The Truth About Bryan Johnson's Anti-Aging Supplements

The Truth About Bryan Johnson's Anti-Aging Supplements

Unnatural Vegan

3 месяца назад

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@wutao999 - 15.05.2024 21:51

Do you have a better more cost effective alternative for someone serious about supplementation for health and longevity?

@undertheivy299 - 15.05.2024 17:19

All the stuff he does just to have a potentially longer life is insane and like you said, a waste of resources. I actually like him and follow his channel, but it does feel too self-centered…

@reyscoins9967 - 15.05.2024 05:51

B 12 .6. 9 supplements are made out of animals just to let you know even gelatin like gummy bears are made out of animals

@turismo9077 - 14.05.2024 22:22

who the hell would take this idiot's opinion over Bryan Johnson? Just look at her...

@Resolutelt - 14.05.2024 20:22

Also hyaluronic acid has no evidence for being absorbed topically (it's molecules are too big), even though this is the most popular way people take it. Your argument is solely based on skin product company marketing that effected yourself. Exactly oral consumption is the method which has actual evidence. Please learn about it from dr Brad Stanfield.

@Resolutelt - 14.05.2024 20:16

You are wrong about "no mention of withanolides". KSM-66 has an exact number of withanolides that is 5%. As for every multi-compound supplement which requires a lot of information in the nutritional label, giving excess information is just not logical.

@TheAlchemicalPortal - 14.05.2024 02:28

He spends 80% of his day on his longevity program, what's of point of living more if you are going to live like that?
When do you get to live .. life?

@user-un6gw1sq9f - 13.05.2024 22:03

It's really telling when only ~12% of your subs actually watch your content.

@user-un6gw1sq9f - 13.05.2024 22:02

Tell us you know nothing about evoo without telling us you know nothing about evoo.
Biophenols are not the same to polyphenols. Comparing the two just makes you look silly.
Longevity starts with good sleep. The fact you didn't recognize that the glycine will help with better sleep and increase your lifespan is wild.
Also, you're cherry-picking data to make your points from sources that have posted demonstrably false data in the past.
Honestly, you just come off as a hater who doesn't know as much as Blueprint's team of over 30 some medical professionals who are experts in their fields and have been studying the efficacy of Bryan's protocol for years.

@tgreyzero2790 - 12.05.2024 06:19

why would I listen to a vegan lmao

@alexisrosek - 12.05.2024 01:19

I feel sorry for the guys following for this scheme :-/ I really do. Its an obsessive trend that isn’t going to improve their lives.

@shadowxthevampiressofficial - 11.05.2024 08:36

The oil costs so much because it's real. Most of the food in the US either is not what it says on the label or has a bunch of artificial stuff that we should never consume.

@lukaspeciura6225 - 11.05.2024 01:36

i don't think bryan is incentivised to sell these products, i think that he is incentivised to market and help people follow the protocal that he has developed because he made his money in the tech world, if he wanted to make more serious money then he will make it there.

@chefcook6076 - 10.05.2024 20:40


@mike4088 - 10.05.2024 01:00

I think about it this way. That monthly supply is roughly what health insurance costs. I am going to to try it for 1 month and if I feel better I will continue to try it. I recently had lab work done so maybe at the end of 3 months (if I continue it) I will get another lab test, and other medical tests done to see if it improved my health in anyway. If it doesn't I'll ask for a refund. If I can't get a refund I'll ask Amex to dispute the charges :)

@gs6959 - 09.05.2024 20:19

The sarcasm here strengthens the fact that id rather listen to someone who has spent the money and been open, published all data and generally wants to improve and help peoples lives - than a seemingly bitter and uneducated vegan that wants to try and denounce that. Maybe grow up or at least try....

@loislane856 - 09.05.2024 06:55

I bought the longevity powder and I follow him and eat healthy, for my age I get people surprised how good I look..I take the olive oil daily and btw he’s not making you buy it..he is sharing his own brand for you to decide.

@user-iz2qo7wv8w - 08.05.2024 09:03

This is not a constructuve video. By your logic, anyone who sells anything can't be trusted. How are you acquiring all the products you eat and use? Presumably from somebody in the business of selling. 🙄

@marcoj1919 - 07.05.2024 13:52

To me, it looks like he is using his body as an experiment. And then measure the results based on evidence of improvement….

@tonynikolaos3527 - 07.05.2024 05:06

Regarding the $350 cheaper then fast food- since you do not know where to start: HERE: approx $12/day. Fast food with drink may cost $10-20 /day or more. Start There!
But you are way too biased, opinionated, jealous and cynical - shame for you.

@lilwater3279 - 05.05.2024 15:41

I bet he is eating a steak while hiding in his closet from time to time.

