Making Money from the Buying and Selling of Knives?

Making Money from the Buying and Selling of Knives?

EDGED mindset

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@1337Leva - 01.12.2012 09:47

I'm a dealer... But not a knife dealer...

@bullseye0169 - 01.12.2012 10:20

another thing that's affecting the second hand market is the economy, with it being what it is most people aren't really willing to spend as much for a knife, custom or production. I check the USN every day and see people selling knives, well trying to sell them and most start out at a high price and then spend the next few weeks dropping the price till it gets nova point that someone will finally buy it. In smoke cases I've seen a knife drop as much as a hundred dollars before someone will pick

@d3pHc0n - 01.12.2012 13:33

About having trouble using knives... Life is short. Is a knife in the safe giving you as much joy as having it in your pocket? CARRY IT! Then again, some knives are useless for EDC purposes.

@WxSxBx - 01.12.2012 16:23

Have you been keeping up with the JRE?

@jayv81 - 01.12.2012 17:48

I collect because I have a love for knives and the artwork that is put into them. I don't have plans on getting rid of any of my blades. My intentions are to give them to my son or grandson one day.

@fredde90210 - 01.12.2012 17:58

Thinning out a collection is ok but hoarding sprints??? They should be shot. Love your blue PM2

@J_CtheEngineer - 01.12.2012 18:04

What would you say about buying used/worn out knives say on like Ebay, refinishing then, sharpening them and then selling them back at a higher price? Id feel that's a little more economical

@buriedintheblack - 01.12.2012 19:45

Buying with the intent of reselling has shown itself to be a problem with certain products. When it is taken to extremes, it creates artificial scarcity, making the demand seem much higher than it actually is. That said, I don't think many types of knives fit into that category. Things which do: new video game consoles, (old) new Apple products, Tickle Me Elmo, etc...

@justmeeagainn - 01.12.2012 19:46

The only time I've sold a knife is when I didn't like the way it felt in my hand and couldn't get used to it. I've heard stories about people who go to shows, enter raffles for hard to get knives, win, and flip the knife for 3x (or more) the price on ebay. This may be legal, but if you feel like you're part of a community and you do this, you're just screwing the other members of your community.

@VanceRhodes - 01.12.2012 19:46

Great video Carter!

@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 21:59

Thanks bro!

@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 22:00

Absolutely. If you make make it a viable business then that sounds like a great idea

@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 22:00

It's still for sale!

@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 22:00


@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 22:01

What is the JRE?

@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 22:02

That's what I would think, but then you see 1400.00 Strider customs sell out in a few hours.

@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 22:02


@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 22:02

Are you sure? Thought it was Bladehq only

@fredde90210 - 01.12.2012 22:20

I know but my kids wants christmas presents lol

@bullseye0169 - 01.12.2012 22:58

This is also true. It is a strange thing, the knife industry. And the second hand market. Some things sell like they are made of gold, and then there are some knives that you would think should sell in minutes, and they sit for weeks without so much as a look. So I can't figure it out as you may have guessed. But a great video as always, your videos topics like this makes us think outside the box.

@edged_mindset - 01.12.2012 23:06

Thanks bro!

@shadymattuk - 02.12.2012 00:40

I wonder if they would do a Para3. Seems hard to improve on such a great design. Maybe a thicker blade stock with integral ti liners? Hmm....

@mrmaxx4400 - 02.12.2012 01:14

Fine observation. . After seeing this video, I bought my second Spyderco VG-10 Dragonfly: Thanks for the video.

@nutsforknives - 02.12.2012 02:01

I use the logic that I can flip knives for money to justify the purchase, but I can never seem to follow through on it!

@knivesandstuff - 02.12.2012 02:06

without even watching I can say that any popular product in the world can be traded for profit (or loss) Stocks, gold, antiques, food.. why should knives be different. If you invest, and can afford to invest, then you try to. house market is the perfect example. sometimes its pays off. sometime the market changes and you have a valueles product. that is the risk of buying for intrinsic value instead of material value

@asilaydying1984 - 02.12.2012 05:29

i know some people who use the money they make from flipping knives to build their own collection

@shadymattuk - 02.12.2012 05:40

I think little things like that will be what they update if they choose to. I doubt they'd change the G10 in terms of texture though.

