How To Make Money With PLR Products | Private Label Rights ️

How To Make Money With PLR Products | Private Label Rights ️

Daniel Hall

2 года назад

932 Просмотров ❤️

Time codes
00:00 Intro
1:07 What is PLR Private Label Rights Content?
2:20 How do private label rights work?
2:55 Who uses PLR products and content?
3:55 Does PLR content suck?
6:42 Tips for making money with Private Label Rights products

How do you make money with PLR products?

Below is a partial transcript from my conversation with the PLR dynamic duo Alice Seba and Yusef Kulan. Enjoy...

So I have the first tip for you is to use it to grow your list.

Everybody knows the money is the list. Right?

And I, you know, if there's reports or different, we do a lot of principles and things like that, something you can easily put together as a free gift that leads off so to an offer of a related product or coaching program or course or whatever you happen to sell.

But it's already done for you, right? You're saving that time and that money, right?

You just get it going and you're growing your list and you can also sell it on your website, Etsy Mmazon and multiple of other platforms in various forms by creating different bundles to increase traffic basically.

But I think like you say you you can also you can use it as is you can sell it as a product, if it's a report or bundles like an e-book or something like that or a journal, you can sell it exactly as it is.
But if you can take Yeah and incorporate it into what products or coaching programs or courses that you want to create, you slide it in there and it's a great time-saver, extra valuable content.

But like we said we did a lot of printable, so we do worksheets and checklists so they add very practical pieces that you can add to a course that you're creating and you know, you're supposed to talk about growing traffic articles and different things can be used to post to social media to your website optimized for search engines and then, of course, get that traffic into your free offers and to buy your products right on.

First off you can use it to build a list and if you are in business and you are serious about being in business and actually being a business person and not a hobbyist, right?
You are serious about building your, your list and not just building your list, but, but developing a relationship with your list and content is a great way to do both of those things simultaneously, especially if it's great quality content that speaks to or in some way benefits that audience that you serve.
The second thing that I heard you say is that you can incorporate them into products that you can either take them whole you could sort of you know, do a mash-up of several different types or you could, or you could just kind of again cherry-pick and plug into places may be holes in your own content to kind of fill in the gaps and by the way, just so the folks know, I've done this very effectively have made probably, I can't say exactly, but I'm sure I've made six figures with PLR content in my career because we do probably almost seven figures a year and there we, we will run once in a while, we will run a just a straight PLR product and make tens of thousands of dollars.
So I just want folks to understand that this is a viable way to to add value to a to a new product or simply by a new product just by your own product and do nothing with it other than market it.
And the beautiful thing about it is that unlike an affiliate offer right?
Where You create it or you create an affiliate sells and you've got to share that income.
Right? Well if you create the offer and sell it, market it yourself, will you keep 100% of that income?
That's a that's a beautiful thing. So so all right, so that's the second thing.
And then the third thing I heard you say was that you could use again take bits and pieces out of this content and create things like social media, blog posts.
Things that will help you do SEO. Right to actually drive traffic to your site.
You can actually even take some of this content and do what we're doing here do like a little video podcast or an audio podcast from it as well.
Again to drive traffic to build a list.
And then because you're using the PPL are content to drive traffic.
Then you use pl are content to make sure that people get onto your list.
Subscribe to your list because because this content is valuable, right?
And because it's valuable they're they're willing to give up their name and email in some cases it's a numbers game like everything else.
So do I have those three sorts of top level ways to make money with PlR
Any anything else? I want to make sure that we don't leave any stone unturned.
Talking about the list building part was that you know the great thing about plr is that when you were growing a list, you know you can have that one main often offers where usually people stop, right?
They have this report or they have something to grow their list and then that took a lot of work so then they leave it at that.
But when you have P. L. R.


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