@loststar2645 - 05.05.2024 11:10

Supplements can also affect the liver and kidneys

@xmyxymx - 05.05.2024 08:41

High polyphenol olive oil in Australia is $25 per 500ml. Now add customs import shipping storage etc costs. $30 is what it’s cost. So sick of nonsense people who think they know better.

@seattletyler - 04.05.2024 17:45

I’m unimpressed by how unimpressed you are, but otherwise good video

@fedes9626 - 04.05.2024 07:13

She does not like olive oil.

@Lothramir - 01.05.2024 22:13

I liked your view, but it is a bit sad that you have to bash him on the fact that he is spending his money on himself. To follow the dream he has, and what he believes in. You said yourself that you think he believes in it. So why not support him in following his own dream, and sense of purpose. Yes. He is trying to make money, like everyone.

@constanzefrei4289 - 01.05.2024 16:49

I greatly benefit from much better sleep etc.because I follow a lot of Brian's suggestions. I don't buy his stuff, but buy now oil more expensive than his. I do my research of the supplements I take. You can be critical of what he sells and still appreciate that the people who do buy his stuff, at least try to live healthier and that is already a big accomplishment. Give us the science behind what you find, sure, but a bit less opinionated with your tone.

@Flo_JustFloo - 30.04.2024 22:06

Your body is telling you that it doesn't like the lamp oil :) Our body is so wise <3

@tassiosantos105 - 29.04.2024 12:50

This supplement analysis is giving a disservice rather than provide actual information. It seems to me (the viewer) that you find more joy just mocking and making comparisons to Bryan’s diet than actually think of the popular unhealthy audience that is living by eating junk poor quality foods. As far as I know he has a team of doctors building this.
Agree with you that there isn’t enough research on what he takes as far as popular reviews and reports from his supplements.

@anyariv - 24.04.2024 07:11

Bryan is just a self absorbed salesman and full of nonsense.

@Chris-ui4rg - 23.04.2024 04:43

His nutty pudding recipe is actually quite good.

@cromediddy - 22.04.2024 17:58

Funny how you talk about about his blueprint and yet you are overweight and eat bad foods like Popcorn lol

@jamess.6767 - 22.04.2024 00:06

Oh, and I’ve lost 18 pounds in past 42 days from when I started taking his olive oil. I’m exercising by outrigger paddling 4x a week, not eating past 5 (not eating means not eating anything including popcorn 😂) which is a bit uncomfortable at first but I adjusted, and my sleep has improved dramatically (according to the way I feel and my Garmin watch). I feel the olive oil at each meal helps curb my appetite. It’s the only olive oil I’ve lloved the taste.. and I’ve tried olive oil in Italy and Croatia. Maybe this is a placebo? Not sure, but it seems to be working. I only take about 1/2 of his “stack” because I’ve already had those vitamins. Anywho, I still cheat at least one day a week w pizza and booze. I started at 252 and hope to get down to 210. It looks promising so far. I will be trying his “expensive” stack. If I had to purchase these quality products on my own, the price would not be much different.

@jamess.6767 - 21.04.2024 23:57

Ugh. So pessimistic. 🤦🏻‍♂️ why not give it a try first? You complain about the high cost of his olive oil yet later your breeze over the fact that high poly phenol oils are around his price. I took the chance and ordered his olive oil. It is exceptional in taste. If you want, I’ll buy it for you. Ps - I’m living below the poverty level but it is important to me that smart people make informed decisions based on facts. I trust you and your channel, but I think you are discouraging people from trying something healthy.

@yasin10yasin - 21.04.2024 10:52

Most of talk here is not important

@Beld77 - 21.04.2024 01:19

Just want to make you aware that Bryan Johnson has simply been transparent about his protocol over the years using a variety of different brands and just regular whole foods and it was his community asking for a simplified all in one stack/protocol since most of us don’t have the time to perfect a protocol ourselves. He created this by community request and he should certainly benefit financially from his efforts but it’s definitely not his motive in my opinion

@MrCarstennielsen - 21.04.2024 00:22

Vit K2 is for heart and arth....

@collad1000 - 20.04.2024 03:27

I did. Just bought my second set of olive oil plus other products. I believe the hype.

@petagriftin - 20.04.2024 01:55

My three staples for longevity are extra virgin avocado oil, raw honey, and raw garlic. I spend around $50 monthly on the three. Our ancestors made due with simple raw ingredients for centuries. In our age we like to think of ourselves as more knowledgeable than our predecessors, but the reality is that we've strayed away from the most basic and effective remedies meant for humankind. Not saying modern medicine isn't necessary, but most non serious ailments can be taken care of at home. Typical allergies or colds, for example, can be treated with a spoonful of honey mixed with raw garlic. It may take an extra day or two, but it's far healthier for your body.

