The Philosophy of GHOST IN THE SHELL – Wisecrack Edition

The Philosophy of GHOST IN THE SHELL – Wisecrack Edition


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@HazelVsTheWrld - 11.01.2024 06:21

This film will always live with me. It one of my top favorite films of all time.

@RebornLegacy - 28.12.2023 09:58

Japan is dying in a way because it refuses to evolve its positions on Gender

@yylaminator - 15.12.2023 04:48

Garbage review

@carynfisher9463 - 14.12.2023 02:27

Imagine! Feeling limited as a human by the definition of Human! I love this anime, and it's an interesting thought experiment, but I cannot countenance our species trying to "escape" the limitations inherent to being our species. There's nothing inherently wrong with limitations. Absolutely nothing can thrive in the long run if it is left to just run wild with nothing to constrain it. What will happen if we don't merge with technology? Our species will evolve, naturally. Or die out. Just like everything else.

@TheMynameisyourface - 01.10.2023 23:49

To goosa na not togusa at 9 15 your on thin ice

@connect2reality - 18.09.2023 00:16

Now I want to see Ghost in the Shell compared to Serial Experiments Lain

@jeffjohnson419 - 11.08.2023 23:40

God that dub is awful

@williamwallace4931 - 10.07.2023 17:16

You mentioned the borgs from Star Trek: Next Generations and yet you failed to mention that in it's core GITS is heavily inspired of the first Star Trek movie from 1979!

@angreys - 28.05.2023 09:50

If only they followed Asimov's "Laws of robotics"

@Jakob.Hamburg - 17.05.2023 03:13

One of the best animes and it also aged very well, in my opinion. I watched it yesterday again, after about 23 years. i find it so good. : )

@wrathchild7218 - 16.05.2023 13:33

Ummm, the original Deux Ex, Helios ending, anyone?

@smallsignals - 27.04.2023 20:29

It seems to me (though, I've only passed the introduction so far) that this debate about the differences between human and machine is pointless. Human and indentity are not synonyms. And the question of whether a machine can have an identity is an interesting one, but a machine can never be human as these terms define a physical form not a metaphysical one.

@gendygoblin8391 - 20.04.2023 20:58

Oh lord that dubbing 😂

@nathanmesini5113 - 07.04.2023 19:41

gros nul!!

@yggorF - 28.03.2023 17:48

Interesting interpretation.

@techdeckofficial - 14.02.2023 02:25

I only just watched the movie but I feel like it’s odd to analyse gits exclusively in relation to like dialectics when to me it seemed to be pretty explicitly about Buddhism ?

@blue7lvn245 - 12.01.2023 08:35


@NuVisionTarot82 - 12.01.2023 00:40

Transhumanism agenda

@PenclickProds - 12.12.2022 22:35

I'd love to see a video on the philosophy of GitS Stand Alone Complex and 2nd gig.

@JasperSkallow - 01.11.2022 10:42

can someone explain why motoko kusanuppet master isn't in any other film? lol

@coryd951 - 09.10.2022 00:51

Come on philosophy of hellraiser

@aatreyibose8406 - 14.08.2022 00:08

Interestingly, these sublation brains run Sibil system in Psychopass anime S1 and Makishima Shogo conflicts it. And then in S2, we meet the patched up human of multiple others that the society can't recognize. What if there's a new video tracing both these anime and drawing a synthesis or "sublated" argument?

@nicholasburch2122 - 12.08.2022 02:29

Why do you even want to retain identical consistency

@Brokeninc - 07.08.2022 16:46

I've watched Ghost in A Shell a few movies and tv shows even the live action, and each time I watch the first one I think I understand it only to watch videos like this and realize how little I understood. This movie and the Matrix are both so complex and interesting and G.I.T.S was way before it times in what is being said.

@grigorios21 - 02.08.2022 00:40

I find it funny when people ask me: "But what about the soul?" and I answer: "What about it" and just end the conversation there everybody is just baffled. If I tell them the Soul is a way for you to put value on yourself as a self preservation mechanism so that you don't kill yourself when you realize you are worm/plant food, they start crying, don't want to admit it, or go to the offensive by bringing into the conversation things spoon fed to them. The true value of YOU is timeless and is not countable, and it derives only from your work and how what you did in your life changed somethings around you, not only for the betterment of your species (humans for us here) but all living organisms, because on a multi-species interdependent world such as Earth, bio diversity is the ONLY way for life to survive. Don't forget kids: You are fed by life and you will feed life.

