Meet the dearMoon Crew - Tim Dodd | ティム・ドッド

Meet the dearMoon Crew - Tim Dodd | ティム・ドッド


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@ancientprogressive3343 - 18.11.2023 18:41

Elon Musk Endorses Antisemitic Post

@christophernieto4648 - 14.11.2023 19:38

This is going to be so cool. Its very scary just get your prayers in and hopefully when you see the moon it will be so rewarding 🙏

@user-lc9xk5sc6r - 21.10.2023 17:21


@abvmoose87 - 09.10.2023 01:47

Who is he trying to convince?

@jonathanpound5328 - 18.09.2023 02:21

Please you guys need to shut down the moon project it takes one billionaire to save our planet. He can refreeze the melting ice caps that are raising the methane levels. It takes one billionaire to freeze everything and take back control. Our methane levels are rising to a dangerous point and we can do something about it. Shut. This. Down. Save our world.

@JohnDoe007 - 15.09.2023 07:05

so excited!!

@jamest5081 - 10.07.2023 04:36

what a waste of a moon mission. I like Tim, but sending fucking "artists" to the moon with a billionaire.? There is so much more science to be done. Why are we making space a playground for the world's billionaires, when we should be studying it with actual scientists?

I really hope the mission goes well, but I have a feeling it will end up like Ocean Gate, cosidering an EDM "DJ" is the "pilot".

@Call9-1-1 - 25.04.2023 01:59

Gatcha Bro! I would follow you to the moon and beyond!

@edmendesbrazil - 15.04.2023 11:42

Well it's nice and all but we all know we can't and probably won't be able to go any further than Mars anytime soon, and that doesn't help much for becoming multi planetary I guess. We cannot accelerate to the speed of light and that pretty much says we're not going anywhere. We're all stuck here on Earth!!!

@robertbawell7738 - 14.04.2023 14:54

I love that you were selected for this mission! You will be a crucial member of the crew, inspiring other members in their artistic expressions as you are literally experienced at bringing space to every-day people. I hope this mission inspires you to compose an epic new song, capturing every significant milestone for humanity in space on this mission. I love your music!!

@oz5174 - 13.04.2023 11:18

He deserves it lol

@boukm3n - 26.02.2023 06:46

To go from photography to this is just insane great job dude

@Lonesome__Dove - 20.02.2023 05:06

Tims going to be a changed man after this trip and i cannot wait to see what the future holds for him and everyday astronaut

@Lonesome__Dove - 20.02.2023 05:04

Yay TIM!!

@phil1657 - 25.01.2023 22:34

Good luck and Godspeed to you sir. Maybe one day I can join your group! Thanks for your stalwart reporting

@orogenicman - 23.01.2023 08:28

Good luck, Tim. I am certain the journey will be life-changing.

@galacticmastery3380 - 30.12.2022 11:06

All you need to do is train your sensory perception because there’s hidden information within the videos and photographs of NASA giving you are a better perspective of what’s really going on beyond what they’re always telling you and pushing away the UFO in the UAP information free energy you can train your senses don’t allow others to put you down or talk down on you you can train your senses look at the video of the NASA space walks you can train your senses you’ll be able to smell and taste and touch space it’s very possible don’t have anybody tell you different fuck others train your senses you will experience more insight of what they don’t want you to know it might disappoint you but at least you have the truth

@galacticmastery3380 - 30.12.2022 10:56

Hello my name is Tim I’m a procrastinator professional liar that covers NASA’s ass when they lie about UFOs and extraterrestrials they pay me millions of dollars to alter the perception for your reality through subconscious visual & auditory programming to maintain control and domination over your mind Elon musk is your friend he’s making great strides towards giving you a visual information beyond your other senses that you can easily experience if you can try but it’s not talked or taught but the CIA knows how to remote view you can too you can train your senses and experience what space feels like it smells like through the Visual information of what’s presented to you through NASA spacewalk there’s secret information there they don’t want you to know it’s all about training your senses experiencing the sense of smell and the sense of taste within the video information giving you this instantaneous experience when you can look at a certain video and experience the reality of it beyond what they always seem to give you The truth that your senses will tell you the truth before thought because this is how your mind works

@washek3258 - 30.12.2022 04:06

Wow, really glad that Tim is in!!! Congrats!!! Can't wait.

