What If The Waco Siege Never Happened? | Alternate History

What If The Waco Siege Never Happened? | Alternate History

Monsieur Z

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@LamLawIndy - 03.06.2024 14:14

Apparently, the ATF was able to retreat from the initial raid b/c the Davidians agreed to a ceasefire. The ATF was out of ammo, but the Davidians were not.

@lukelee8934 - 15.05.2024 01:24

The sniper that murdered Randys wife was never convicted of his crimes.

@CinnamonKnightEntertainment - 13.05.2024 03:39

Hrm.... I think you underestimate the anti government militia/reactionary movement. Like when you have been horror movies like the good stuff that a reactionary patriotic anti establishment militia is used to help take down the baddies there has it has to be in the social mind somewhere. And through the 80's into the 90's it wasn't going to falter quickly.... before the desert campaigns(shield/storm) faith in the US military had been horribly shaken so those militia groups seems less.... invasive. But them the ultimate scapegoat fell apart.... the USSR. And with that scapegoat put of the way people needed something else scary to take out their anger upon..... and that was the federal government. I think the restructuring would have done little to stop the big bombs as those individuals were very disturbed and motivated individuals. In the end I think little would have changed by the visible but drops in the bucket events you describe.

@locokrazy - 08.05.2024 15:22

Good god these AI photos are terrible 🤣

@peytonbritton2398 - 06.05.2024 04:56

I have a what if request.
What if America intervened in the Chinese civil war 🇹🇼

@PotatoBearRawr - 02.05.2024 16:33

I would have liked you to go deeper about Al Qaeda later, because I would assume the militia movement would get a lot less traction in the time after the Embassy bombings, and at least after 9/11, as right-wingers would not want to associated with anything that smelled "terrorist". Given this more negative discourse I would question if the militia movement would ever have taken off. Especially considering how 9/11 seemingly improved the ground work for peace between ETA and Spain, and IRA and UK.
And I would also like to see how all of this would play out further, especially the 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections. Are we talking 8 years of Al Core before 8 years of Hillary, and then what? Trump on a much more moderate platform? And Trump light then winning again in 2020? Imagine Trump hitting term limits, and wanting to stay on, how would that play out?

@lolmr2 - 27.04.2024 02:50

Basically all the 3 letter agencies charged with security and enforcement are monuments to failure and growing government overreach(often without legislation to back it)
also: What if Poland allied with Ukraine in the Ukrainian–Soviet War in 1917 instead of attacking them.

@Moechtegernpilot1 - 26.04.2024 13:45


@RiotKurhein - 26.04.2024 07:08

It seems like the Branch Davidians would have ended up like Jonestown or Helterskelter at some point.

@Angl0sax0nknight - 26.04.2024 01:47

The Tyrannical nature of the ATF and FBI has destroyed a lot of faith in the federal government.

@sahilhossian8212 - 25.04.2024 20:10

Lore of What If The Waco Siege Never Happened? | Alternate History momentum 100

@lasqueiralasco1523 - 25.04.2024 05:12

What if the third punic war never happened?
Ps:bonus points if somehow rome annexes carthage after a more sucefull second punic war

@MtnBoar - 24.04.2024 02:02

Settled peacefully 🙀

@johnscheetz968 - 24.04.2024 01:45

The Feds screwed up in both events.

@hudsonparker791 - 24.04.2024 00:35

Hello, waco resident here. Thank you for the video. I love your channel and im glad you covered this.

@Thetechgeek2100 - 23.04.2024 13:16

Those AI images were so unnerving...

@wolfheartdarnell324 - 23.04.2024 11:56

Used to love your content. Came back after a bit of time away, and all I see are ugly AI collages. Don't think I'll be tuning in again. Your heavy use of AI has just cost you a subscriber. I hope more people do the same.

@Kingsized_Kevin - 23.04.2024 07:36

Youve been shooting in the dark lately, lets see if this is your redemption

@bewisoffical - 23.04.2024 01:40

government competence = less paranoid citizens. There, saved you 10 minutes.

@caseclosed9342 - 22.04.2024 22:44

Another effect would probably be Heaven’s Gate not going out the way they did. Everyone knows Heaven’s Gate for the mass su*cide they did in 1997 (the largest mass su*cide in US history as of 2024) but what most people don’t know is what lead up to it. Their leader watched the Waco Siege and became paranoid the government would go after his group the same way and began looking for a way to “graduate” to the next level before they could be stopped. And that way out was the ritual unaliving of the whole cult…

@Bluesonofman - 22.04.2024 22:22

What you should really talk about is how 9/11 started WW3

@purromemes7395 - 22.04.2024 22:17

Please stop using ai pictures, or at least use more real than AI

@Waterenjoyer1308 - 22.04.2024 16:21

Please use real photos these ai images look like crap. No means to offend, but they do what really happened dirty and often overstate/are wrong about history. For example they aren’t accurate, ruby ridge didn’t look like that and the Brooklyn bombing certainly didn’t.