PS: sorry I'm drunk plz ignore the rest

Also sci fi AI is bongus, or "Dump AI" in the truest sense. We Higher Organisms are the collective intelligence of billions of living Nano bio machine organisms( aka cells) and because the cells are always changing and in a sense "learning" if you can call it that, (ex. pre-programed behaviors such as "instinct", micro mutations, error correction proteins and enzymes and self healing), which means scanning is not enough to crate Intelligence. Quantum mechanical phenomena in atomic /molecular level is what drives the mechanisms of cells to do "work", its also and the reason why cells die and thus there is need for procreation. Unless there is a program running for each individual quantum mechanical effect on all the subatomic particles of ALL of your cells, not just your brain, life cannot exist.

"Ghost in the CELLS" should be the correct title of the movie. Life is collective intelligence and not collective information.

Wow that last sentence reminds me the difference between NASA and tiktok.

@andrewsilver9730 - 10.06.2022 21:15

imagine realizing the synthesis ending was best in mass effect

@007kingifrit - 24.05.2022 06:30

this doesn't do justice to how evil of an idea hegel's ideas are. he taught that history is working towards a perfect end and that all actions were alright as they were going to happen anyways....which was used by his student karl marx to encourage and justify killing everyone who didn't meet his ideas "since it was gana happen anyways" He also taught to create secular religions and replace the church with the state. he is the proto authoritarian.

@joshuamoore4537 - 25.04.2022 08:25

Ghost in the Shell is a Robotic Science-Fiction Anime film masterpiece.

@heroineofthestory658 - 20.04.2022 19:53

What confuses me is why the robots have nipples if they don’t produce or feed offspring. 🙃

@donchulo5353 - 18.04.2022 21:26

Hey! Great video! I believe you did an excellent job explaining the philosophy of Ghost in a Shell with the exception of of the concept of slavery. Slavery is more mental than physical hence why a master can be a single person and have 1000 slaves without an uprising. Slavery uses a power dynamic that you overlooked in your video explanation twice (real explanation and Naruto example).

In the real world, slavery exploits the physical by conquering the mental. Slave mentality has oppressed world citizens since humans created civilization (tribes). In the Naruto example, if he became hokage by force, he would be the leader and yes the slaves would have more knowledge on how to do something specifically but they wouldn't up rise because they can not defeat their oppressor. Same thing is true in the real world, most people lose matches before the battle begins because of that power dynamic. It can be a physical or mental power that separates the master from the slave. Either way, the concept of the power dynamic is crucial. If it was not, then we would put every company out of business where people have to "strike" to get "fair wages" etc. because the slaves would have just taken over the company. The power division keeps the balance. Does anyone feel me?

@TimBitten - 18.04.2022 06:42

What I took from this is that Hegel is a fucking Borg sympathizer!!

@RevenantPhoenix - 17.03.2022 03:29

Very well put. This is why I love GITS and that Motoko Kusanagi is my #1 waifu

@raymondcarter8915 - 08.03.2022 08:56

this is pretty explicit in the manga, major and the puppet master have long drawn out conversation saying exactly this.

@NameNotGiven766 - 02.02.2022 04:16

So it seems the only way for humanity to move forward is to merge with AI.

@jamesnesran2348 - 05.01.2022 05:29

the stagnation theory is sheer conjecture

@mistycloud4455 - 13.12.2021 05:55

A.G.I Will be man's last invention

@good2btheking - 25.11.2021 11:10

What i want to know is how they come up with these concepts before the technology is even available! Unless what you are telling me is that they already have the technology and are just controlling the narrative to reach their desired results!! With our words we create our reality and pictures are worth a thousand words. Do you ever wonder?

@red4666 - 12.11.2021 18:39

"the first time we see ba-2" lol

@donpoco - 08.11.2021 09:41

Lets merge

@SaeedAcronia - 24.10.2021 22:55

Ghost in the Shell 2017 took a huge dump on the original.
They original was smarter than all Hollywood movies combined. They should've never Hollywoodized Ghost in the Shell.

@eastsideronaldo9493 - 20.10.2021 03:26

Anyone watching in2021?

@Kaloapoele - 18.10.2021 03:33

The borg suck because it reads as exploitative and overbearing. Their system of sublimation is nonconsensual and authoritarian

@arkadiusztrzesniewski4237 - 10.10.2021 11:30

"I want as to merge"It's basically what Bayer said to Monsanto few years ago. Real-life Ghost in the shell, in large villainous corporate format.

@nanakoshimizu3068 - 02.10.2021 16:55

Noooo the original is comics by Shiro Masamune!!

@evnnns - 10.09.2021 00:13

Lithium flower remix in the background is great :)

@chillofono - 08.08.2021 23:21

This is brilliant. Thank you so much for this content!

@TopSecret2022 - 06.08.2021 19:49

Nice, I’ll be getting myself a Neuralink in da future 😎🤖

@sunrisevideosgamingandmuch7791 - 02.08.2021 16:50

This video helped a lot i watched the movie but still i failed yo grasp it philosophy awesome goona rewatch movie tho
