Dungeons & Dragons: A Complete Beginner's Guide

Dungeons & Dragons: A Complete Beginner's Guide


1 год назад

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esor - 19.09.2023 00:26

My local comic book shop has a free intro to dnd. My schedule won't allow me to go, sadly.

Luminous - 13.09.2023 22:20

So I gotta say the PHB is such an unreadable mess. It constantly refers to things it will teach you in 30 minutes instead of just teaching those things right then and there or not mentioning them at that point. A simple section that explains the whole character sheet would've gone a long way.
They really shouldve released an updated version of it including some of the bonus stuff from Xanathars or Tashas while restructuring it to be a smooth readthrough.

Jason - 08.09.2023 20:57

This game came out when I was in Jr high or High School. I really wanted to play, but there was a geek stigma and I was more jock.

I’m completely jealous now in my 50’s. May just take it up now.

PannieCake - 06.09.2023 04:56

Start with 4-5. I started with 9 and no one could shut up for 5 minutes for me to describe a scene.
Also, don't allow a lot of pets. Party pets become annoying to keep track of.
If you are trying to create a good fight for a high level party, add more enemies than there are players. It makes it so they have to move, consider those around them, and be smarter in battle rather than saying "I want to bonk" over and over.

Currently, I am DMing for a campaign that has been going for 2 years in a homebrew campaign with the world slowly falling into nonexistence as the gods rage war in the mortal realms. The party has a piece of the overgod and must find the other 4 pieces scattered through the realms. Lost gods try to tempt or help the party along the way. We started with around 7 people and some have come and gone. Currently, we are on 5-6 and are facing the problem of too many rogues.

FunWithSylvia - 06.09.2023 03:53

Thank you so much!!! I have been a busy working mum in Japan withoug much free time. My kid is 9 now so I have a little free time. I have been so interested in this since watching Big Bang Theory and Young Sheldon for around 10 years. Thanks very helpful I am going to start my dream now.

rainydays 02
rainydays 02 - 30.08.2023 13:17

i'm looking into dnd bc this guy i like talks about it all the time and it's like 2am and him along with my friend who plays dnd are both asleep and i'm still kinda confused i guys admit. when he talks about it it's like he spends hours like making a good idk story or like stuff like that and it's confusing to me. this definitely helped a lot though

richard humes
richard humes - 28.08.2023 00:32

Nat, you are awesome. My friend wants to try D&D, and when I searched up a starter video to send them so they get the general idea, I knew your video was gonna knock it out of the park before I even watched it

Matt Campbell
Matt Campbell - 23.08.2023 23:51

If i get the storwreck isle starter for me and a group of new players, is there a set of figures you would recommend for it? I want us to have visuals but i have no figures now. Also would you recommend some kind of battle mat so I could have even more visuals?

ember13dp - 23.08.2023 12:57

I'm watching through the Big Bang Theory show and they play this game a lot, and I had no idea what was going on lol. So thank you.

The last pilots
The last pilots - 22.08.2023 23:47

Thank you so much I’m thinking of getting into dnd and this was a massive help

Michaela Bisnar
Michaela Bisnar - 22.08.2023 15:53

I’ve always wanted to play DND. I always had such a reactive imagination and creat storyline’s so easily and world building that someone asked me to be there DM. I refused because I didn’t wanna mess up but i always wanted to try once.

ashes - 17.08.2023 12:33

me, a dungeon master, watching this

Steamy Rivers
Steamy Rivers - 17.08.2023 07:12

Glad I stumbled upon your channel... From South Africa - And Starting a DnD group in my city. All the players are very new to the DnD-World, so will be teaching them through using your channel... I've been playing for years but have found I get very angsty when I have to teach peeps how to play - ergo - Your Channel!! Thanks for the uploads man - Will Support anyway I can!!

Chad thegirl
Chad thegirl - 13.08.2023 03:16

i really want to learn so thanks for the video

InfectiousMushroom - 12.08.2023 16:08

You make a really good math teacher.

Half Bee
Half Bee - 11.08.2023 17:05

Can we use AI to substitute the role of DM? 😂

Actually Veda
Actually Veda - 09.08.2023 06:08

Thanks for this video! My 11 year old daughter has wanted to get into this game for months now and we as a family have decided to take it up even thought we’re intimidated by it 😅 this video helps!
Her uncle that regularly plays many RPGs is going to be helping us get into it and we’re so excited and already got the starter kit.

Drew Abbott
Drew Abbott - 05.08.2023 22:39

Been playing dnd since middle school and now I'm 25. It's great to go over the fundamentals every once in awhile

Dellusions Grandeiuer
Dellusions Grandeiuer - 05.08.2023 09:50

How is this game any different then someone playing or pulling tarot cards? There is all the same elements make believe, telling stories, i would say D& D even takes it a few steps further with role playing, acting, and just a full on fantasy world. I have people around me freaking out because i watcg people doing the same damn thing. Pulling cards and telling a story. I cannot with the double standards. How is this wildly popular and accepted? It seems to include alot more dark and sinister elenents then pulling a card with a pic and attempting to recall the past or the future. I really hate hypocrites. Hope they all read this.

