7 Signs You Are About to be Fired (Even if It’s UNFAIR)

7 Signs You Are About to be Fired (Even if It’s UNFAIR)

Jennifer Brick

2 года назад

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@JenniferBrick - 19.08.2021 18:03

I'm always a fan of having a Plan B lined up (even when you're not worried about being laid off or fired and you're in a job you love and not a toxic AF job). Do you have a plan B (or have you updated your resume and LinkedIn)?

@user-qo6hv7zv2h - 10.02.2024 18:46

To be an HR you must be a heartless sociopath.

@raphaelandrews3617 - 06.02.2024 07:59

OK Let me explain I have been fired 4x. Bosses decide to fire you before they even discuss your work. They will say things like this is not the job FOR YOU. Your contact is sudden up for renewal or replaced. You get MORE work and less time to do the work. The boss or supv is keeping a secret record of everything you do/say. The meeting that is hijacked against you, you are called to sudden meeting about a work issue you do not know and then sudden blame for, always have a witness/ lawyer/trade union rep at the meeting. They will try to move the time up. Workers suddenly stop talking when you come to room or suddenly leave. They already decided to fire you but are NOT TELLING YOU.

@betterthanemril988 - 03.02.2024 07:46

It does not matter how long you’ve been with the company either it could be 10 months 10 years or 100 years and their eyes they think they’re doing you a favor by keeping you as long as you been there, but the minute you make a mistake they will try to run you out

@mrennie5158 - 31.01.2024 14:07

In my experience, if you see the third sign just get out. They want you gone and now so should you.

@katebueno191 - 31.01.2024 08:22

My job as I said before it's none of your business ! I already said I was leaving as I feel that's for the best. However and once more. I was there to get served court papers !! It's definition what you tried to do !! You can't be pushing me out of jobs calling me lazy when they can pull out the tapes !! What I do at home is my own business ! You have no right to put my life in display to prove a point that's completely false !! That's what defamation is !! Like I said I sit there even with a broken foot trading jobs with others . So you can stop threatening me to hide all the wrongs you done !!!

@randy74989 - 29.01.2024 03:59

Hey get your resume up-to-date. Corporations don't owe you anything, so you are your own employer.

Do you do more than expected in your job, are you mentoring others, and asking for feedback? Are you thanking others for helping you finish a task, a report, a collaboration, etc. Always thank others for helping you. It builds trust and they will go out of their way to help you later. Document your work, ask for feedback from your Supervisor and ASK for work.

What I did as a Supervisor, (now retired) was preach to my team was the four Cs: Communication, Collaboration, Cooperation, and Coordination. No one can take shots at you if you do these four things and of course, document your work.

@nw1816 - 12.01.2024 14:49

New York State employers do a lot of nefarious things against the working class. It seems everywhere you go, there's major people issues. Narcissists, power trips, angry people, favoritism, nepotism, and extreme bias, to name a few. It doesn't matter how good you are.

@jenniferAgbebiyi - 12.01.2024 01:44

This happened to me but in graduate school. I was dismissed from my Doctor program and a lot of what you mentioned happened, especially the PIP that was impossible to achieve.

@taylorkaplan2614 - 06.01.2024 07:29

None of this happened to me... I just got fired lol.

@allyg3616 - 03.01.2024 23:24

My boss is in trouble, everyone's in trouble. I'm running!

@dalebelfield3525 - 29.12.2023 01:29

People always moan but never do anything about it but to the boss they say everything is perfect make me sick steeling a living you learn to keep the customers happy

@tiffany3319 - 27.12.2023 12:05

When you said, “You’re not like us!” I FELT that. This girl at my job literally had a tantrum and said to me, “where are you from? Cuz you’re not like people here.” It was because of how I dressed it bothered her and others on the job that I dressed up everyday and I realized it’s hate and they thought I was doing too much when I was just being me. Women are extremely petty insecure and jealous and they don’t like when someone outshines them even if you’re not thinking about them. I work in a toxic environment now and I think they want to fire me but they gave me a good performance review and said I just need to be more available to help my team which they might be trying to use to say I’m not a team player hmmm. Anyways whatever happens I’ll be okay because God will help me through it!

