Almost done with the stone walls on our dreamy farm in Portugal

Almost done with the stone walls on our dreamy farm in Portugal

The Indigo Escape

2 месяца назад

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@TPSmarkets - 14.12.2024 13:01

Can i come to Visit you Guys ? I will be in Portugal from the 18.12 till 03.01.25 to Celebrate Christmas with my Family.
i Come from near Leiria, thats not that far away. I would like to visit you!

@yaisaprice5267 - 14.12.2024 13:30

Wonderful video ✨️🏕💕 thanks

@jackiclark6667 - 14.12.2024 14:06

Simon is making stupendous walls they are things of beauty. They are going to make the property look so special and individual and Omar those cupboards are so perfect your getting to be quite a carpenter you can build me a wardrobe any time you like👍😋.

@brianfitch9030 - 14.12.2024 14:35

Omar's reaction to spilling his mug of tea: priceless.

@melinda5777 - 14.12.2024 16:46

Fantastic video! Omar, you've done some very skilled work! Your so patient! Bravo!!! Of course Simon is ...... WOW, the work he has done! Y'all ought to be putting all the film clips together for the finished Rock/stone house. To make a time-lapse of Simon's work and Y'all's supporting help! Great video it would be!! Just a suggestion. I like the color of the doors Omar painted as well! Olive trees! They sure were hidden! And I love the one orange! Save the seeds and plants another tree! All my Love! ✝️🙏❤🇺🇸☘🍍🤗💪😎

@isabelfarist221 - 14.12.2024 16:55


@celiapereira5223 - 14.12.2024 17:33

You are doing "magnífico"...well done you both ❤🫶👏👏👏

@paulag1109 - 14.12.2024 17:55

I did enjoy this video today. I like the time lapse of the brick work. The cabinet doors look so good and I can’t wait to see them installed. How exciting to have all those olive trees. I hope they will all come back healthy. ❤

@shirleygardner5483 - 14.12.2024 18:27


@TomWilson-ir6uq - 14.12.2024 19:34

Great work guys, well done 😊

@SandraH-i7h - 14.12.2024 20:21

Stonework and ring beam look good! Almost ready for the roof! Yay! 👏👏 How is the olive tree that you had to transplant a couple of years ago doing? Did it survive? I keep trying to spot it in the background in the videos but can’t quite tell exactly where it is.

@karenbrindley7170 - 14.12.2024 20:53

The stone work is lovely. What a nice space this will be one day.

@HGMNinja - 14.12.2024 21:45


@ginacrusco234 - 14.12.2024 23:36

How wonderful to bring your olive trees back into producing trim! That's real progress for your homestead.

@joycecollins1515 - 15.12.2024 00:01

Love the colors. You must be so thrilled to have new kitchen.

@cliffpalmer8274 - 15.12.2024 00:26

That wall is a work of art X great job guys xXx

@qoriquentegallegos8397 - 15.12.2024 00:46

Hello. Have you heard of syntropic agriculture? Maybe you could research a bit? All your bio-mass, except for the beetle infested tree, could be used as mulch and compost.

@qoriquentegallegos8397 - 15.12.2024 00:48

Simon reminds me of the quintessential character of English literature, especially Thomas Hardy. His side burns are so good!

@juliarabe-t4g - 15.12.2024 01:07

bonfires are FUN!!! but the pile of mulch you could have had! For use in the garden, pathways, around trees to suppress weeds....etc...

@Rebeca-sd1md - 15.12.2024 01:09

Omar, great job with the kitchen cabinets 👏 and I love the color you guys chose for them too. It's lovely! I hope your olive trees 🫒 thrive! You'll have your in-house olive oil in a near future! ❤

@doriskuhberger8559 - 15.12.2024 03:25

The stones are coming along nicely. Simon is doing a great job with the stones. We are having a heatwave of 37°C = 98.6°F for a week. I love the cold.
Thank you for sharing. Thoughts and Prayers. Love and Blessings. Doris, Penrith 🇦🇺🦘

@donzinette - 15.12.2024 03:39

Incredible with Simon's patience on that rock work for the house. It looks wonderful so far.

@npete55 - 15.12.2024 06:08

The stone walls are beautiful… but I really love to see the smothering vines and brambles being removed from the trees! Can’t wait to see them thriving 😊

@glenlongstreet7 - 15.12.2024 06:20

A little putty, a little paint, will make it look like what it ain't. That works well until you master the task.
But you are doing great!

