MULAN - Disney's Despicable Disaster

MULAN - Disney's Despicable Disaster

Cynical Reviews

3 года назад

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@LogeenthLive - 07.12.2023 07:29

Looking back at it, Disney really had a horrendously outdated view of China when they haphazardly remade this movie
This whole 'oh Chinese audiences didn't like the animated version of Mulan so she's subservient now, that's what Chinese people like and believe in right' point is what DISNEY thinks - China as a culture abandoned these feudalist beliefs a long time ago, and they vehemently despise whenever anyone, especially the West, brings it up

@Mr0901 - 29.11.2023 06:16

I'm chinese, i dont like china, jsut the fact she's named hua mulan instead of Fa Mulan pisses me off, because hua is in mandarin, the official language pushed by the ccp (also i just dont like mandarin)

@Mr0901 - 29.11.2023 06:11

Gotta love when the protagonist's "expression" is just😐, not even focused or poorly expressed focus, just 😐

@mmus13898 - 29.11.2023 05:29

Never let it be said that MovieBob doesn’t always have a sewage level take about anything

@jakeseifried6819 - 23.11.2023 00:27

Disney only cares about the gays and no one else unless your a minority or a white woman.

@jakeseifried6819 - 23.11.2023 00:26

Very impressed with the content and presentation. Keep up the good work.

@beniciobartice4530 - 22.11.2023 01:18

The reason why the actress for mulan is so wooden is because so that she can look pretty

@Ukiby3000 - 20.11.2023 19:05

What I don't understand is that............ China is so fucking big, territory wise. Did Disney have NO OTHER place to film their horrible cash grab? No other place at all??? Did they have to film it in/next to the concentration camp? I mean I know the reason was 100% likely money but.........

@limita9961 - 19.11.2023 17:27

Turning Red is more connected to Chinese culture than Mulan remake

@eeyorehaferbock7870 - 18.11.2023 01:38

I’m not Chinese, but I think it’s really funny/sad how this version apparently (didn’t actually watch it, thankfully) tried so hard to pander to Chinese people that it ended up basically dehumanizing them. Your brain on communism with Chinese characteristics (read: authoritarian, socially conservative hyper-capitalism), folks.

@dervakommtvonhinten517 - 14.11.2023 23:52

what does "westernized" even mean? just look at modern china. at the live of a modern chinese person. they use far more western inventions, products, fashion etc than chinese ones.

@dervakommtvonhinten517 - 14.11.2023 22:12

Ok i agree with you onl amost everything, but

1. how come you didnt nitpick that her fathers armour fit her pefectly? they dont have the same frame
2. you critizise tropes yet you get hard about the woman standing and in the background a winged beast makes it look like she has wings? how dumb are you ? it was cringingy in got and its cringy here. no matter how often they use this bullshit trope.

@sweetblackblood1 - 14.11.2023 08:02

they replaced mushu because in chinese culture the dragon simbolises masculitnity, and its female counterpart is phoenix! so this "pro feminism" wants a female to protect mulan not a male dragon!!

@LobotomisedSpy-ij1sl - 14.11.2023 03:47

Animated mulan holds a very special place in my heart. The live action one is… disappointing

@MrJomalley123 - 11.11.2023 01:14

its funny how they replaced mushu for a phoenix thats actually not even part of Chinese culture it's origin came from Greece, Persian and Egyptian cultures which they should have actually called it the Fenghuang something that is similar to the Phoenix

@CoolGhoul666 - 10.11.2023 03:37

I like Mulan 2, properly because it was one of the first Disney movies I owned on DVD.

@stardustorchard9316 - 06.11.2023 18:10

So like even the original poem is butchered in this. Essentially it's like 'these rabbits though they are different are actually the same and you cant tell them apart' and here Mulan's like 'bUt I cAn TeLl"

@masser1a77 - 06.11.2023 02:46

You look a bit like qxir’s bigger brother 😂😂

@Vindikatorz - 04.11.2023 06:53

Am i the only one who keeps watching mulan 2020 reviews from time to time? Like i have watched this video and other review videos an absurd amount of times already. At some point, I should have been bored already, but my hatred for that horrendous piece of a film just keep me going at it everytime

@virgilovalle9438 - 03.11.2023 02:12

Bro Shang is gay for ping you’re wrong on this one

@LegendaryDorkKnight - 31.10.2023 06:58

Shan Yu's theatrics toward the emperor in the original served an actual purpose. He didn't want to simply cut down the emperor because the soldiers loyal to him would rally and avenge their emperor. He wanted the emperor to kneel to demoralize him in front of his nation and soldiers, thereby discouraging them from rallying.
In the remake, it's to pad the run time and give the "heroes" time to save the day.

@LegendaryDorkKnight - 31.10.2023 06:33

The worst part about them removing all the comedy from the movie to make it "more realistic," is that soldiers in real life often use humor as a coping mechanism for dealing with the stress and trauma of war in real life. By removing the jokes and quips the soldiers made in the original, you're actually making the movie LESS realistic. And it paints an even more depressing picture of the soldiers' situation in the film as they have to deal with all the trauma of death and war but without a healthy outlet.

@entityproductions830 - 27.10.2023 18:22

The final death nail in this movie to me was the removal of mushu
And my hatred for Disney as a whole.

@your_belief_vs_everything - 17.10.2023 18:46

MovieBlob is looking like an obese Anton Levay

@FallenNephilimTeukie - 13.10.2023 07:16

They couldn't even get the phoenix right, instead going with the western iteration of the myth. They failed on every single level. It's kinda impressive

@madzod0076 - 12.10.2023 02:30

Hate the grasp that CCP has on western media.