@rome79735 - 25.12.2023 22:11

I got fired, but it was a blessing in disguise. I landed a much higher paying job, with more benefits, with more bonuses. And above all no stress and toxic environment. No two face back stabbing supervisor and co workers. Last I heard the company was bought by another company, don't know if they still are there or not, don't care. As long as I don't see them coming where I'm at.

@jessicabuck-de3tc - 24.12.2023 16:11

No, think someone needs to stop micro.mangeimg me, if McDonald's thinks i do a good job, i will works there, i feel i do a good job, pretty sure all the rest do to, now its bot up to someone to decide were i work or if there embarrassed about were i work well you never cared before, im not embarrass i work there, not my fault your ego trip is off, not one person cared or man talked to me when i had acceptable jobs did we, so no, my resume is fine,

@jessicabuck-de3tc - 24.12.2023 16:05

Are we not using computers instead of being manager, those emails are crap, and i cannot get into them , password, whose tools dont work thats there's, whose stuff aimt been calibration - bait and hook hogh school game, leaders who shouldnt be leaders, by not responding to emails the boss Aubrey has to come down and find out why, they keep chasing them out of McDonald's, its a bunch of kids running it into the ground, Aubrey the computer, and can clearly see it all whose gonna have a rude awaking, not Jessica,

@power4things - 21.12.2023 22:15

In Europe there is much less of this, labor laws are stricter and, after a probation period, it's nearly impossible to fire without cause. Knowing this, bosses are much less prone to toxism because they know it impacts them as much as you.

@natthebratster - 21.12.2023 08:18

PLEASE PLEASE do that diversity/but we dont actually want diversity video.
This 💯 is whats driving the toxic culture where Im at and is causing the harassment and discrimination.

@olandofuller5588 - 17.12.2023 07:28

H.R. not your friend.
H.R. has the company best inttest not yours.
Take your pad and write ✍️ notes of whom you spoke to, day, times, etc and bring talking points in your pad so you dont forget.

@amycopeland1701 - 15.12.2023 20:00

The last place I worked at was an interesting experience at which I was a receptionist. A Spanish husband & wife ran the business. There were a total of 12-13 people working there including the owners. During my 8 months there, a total of 8 people quit. 2 of them were there for 3 years & had enough of the chaotic way the couple ran the company. The wife liked to play pathological mind games with me alot. She'd tell me stuff such as she didn't like my haircut or that she thought I looked better in blue jeans instead of in black pants. She also kept taking away my work from me & then have me do it again- doing subcontractor payroll (my part in the process). She knew i liked doing it. There was so much more nonsense that went on there. After she interviewed several folks who told me they were there to interview for my position & then some weeks after that, the wife told me that she hired a girl who didn't have a job & she had no specific role planned for her & set her up at the front desk with a computer & phone near me, I decided it best to give my 2 weeks notice. This new girl was fluent in Spanish & English, whereas i am not.The wife's reaction was that of shock & surprise when i turned in my 2 weeks notice. I don't think she's that good of an actor. The pitiful part to me the best thing she said about me was that I was reliable whereas she experienced a lot staff calling off.

@openmind5363 - 12.12.2023 03:21

PIP is the BIGGEST BSer there is...what it did was get people to lie, cheat, and manipulate their work to keep their jobs...it's a by-product of "Game Theory"...the BBC did a documentary of it several years ago around the time of the "GFC" 08-10...the work coming up through the ranks was a big"?", but if it helps you to keep your job a little longer, screw it pass it forward...then it goes forward to the top, then the board of directors, shareholders, makes it way back to Mainstreet...now, we have a whole corrupt system that's spreading out to other parts of society...that's the dirty secret nobody wants to talk about

@fckinasshoe17 - 11.12.2023 19:41

What about when they drastically change ur hours? Which I’m pretty sure is illegal

@reizdomwisdomdotcom - 10.12.2023 23:26

And ppl always say “don’t quit” what? Why would I spend every day at a job that keep fucking me to make my life miserable and I could die tomorrow, hell today? Fuck that unemployment or that lawsuit that’s going to take years and too much energy, I don’t have time for that, life is too fucking short. I’m going elsewhere. Fuck these jobs they are a waste of fuckin time and energy.

