[Overwatch] ROADHOG 3.0 NOT A NERF! Harbleu Oasis Season 4 4533 SR

[Overwatch] ROADHOG 3.0 NOT A NERF! Harbleu Oasis Season 4 4533 SR


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@jackhudner3804 - 09.07.2019 12:15

Watching this is so surreal in 2019 long after Hog 4.0...

@deaddeparture6710 - 30.04.2019 09:44

Harb + soldier emongg <3

@cheetos1231000 - 14.01.2018 01:51

"I gotta reload, Lucio. Wait your turn." lmao!

@Renas88 - 11.08.2017 03:15

Biggest nerf in history. This should be archived in Guinness Wolrd Record

@dw3964 - 11.06.2017 06:14

i can't wait for the "hog 4.0 made me wanna kill myself" video

@Tridentsimagination - 03.06.2017 19:26

calm down please

@void3793 - 25.05.2017 01:43

i hate roadhog i have always hated roadhog and i WILL always hate roadhog. He is the most unbalanced hero ever he should simply be removed from the game because the way he functions is horrible. He does way too much damage, has a insta kill ability, and if you manage to almost kill him he'll just heal full health again. HE CAN KILL EVERY HERO IN BASICALLY ONE SHOT

@bradcho7460 - 16.05.2017 04:00

I hate when I hook a tracer,mccree and mercy and then they dash and the hook breaks even tho they aren't dashing behind something(anyone have this happen to them?)

@joey192 - 14.05.2017 14:55

I'm happy to see a pro roadhog jumps right before he heals. I just do that because it became a habit but i guess ive just been a pro this whole time without realizing

@mmurd - 25.04.2017 02:35

whoa I'm a roadhog main from Virginia too

@hjamesr2353 - 16.04.2017 17:56

literally every time harbleu died his team lost the point lol this is the definition of carrying.

@willpanuska731 - 07.04.2017 17:40

Oink Oink

@chadwebb1345 - 27.03.2017 22:06

Totally a nerf. First the 1-2 chain/shot combo dies & now Roadhog's dumbass parks you too far outside of reach for a kill. His gun shit & is useless as a run & gunner.

@ibraxiv-_-6653 - 26.03.2017 15:36

I suck at hooking but I am good with the gun

@ibraxiv-_-6653 - 26.03.2017 15:35

Lol roadhog fake mains are gone now

@yilo1417 - 19.03.2017 20:44

I was bad with hog 1.0 then they changed him to roadhog 2.0 and i was dominating games. I was litterally shitting on people. Now with roadhog 3.0 nerf/buff i am dominating even more. When i miss my hook i just fking shred people maybe i have gotten better overtime but up untill i got to high diamond all the way from gold i carried hard.

@TheTruCypher - 18.03.2017 03:55

Why can't twitch prime subs type something!?

@danielamaro2774 - 16.03.2017 21:41

Raodhog 3.0 is nerf only for noob and very OP buff for a good roadhog in Master+++++

@ethancouch3691 - 15.03.2017 22:04

Jesus Christ nerf the fuck out of hog already

@samueltamerlein8937 - 15.03.2017 01:48

Heres my thought on the changes not from a roadhog main
The hook other than the cooldown really has no change
Just using the gun normally feels amazing as i am able to 1 shot squishys from 15m away with a good alt shot
This is just my experience will be playing more of him definitely

@nontanatsarak5329 - 09.03.2017 19:23

what resolution do you use?

@user-xh2eo7hi8m - 09.03.2017 18:07

Nice 발음하는게 한국의 영향이 느껴지네

@andresaren9805 - 09.03.2017 03:30

Just join NRG already man.

@titusrodriguez2057 - 08.03.2017 13:55

Yea the nerf is just a combo nerf it just makes you oneshot some heroes with bodyshot and headshot because off the spread "buff"

@biggrocc19 - 08.03.2017 06:34

indust we trust

@YeahTheDuckweed - 08.03.2017 01:59

Snorlax Roadhog skin, anyone?

@Saki630 - 08.03.2017 01:27

they need to ban that widow and mcbad duo for throwing the match.

@manip1980 - 07.03.2017 23:34

Roadhog's 3.0 is obviously a nerf. But i admit that it wasn't as bad as i thought it was. the 8 second i could understand. But the distance nerf was a dealbreaker for me the first time i heard about it. Turns out that only mei is now difficult to one shot. You can easily oneshot everybody else excluding the tanks.

@sunnydave9724 - 07.03.2017 21:13

VA weather doesnt know what its doing

@doniardiansyah7376 - 07.03.2017 13:11

are you sure about your title

@blackbird351 - 07.03.2017 08:07

Harbleu makin' BabyBay look bronze af XD

@devinreilly6001 - 07.03.2017 06:22

Who is he talking about in the beginning who tried out for NRG.

@theangelslayer400000 - 07.03.2017 00:54

The spread reduction is so awesome. I love RHog now!

@jackylam7940 - 06.03.2017 21:20

At roadhog 3.0, I feel that heroes with smaller size are harder to kill. (Not for harbleu)

@WholeOrganicMilk - 06.03.2017 18:45

He was nerfed for average Hog players. For me personally it didn't effect me if anything the accuracy boost actually made me better with him especially with his right clicks. I average 39 kills per game with him and got 81 elims in a comp game about 4 days ago. Hog is bae

@jeremiahgraham8354 - 06.03.2017 18:37

Harbleu is so ass at roadhog

@billythecat7192 - 06.03.2017 13:30

Just nerf the shit out of him till he cant OS zarya like a fukin widow LOL

@dynamin7525 - 06.03.2017 12:45

I think the new hog is way worse. Everytime you hook someone it just feels like a massive coinflip and a lot of times they just get hit once and don't die.

@ivoryfalcon5494 - 06.03.2017 12:22

Working As Intended :^)

@MurdaMacJones - 06.03.2017 10:45

Roadhog will always be a force to be reckoned with. He can literally be shot from behind, "Who's shooting me"? Does a 180, hooks, and insta kills whatever had the drop on him It's kinda unfair lol.

@Duckeeh - 06.03.2017 09:44

What sens and dpi do you play at?

@permanentmigraine - 06.03.2017 03:58

You're telling me the longer hook cooldown isn't a nerf? Lol

I get what you mean (the right click and hook pull distance change), but it was still a nerf.

@idkman9642 - 06.03.2017 00:09

Is it me or has hook accuracy gone down, im at 47% now from 52% I know not the great but either way I feel this season i make more of an impact than last. Btw why was pull distance increased, if you hook someone from above its harder to one shot, other than that one shotting is easy even meis are still killable
