Alpha 21 - Which Quests Are Worth Doing Now? - 7 Days To Die Survival Guide #4

Alpha 21 - Which Quests Are Worth Doing Now? - 7 Days To Die Survival Guide #4


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Jonathon - 12.10.2023 18:22

How much more fun would it be if each quest used random spawns within the POI, randomly procedured zombie spawns, to keep it different each time, to me it would be fantastic, the unknown instead of having done the same thing so many times you just know exactly what’s about to happen and when, in which room and where. Replay appeal stays refreshing

artcrime2999 - 22.09.2023 17:55

The cathedral is amazing for book hunting and takes no time to clear

I Forgot My Real Name
I Forgot My Real Name - 18.09.2023 04:04

I am so glad you made a mini bike

Remnar - 11.08.2023 08:30

Did you know that you can get double the loot? Before hitting that yellow exclamation, loot the entire POI, then hit the icon. It will reset it.

Remnar - 11.08.2023 08:19

I've never thought to use a hatch to stop zombies at the door. I am usually gung ho and go in and get clobbered if I don't clobber 'em first.

Eras Alams
Eras Alams - 29.07.2023 17:01

Why steel clubs arent good, moreover those melee weapon from intelect? Whats wrong with them?

Amy Metcalf
Amy Metcalf - 25.07.2023 11:45

"Some people hate that... I dont care". Love it.

Can I just say my partner and I have just started playing this game and found you. We are loving your videos, your accent, and really appreciate your opinions. You explain well why you have your opinion and I think you have saved us from making poor choices.

Thank you ❤

Oscar Giacoman
Oscar Giacoman - 16.07.2023 22:17

correction there is other videos on internet but this are the ones i like most

Richard Cagle
Richard Cagle - 15.07.2023 05:11

lol i been following along a bit an noticed you were way way more lucky with the magazines than ive been. kinda slowed me down quite a bit from your current progression, but i can see the reason for the change. thanks for the work

Marcus Chan
Marcus Chan - 08.07.2023 10:57

can we do tier 2 quest from party members and skip tier 1 quest for bicycle reward?

Mexican - 07.07.2023 10:11

I got a question @IzPrebuilt
Since you said tiering up is like a "points system" does that mean for example If I am just starting out Tier 3 (which means I need 3x7=21 points) I could technically do 11x Tier 2 quests (2 points each) and rank up to tier 4? Or do you need to do AT least your same tier to be able to get points? I generally only play the game during huge patches, and I was under the assumption that if you did quests under your tier, you cannot progress your tier. Do you know the answer?

Branwhin - 05.07.2023 06:45

Huh! I did NOT realize that the job tiers worked on a "point" system like that, and you could unlock Tier 5 jobs (ulp!!) by just doing more of lower tiers. Nice! LOL, in Alpha 20 I think Tier 3 and 4 were my favourites, depending how much "ZOMG I'm gonna die!!!" I wanted on a given day. Erm. Thank heavens I don't tend to play 'permadeath,' shall we say.

Uncolored - 02.07.2023 11:00

Quests may be a bit broken
I unlocked tier 2 at day 3 and after doing a couple jobs, I got a lv3 STEEL shovel

JuJu Le Druide
JuJu Le Druide - 27.06.2023 15:05

nice video man , teacher level 100 !

K A - 27.06.2023 14:00

Wait what, I had no leveling traders worked like that

Actionwaffle - 27.06.2023 03:14

Alpha 21 really changed up the poi method for me. Normally I just nerd pole to the roof of the poi then work my way down. It keeps you from being ambushed almost every time. Now they dont spawn zombies unless you hit certain triggers in the poi sometimes. I just did Butcher Pete's with a crossbow and stealthed all the way down with ease until that last room spawned all those ferals and one managed to hit me. Also, I think the main reason to do Butcher Pete's is for the rotten meat thats all throughout the POI.

Enryu - 27.06.2023 02:24

how did he get so much gas?

RaptorX - 25.06.2023 19:36

And here I am, morning of day 7 with a pipe assualt rifle and a hunting rifle waiting for doom

Azell - 25.06.2023 10:40

un-fun pimps huh you're literally making the game less fun on purpose then bragging about it constantly your kindoff the worst

Sky TheGod
Sky TheGod - 25.06.2023 08:28

I dislike silent dogs. They’ve been more common in this version

Christopher John Elancheziyan
Christopher John Elancheziyan - 25.06.2023 07:48

prebuilt wrenching 1 ambulance gets a tier 6 battery, me wrenching 30 battery, at least I got 10 engines...

Maximus5051 - 24.06.2023 15:53

If, like me, you hate being given only a choice of far, far away quests you can reset the trader quests easily by doing the following :

Go into the console : Press F1
Enter Developer Mode : Type DM [return]

Interact with the trader, you will now see 'Admin Options', choose that and reset quests. Repeat until you are happy and then switch off Developer Mode by re-entering the console and typing DM again.

Average Luffy
Average Luffy - 24.06.2023 11:18

this game i love but since the update i cant make
world it joist clarsaches

Gubber81 - 24.06.2023 06:11

Did your level get reset with the update

TheMovieCure - 24.06.2023 00:59

how2 repair the bikecycle ?

K B - 23.06.2023 07:54

And trader is becoming bullocks in this game - this should be a survival game not a go to trader do missions game. Instead trader could be traveling on a map guy or a caravan. And maybe you can pick up some stories on the way.

