I tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine FOR 100 DAYS and became LIMITLESS...

I tried Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine FOR 100 DAYS and became LIMITLESS...

Derek DeMike

1 год назад

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@pinkiepinkster8395 - 10.12.2023 17:56

I follow Bryan Johnson's Blueprint protocol diet and exercise routine and I feel so much better.

@WilliamBTCWallace - 10.12.2023 17:56

I tried this routine and it worked until about 7:30 AM when my kids woke up. 😂 I love having two babies but them being home 24/7 and wanting my attention makes most of this impossible. I understand why we lock our kids up in schools for 8 hours a day now.

@drewthibs162 - 10.12.2023 03:06

You got kids?

@svenfredriksson6142 - 10.12.2023 00:48

What is it with you and Huberman and coffee!!! And coming from so called neural experts! Coffee is not good for ALL people. If you have a slow acting COMT - DO NOT TAKE COFFEE. EVER. If you have fast acting COMT - Then be my guest! Do the research before "blanket" recommending caffeine as it can cause more harm than good, especially mentally.

@thomsieloff3463 - 09.12.2023 22:23

Sounds like a 100 day challenge...

@user-zl2cv4rw7p - 08.12.2023 08:00

Okay, i will try this. i am a stay-at-home mom of 2 under 2 boy. let's see how it goes. I'm 26 years old. Edit: I don't drink coffee.

@sedulousdabbler5468 - 08.12.2023 03:26

Get your arse out of bed, do a days graft and try and stay awake until bed time. I've never heard such a load of first world rubbish. If you didn't spend your day sat in front of a computer, earning money to buy the useless crap that you don't need, you may, just may be able to separate the wood from the trees. The line, I got $50,000, speaks volumes about your materialistic and vacuous life.

@TropicTekkers - 07.12.2023 23:24

Just the waiting on caffeine for the first hour has help me not have crashes and lower my intake over all! Also working out in the morning is awesome when I don’t get it in before work I feel off the whole day until I can after.

@OmarGarciaElDeLa_O - 07.12.2023 16:02

Thanks 🙏….

@kamilk6807 - 06.12.2023 23:37

Evening socializing? Evening is for sales

@mooganstooker2419 - 05.12.2023 23:28

Did you wear only black too?

@Sagerz - 05.12.2023 21:51

Haha, no sun before 10 in Norway 🫨🤭

@jamesdean8785 - 04.12.2023 20:33

I was buying it all until the nearly 50 yr old Dr conveyed he didn’t know the difference between an acronym and abreiviation

@JJ-ic6pn - 03.12.2023 23:05

Genuine question. I assume you own your calendar 100%. How to do this when folk regularly drag you onto long Teams calls at 08h00.

@YanisLu - 03.12.2023 22:21

Where do you get Sunlight at 6am?!

@nickhalden9220 - 03.12.2023 15:34

I need that coffee early so I can take a dump

@ginlong5723 - 03.12.2023 11:10

I have learned a lot from Andrew Huberman, however, I’m a legal assistant and I work 50+ hours a week. I’m a wife and mother, I can’t say to my boss oh I’m just gonna lay in the floor for 15 min, I’ve worked 25 minutes I need to refocus for 5. And no I can’t take lunch break for that, I use that time to tune in errands for my family or make personal phone calls. So as great as I believe this to be how in the world am I supposed to fit that stuff in? Please tell me because I need to increase productivity and sleep better as well as feel good.

@bnbrijeshify - 03.12.2023 03:16

become human you will beome limitless, if you become ritual or routine you are always bounded !!

@Nihilistictendencies1 - 02.12.2023 16:18

Non of this works for a teacher who wakes at 4:30am.

@user-jc6ki7vx3r - 02.12.2023 02:04

Wow, taking cold bath, thats new, never heard about that, and so on, 8 minutes of empty words to hype on that talking machine huberman.

@margretweiland2876 - 01.12.2023 21:16

Es ist beeindruckend, dass auch Yogi Bhajan schon in den 70iger Jahren über diese Routinen berichtet hat.

