Greensill, Gupta and Cameron: what went wrong | FT Film

Greensill, Gupta and Cameron: what went wrong | FT Film

Financial Times

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Rahul Patel
Rahul Patel - 07.05.2023 22:50

Where did all the money come from Ms Cynthia?

Thats the Qn no one asks of politicians in the case of budgetary cuts or statusquo in matters of Education, healthcare, social welfare, pensions etc, Michael?

Or even in the matters of Big budget films produced setially both in Hollywood n its caricature - clones elsewhere, on the contrary the BiG budget is tomtommed n showcased as a badge of honour n success!!!

Yet is it even remotely a secret, Michael?

Not one bit really, Cynthia!

Speed : Sandra Bullock n Keanu Reeves desperately trying to save a bus hijacked n passengers held hostage by a terorist threatening to blow the detonators, remote triggering - rigged underneath the bus, if the speed falls below 50 miles /hr or 80 kms /hr!

50 miles n 80 kms / hr, Michael!!!

Speeding off a desolate under construction highway, accelerating the bus to fly over a disjlint n finally blowing up, vrashing into a aeroplane!!!

And the climax in a metro train with Sandra Bullock tied up with explosives to a pole!!!

Buses, Aeroplanes, Metro trains, Air ports n highwayz!!

Thats a recipe for BELT n Road projekts, Cynthia? In global south, particularly, booming infra projekts in Afrikan continent!!! Besides Asia!

Thats the application angle, but the source of funds, Michael?

Merry X mas, Cynthia! Recall the promise of Hans to his co - techie - terrorist -  Black Afrikanese - unlocking the 6 secret codes to the vault holding bearer bonds!

And stuck at the 7th barrier, which Hans promises to help him unlock!

FBI hovering over the hostage held skyscraper housing Nakatomi corporation - n cutting off the electric fuse!

Circuit breaker! Brexit!!!


Santa clause smiles n the 7th secret code unlocks itself!!!

Open sesame !! Alibaba n the 40 thieves  moment!!!

Merry X - Mas! 

2008 - pump priming by the FED yet again n Soft Bankers / giant hedge funds being the first preferred chkicest beneficiary recipients! 

Trickle down E con O mics across continents at work!!! 

Silicon valley VCz disbursing funds to 5 min elevator pitch genius' PPT entrepreneurs - hvng a surfeit stock in trade of flesh n bones calling agents in banana republics!!! 

BPOz n KPOz!!! 

Glass ceiling shatterring yong demography dividend play at work, Cynthia!!! 

And the access to 10 downing st - to Lex Greensill? 

Who's this upstart Aussie   Lex Greensill attracting tens of millions of USD with his hairbrained Ppt ideaz - centuries old Bill discounting plan couched as a revolutionary brainwave ? 

LG !!!  S Korea!!! In the sphere of influence of China!!! 

One, Two, Three!!! 

And Sanjeev Gupta? 


Greensill ? 

GS !!! 


G for Germany! - G becomes D as  in Deutsche!!! 

DFD !!! And D for Downing st! F for Futbol clubs!!! 


Besides G for Gold!!! 

Presidential palaces of uch maligned Afrikan continent, exclusively - shielding other banana republic P palaces! 

As for David Cameron the aristocrat politician - PM 

DC ie Direct current! 

Nikolai Tesla - 3 6 9 magic miracle series!!! 

Aluminium, Steel plants gobbled up by SG here, there, everywhere - - 

Ponzi circular trading financing, construction, construction, construction.... Ports, Airports, Bridges, Highways, Railroads, Metroez, Bullet trains!!! 

And who's the mastermind? 

G S but off course, Ms Cynthia!!? 

And whos G S? 

Goldman Sachs, mon ami!!! 

represented by R S + E M !!! 

And whos R S n E M? 

Rishi Sunak n Emannuel Macron - Gildman Sachs!/ Rothschild / Morgan Stanley / JP Morgan!!! 


Access  n deep inroads into Presidential palaces n PM mansions!!! 

Not to forget - B J / T M / L T!!! 

Boris Johnson / Theresa May / Liz Truss plus shadow PMs - J C n KS!!! 

J C = IC = Jeremy Corbyn = Integrated circuit!!! 

K S = Keith Starrmer = Kama Sutra!!! 

Jobs : Jobs : Jobs as Labour party was sooh eloquently described by B J in the House!!! 

As for access how can anyone forget - Goldman Sachs deep inroads into the WH - Presidential palace - 2008-12 furst term of Afro-Amerikan - HBO, h'err - B H O!!! 

Besides the utmost colorfully tainted reign of GZS  in another Presidential palace? 

H shaped - Raisina hill - Rashtrapati Bhawan New Dilli!!! 

" i'll sweep the floor, if Mdm Indira G aks' me to do sooh" proclaimed the most colorful n controversial tyrbanbed President Gianiji Zail Singh!!!

