Asmongold Reacts to Dark Souls Remastered Speedrun - Any% in 32:54 IGT (World Record) by Elajjaz

Asmongold Reacts to Dark Souls Remastered Speedrun - Any% in 32:54 IGT (World Record) by Elajjaz

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@Elajjaz - 29.12.2018 14:23

I did this :)

@MrBikboi - 24.10.2023 23:24

I'd go gay for Mccool baby. He literally is superior to Asmonlol, he is a COMEDIC GENUIS A BEAR MODE BOY FRIEND NO HOMO.

@RBFR01 - 19.10.2023 09:58

The look of actual amazement is amazing.

@DiegoRomer0 - 07.09.2023 14:31

Get mccuck some kneepads he's glazing so hard.

@tennysontableau - 29.08.2023 06:02

What? You don't pre-throw your bombs?

@Pacmak2189 - 20.08.2023 07:35

McConnell just seems off the charts obnoxious. I find it impossible to understand how anybody enjoys having him around.
Sure Asmond is a bit cringe in this one but he's at least not consistently lashing out like he's a jealous little toddler.

@iwishiwasachimp - 12.08.2023 19:12

this guy deadass steals another guy's content, makes boring content out of it that for some reason people still watch, gets five times the amount of views AND refers to himself in the 3rd person in his titles. what a dick.

@Mark-sp7yt - 09.08.2023 02:26

It is what it is. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

@keirscott-schrueder5625 - 01.08.2023 17:57


@braxtonhalpin5643 - 12.06.2023 00:07

man asmons commentary for this is pretty hard to listen to sometimes...does he think before speaking lol "it took me a lot longer" well obviously? you arent a fucking world record dark souls speed runner?

@kingkeesietv - 13.03.2023 09:00

Literally.. nothing but haters. Literally.

@DevilWolf000 - 28.10.2022 19:24

Asmongold isnt the smartest guy on this planet for sure.

@tlalanemokoena9881 - 12.10.2022 23:06

Sometimes I feel we should promote tiktok. So idiots can post their crimes for clout, then go to jail. So we don't have to suffer them anymore. ;)

@tisguup8893 - 13.09.2022 13:31

istg every time asmond sees anything this guy does he just overacts so much lol

@LordJL - 20.08.2022 17:18

"And he just go all it into endurance and strength why does he not getting stamina?" Huh? Asmon are you blind endurance gives you stamina he is on drugs

@vesstig - 12.08.2022 17:14

That wrong warp has to be the coolest glitch in Dark Souls, with how you just wind up seeing the battle of stoicism message along with the warp made my jaw drop

@skyhijinx - 14.06.2022 09:13

Alternate title: Asmongold totally FLABBERGASTED for 50 minutes

@casaroli - 03.05.2022 19:04

I hate watching asmon playing dumb while reacting to speedruns.

@majordude9989 - 18.04.2022 13:09

Who the hell is the cringe master yelling over everything. Jesus get rid of him

@kr1391 - 23.03.2022 18:23

WTFFF is his reaction. Spoiler alert

@midgetydeath - 06.03.2022 20:20

Personally, I don't consider exploits to be valid runs for anyone. A speedrun is a test of skill and understanding of the game. Knowing how to break the game is not skill, it's just cheating. Cheesing is fine, that's just understanding the game's mechanics. But things like skipping the bells is NOT.

@Brownsoiboi - 04.03.2022 05:26

Dude speed running does some crazy tricks like skipping entires sections and getting specific items.

Asmongold: “wait he’s skipping mobs?”

@Innomen - 04.03.2022 02:26

This is so wholesome :)

@rahbrtpar519 - 27.02.2022 03:42

Please someone cut McCuck out of these edits

@jacobreeves3110 - 18.01.2022 23:11

He has the brain capacity of a peanut.

