Beautiful and deadly.
Ответитьbeautiful angle
ОтветитьSo was this off the coast of western Australia?
ОтветитьOperation poke the bear
ОтветитьТакую бы на украину скинуть
Ответитьshould I be impressed or afraid?
ОтветитьCLOUDS ...
ОтветитьRussian nukes: giant parasol mushroom
US nukes: fly agaric
UK nukes: canned button mushroom
Song name
Ответитьshitty music
Ответитьspirit bomb
ОтветитьWTF is wrong with us?!
ОтветитьSo beautiful and at the same time so terrifying.
ОтветитьThe end result of POWER, GREED AND CONTROL There is no winner 🦅.
ОтветитьIt would be interesting to know the method the British used to get a thermonuclear reaction, as they designed it sperately from the US. Later when the US saw Britian had working thermonuclear weapons, they agreed to show the British their designs, the British switched to them as the US had more experience in making and testing nukes.....I saw a documentary were the British nuclear physicists were disappointed that all their work was being dropped.
ОтветитьMy stepdad was there, Christmas Island during Operation Grapple. He told me stories about sitting on the beach, and being told to cover their eyes with their hands when the bomb went off, and they could see all the bones in their fingers. Sadly we lost him to prostate cancer in 2014. I still think these nuclear tests might have been responsible for that. A lot of these men went on to develop cancers. He was a great man, a true asset to my family, the love of my mum's life, I will never forget him. We shouldn't forget any of these men.
ОтветитьClouds seem completely unaffected by the shock wave but maybe they are... extremely heavy clouds? lol
ОтветитьThe condensation clouds are surreal.
ОтветитьIt looks so smooth an pretty, but is so destructive. Absolutely gorgeous
ОтветитьIs the footage sped up?
ОтветитьMust've Been Canadian or African Uranium, I Wonder If They Have Any in Australia or NZ!
ОтветитьQuist the musik
ОтветитьEs increíble como estos tienen mente para destruir el planeta. Pero no para salvarlo. Una pena ver como día a día estamos viviendo la realidad. Hambre, pestes, guerras, etc...
ОтветитьBRITAIN'S first 'H-bombs', tested in 1957, were not H-bombs at all, but a bluff to convince the world that Britain was still a first-rate power, according to research to be published tomorrow.
At the time, the report's authors say, it probably even fooled the Americans for a while. It provoked an interest in the British nuclear programme that ended with the US giving Britain the means to manufacture true H-bombs in exchange for access to British ideas and designs for future weapons. According to the research, the secret of the bluff was confined to top nuclear scientists and inner government circles.
Fakest thing ive ever seen
ОтветитьLet me sit upon my nuclear cone..
ОтветитьI doubt if it was a true hydrogen bomb more like a boosted fission bomb.
ОтветитьCan someone help me conceptualize how big that fireball is?
ОтветитьWatching the first few seconds of that, there looks like an awful lot going on physics-wise. I bet you could write an entire university physics class based on this video alone.
ОтветитьGreat sound....tune?
ОтветитьThere's just something beautiful and utterly terrifying that man has created such powerful devices
Ответитьwhy did its delay
ОтветитьY is the Peace sign, without the encompassing ring of Togetherness
Poetic, those old 60's bastards
“Mmm… donut…”
ОтветитьThat's weird mushroom cloud cuz it have just only it fireball cloud
ОтветитьSome results I’m getting say this is Orange Herald, not Grapple Y.
ОтветитьI wonder if they filmed this with a filter in front of the lens, because at the end the footage got so dark.
ОтветитьWhat's with the stupid music?
ОтветитьWhen I open my surstromming when it bursts, it always lights up the sky lol.
Ответитьthat s a big donut
ОтветитьO paraíso agora baby
ОтветитьThat’s what I don’t get about Putin threats, when he says “we Russia will use a nuclear weapon against western aggression” and all his empty threats about nuclear preparation and readiness against nato.
We have the bomb as well. He’s not dictating to some third world country, does he not think he’s immune to the same retaliation of he even dared to go there?
The UK might be small, but we still have the bomb, and we’ve had it a long time.
The ideology is, fear keeps people in line,
..the only problem is some people have no fear, or believe they are actual gods who will not be impacted.
This is footage of Orange Herald over Maiden island (you can see the island in the shot) - a mere 720kT blast. For reference this is 20 times smaller than Castle Bravo.
ОтветитьReading about this in Lorna Arnold's book "Britain and the H-Bomb", interesting reading