Jk3 Jk3
Jk3 Jk3 - 14.04.2023 03:27

'collecting debts and selling them together in one package' oh no

Pondzi Scheme
Pondzi Scheme - 29.03.2023 04:02

These stories really highlight the folly of investment banking... all these millions of dollars being thrown around at the whim of a select few... it would be hard to convince me this wealth wouldn't alleviate the extreme poverty we see throughout the world

S Y - 11.02.2023 02:11

"Incredible salesman " = Corruption

Have Ambition
Have Ambition - 07.01.2023 04:56

The technology...Lol. Like shitcoin!

Jerry Baird
Jerry Baird - 16.12.2022 01:53

This is really a poor quality presentation, relying on video techniques of viewer—shock, rather than a careful presentation and explanation of how much has been lost and by whom. A company such as FT should do a much better job.

HimOff TheQuakerOatBox
HimOff TheQuakerOatBox - 02.12.2022 18:54

The business model is called factoring, my bank offered it for business accounts. That was before the internet.

Mortimer Snerd
Mortimer Snerd - 29.11.2022 20:31

Investigative journalism at it's best. Thanks! American Propagandist Pulp Media should move back to this type of journalism, but it's hard work and American Journos just don't understand this type of effort!

HerHealthySelf - 05.11.2022 07:42

Just like the junk-Bond market in the 80s, the crash of the sec ndary debt markets in the 90s. Some grifts just don't change...

Marconi Greenwood
Marconi Greenwood - 01.11.2022 02:01

It's called factoring - nothing remotely innovative

Helena Tomé
Helena Tomé - 22.10.2022 12:03

David Cameron acted personally in the liberating of the strange McCann's family in the brink of an accusation of murder or else of their missing daughter... the day I totally dismissed England, which is now called UK, from my heart. They are not trustworthy!

John Chang
John Chang - 17.10.2022 03:00

They will get up and do it again.

iceman - 14.10.2022 21:44

The myth of AI and machine learning strikes again.
AI is nothing more than a computer program written by someone. Like all code its flawed. Machine learning occurs within set criteria. Though faster than human learning it still hasn't matched it.

John Goodman
John Goodman - 12.09.2022 00:44

It is just factoring, it is not a new

Shaqi Sumari
Shaqi Sumari - 08.09.2022 13:38

Similarities to 1MDB scandals over and over again

lo2740 - 14.08.2022 22:31

We can only hope that, in a near future, we will find a way to get rid of all these cockroaches which are "finance" comapnies, mostly from US and UK coincidentally.

lo2740 - 14.08.2022 22:30

"3 years in prison, in germany, its no joke" 🤣🤣 right, defrauding million, or billions, hundreds or thousands lost their jobs : 3 years in germany, which realistically translates to either no prison at all, or 6 month in a special priviledges detention center, or even at home. Such a pity.

lo2740 - 14.08.2022 22:23

UK has a long track record for financial fraud, a very long track record indeed, and they are still 1st in the field. I also dont understand how peoples can trust these indians and salesmen (traders), they always have been scammers and fraudsters and they always will be, that is very logical coming from the "finance" industry which is a fraud by itself, a cancer for humanity, and the city is their nest. Money does not magically create money, when does it is by fu*king millions of hard working peoples. The icing on the cake is cameron involvement. So pathetic.

Shane Tonkin
Shane Tonkin - 02.08.2022 11:22

Good investment advice: any time somebody starts boasting about how using “artificial intelligence” is a key part of what makes their business model successful, run a mile, you are being bullshitted.

Harry Bergin
Harry Bergin - 02.08.2022 10:19

Reuters found it first

SourceCode - 02.08.2022 02:59

You can trust a Caucasian man except when he beds a non Caucasian man.

ALR - 31.07.2022 21:05

An unbelievable story excellently told. However, one question: is the Brazil FT Correspondent not properly paid, having a 50p haircut and being dressed like his own grandfather ?

Freeforester - 30.07.2022 11:00

The involvement of Greensill in the Lochaber Smelter/SNP/Gupta funding guarantees using public funds needs to be exposed.

BlueMoon - 28.07.2022 00:35

I don't get why the people believe such lousy stories. And nothing of this was appealing to me. So greensill is working in Factoring Finance?? This is super low margins. We use AI (proud voice) What do you even want to use AI for? for 50 years you have companies that asses how high the chance is that company XYZ that got your chairs, will not be able to pay the amount in 90 days. It's like the oldest lamest businees in the world and no AI can change that since a 8th grade can calculate it. Payment is in 90 days the risk is 2% that i don't get payment, my processing cost are 0.5% so i charge maybe 3%. Right Jimmy from 8th Grade. Mediocre intelligence is enough to do the job.
Then the indian guy who's big plan is to buy old steelfactories all over the world. in the SEVENTIES already CHINESE steel was acompetitor for US and european steel. Since then they only shrinked and shrinked every decade. Then Gutpa didn't integrate them into one transparent structure no, no it's a chart with 50 Entities endless arrows going from there to there and people overlapping. No one really no one could think that this is a perfect scenarion for fraud. With such old oversupplied steel mines no one needs. Wright??
The fraud stories just show how hollow and dumb most people are...