@timothyedstrom2266 - 18.12.2021 17:40

why does he fight knight artorias

@KN_2100 - 12.12.2021 02:09

People here in the comments. I don't think you understand how much of a struggle Asmongold went through to finish this game. It was his first Souls game and one of the most hilarious streams I've watched! 😂

@Ihavehadmanynames - 09.12.2021 08:26

Why did he kill everyone but manus, nito and four kings which are required for lord souls??

@paulubeast - 18.11.2021 07:00

hobs a legend always good content

@jackiechanswag - 15.11.2021 09:23

I wish mcconnel wasn't in the the vid, his commentary kills the vibe.

@skycatlive1576 - 12.11.2021 13:15

i dont call running by all the mobs with no wep equipped, skipping all the combat and content, killing last boss without leveling, etc a speedrun? I'll call it what it is. Autistically missing the point of gaming entirely. I don't respect it, there's ZERO challenge in it, its an idiot doing a run full of speed and noise signifying NOTHING. Wasting an hour of your life to fight one mob... its low IQ level shiz too.

Not impressed.

I won't dignify it with any modicum of respect, I don't think its a real genre i think it's just autistic people that can only ever handle mastering one game doing a cashgrab, and on TOP OF IT? I definitely think it's disrespectful to the developers. It belittles years of hard work dedication, painstakingly crafted artwork, flow and beauty to try to reduce it down and make it look like it's easy or something or thats their any value or content in skipping all that dedicated delivery.

Don't give these speedrunners any validation, please. Its a genre full of hacks who miss the point entirely in the name of like, some pursuit of some ideal of perfection or some such drivel. Andd I never see them do perfect runs either they always mess up a little so there's not even a silver lining.

This is bad and they should feel bad. Beat 10,000 games like me and come back and tell me what you guys did on one single title is anything but a WASTE OF TIME!!!

@The_Story_Of_Us - 09.10.2021 20:24

What makes this clip so legendary is that Asmon is just in a perpetual state of shock, amazement and curiosity, it’s almost sweet.

@shadowdepths2486 - 11.09.2021 21:32

I don't get it

@mrbeans2425 - 03.09.2021 02:16

That breathing and focus tho!

@Antagonopolis - 22.08.2021 21:18

Asmongold reacts to his own reaction:
"What!? How did he react to this so quick!?"

@PaddyRoon7 - 31.07.2021 23:16

The endless complaining about glitches in speedruns really tires me. Chat saying it's not the real record etc, just fuck right off

@mortalunknown8304 - 30.07.2021 00:46

Amongold's small brain can't comprehend the speedrun Elajjaz did.

@MegaMuddie - 22.07.2021 12:22

Best Gargoyles run ever! Weird dude: "yeah and for him that was bad" no it wasn´t u have no idea shut it

@MegaMuddie - 22.07.2021 12:18

damn this co commentator is so annoying! nonstop: "oh yeah u didn´t know about this.... oh yeah u didn´t know this either...!" but everytime asmo ask´s anything he is silent af! he doesn´t explain sht but act´s so high n mighty.. everytime something is revealed he states the obvious like noone has eyes dafuq is this.

@MrMrBait - 20.07.2021 08:33

Him the whole time what the fuck

@MrMrBait - 20.07.2021 08:32

Hes the biggest casual in the whole ds series well the king of casuals

@davipenha - 28.06.2021 10:40

this comment sections was able to be more rude and toxic than his twitch chat, that's a hella of achievement

@Olly07 - 25.06.2021 11:10

250621 - Finished calling the centres. Belgium vs Portugal tomorrow 12am.

@jotindersingh1 - 23.06.2021 00:58

I don't acknowledge this run only because he took advantage of the bugs

@BXEmberz0109 - 21.06.2021 23:57

A streamer should make the dark souls moan sound effect whenever the character gets hit as their donation notification. That would be so funny

@epiclord7039 - 03.06.2021 09:36

This is so cringy I partially wonder if some of his reactions are fake. Just for views.

@lovehotdogs - 17.05.2021 08:23

he cheated it should say cheated world record