@bazjaddley6369 - 01.12.2023 19:37

Brilliant advice for anyone who doesn't have a 9to5 or any kind of long term daily committments

@hrxshz - 01.12.2023 16:25

Bro reads every comment 😂

@peters7788 - 30.11.2023 21:58

I guess the science is interesting but Productivity Bros are insufferable.

@patrickgorman8674 - 30.11.2023 10:35

Good luck if you do a manual job.

@bluetaco2326 - 30.11.2023 03:50

Get a life

@tommymcdougall6563 - 29.11.2023 23:09

The thing is, I've read the snarky, "but he doesn't have kids" comments. Then I read your responses. Which are just as snarky. I am in the middle here. Hubermans morning stuff is very cool. I am down with it for sure.

But he has to have kids. As do you. It will complete the whole deal. You don't know how fulfilled you will be.

@Timichaud - 29.11.2023 05:10

But what about eating in this routines?

@chandleranderson373 - 29.11.2023 04:00

I guess this routine is for people that don’t have a job, or family, or any responsibility to anything other than themselves

@cezaire75roche - 29.11.2023 01:51

When do you eat ?? You forget something important in your video.

@hrvojatusun4517 - 28.11.2023 16:52

Haha loser you also blurred for clock b8

@amandalee714 - 28.11.2023 06:53

Cold showers only motivate me to take a warm shower

@claudrebille178 - 27.11.2023 11:51

You AMERICANS r so naïve .. happy to buy into anything
Based on à feeling of insécurité tied up with your heavy past as of being thrown out of EUROPE for ur religions beliefs

@claudrebille178 - 27.11.2023 11:51

You AMERICANS r so naïve .. happy to buy into anything
Based on à feeling of insécurité tied up with your heavy past as of being thrown out of EUROPE for ur religions beliefs

@andrewfarrell3986 - 27.11.2023 02:23

U haven’t done blow 😉

@mariacr10 - 27.11.2023 02:15

I work night shift, go to school 5 days a week have 3 kiddos and I’m ready to implement this. Although can I workout, then take a cold shower? Or will this be too much of a shock to my body?

@DanceintheRaine666 - 26.11.2023 18:16

This is NOT JUST FOR MEN nor impossible for a MOTHER.

My sons were so high energy that when they were preschoolers we were literally up BEFORE DAWN and spent virtually EVERY DAY...DAWN to DUSK...outside in the weather as they were happiest on the go.

I had packed healthy portable meals and water for each plus BOOKS which I read aloud as they played on structures. Later after it was obvious that conventional schooling was going to crush the joy of learning out of my eldest, I yoinked him out of grade 1 Montessori and homelearned them BOTH thereafter.

Oh. And I WAS severely physically disabled with excruciating weight bearing pain (due to damage sustained in a near lethal single car accident in 1979, when i was 18) but I adopted intuitive protocols which enabled me to function more: I could BICYCLE. When i could not STAND, I lay on my back with my toddler STANDING balanced on my hands or feet and I would LAUNCH him into the air towards the ceiling and CATCH him before he landed, him giggling in delight. Later when they were larger, i adopted using a bicycle as an aide to increase my mobility and i bought a little trailor for when they tired, strapping their bikes atop when they were too tired or the weather too inclement for them to happily continue tweedling themselves. Thermoses of hot soup and cocoa awaited them as did warm dry blankets and they CHEERFULLY entertained one another (and me) by singing or telling jokes....as I delivered us safely home.

LOVE and determination can motivate you to MODEL the behaviours you want your children to internalize...and the genuine joy and curiosity of each child is INFECTIOUS...and ENERGIZING.

AS A CONSEQUENCE of my love for my sons and pushing myself so hard I am far healthier and more functional than I was when they were Itty bitty.

Pregnancies were predicted to KILL ME or thereafter condemn me to life in a wheelchair (so said multiple specialists and Doctors) but they were egregiously WRONG.