@ctownsend4600 - 15.12.2024 06:37

Everything looks so great. But what us old builders would like to see is you guys wearing masks. That cement will kill you!

@zusa5701 - 15.12.2024 07:01

Pine is not good for making fire inside a house, it is a dirty tree perhaps because of the sap...

@WendyNCBlue - 15.12.2024 07:31

Missing Andrea.

@WendyNCBlue - 15.12.2024 07:34

You're back!! 🎉

@leftypd5363 - 15.12.2024 10:30

You’ll have fun with those olive trees..let’s see what your mom does with them

@staceybohlke1881 - 15.12.2024 12:09

You are really going gangbusters. The stone work is looking so beautiful. And my favorite part was you liberating the olive trees! Looks so much better, and in the spring they will thrive. Your kitchen will be lovely too with the new cabinet drawers and doors. Make sure to rest up. Stay safe and Merry Christmas.

@lindahedley9049 - 15.12.2024 12:54

Omar don’t knock yourself, you have done a great job in your joiner shop there, a few years ago we bought a kitchen from a well known kitchen company and some of their joints had gaps. Well done to you all.

@LeonelCordeiro-y9r - 15.12.2024 12:56

Il faut savoir s'intégrer dans un pays sans venir faire chier les gens qui y habitent bon travail et bonne construction 🇲🇫🇵🇹👍

@LorraineinAustralia - 15.12.2024 14:26

Simon is a wonder❤️❤️
I’m so glad you had a proper trim of your trees. Harvesting will be wonderful in ‘26
Cheers to everyone..🦘🐨❤️❤️❤️❤️

@mluzmartinez7827 - 15.12.2024 14:35

Gran trabajo. Enhorabuena. Esta quedando todo precioso

@hengerdani - 15.12.2024 14:59

If using acryl, the best tool for making nice and smooth is the ice cream stick. I really like this progress what you guys did.

@miriammuskal5402 - 15.12.2024 16:59

Beautiful work

@Aotruba - 15.12.2024 19:33

Thank you for sharing such an entertaining video! 👍🥰👍❣️😻❣️😻❣️😻❣️

@coby6417 - 15.12.2024 23:45


@Rat_Poison_Devil - 16.12.2024 04:03


@Aotruba - 16.12.2024 09:31

I loved this video! Thank you for sharing!❤👍🥰👍

@TheHousewithNoName - 16.12.2024 13:47

Your attention to on the tongue and groove is amazing! Awesome work, can only imagine how difficult it is to get them consistent 👏🏼👏🏼

And the stone work looks incredible!!!
Awesome work guys

@janeingram7331 - 16.12.2024 19:48

I love your channel but dislike the music of the thumping in the background. so annoying.

@kellyh8347 - 17.12.2024 12:22

Thank you for keeping it real when you dropped your coffee! I know what it’s like to just want your coffee and have it spill when you are in the middle of something. I probably would have cried—great job!! Well done!! And thank you for great content!!

@kerrymandry262 - 17.12.2024 13:42

Are you going to make marmalade with your oranges? I remember you saying the fruit was sour but, maybe with fertiliser, it might come good. 😊

@christinepyscher6781 - 17.12.2024 19:32

Everything is looking so good. Bravo. Just curious about why there isn’t an interior door connecting the two rooms?

@carlosoliveira-mi8cy - 18.12.2024 13:28

Désolé la traduction audio très mauvaise et pénible je me doute que vous n'êtes pour rien...bon courage à vous

@ptolemyauletesxii8642 - 25.12.2024 18:08

The blade of a table saw spins upwards so it has a tendency to lift the wood it's cutting. Normally this is counteracted by the weight of heavy sheets people tend to cut. But when cutting smaller pieces, especially on edge, they will be lifted up, and you're not going to push them down as this is dangerous. I could actually see some of the pieces you were cutting being lifted by the blade. This is why the grooves are so uneven.
The solution is simple. Just run them quickly through the saw again. Since most of the material has already been removed the blade will have a much easier time getting out the last bits without lifting the pieces too much. You'll find a lot less cleanup is necessary afterwards..

@HazelBrookes - 28.12.2024 23:38

Can all that sawdust be used in the garden or is the wood treated with chemicals which are bad for the veggies etc. ?
