Debate continues over proposed LDS temple in Las Vegas

Debate continues over proposed LDS temple in Las Vegas

KTNV Channel 13 Las Vegas

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@nickywoodard5174 - 10.05.2024 06:14


@cefgaray3 - 10.05.2024 06:26

Yay another polygamy building

@RobertJohnson3344 - 10.05.2024 06:40

Total waste of space that can be used for something better than a cult temple.

@g-dcomplex1609 - 10.05.2024 06:41

Paint it black, if you want more people to accept it

@mikefowler480 - 10.05.2024 07:34

I can attest that temples are the most peaceful places on earth. Having a temple near you will only brighten the community.

@parkerxgps8101 - 10.05.2024 07:42

Cooperation is much better than confrontation.

@MitchellRoboto - 10.05.2024 17:24

Another place where sexual and physical abuse will happen and get covered up by leadership. No thanks.

@agvaquero8361 - 10.05.2024 17:49

Temples tend to be very beautiful architecturally....but would be totally out of place in a very low density completely residential area. Not to mention the increased traffic and light pollution. People seem to be focused on the height only, but this proposed build is a complete monstrosity in size and scale, especially for the area. If it were just the meeting hall, I doubt there would be such a pushback against it.

@SiteSpecialistsLLC - 10.05.2024 18:58

When you look at the history of LDS you can understand people's concerns. It's a cult, not religion. We're talking about pedophilia, secret cult like meetings that women of the cult may not vote in, plural marriages, hidden death and violence within their system, murders, it's like inviting an outlaw motorcycle gang to build their clubhouse in your neighborhood.

@joeburch9220 - 10.05.2024 20:34

Build it and they will come i don’t know who will come probably someone you could get a few they then that nonbinary blue yellow red green purple people that would be kool

@ED-gl5jp - 10.05.2024 20:54

Thank you Channel 13 for actually covering the truth in what is going on across the country! Residents do not deserve to be treated like this by a church.

@eudalaleywhataday - 10.05.2024 23:25

But we can build endless giant casinos that cause huge traffic and are much, much taller as a whole than even their single planned spire.

@earwax5 - 11.05.2024 01:06

This is some great reporting. I am one of the neighbors being impacted by the LDS Temple being built in Yorba Linda as highlighted in this story. The LDS church does not care about the neighbors impacted by these Temples. They bullied my neighborhood and the Yorba Linda planning commission, like they are doing in Las Vegas. Stay strong LV neighborhood citizens and fight the good fight.... and STOP THE STEEPLE.

@dickballs2936 - 11.05.2024 05:20

Total eyesore. Why should one Mormon congregation be allowed to ruin the landscape for the entire valley?

@Illinois12 - 11.05.2024 09:59

Better than a casino a bar or section 8 housing. The crimes is the highest here in Vegas that I don't want a getho casino . Yes to Jesus!

@jeromeburdine966 - 11.05.2024 13:44

Say goodbye to any peace and quiet there!!! Isn't Nevada progressive? Well, this is progress!!!

@nathanparry675 - 12.05.2024 02:52

2 hours to the North, there is a similar temple in a neighborhood in St. George Utah.
The community might consider going up and seeing what it is like in that area To have a temple in such a neighborhood.

@noahriding5780 - 12.05.2024 05:05

They'd accept it if it were a bar or a whore house. Or a meth den. But not a church.

@philbateman2345 - 14.05.2024 22:03

Is the LDS Church breaking any actual laws? Or are community members just upset.

@marilynwatene1480 - 15.05.2024 04:07

I bet they wouldn't mind at all if it were a big casino...They sure don't want the Lords House among them to remind them of their sins...Let the Temple be built! It will beautify their area, and bless all those in the vicinity. And by the way I would wager that property values will go up!

@Glen.Danielsen - 16.05.2024 16:46

C'mon you guys. You wish to protect rural, yet no one has the right to be the last and only. What rural did your own homes destroy when they were built? Latter-day Saint temples are absolutely beautiful. Would a trailer park bookended by a pawn shop and a brothel be more pleasing to the eye? A temple will be a diamond in your desert. Cheers to you, good neighbors!

@MA-gv3wg - 16.05.2024 21:40

Tax evaders 😂

@raerich3964 - 18.05.2024 19:14

I challenge anyone protesting a temple to go to the nearest temple and walk the grounds and the neighborhood it is in. You will change your mind. The temple closest to us was built first and then a lot of houses were built around it later. The neighborhood is beautiful, serene, and quiet. These buildings will be around for 100s of years.

@tonymartinez457 - 19.05.2024 06:16

with God nothing is impossible.

@benjamingregersen9777 - 19.05.2024 08:56

Why do people who don't own the land think they can control what happens on the land they don't own. This is the United States of America. The LDS church shouldn't even have to get permission from the government in order to build on its own land. Citizens who don't own the property shouldn't have a say either. It's called private property rights, and it's enshrined in our Constitution.

- 20.05.2024 19:44

If there was a beautiful temple like that next to my house, I believe it would increase the value of my house.

@theelusive8058 - 21.05.2024 01:53

Got it. It's a rural community that doesn't want more development to change the feel of their isolated neighborhood. I live in a small town and, as it has grown, have seen myself and others with me complain about the extra roads and noise and lights. I get it. Here's the sad reality though - some areas grow and develop and there is nothing you can do to stop it. So you either invite good and wholesome development or you get nasty and ugly development. That's just what happens when populations explode like they are in Las Vegas. So - let the temple come, let your houses quadruple in value - then sell and but a better home in a more rural place. I'm not mocking or trying to be rude, I'm just giving advice that works..... you cannot stop growth if you live in a growth are - so guide the growth and adapt. Hope that helps!
