"Are we exclusive?" Dating difference, China vs USA | Jujube Show

"Are we exclusive?" Dating difference, China vs USA | Jujube Show

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@ericfournier2816 - 05.11.2023 09:22

You should not put any European country in the "West", because dating is very different than in the US.

@rabiulislamsikder344 - 15.10.2023 04:28

In the USA there is no dating. It's all about fucking. Everyone fucks everyone. On average, a person will have at least 10 sexual partners before getting married and the marriage also lasts only for a couple of years.

@eazye088 - 06.07.2023 19:35

I'm a 34 year old dude who has a 58 year old Chinese sugar momma and things are great. 🇵🇭 🇨🇳

@doomscyte1087 - 04.04.2023 16:04

In USA, it's sex first and marriage later

In China, it's marriage first and sex later

@owochocolate9298 - 30.03.2023 08:04

I am a Westerner but honestly (from the sound of it) I prefer non-Western dating culture! It seems much more clear and less complicated. I feel like people in the west don’t like to express their emotions explicitly so there’s never a confession, you just ‘know’ if you’re dating which can be frustrating because I can also not tell (unless they specifically say ‘date’ I think it is just a friendly hang out). I feel like because there isn’t a clear way to distinguish between ‘hang out’ and ‘official’, situationships and heartbreaks are normal in the West because miscommunication can hurt.

@Winchesterosteve - 18.03.2023 06:38

I am really looking for beautiful woman Chines ❤

@asilbar2 - 22.02.2023 01:28

Because of the CCP I would be very cautious about dating Chinese girls, if I was single !

@Bob31415 - 30.01.2023 07:51

In America, in the vast majority of cases, even if the guy thinks he and his girl are exclusive, she will have someone else waiting in the wings that he doesn't know about. Someone that she is stringing along and can call at the drop of a hat. Every American female reading this knows this is the truth. An American male should NEVER chase after ANY female. Rather he should spin plates and keep his options open. Date? Yes, by all means, but not just one. Also, don't ever date a single mother, a feminist, a woman with tatoos all over her self, one with hair dyed blue, green, orange etc. or one climbing a corporate ladder. These types have issues. Men, chase excellence, not women.

@jarrodyuki7081 - 09.11.2022 15:26

hunan and jiangxi ahe the prettiest women.

@sonofsarek - 14.05.2022 18:44

Dating in college: meet at a party, get drunk, hookup, decide if you want to date after (70% of people). The other 30% are more conservative and meet in class, church, work, or in the dorm.
Dating after college: meet online or at work, date for a while (1-3 months), then become exclusive.

@MartialArtsFC - 20.04.2022 20:44

3rd date romance. but was told by my chinese gf. they see each other every day for a month and then decide to get serious marriage move in whataver. i said need to date for 2years min.

@canadianbird1185 - 11.04.2022 20:11

#1 rule of thumb dating anyone.

DO NOT MAKE IT ABOUT RACE/ETHNICITY. (where ya really from, what your parents do, are your parents asian, you look like lucy liu, look at that "insert race label" guy)
You date the person because you are interested about that individual like anybody else. Not because you got this favoritism/exotification for their "label". Really a huge turnoff meeting people that are ignorant.

@ENT_Herbalist - 23.03.2022 09:39

Am looking forward for my dream man, lovely, caring and honest.

@susiQ75 - 30.11.2021 04:03

I feel there's a lot misconception about how we have relationships in America. Moral values are the same in any continent. Cheating is WRONG! Period. But in America LOVE is what we strive for.
I think hanging out ( even to a movie and dinner) is that, hanging out because there's no physical contact. Dating ends up with a goodnight kiss. Boyfriend/girlfriend is when you are exclusive and very intimate. Marriage is when you are in love. You choose to be with that person to have a family. Here in the West, virginity doesn't define a women's worth. Yes, we may have the highest rate in divorce because sometimes LOVE thru time can wither. But in the EAST ppl stay married for the wrong reason and it's sad because life is short.

@BAn-mu4qe - 13.11.2021 21:50

Ting Ting, It's not that American guys aren't interested in family....it may be that they are too young to consider marriage or they aren't interested in that particular girl for marriage. You can't rush an American guy! But, if he really wants to be with you, you will definitely know even if he is very shy.
Jack's comments about 'hooking up',etc. before even deciding to commit to the person is more common among 'younger people'. I think that 'older people' tend to clarify these things before getting physically serious. As a woman and being conservative, I would never just 'hook up'. I expect commitment.

@innanada6536 - 19.06.2021 11:39


@heilong79 - 16.06.2021 16:38

Seems like there is a lot of talk of ideals verses reality here. Men and women dont just hang out by themselves, there is always natural assessment going on if it will lead to anything regardless of if the other people admits it or not.

@denisemahe8539 - 23.05.2021 22:00

I'd be curious to see how older people date in China. People who have had their families and are now widowed or divorced. Do they even get the chance to start life anew with someone else?

@DrInduchak - 19.05.2021 09:20

Any person can clearly understand whether it is a romantic relationship they are heading to or that they have friendly vibes and not a romantic one. If there is confusion you can just talk. Even 1 to 1 friends can hv dinner and watch movies. And it is Not at all a date but nice hanging out. Thereis no demarcation at all. It is the feelings and vibes ( physical affection) that demarcates a date from hanging out.