@isabellaereshki - 22.04.2024 09:52

I still don’t understand why they want after ruby ridge and Waco so incredibly harshly and tried to pin the Atlanta Olympics attack on an innocent security guard so harshly and yet they took forever to catch the unabomber or that mcveigh guy and never went after the reaganites that would bomb or firebomb churches and medical clinics, and they never went after Donald Trump and his cult of followers and even now after a failed coups de tat attempt and proof he is basically an anarchist/terrorist group leader they just fine him and let him run for president yet again? Their tactics and motivations make about as much sense as dumbledore killing off students and teachers and trying to “save” the poor little death eaters because they might repent someday or something.

@randomguy6152 - 22.04.2024 02:43

What if Crassus conquered Parthia?

@user-js1hu8zw8p - 21.04.2024 23:59

Alternative history video with 2 minutes of alternative history...

@mathieuleader8601 - 21.04.2024 20:57

what if actor Tom Laughlin faced off against George Bush in 04

@mathieuleader8601 - 21.04.2024 20:51

Alex Jones in this timeline gives up his commentary career and follows in his dads footsteps to become a dentist.

@mathieuleader8601 - 21.04.2024 20:49

Reverend Koresh looks like Napoleon Dynamite once you see it you cannot unsee it

@lestergordon3698 - 21.04.2024 20:06

Let's just say Waco and Ruby ridge don't happen. Another event would have taken it's place only just later. With the street crime and Riots ravaging the cities and urban areas at that time. Also let's not forget the Columbine shooting.The Federal government would have still passed the crime bill and it would have pushed for way more gun control just by exploiting any one of those events. Even if Waco or Ruby ridge didn't happen the government agencies would have still viewed these militia groups as a domestic terrorist threat.The government doesn't like militia's or citizens with firearms. It views them as a threat to their power and authority over the country and it's people.

@____________838 - 21.04.2024 18:59

Most unbelievable timeline because agents can’t resist shooting dogs.

@captgeesh5163 - 21.04.2024 16:42

MR Z IS A FED!!! Lol

@captgeesh5163 - 21.04.2024 16:38

If i had a daughter, her name would be Ruby Ridge

@darthhodges - 21.04.2024 16:06

It seems to me that some in law enforcement prefer a messy raid to a peaceful arrest. A dead suspect can't defend himself in court. The agency gets to chalk up a win on a weak case instead of letting the person "get away with" whatever they were accused of.

@darthhodges - 21.04.2024 16:04

Considering that Ruby Ridge and Waco were during Clinton's FIRST term I doubt their absence would positively impact Gore's campaign. Swing voters who voted for Bush did so because he promised tax cuts where Gore didn't. Trust in government wasn't a factor.

@rad4924 - 21.04.2024 11:22

"The 90s were one of the most turbulent decades in American history"

Laughs in 1910s, 1930s, 1940s,1960s,1970s and 2020s.

@Jagdtyger2A - 21.04.2024 10:40

The type of tear gas used at Eaco is normally a powder that is suspended in a liquid dispersant. The standard dispersant liquid for this type of tear gas is usually kerosine. And what happens when you spray a mist of kerosine and teargas into a building filled with multiple oil lam[s burning??

@douglasriseley2496 - 21.04.2024 08:09

Very well thought out
I am from that time a lot of progressive thought it was overreach from the government and put it down to government incompetence and we'll try and do better.
But not being in the US I didn't fully factor in the paranoia of that time from Reagan's government after all if there own side could sell drugs ( Iran Contra) and support and fund a Known Enemy.

@mfdt18c78 - 21.04.2024 07:49

Just think of what this world would be like if the ATF didn’t bait people and left people alone who just want to be left alone…

@orguksilverbeard7658 - 21.04.2024 07:43

Got another idea for you, what if Constantinople never fell?

@brandonkelusky2493 - 21.04.2024 07:16

You should cover oswald mosley's Europe a Nation ideas.

@Theophan123 - 21.04.2024 07:00

What if the Weimar Republic completely collapses and Germany fragments again into multiple states?

@Caleb-cw7uw - 21.04.2024 03:50

The constitution forever hurrah boys hurrah down with the AF and up with the stars

@tigercap100 - 21.04.2024 03:36

F the FBI, CIA & ATF.
Demons all.

@UniversalistSon9 - 21.04.2024 01:39

I remember this happening when I was a kid, it was kinda big news since I live next door in Washington. There are many who have sided with them, fuck the fed.

@andrewalderman9489 - 21.04.2024 01:27

The militia movement would have eventually caused a similar crisis; the anti-government rhetoric at the time was calling police "jack booted thugs". They were looking for a fight.