BlueMoon - 27.07.2022 23:43

So many Buzzword, in 24 seconds didn't want to watch it.

Chang Daniel
Chang Daniel - 24.07.2022 03:05

Don't all banks perform factoring. Other than banks are highly regulated, their books are being monitored closely. The only attributes that greensil don't have depositors to strengthen their Financial position, highly depend on private funders.

Priya Mohan
Priya Mohan - 24.07.2022 02:03

Awesome analysis and storytelling. Back in 2008 it was collateralized mortgage debt, now it's collateralized supply chain debt (including nonexistent invoices). What's the bet the next one is going to be collateralized buy-now-pay-later debt? The constant theme among all this is doing business in an unsustainable way (payment cycles being too long, lending to low credit worthy people). I loved how in the video, one of the presenters raised 'why didn't they just pay suppliers sooner?!'

bob often
bob often - 22.07.2022 14:39

Mafia " we now handle your financial services , for a fee "

hightown999 - 22.07.2022 09:23

omg so many jump cuts

otherwise good video

Carrick Richards
Carrick Richards - 20.07.2022 21:35

Where were the auditors? The credit rating agencies? Hidden debt and opaque financing is their specialist field, their whole purpose is to protect the public.

TheMrFishnDucks - 17.07.2022 10:56

Very informative video. Keep up the good work.

dominicesteban rice
dominicesteban rice - 15.07.2022 02:24

After watching this and the Credit Suisse documentary, it seems to me that the FT is doing a better job holding these criminals to account than the SEC and FCA!

YOGi - 06.07.2022 14:43

A model that relied on futures sales derivatives i.e. fake invoicing, cooking the books etc.
That's one of the oldest tricks in accounting.

AD Tiamzon
AD Tiamzon - 03.06.2022 12:24

Ponzi scheme.

Biggles Harrumpher
Biggles Harrumpher - 12.05.2022 11:04

I think Sanjeev Gupta and Lex Greensill simply outfoxed the establishment using cunning and by all accounts, they simply sailed close to the wind without breaking the law - so far. How else could Sanjeev built such and empire when no bank would lend to him? He had to use backstreet financing. You do what you have to. Good on him - he still has saved lots of jobs.

hugokatz - 09.12.2021 00:55

Making banking exciting! You really don't want your bank to be exciting. That's the first and last sign of trouble.

K Chin
K Chin - 27.09.2021 02:13

Big Democracies have become PLUTOCRACIES - more and more of these Wall Street style bubbles, scams, CDCs , fancy financing,

Ronit Pereira
Ronit Pereira - 15.09.2021 08:10

People with high IQ's deliberately get into fraud.
-Charlie Munger.

Mark Bean
Mark Bean - 05.09.2021 01:17

It's all real simple. If a company is slow paying it's invoices, don't sell them any more of your products until they pay those first invoices. It isn't rocket science, you idiots!

Tania S
Tania S - 03.09.2021 13:40

great summary, i hope those involved are actually held to account, eventually. 
Its the workers and small businesses involved in Guptas steel works that will suffer. Even now folks in Whyalla still think Gupta will come through with his promises.
Mr Cameron has some answering to do, come to think of it so does Ms Julie Bishop aka asbestos julie!

Alam Ali
Alam Ali - 01.09.2021 21:22

Still doesn't change the fact Lex Greensill is still a ghastly acne ridden squit! Cronyism coupled with a scam Ponzi scheme with a twist!

Roses - 30.08.2021 12:57

Greed. Every time.

scot gbs
scot gbs - 27.08.2021 16:45

I didn't know of any UK Prime Minister who is corrupt until I have watched this documentary.

steve dawg
steve dawg - 26.08.2021 00:11

They got caught in a multi billion pound fraud, thats what went wrong...WHEN are the CRIMINAL charges coming???

juselara02 - 19.08.2021 06:37

One day, Greensill job offerings started flooding LinkedIn here in Colombia. I applied a couple of times, got called for an interview and the very same day of my interview, I saw the news on TV about the greensill scandal. It was one of the biggest WTF moments of my life. True Story.

Nick Coverdale
Nick Coverdale - 15.08.2021 16:24

Does anybody know if Greensill lend money to OYO rooms ??

Saurabh Chand
Saurabh Chand - 13.08.2021 17:49

Finally new harshad mehta born from Indian soil.

Faisal Muharman
Faisal Muharman - 13.08.2021 13:33

Take a breather softbank geez

Patrick Guei
Patrick Guei - 13.08.2021 12:17

"Corrupt Nigeria" call me doggy Dave! something never change...
