This is from the very BEGINNING of MST's first year at the Sci-Fi Channel. In its prime.
Watch for lots of nostalgic commercials! Including ads for the Special Edition releases of Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi (complete with cgi singing frog-lady-thing!), TrekFest 97 hosted by Leonard Nimoy), promos for an exciting "new" show coming to Sci-Fi (...Seaquest DSV), lots of Long John Silvers for some reason, Puzz 3D! (I actually owned most of the puzzles in this commercial, so I was genuinely excited when I saw this), plus the usual assortment of psychic and/or Bob Vila tool ads.
Aired March 8, 1997 at 4pm. The world premiere!
Check back here roughly every week-ish (ha!) for more broadcast versions of MST3K episodes.
FYI, I'm always on the look-out for taped episodes with their commercials intact. Preferably March 1991 and earlier, or Turkey Days ''93, '94 & '95. I'll even pay for the things. Interested? Drop me a line! Find me on Reddit, Tarlcabot18 or Twitter, Tarlcabot25. I prefer a DM on Twitter, Reddit's DM's have been acting up for me.
#MST3k #The_Undead #Roger_Corman #Sci-Fi_Channel #Mystery_Science_Theater #1997 #806 #uncut #vintage_commercials