@rimantas4335 - 09.12.2023 15:27

Nobody get fired more than the best workers:)

@BuzzByte24 - 08.12.2023 06:20

I disagree with your video. You’re basically stating if someone gets their work done-it’s okay to be toxic, undermining and insubordinate.

If someone has all these issues with an employee there’s a reason- it’s not a “toxic employer” trying to get them fired. Companies can be sued for firing someone without a cause - regardless of at will employment. You’re basically accusing companies of unlawfully trying to fire .. not cool.

@BachelorCigarTalks - 06.12.2023 18:35

"They're afraid of lawsuits"...
You'd only be afraid of lawsuits if you're doing illegal stuff 😂!

@vikastiwari6780 - 06.12.2023 09:17

This is because of politics..
Don't stay there keep working on your skill set and looking for new opportunity..
Never work again this kind of fucking environment and never back if they paid high salary don't join...

@eileenstehr7680 - 05.12.2023 14:29

So Glad, I’m Not working anymore!! To much yap yap yap, behind your back, and several come and tell you! There were 3 of us, at my job, that became close, and confided in each other!!

@romeop2345 - 25.11.2023 17:56

Hey Jennifer! Thanks for the great content :) and you’re really pretty btw :)

@DLFfitness1 - 19.11.2023 07:04

Staying in a toxic job, or any toxic relationship, can do a real number on your mental health.

Start looking for another job, and exit as soon as you have secured a new position. Don’t wait to get fired, before you start the process.

@CollinsCorp - 17.11.2023 05:56

@juki3451 - 17.11.2023 02:14

I had over the years a toxic co-worker who is much older & since she's the mole of the company as she's in on the in with the bosses & HR, she feels untouchable.
She reports back basically gossiping & spying on the rest of us co-workers. She tried to pry information from me & since this was just a side hustle for me, not my main career, I didn't play her games & was not afraid to push back as she tried to take credit from my work & efforts. She went around telling everyone else, "why is she even here....blah blah blah!!!" Anyway, others were questioning me was well & remind them it's my choice & don't listen to the rumors. Well, my boss constantly says the same thing 'cause of her. I'm not desperate & over time, it became unbearable & super toxic, so I had no choice than to say, "sayonara" 😅🫡👋 Never been happier. As a loser, she's still there after 65 including her loser son ('cause he can't get a job without mom). She can find someone else to pick on to occupy her time than do any real work besides the company as a whole is super toxic.

@kayladelmast8197 - 16.11.2023 01:58

Ya being told that i will be given a write up if i dont say a specific script set by the company to get people's phone numbers and emails in the system. So i do just that word by word until i get told that my numbers are down and the script is good but i need to "tweak it with my own personality" to get people to actually sign up.

@brendaosullivan6784 - 03.11.2023 02:12

I was once working for a company called Cloudera. The job was setup for fail due a lack of organisation and a workload for 3. It was very badly paid. I was bullied by a manager so I reported this with HR. Next week I was fired. Was happy though, the job was toxic and my manager had no leadership. Landed a new job the next week and things were much better.

@MrChen-Lee - 01.11.2023 16:01

This is facts 💯 👏🏾

@BFFwithCrystal - 31.10.2023 20:46

Yes the confidence hit when I know that I’m good at what I do but yes it’s taken a hit thanks you for this vid

@BFFwithCrystal - 31.10.2023 20:28

This was literally me TODAY - I knew it was coming I was managed out. But it’s ok it really is I’m not sad but more angry toward the manager. No matter what he was committed to find anything

@mommabear887 - 25.10.2023 16:40

My husband's store is making more than the other two combined but they are going after him because he also makes more than the other two managers combined. My husband has a good name and connections in his field and found out they are selling. So they are trying to push him out/fire him to save some money. We saw it coming and hes got another job lined up already. Now they will be seriously forked because my husband is the one who trains everyone, and hes not training his replacement. 😂😂

