10 Most Isolated Towns In Canada .

10 Most Isolated Towns In Canada .

World According To Briggs

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BC Dave
BC Dave - 01.09.2023 04:03

Watson Lake isn't isolated. It's right on a major highway and only a few miles north of the BC border. Easy to get to. Grise Fiord -- try to get the spelling correct -- IS isolated, but with awesome people and well worth a visit.

Nick Foster
Nick Foster - 15.08.2023 05:09

It's not pronounced "New Found Land," it's pronounced "New Fun Land."

A1 M
A1 M - 09.08.2023 08:24

Fort Ware and Telegraph Creek.

Matt Lassen
Matt Lassen - 26.07.2023 05:13

You should rename your video, "Urban hipster crassly makes fun of 10 perfectly nice yet remote places in Canada and completely ignores how beautiful many of them are."

Josué Borges
Josué Borges - 04.06.2023 06:22

I find Alert should be the number one town in this list, because it’s much more isolated than the other ones.

Angie Coulter
Angie Coulter - 15.05.2023 02:00

Stop saying NewFOUNDland! It's pronounced "Noofunland", with the accent on the first syllable only!...Please

Headcynic - 21.04.2023 16:15

I've been to Ft Nelson, Watson Lake, and Point Lance on different trips to Canada by car.

You might want to include Johnsons Crossing, Yukon. It's a tiny little place with some history. Peace River, NWT sounded a bit interesting when we found ourselves on the wrong road heading there out of Ft Nelson.

ginger potato
ginger potato - 14.04.2023 07:18

I moved to Ft Nelson last summer due to their very cheap rentals (compared to the rest of Canada). There is absolutely nothing good about this town aside from the beautiful wildlife. It is a very racist town towards whites being that is is surrounded by Native land with the reserve to the right of town after the bridge. The Natives still run the town though and discriminate in all areas towards white people. There is also a heavy population of Philippinos here as well. Winter season is from September - May and in this time, the town nearly shuts down. Very little work and nobody outside. It gets to -50 for about a week in December but the rest of the typical winter months is between -25 and -40. It isn't dry though like many cold places can be because it really isn't that close to the Arctic ocean. Grand Prairie is a bit closer than Edmonton and has nearly everything you need. People make trips down to Ft St John every once in a while as it's only 4 hours south but it definitely doesn't have everything like GP and Edmonton do.

Jordon Adkins
Jordon Adkins - 27.03.2023 07:22

Fort Nelson is amazing! I stay there on my way to Skagway. Watson Lake is beautiful too. I’ll be visiting again next month when I drive up for my summer job in Alaska. I really enjoy tire videos especially ones like these and Alaska videos!

Ron Calliou
Ron Calliou - 27.03.2023 06:38

I was born in Fort Nelson, I tell people you can travel 250km in any direction and you'll still be in the middle of nowhere. 🤣🤣

Percy McNabb
Percy McNabb - 27.03.2023 05:35

love it

SUMAN APD - 26.03.2023 18:55

Being an Indian, I really wonder how isolated city looks like.
Bcz In my country 1.4 Billions people lived in just 3.2 Million Square K.M. area.
& it's So Crowded. You find cities & Towns in just Every 20-30 KM .

That guy B
That guy B - 26.03.2023 05:04

Thanks for doing your homework. Your pronunciation was really good and typically American know or care about anything regarding Canada. So thank yoi

JWReichert - 23.03.2023 03:00

Another place mentioned on the list but belongs outright: Inuvik, NWT

Skullbac - 21.03.2023 01:46

An honorable mention for this list would’ve been Schefferville. Located in northern Quebec, only a few kilometers from Labrador, it can only be accessed by train or by air. It used to be a mining town with 5000 residents. When the mines dried out, almost everyone left. There is now only 244 people living in the sweet cold middle of nowhere.

JWReichert - 04.03.2023 04:58

Uranium City is mentioned, but belongs on the list outright. The Nunavut capital of Iqaluit as well..

Jp Marineau
Jp Marineau - 23.02.2023 18:08

Oba, Ontario

Kachiri Beleza
Kachiri Beleza - 17.02.2023 14:27

I don't need darkness to sleep. I prefer it, but don't need it. But I do like that whole thing of sun all the time for months, but not if it means all darkness for months at a time too.

Kachiri Beleza
Kachiri Beleza - 17.02.2023 14:16

-16°C doesn't sound so extreme if we can on occasion get -20°C or slightly lower during our Winter at the eastern end of Canada. But to have it like that all year would be bad for my health though. lol

Fiona Gall
Fiona Gall - 16.02.2023 00:40

Rainbow Lake in northwest Alberta.

toottoot thompson
toottoot thompson - 15.02.2023 18:57

Been to Watson lake. My town was there. Oh yeah, Dan Blockers son was playing bass in a band i saw in a bar there. Dan Blocker played Hoss in Gunsmoke.

Brandon D'Eon Music
Brandon D'Eon Music - 15.02.2023 05:18

Everyone that isn't from Canada pronounces Newfoundland wrong. It's pronounced "New-Fin-Land" actually lmao

A Stewart
A Stewart - 14.02.2023 19:22

A lot of towns between Owen Sound and Tobermory actually have very small populations but fill up with tourists in the summer. Tobermory, for example, decides to open its school if there are more than I think 12 kids below high school age in a given year, otherwise they ship them out to Wiarton an hour away. When I was a kid, the kids there told me they had 2 years in a row they got out of the long bus ride but then that family moved away.

DJ Cline
DJ Cline - 13.02.2023 07:06

Great show - saw it in Feb 2023. Please do more - but you may want to pronounce "New-Found' -Land" (stress on the "Found") the way Canadians do - New'-fen-land (stress on the "New"). You'll be practically Canadian if you do!

