2023 10:41

The insertion of black people into a period drama is historical revisionism of the worst sort. They have no history of their own so they have to insert themselves into ours. Try it the other way around, with, for example, Ryan Gosling playing MLK or Barrack Obama. The blue haired, guardian reading, woke mob would be screeching into their hummus "cultural appropriation". What culture? Mud huts, spear throwing and tribalism. When the pendulum swings in the correct direction, this utter sh1te will be consigned to the wheelie bin of history, which is where it belongs