@stegosandro1691 - 17.12.2022 14:59


@vaniamarquina - 17.12.2022 09:30

Congrats!! So happy for you!

@MMTLP-JON - 15.12.2022 19:39

Congrats Tim. Although you are Right, you Never know What can Happen. But, that's not always Positive, I'm living proof of that. But, for those that do have Positive Results with putting everything they have into it and are Rewarded for it, I'm Happy for you.👍 Yaa, Go 4 it Tim..🎉🎉

@zoltanposfai3451 - 15.12.2022 02:23

Tim, you are the number one choice choice for this!
From the media-centric selection process, you would have been my first choice too.

Bring down the Moon to Earth for us!

@ChadOhman92 - 14.12.2022 11:39

Congrats Tim, I'm so proud of your accomplishments and am absolutely thrilled that you've been selected. It's absolutely deserved.

@40jart - 14.12.2022 07:05

He will take us all with him ,Love it. Congratulations Tim

@corncrasy - 13.12.2022 04:12

So pumped Tim got picked!

@BlueJazzBoyNZ - 13.12.2022 02:11

Tim Dodd is looking like a Canary...
Elon is in the next Bunk Right ?

@geniusinsider7574 - 12.12.2022 21:44

best candidate by far!!!! go tim

@BrianKelsay - 12.12.2022 21:16

Tim, I can't wait to follow you on your journey for preparation and training for this mission. I know you will give us all excellent coverage and incite into what it takes to go to space. I want to see all the things. So glad you are going given your thirst for knowledge and ability to bring it to the people. Good luck and godspeed. 🚀 👨🏻‍🚀

@NAME10BOOKZ - 12.12.2022 20:51

Another deciever

@alphamegaman8847 - 12.12.2022 14:35

Been watching Tim for years!
So Happy for him!🥰
He got his "Golden Ticket"!😁
Would love to go myself, even if it was a one way ticket!🤞
Mike in San Diego.🌞🎸🚀🖖

@SimonAmazingClarke - 12.12.2022 13:53

I am so happy that you got sellected. You do an amazing job with all of your videos.

@benjaminloehner257 - 12.12.2022 12:30

Tim going to space is like Howard Wolowitz going to space, but IRL. They couldn't have chosen anyone better.

@WINGSANDRAILS - 12.12.2022 10:10

Dreams come true!!

@johnjallen - 12.12.2022 08:44

Congrats Tim! This is amazing!

I know this isn't the ideal place to voice this (please share the best) but the fact that there are zero women in this crew is totally wrong. Takes this whole thing down a notch or two for me. I also know it's not this guys decision/fault.

@playstion3man - 12.12.2022 08:35

When Tim’s video gets more views than Steve Aoki

@michaelharris4342 - 12.12.2022 04:52

Such a smart guy. Makes me ashamed that I have a phd in physics…what a waste of time. It red-blooded americans like the kids i went to grade school wit, that will be the world’s astronauts.

@Gruntld - 12.12.2022 04:40

Congratulations Tim 👍

@gmarie701 - 12.12.2022 03:35

Way, way too early to be sending 'regular' people to space using this approach. Nauseating to even think that ten decent, essentially amateur people would be put onto this craft and sent around the moon within ten years. This could really set things back if there is any serious mishap.

@heartflame503 - 12.12.2022 02:43

Well .. that's the end of his catch phrase ! LOL ... he is not going to be the "Everyday Astronaut" much longer !! he will be a real one !!

@YHK_YT - 12.12.2022 00:36


@PAIN166 - 12.12.2022 00:24

I'm following Tims Channel, Everyday Astronaut quite some time and I am really happy that Tim got chosen, because he explains everything rocket related so well that as a non native English speaking person I still understand everything perfectly. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart to Tim and the whole Dear Moon Crew.

@OurCumrade - 11.12.2022 22:28


@ASIORECORDS - 11.12.2022 22:20

It always had to be the everyday astronaut! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

@gnichols5051 - 11.12.2022 21:55

Holy Christa McAuliffe Batman!

@20thcenturyboy85 - 11.12.2022 20:12

Tim Dodd brought me here to subscribe to this channel. Thank You!!!

@aidenprintup4547 - 11.12.2022 18:50

So proud to have been part of this dream come true congratulations Tim 🎊

@ssssssssssss885 - 11.12.2022 18:01

4 from US, 4 whites, only 3 women, only one over 40, all from US closest allies. No selection bias here, move along.