@butterss1178 - 09.10.2023 13:36

the irony of the ccp being called the chinese "communist" party

@jimmysaloka7030 - 08.10.2023 05:43

I enjoyed the movie.

@stevemc01 - 07.10.2023 20:32

Xi's face on the thumbnail tells the realistic point that even the Chinese government openly criticized the movie.

The attempt to suck up to China led to a total mess that actually united the Republicans and Democrats in our good ol' political system to come out and say "what the fuck is this piece of shit...?"

@mutantmaster1 - 06.10.2023 06:18

They could have had her use her chi powers out doing kid stuff, the result of which leads to her dad getting his leg permanently damaged trying to save her. The fact that she crippled her dad would be a pretty good reason to hide her power, locking it behind multiple mental barriers to make sure "it never happens again".
She has to loosen those restraints a little to make it through boot camp, toeing the line of superhuman and average person, because showing off too much might draw attention.
She finally removes the last few blocks to save her comrades, using part of her new skill to survive the witch, and other parts to ensure the avalanche event happens.

@Zedetnik - 05.10.2023 18:57

Disney, you are AN AMERICAN entertainment company, stop flirting with China no matter how much money they have

@casedistorted - 02.10.2023 00:04

I thought traditional Chinese values were “steal everything and cheat, the ends justify tue means”, the honor duty and loyalty is actually Japanese people lol. Never seen the Chinese follow that, sadly.

Donnie Yen was good in John Wick 4, but that is the only time I’ve seen him act decently

@rareblues78daddy - 30.09.2023 21:04

In the late 70s, early 80s... people would pay $50 to $80 for movies at home, ON VHS, so... suck it.
You millennial trash heaps don't know how good you have it, and it really shows.

(Bitching about $30 to watch a movie you hate? What is wrong with you kids? Seriously? What's the point of this? Pirate the goddamned thing if you need to hate-watch it this badly! Shit. Didn't we Gen X'ers teach you kids anything?)

@ColorWheel87 - 30.09.2023 01:49

Ok I’m sorry but since when was Mulan a Disney princess????
She didn’t like make the emperor or something
She isn’t royalty, her family’s just well off.
So why is she a princess?

@charcoaldreams5203 - 29.09.2023 22:23

Of course she takes of her armour. Women don't need armour. That's why their armour in games never cover anything exept maybe the boobs.

@ashdaddyactual6933 - 29.09.2023 03:07

I actually thought the Mary Poppins reboot was pretty good! Fun songs and Emily Blunt was great!

@FernandoMartinez-pv1id - 28.09.2023 09:34

Only South Park has had the balls to not only offend the Chinese Government but to double down after it cost them Millions. As a kid my Mom told me South Park was the devil, now she sees Disney is.

@haraldisdead - 24.09.2023 20:31

And I'm sure he's very upset about Gal Gadot, too

@kendoruslink7017 - 24.09.2023 11:58

I just watched the original movie a few weeks ago since I've never sat down and watched it fully. Not gonna watch the remake.

@steel8231 - 23.09.2023 08:14

China-pandering films are pretty blatant with the Chinese characters never allowed to have any flaws ever, because the CCP sees Han Chinese like 1930s Germany saw blue eyed blonds.

@steel8231 - 23.09.2023 07:51

Everone's already said the more egregious things so imma add this:

They tried to claim people don't randomly sing on marches or hard work or traveling. WTF does Disney think Battle Hymns or Sea Shanties are? Hell when I was working as a Millwright some of my coworkers would bust out in Backstreet Boys and Katy Perry. And when a bunch of ex-infantry and ex-marines start singing you fucking join in if you don't want to get stuck with them laughing at cartel execution videos on Facebook later.

@JennyEverywhere - 22.09.2023 22:03

I get thoroughly pissed off when their idea of "female empowerment" is little more than a woman's hand turning the crank and lowering Apollo from the sky into the scene. At least people recognize that Deus Ex Machina is a BAD thing, a cinematic cheat when the playwright couldn't figure out how to do it legitimately... But to them, it's just peachy keen if a woman turns the crank.

Gotta love that "female empowerment" of using chi to turn the crank on the Machine of the Gods, lowering Winnie the Dictator down on a rope to declare everything fixed.

And people get shirty about students of Aikido believing that O-Sensei had something special. But freaking Mulan gets to be Mulan frelling Skywalker! 😵‍💫🫨🤢🤮.

@grantmaxwell5361 - 22.09.2023 17:18

This whole project is a nightmare on a Doctor Moreaux scale. Still though, if China would have signed up their 'White Monkey' (an industry plant that is a white male portraying Chinese ideals and trends on social media), Bart Baker.

The soundtrack would have been more epic than a Michael Bay film. IGN: 10/10

@skullwolff9442 - 22.09.2023 09:17

out of all the live action remakes.
melificent was actualy decent for a movie.
i personly loved it, malificent 2, it is oke, not bad, not amazing, just a decent watch me movie.
hoped there would be a 3, to continou where it was left off.
but unfortunaly, sales wasn't good inof to continou that series.
i and don't realy see why, it is still better than what dinsey trowed in our faces the last few years.
yes, the cannon was destoyed with that movie, but as a stand allown spin off, it was nice.
if the focus of the movie was aurora, than i would have hated the movie for sure.
however, the movie was a spin off from the start of it, and that was apperent, wich is why i did not compare the 2 of them.
and the true love part was nice and realistic, a man feeling true love for a woman from very little interaction is non-exsisting.
but a mothers love for a child is true, even if you are not the birth mother of that child.
that was the nice spin of the story, wich for me made the movie wholesome.
