Increase Bandwidth, Reduce Latency w/ Mateo Ward and Andrew McConnell

Increase Bandwidth, Reduce Latency w/ Mateo Ward and Andrew McConnell


55 лет назад

738 Просмотров

In this episode of Validated, Austin discusses his new venture DoubleZero with co-founders Andrew McConnell and Matteo Ward. They discuss the necessity of creating high-performance networking specifically tailored for blockchains, comparing it to the traditional internet and private networks. They delve into their backgrounds and how their experiences in telecom and high-frequency trading influence the development of Double Zero. This episode covers various technical topics including the limitations of the public internet, the importance of a purpose-built network, and how DoubleZero provides a decentralized, efficient, and secure connectivity for blockchain validators.

00:00 - Mateo and Andrew's Backgrounds and Early Careers
16:17 - Understanding the Internet's Infrastructure
20:15 - Routing and Performance Issues
26:13 - DoubleZero's Vision
28:12 - Building a High-Performance Network for Blockchain
29:34 - The Role of Hardware vs. Software in Networks
30:55 - Software-Defined Networking
32:16 - Connecting Validators to DoubleZero
35:51 - The Physical Infrastructure of DoubleZero
46:21 - Multicast and High-Performance Networking
51:46 - The Role of FPGAs in Networking
56:46 - Cultural Experience of Transitioning to Crypto

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