BR - 13.02.2023 05:39

It is quite obvious you are not overly educated on islands and especially the east coast of Canada. There are many towns that are not on the coast and a lot of the coast line is sheer cliff into the ocean, thus no beach.

BR - 13.02.2023 05:28

The Cod fishery in Newfoundland & Labrador died mainly due to the over-fishing by the foreign factory fishing fleets from Europe. The Canadian government did not enforce the 200 mile limit to prevent the raping of the sea.

Pamela Leila Rai
Pamela Leila Rai - 10.02.2023 02:26

Newfoundland pron: Newfin-land Saskatchewan pron: Sask-catch-uh-wan , Inuvik pron: Inoo-vik, Nunavut pron: Noon-a-vut

Iraqi47 - 08.02.2023 17:52

Lmao I’m dead dude 😂 thank god I live in Ontario

Willy Zuiderveen
Willy Zuiderveen - 08.02.2023 02:57

If you have a beach , you have washed glass!

RSGxSynodic - 07.02.2023 23:43

As a trucker in Saskatchewan. Stoney rapids is accessed year round with majority of it is truck traffic. The isolation town is fond du lac which is across the lake and uranium city is a ghost town. So ya ur welcome

Josh Herron
Josh Herron - 07.02.2023 21:28

did you even TRY to spell the names of these places correctly ?

opyanne - 07.02.2023 09:54

Collapse of the Newfoundland cod fishery was not due to the local fishermen. Factory ships from other countries would work just outside the 200 mile Canadian legal enforcement limit so the authorities couldn't do anything. Considered international waters but still part of the Newfoundland Grand Banks.

Peter & Danielle West Paré
Peter & Danielle West Paré - 05.02.2023 05:42

Sachs Harbour is above the Arctic Circle and as you noted no trees! So how come all the cold photos with trees?

j s
j s - 05.02.2023 02:42


claire amyot
claire amyot - 05.02.2023 01:22

Field on. and River Valley also cache bay On. all small towns in Between Sudbury and North Bay no bus transportation small communities logging towns all logging has ended here Just a thought for you

I'll Be Back
I'll Be Back - 04.02.2023 13:04

Kitsault,BC check out

KH KH - 04.02.2023 03:35

You missed Maple Creek, Saskatchewan.

Patricia McEwen
Patricia McEwen - 02.02.2023 19:39

Look at Elliot Lake Ontario. It’s off the trans Canada highway. It’s small but very busy for a tiny town

William - 02.02.2023 02:03

Wow you murdrred the name of Tadousac...probably murdered the sp myself. But Inhave been there and loved it. You are laughing at these places...which is like urban snobbery. Hey that was a beautiful beach! Even if deserted and the water cold. I prefer it to Cancun hotel beach.

brentonchristopher - 01.02.2023 07:03

Its pronounced newfunland, Newfoundland

M Quigley
M Quigley - 31.01.2023 23:49

...teacher of Newfoundland "culture",

M Quigley
M Quigley - 31.01.2023 23:48

As a retired English teacher and long time teacher of Newfoundland teacher, I have to react to your video presentation.
1, Newfoundland is correctly pronounced as NEW-FUN-LAND. Only when it was discovered was it called NEW-found-LAND. Although it is a 3 syllabic word, the 3 syllabus have each the same stress or emphasis. No inflection is required.
2. All the place names should begin with a capital letter. Funny you capitalized Little Bay Island & Stony Rapids but none others, except the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. I would suggest the short form of each province for each slide. Example, Little Bay Island, NL; Sachs Harbour, NWT
3. The word "Harbor" is the American spelling. Canada was a British colony, so the spelling is "Harbour"
4 Canada comprises 10 provinces and 3 Northern Territories, you cannot call Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut. North West refers to the direction but Northwest refers to an assembly of territories. Think of it this way, where are the Northwest Territories answer, in the North West of Canada.
5. Greece Fjord, is actually Grise Fiord. You maybe confused it with Greek Fjord in Laconia. Grise Fiord is actually a Norwegian name for Pig Inlet, Nunavut.
6. Abbreviations for the Territories are NT (formerly NWT), NU, and YT.
7. Kaguska doesn't exist in Canada but Kegashka is in the province of Quebec (Que). Again, a Norwegian word that has been anglicized as KEGASKA, much easier to pronounce now, right, like Nebraska?
8. The grammatical errors are too numerous to mention (sorry). One example, the use of less and fewer. You can't have less of an island but you can have fewer islands, fewer people, fewer houses, and fewer inhabitants ..you get my point.

These are magical places in Canada but caution yourself on Part II of this Canadian visit.

Noah Gabriel
Noah Gabriel - 31.01.2023 21:56

My God, you talk a lot. Get control of yourself narcissist.

Noah Gabriel
Noah Gabriel - 31.01.2023 21:54

Can you shut up and get to the towns already??

Dewi McCar
Dewi McCar - 31.01.2023 17:07

Why would you think that seal tastes like chicken???? Lol, not even close, it tastes like Seal

Charlie Bronson
Charlie Bronson - 31.01.2023 13:57

Shhhh, ull bring the immigrants over

Susan Shingler
Susan Shingler - 31.01.2023 03:38

"drive to a bigger city you're looking at around 11 hours"??? From Ft Nelson to Edmonton. Ft St John is a lot closer at 4 hours.

Green Acres Homestead
Green Acres Homestead - 30.01.2023 20:09

Nice video. Love this stuff. Would like to see another one.

Green Acres Homestead
Green Acres Homestead - 30.01.2023 16:51

Greeze fraud is spelt Grise