I am filled with gratitude that I loved my former hubster so much that I ignored the expert opinions of all those specialists and with the support of ONE DOCTOR (my GP who believed in my determination to attempt this course of action) and gave him the biological children he claimed he so "desperately" wanted.

The existance of these kids: my two cherished sons...and my love for these two, coupled with my concern that I not allow my severe pain nor disability to negatively impact their lives was in retrospect the best thing to happen to me.

And I was filled with HAPPINESS EACH day as I felt genuine gratitude to my fomer husband (that he wanted them so desperately) and THEM because they EXISTED. Had i not loved him as once i did...these two incredible men would not exist.

HOMELEARNING was perhaps more work than had i left them in school, but a love of learning and reading is a far too prescious gift which needs must be PRESERVED. It was a privilege to fuel their curiosity and their bodies with nutritious meals, to allow their explosive energy to inspire me.

It also allowed us to continue our being OUTDOORS and in light and nature virtually every day...from dawn to Dusk.

My sons were HUBERKIDS long before this fantastic educator formed his much loved podcast. It has been phenominally exciting to see so many of the choices i intuitively made (which were then unsupported by hard science) THEREAFTER supported by PEER REVIEWED science.

A love of SCIENCE and a willingness to conduct N of 1 experiments upon MYSELF (and later my sons) has made my life far more meaningful than it would otherwise have been.

Having precise Actionable PROTOCOLS to adopt has ACCELERATED my recovery from a near death experience in 2011 and i am incredibly grateful to Professor Huberman (and others who host him to futher disseminate his knowledge [and that of his guests]) as such protocols are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE if one ADOPTS THEM as often as one can. For me it is DAILY.❤

@JV-528 - 26.11.2023 16:57

Been pounding down a pot of coffee first thing in the morning for years and have never experienced the afternoon crash. Anyone else?

@kenshey3912 - 25.11.2023 18:43

Maybe you’ll reply to the coffee question,
Is this for those who’ve always been coffee drinkers or it’s suggested to put it in? Like a nootropic
Oura Ring was handy… if I end up drifting off for 30 to 40min nap…. The data for me was eye opening. No pun intended

@ellieantar809 - 25.11.2023 18:12

Unfortunately no sun in UK morning and I have to be at work by 7.30am..so don't have the luxury of the day time advice....great but can't work for everybody

@TravLiam - 25.11.2023 15:07

What if I work construction.. they catch me taking 5min off work every 25min my ass is fired 😅

@theresaforgione1967 - 25.11.2023 12:39

Good video, love Huberman. My day consists of 2:45 am wake up, 11 minutes of Wim Hof breathing sitting by my box light since there isn’t any sun at that time. Then I run four miles outdoors, or lift weights depending on the day. Shower and end with a 3 minute
cold shower. I run an in home daycare, my day starts at 6:40 am and ends at 5. I’m in bed by 7 pm. You work around your own schedule, we all have the same hours in a day. I also get another round of breathing in
When the kids nap. I may try starting my coffee after I shower! The only thing I haven’t tried is the salt water. I think I will drink hot lemon water with a pinch of salt!

@louisvega4565 - 24.11.2023 23:14


@louisvega4565 - 24.11.2023 23:14


@j3ll3ymonst3r - 24.11.2023 17:08

Is there a special salt and how much do you put in your morning cup of water?

@a.w.dinunzio7334 - 24.11.2023 04:51

Thanks, Derek! Super informative

@JensSpahn-sn9mv - 23.11.2023 08:47

what me drive crazy is, that everyone say, stand up at 6 o‘clock - what i make. than go to the sunlight - but sun gies up at 8 o‘clock. so for me is huberman and this guy here in this point BS-talking.

@jcsolomon6470 - 21.11.2023 05:33

❤This!Outlook!You Allways Have What You Want in The End!Daily MindfullNess!Lions Mane,Supplements,with Aminos!You Got This Always as Your Only Result!You are Perfect!Take care!

@rozen9596 - 21.11.2023 01:49

I love that...will try that 👏