@Traderjoe - 02.12.2012 07:11

Interesting topic. In a way, I think in an old school way, and I imagine collecting things as holding onto to something that may become rare. I imagine someone who had a brand new Volkswagon beetle in 1969 and kept in in their garage and then something happens and it gets forgotten about and lost somehow, but is still mint, and it gets rediscovered 40 years later and is worth twice what it was in 1969. Its worth it to whoever is willing to pay double what you paid for it.

@Traderjoe - 02.12.2012 07:15

When I got into knives 20 some odd years ago, I got into the Spyderco Police model. I had one and loved it, but it got dull and I happened to see a guy driving in a grinder truck and I asked him to resharpen it. He totally butchered it. I was upset, so I bought a few more brand new ones to keep. In my mind, I figured they might stop making them and I figured if I had spares, I would never be without it. So, I paid over $100 for them 20 years ago. Spyderco still makes them today and for less

@Traderjoe - 02.12.2012 07:19

So in that way, I kind of got screwed. But, Ive since gotten into other types of knives and now have a few mint 20 year old Police knives that I can never make money on. But I could sell them for what they are worth in todays market and recoup some of my loss and maybe make someone happy. Making someone happy has a value to me beyond the monetary aspect of the investment.

@edged_mindset - 02.12.2012 07:22

I have done the same thing man. Bought something overpriced thinking they wouldn't be around anymore, just to see them in better condition, cheaper, and brand new years later

@Liberty4343 - 02.12.2012 08:51

Great video...I try to not keep anything that I don't want to carry as an safe queens if I can avoid it. Cheers!

@edged_mindset - 02.12.2012 19:52

Good way to be!

@herotolegend - 02.12.2012 21:22

I want a halo 5 so bad...

@WxSxBx - 03.12.2012 10:34

The Joe Rogan Experience. Did you catch that podcast with John Anthony West? Fluffin mindblowing.

@KBar666 - 03.12.2012 11:14

Emersons are the only I see that keep value or even go up more often than not. Thats probally cause, like the himself has said"buying a knife from me today, is not very diffrent than buying a knife from me 10 years ago." baisically meaning not much has really changed on it. But than you have your gems like '98 Commanders, technically productions, but that fetch around custom prices as he did most of the work on them.

@TotallyL337 - 03.12.2012 18:14

My brown spyderco is my EDC. YOLO

@edged_mindset - 03.12.2012 18:52

Oh LOL! I have not caught that one. When was it posted?

@edged_mindset - 03.12.2012 18:53

Very good points!

@veratek - 04.12.2012 06:08

Agreed! 'investing' in knives for profit is too risky to consider in most situations. New improved versions,etc. The custom arena is a lot better but what i found is i'm so content with my 1 knife every 6 months or so, that collecting, even though i'd love to have every knife i drool over, its just hard to buy a ton of knives in a short period. And having to use a > $200 knife every pains me and it feels illogical when i can whip out my spyderco resilience and not break a sweat over wear

@edged_mindset - 04.12.2012 06:38

I struggle with the same thing. I want to carry my nice stuff.....but it just makes so much sense to keep in nice and cary my Para 2. But them I'm like, why do I have it if i'm not going to use it.....

@WxSxBx - 08.12.2012 23:52

just realised that one was posted in june ;b its a great one though. john anthony west is the guy who is trying to prove the Sphinx in egypt is thousands of years older than popular history states. IMO one of the all time greatest, most informational, entertaining, and mindblowing podcasts ever.

@edged_mindset - 08.12.2012 23:55

Ill check it out!

@GreatToastMigration - 14.12.2012 00:40

Whenever I buy a knife I think to myself that it's a good investment and that I could sell it close to the original price or more if I need the money. I thankfully never had to sell a knife yet. :)

@galantman93 - 13.03.2013 06:26

I see old spydercos and old sprints go for more than they were worth but that being said I agree with you

@galantman93 - 13.03.2013 06:26

On eBay that is

@AllenFreemanMediaGuru - 12.02.2018 21:12

Where would I start to sell a pocket knife collection I inherited from my Dad, 6 years ago?

@Apex_grind562 - 05.08.2018 00:39

I carry and use like 3 knives. The rest get polished lol .

@VWorldWide - 31.01.2019 07:12

What if I was to buy and add my own art work ?

@MrAlex8963 - 12.09.2020 11:21

64 comments 9.8k I had this idea and wanted to see what I could do. I mess with a butterfly knife is why I’m interested in knives