@GoriguiMonke - 25.10.2023 14:43

I recently got laid off and there were some clear signs I picked up on but tried to brush off as purely paranoia before I got the news. 1. Work that was supposed to come my way suddenly wasn't talked about anymore, 2. Manager's disinterest in what I was doing, 3. Manager saying "oh you don't have to be in that cross-departmental meeting if you can't make it", 4. "we're prioritizing our efforts and focusing only on what moves the needle" and 5. the worst of all, being asked to compile my working assets on the company's drive "so people can have easy access and don't have to ask you for it" (I'm a designer). All of that along with a random 1:1 with the manager set up on a Friday afternoon a week in advance. Like I said, I picked up on these, but wanted to believe it was just paranoia. When I logged in to that meeting and saw that the company's commercial director was also in the call, I knew right away it was over.

@CruceEntertainment - 24.10.2023 16:23

Things they do NOT teach you in college

@zosometalgod - 24.10.2023 03:51

Not true! I've made many friends from co-workers! One of my good friends that I met 20 years ago on a crappy job I had I got fired for a bullshit reason and he went to defend me! About 2 weeks later they fired his ass and we know it's because he's stuck up for me! He had balls to stick up for me and he said he didn't give a fuck a fired him because our friendship meant more to him! We both moved on I have my own special effects company and he has his own accounting company! But yeah there's some backstabbers at your jobs but I stay away from them cuz I can spot them from a mile away!

@latrishadilworth5390 - 21.10.2023 13:00

I know my job is trying to fire me a d they are pulling out all the tricks. But the one I hate the most is sending the most abusive and harassing phone calls to me to break me down. I do customer service and there is no way with the things they have said to me was from a customer just need proof of ins to telling me I should lose my job because my customer svc was horrible was a dead give away! 😮😮😮the calls have became very attackfull. I been at my job 13yrs and never been talk to this way from customers but the last yr with the improvements plans and write up are all part of their plan. I am not quitting they gone have to fire me.

@politreg4356 - 20.10.2023 01:00

I worked in company which created a "criminal" profile on each employee who was there. Whatever he/she said or did was monitored. Snitch was in company. Besides I asked boss 4 times to don't put me work in my day off in Thursday, he still did. After thread of fire from boss because I couldn't work well due to tiredness and no days off, requested to quit. I was happy that I don't work there anymore and have better job now.

@JewishKeto - 19.10.2023 14:48

Hmm… I’m starting to think I’m not going to be fired. I’m thinking I’ll probably just get spoken to. But when you are in HR and they are typing EVERY word you say and your talking about another worker… it gets your heart racing

@watchinvidzwatchinvidz7691 - 15.10.2023 18:08

But it's the principle of the thing though so... I shouldn't have to either be fired or pushed out or quit. I want the toxic boss to get fired or pushed out or quit. I shouldn't have to bc he or she is incompetent.

@robiness5344 - 14.10.2023 15:42

Why wait to be fired? If you feel like your being set up to fail and you hate your job QUIT!

@susananoriega6415 - 12.10.2023 19:27

If the Supervisor is very toxic she is watching me trough the illes (in store) so i told her that she make me uncomfortable and why she was pucking on me (only me) so because she is the kind of person that you can’t not tell her ANYTHING because she gets defensive and upset.
So she got defense and upset with me yesterday and told GO HOME, GO HOME, it means I am fired??
How to know? Today i’m off but if she schedule me for tomorrow and I don’t go she really will fired me for don’t call don’t show, can you help me please today???
Thank you
Nice video

@Scottiedowawa - 04.10.2023 13:41

And... If you realise you're surrounded by more & more colleagues that all used to work at the same logo as your MD, except you....😂

@rominagresely526 - 02.10.2023 15:33

More than 30 years ago i worked at Al Stephen's salon as shampoo girl. I was harassed on a daily basis. One of the stylists told me they're trying to make me quit. I didn't want to give them the satisfaction so i stuck around. On the day i was let go they brought in the manager from the Boca region. She had me cleaning the bases of the chairs. After i was done she told me to leave. I was so glad. I just wish I could've used her fire engine red hair for a dry mop.
