One of the most common questions I get as an attorney is whether I should seek medical treatment after any type of an accident. The answer to that question is unequivocally, yes. The reason why you should seek medical treatment immediately after any accident is there's no downside to getting treatment. Say for example, you're in a car accident and you're treated at the scene by the ambulance personnel, and you're taken to the hospital, you're probably under a lot of shock, probably a lot of stress, your heart might be racing. So there might be a lot of things that are going through your mind that you aren't thinking about in terms of an injury. If you get checked out at the emergency room and they tell you that nothing is wrong with you and all the x-rays and MRIs and tests come back negative, that's a positive thing because you had the peace of mind knowing that you were not injured in this accident.
Conversely, you have so much going on in your mind that it's helpful to be surrounded by emergency personnel so that if you are experiencing severe pain or severe trauma, that the emergency personnel can treat you, can give you the right medications, can give you the right diagnostic testing, and recommend that you follow up with your primary care provider or maybe even a specialist.
So whether you check out a-okay at the emergency room, or you're seriously injured and need to get further treatment, it's a win-win situation by you getting checked out by emergency personnel.
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