VultureDrawz - 29.07.2023 14:36

Been wanting to get into dnd for years now. As someone with both autism and adhd, it’s hard for me not just to understand the game, but find people to play it with. This explanation ur nobody I know would play dnd with me 😭

Karisa Meehan
Karisa Meehan - 27.07.2023 09:12

I thought the video is over and then all of a sudden it said getting started lol I’m trying to get into this

Janet Gifferton
Janet Gifferton - 26.07.2023 17:57

Whats a sci-fi/magic game that is easy to start, learn and allows players to start off with enough resources to allow for a beginners learning curve that allows for more fun than consequences style game play?

Hugo Pena
Hugo Pena - 23.07.2023 06:50

Does someone know of a single player game??? Honestly I've always wanted to play but feel like embarrassed or whatever to roll play in front of other's 😂 just not there yet, need to slowly work my way there I think 😅

j roc
j roc - 17.07.2023 02:46

D&D is cool, i got into playing it in the early 90s with friends, very interesting, it's worth pursuing

Justin - 13.07.2023 17:01

Thanks for the info brother I hope to have fun when I start getting more into Dnd sound super fun

Leo Thunders
Leo Thunders - 11.07.2023 05:04

do you need a group to use the beginner set?

PrayPersistProsper - 09.07.2023 00:04

Im just watching this so the movie will make sense when i buy it

FindingAnna - 06.07.2023 01:49

I've wanted to play DnD for years but don't know anyone who plays in the country where I live, and it seems so complex and intimidating....

olakpasa - 05.07.2023 22:08

Just got my family to join me on my first dnd experience , starter pack arrives on a week and we are pumped for it , this definitely helps

Gamer001 - 04.07.2023 15:07

ChatGPT almost can be a DM rn,still have lots of flaws tho

Josalyn J. Cano, Real Estate
Josalyn J. Cano, Real Estate - 02.07.2023 02:04

Dude, thanks for this. My boys came back home from their dad's with a new box of this game and I'm clueless with it. I was confused about a lack of board and overwhelmed with the books of rules. This video will get us started 👍🏼

Kam Smith
Kam Smith - 01.07.2023 10:42

I really want to learn to play dnd but I don’t have any friends so I’m screwed 😂

Nubio - 30.06.2023 11:25

I just ordered my DND essential kit, the reason I took it was because of the price and extra items, also because lmop is free on DND beyond, and people say that icespire peak can be combined with lmop...

Nathan Perry
Nathan Perry - 29.06.2023 21:44

Thanks for all the help I’m very new to d&d and all your videos are helping 🎉

Jason Kries - CoderJK
Jason Kries - CoderJK - 29.06.2023 02:21

I've watched a lot of How to D&D videos and this was one of my favorites!
Thanks for the great overview. I've subscribed and will watch more of your videos to help my son get started.

sliat1981 - 26.06.2023 13:46

I got the handbook and it’s like a novel. Now I have to get the monster manual and do guide to start my own campaign. Going to take over a year to read 3 novels

Saki Lovejoy
Saki Lovejoy - 22.06.2023 21:30

Thank you so much. This helps because me and my family have never ever played DnD but we all have wanted to try it out. Im planning to be the DM because I volenteered because i have a good idea for the plot but i realize i have no clue what im doing so i looked up a bunch of DnD vids, yours being the first, and it helps because now I know what to buy and what i should focus on in the story (or learn what to focus on in the story). Thanks a lot!

sage_the_spice - 21.06.2023 22:18

I thought I’d like dnd because i like rp games and making characters. I still think that

doodlebloom - 20.06.2023 05:22

my mom is fairly religious and she doesn't want dnd in her house because she believes it's "satanic". while I'm religious too, i dont agree personally. however, i still live with her, so are there any online resources where i can learn in private/online, since I can't really buy stuff without her knowing?
(i hope this isnt tmi 😥)

Loz - 12.06.2023 15:54

I just started playing, I’m really liking it so far

Enma - 08.06.2023 10:13

I am 19 and really excited to learn how to play I always heard dnd is a an amazing hobby

PrettyBoyJaco - 08.06.2023 07:03

Thanks for the info. Me and my roommates r really interested in trying this game out. We’re looking for another activity to get drunk with. We all love marvel, Harry Potter, lord of this rings, etc. But none of us have ever played this game. We just need to find someone with experience to be the Game Master. I’m so excited to give this game a try

Carissa M
Carissa M - 07.06.2023 11:37

Can I play with 2 people?

GlitchNoodles - 06.06.2023 05:36

I really didn't know anything regarding DND for a long time, I always heard about it and have friends who play it, this video helps me get more into the loop and I can get more involved with questions regarding how my friends dnd sessions went, thanks an lot!

Kaylee Rachael
Kaylee Rachael - 06.06.2023 03:12

The first session tonight! Wish me luck!

Iris Dimond
Iris Dimond - 02.06.2023 20:54

This video was very informative, our D&D group is just starting and now I need to develop a character.

Dark World
Dark World - 01.06.2023 06:30

I watched the whole video and there's still nothing about this I understand

Olle Fjällström
Olle Fjällström - 31.05.2023 11:22

Got the PHB & two starter campaigns, just need a beginner group to join, my only TT experience is Warhammer wargaming so no role-play at all.

Rat - 28.05.2023 08:48

Last time I played dnd I was the dm and killed my friends horse, she literally tried everything to try to let her horse live but like I didn’t like her horse so it’s dead

Loki09 - 22.05.2023 09:41

I’ve been wishing I knew how to play D&D for a while now, but haven’t known how to get started. Thank you for your suggestions!