@absuol1096 - 18.04.2024 22:42

Hi, I'm begging you to do a video on on instagram.

Her videos piss me off to no end and I'll tell you why. THEY ARE EXTREMELY PROBLEMATIC! She gives health advice and NUTRITION ADVICE based on weight and being happy. THAT'S IT. NOT FACT. SHE ADVOCATES INTUITIVE EATING and if someone FEELS LIKE EATING RAW COOKIE DOUGH WITH HYDROGENATED FATS AND SALMONELLA THEN IT'S FINE.

Please I need you to school her and shut her down. She has no idea what ingredients, good and bad, and the over usage of them can cause things like cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. and just tells people to eat whatever they want because if they're happy then health will be happy too essentially with her intuitive eating NONSENSE. It's like fairytale science her videos. IDK? Not even pseudo-science just pure feelings based reasoning for eating whatever you want with no risk

@nickvandijk5460 - 18.04.2024 15:05

I'm a big fan of Bryan and supporter of blueprint. I feel like these supplements are a convenient way for people with a lot of money and lack of time to get many supplements with a high probability of being beneficial in. The consequence of not taking action aren't pretty, ( you age poorly and get lots of health problems ). When money isn't a problem it makes perfect sense to just throw everything you got at a small chance of reducing the grim fate of aging. As for myself i prefer to focus on supplements that have proven results and are backed by researchers that i follow and know. ( some of them personally ).

@ChessMasterNate - 18.04.2024 00:43

Unbelievable. No, the Blueprint he is selling is incomplete because it does not have the prescription drugs, the laser treatments, hair treatments, mountains of tests to use as feedback, or identify targets to address, etc. His product is what he can sell legally, and that is where one gets 80% of the benefit. And the blueprint includes all the other things for you to do, like the exercise, sleep, and such. It certainly does not suggest you can do a bunch of terrible things and swallow some pills and make it all go away.

It sounds expensive, but he is buying the highest quality, like millionaires often do. I don't think he is making a boatload on the supplements and other products.

I won't be buying fancy olive oil because I am allergic to olive polyphenols anyway. I take many supplements, and have made many other changes since I got my first labs at 50, and saw there were 16 markers out of wack. I was a little shocked. I ate plenty of vegetables, never smoked or drank. Did not eat much fried stuff. Anyway, down to 5. One of those was not originally tested and is a redundancy to verify that one is actually bad. Another is actually close to optimal if "optimal" corresponds with all cause mortality. None-the-less, I am serious about getting a clean bill of health, and everything close to optimal. I don't intend to slack on any blood marker.

Not sure what elicited an attack on men. I did not follow that part.

@ChessMasterNate - 17.04.2024 23:21

Wow! This reviewer knows absolutely nothing about antiaging studies. Don't take anything in the video as expert opinion.
Not even a modest effort here. Do searches with anti-aging or lifespan in the search. This is like looking at a bow and saying it is a stupid piece of wood.
If she is only interested in women, she should go to "The Sheekey Science Show" for some good aging science. Most of these supplements and the theories they are based on are addressed there.

@paulp.6319 - 17.04.2024 22:48

Not to go off the deep end, but I got Cento evo and made me rather uncomfortable some reason, almost like an allergic reaction some reason. Just a tablespoon for my salad. I don't understand why. I like their tuna and no problem. So I bought Filippo Berio enjoyed either the sauteing one or the evo no issue.

@M3g840 - 17.04.2024 18:17

I wanted to pop on here and say something quick. First off, love your content Swayze! Been an avid watcher for many years! Second, I personally don’t trust “Cleveland Clinic” anymore. I’m not saying this to be hateful but they have some pretty questionable language surrounding menstrual cycles and women’s reproductive organs/health. I find “Mayo Clinic” to have very reliable information that isn’t affected by what’s going on in popular culture/social media. That’s it! lol

@GraftonPrimaryvideo - 17.04.2024 10:32

Dude doesn't need the $$ from a supplement company. He sold his last venture for $800 million, so id say he's pretty right to retire if he chooses and live on a yacht like some rich guys. I think based on his meticulous testing, that he's fairly convinced of the legitimacy of what he's put together. I'd also say evaluating something without taking it yourself along with regular blood testing for at least 6 months is not a fair assessment. If I go down this path, I'll be testing and also carefully monitoring my training and recovery to see how things go. Of course, if you aren't already slightly obsessed with biohacking ie sleep hygiene, not drinking alcohol/taking drugs , exercise , then its probably a waste of money going down this route. Its not for everyone

@robertofreedom7206 - 16.04.2024 03:09

Remember BJ is trying to make things easy for people because we rather look at our electronics all day long. For people who don't want to shop for oranges, greens etc, this is not a bad deal and covers 400 of your daily calories.