K B - 23.06.2023 07:45

Too much XP for missions, I just to beat my friends without even goin to trader.

George Lovell
George Lovell - 23.06.2023 01:12

One thing I've learned over the years, it that you ARE going to play this game the way the Pimps want you to.

MrZevv - 22.06.2023 12:15

I hate this "Traps" they set with Spawning mobs after you go or did certain things or places. Irs Crap and bullshit. It doesnt make the Game harder.... .you just need to know where they spawn em now. Totaly annoying

Neil Engle Mixer
Neil Engle Mixer - 22.06.2023 09:27

Side note: I literally made an audible noise when I saw the cement mixer spin 😅

Neil Engle Mixer
Neil Engle Mixer - 22.06.2023 09:14

So this new learn by looting mechanic… I’m not exactly sure how The Pimps have designed it to work, BUT, I have a game where I’ve done nothing but perk into Strength and Pummel Pete and I’m still not seeing any of the magazine associated with that. And as I level up the traders don’t seem to be scaling either.

I do like the difficulty the new system brings but is it just me or is it not what we were or should be expecting based on what they described pre Alpha release?

I’m not convinced it’s working properly yet.

Kitkami - 21.06.2023 09:00

I just did butcher petes poi and i had the room of ferals. They damn near killed me.

Nik Hanif
Nik Hanif - 20.06.2023 16:11

im rather using 3 time charger then waste time using stupid lockpick for chest 😂

LordRazer3 - 19.06.2023 08:06

not going to lie but I think after like day 14 I end up just using timed charges for all my locked containers

Ukrainian Patriot
Ukrainian Patriot - 19.06.2023 05:44

You're okay, IzPrebuilt. The fun pimps sometimes act as nasty people do.

ProtoGaming03 - 19.06.2023 00:50

Vending machines have the chance to have learnin elixers.

diddykangable - 18.06.2023 23:51

did a t5 quest at the crack a book hq the other day, even when stealthing the entire floor would get aggroed on me all at once leading to encounters that where easily twice as hard as horde night. do not recommend

DarkPegasus87 - 18.06.2023 17:03

I think it's official. Watch GNS for the cinematics, Glock for the shenanigans, Genosis for the humor, and IzPrebuilt for the unapologetic playstyle. You are the first one I've heard who won't praise TFP for what they have done. The way I see it, they will have to do a LOT right from here on out without slip-up to make up for the BS of removing glass jars just to nerf a playstyle. Their small-minded fascism in how they update this game really works against them, and it REALLY did not help when they brushed complaints aside and basically told people to just play like they do. Once I have the time to actually learn modding, I plan to make a mod that focuses on a playstyle not dependent on looting and questing for traders.

szaniszlo david
szaniszlo david - 17.06.2023 18:12

how can i play with b313? please help me, i want to change it, but can't.

snakesdagger langdale
snakesdagger langdale - 17.06.2023 16:10

The nerf to traders was so needed makes the game progression slower and more fun toexplore plus you use dukes for stuff u would not normal buy

titanmaximum2 - 17.06.2023 15:47

Your player will revert to level 1 if you do the update.

MrKleenexx - 17.06.2023 15:31

As far as I am concerned, I did multiple infestation quests, and they provide a nice challange, indeed it is harder now and more fun to do questing, but early on it isn't worth it at all, you get terrible loot, moreover you can even be level 1 if you want and you will still get a bunch of ferals, on level 30 (I was in the pine biome so no modifier) I had radiated zombies spawning in the byington residence, basically saying that even if it's a tier 2 or 3 infestation and you're low level, you will always get ferals no matter what level you are, absolutely not worth it early game since they will eat your ass like it's a chinese buffet, but the ammo crate is absolutely wonderful

Hayley Vannistelrooy
Hayley Vannistelrooy - 17.06.2023 15:26

Sometimes feeling productive is better than actually being productive

Gunnar Clark
Gunnar Clark - 17.06.2023 13:49

Do heavy attacks with scrapping tools still provide maximum resources? It seemed like you were using light attacks for the firetruck

Kazgrel - 17.06.2023 12:17

T5 quests seem to be a waste right now, or you have to get stupid lucky. I'm on a server running with 5-6 friends and the quest rewards from T5 quests have been about the same as T2 joke. Only exception was a buddy getting a g5 junk drone; meanwhile my options included a g2 pistol (and the POI was the old apartment building...forget what they renamed it to). T4 quests seemed to have the best rewards overall.

Edit: Forgot to mention in my experience w/ solo play (which I've done far less of compared to multiplayer), T3s are my fav to solo. T4s are doable but like you said, lot of effort compared to T3s. I don't even bother with T5s when solo unless I'm running an agility build, but I don't tend to run that build while solo. That was in previous alphas, though...may be doable now w/ the crafting changes.

isoSwifty - 17.06.2023 10:21

I've been inspired to make my own content because of you and GNS but damn its a lot of work and I have nothing but respect for you guys. I haven't done it per say, but inspired nonetheless lol

Muazen - 17.06.2023 10:10

IzPrebuilt has the standoffish grumpiness down to an art.
Enough to be fun to listen to, but not too much to be a jerk.

oggie - 17.06.2023 09:59

build a new base dude
