8 Vinyl Decal Hacks All Crafters Need to Save Time, Money, and Materials

8 Vinyl Decal Hacks All Crafters Need to Save Time, Money, and Materials


4 года назад

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@carolchatmon9433 - 18.11.2022 06:42

Best Permanent adhesive vinyl?

@alishasimmons1990 - 11.12.2022 03:40

You are a great help. Thanks

@janitordome3605 - 17.12.2022 21:40

Help! I'm new at this. I can't get my transfer tape to stick to my vinal. What am I doing wrong? I weed it then layer the vinal on. I then use the rubber spatula thing to get any air bubbles out and make sure transfer tape is one. I go to lift and the backing of the vinal still attached to the vinal and not on the transfer tape. I am using PV for vehicles btw.

@hazele.5570 - 25.12.2022 00:00

Can you do that layer hack with HTV ?

@Thugtkd - 05.01.2023 00:25

great info, thank you ! keep up the good work!

@joes8628 - 19.01.2023 19:54

How much would that sticker sale for

@Shpod - 25.01.2023 06:28

Great video!

@theteeslanger9866 - 14.02.2023 07:13

One of the best I’ve seen. Thx.

@laponiec - 20.02.2023 17:55

Really cool pieces of advice, thank yuo ;)

@Brandonthebeastsolis - 02.03.2023 12:12

Dude!!! I’ve been doing this for 15+ years… never used any of this… just the ol Get Er Done technique lol thank you brother!! New subscriber ❤️❤️❤️🙏

@berenicemendoza7544 - 20.03.2023 12:44

Love it love u and ur company! thank u

@azrider478 - 31.03.2023 20:12

that was grate

@msatatood - 04.05.2023 04:21

9:16 pm
Do you have a preference on the transfer paper? I have a hard time with my project not sticking to the paper, especially small intrigot pieces.

@jhsvlogs6595 - 28.05.2023 01:19

Thank you

@innateramirez7448 - 29.05.2023 05:24

This video convinced me keep working on decals. I started old school way back when everything was done by hand. Now, I am having a difficult transition. Thanks to this I might just have seen the light at the end of the tunnel.

@ayeshaazhar6891 - 15.06.2023 12:23

I learned something new about Reverse weeding hack... This is what I need for Intricate designs... Thank you for all your tips tho😊

@dandee28 - 22.06.2023 11:36

aw how do i save this video

@musicmom02 - 09.07.2023 22:24

I'm late to the game, but I found you by accident and your 2 vids I've watched so far is great for this newbie. I do have a question. I have a large hard plastic file box I want to gift to a grandchild. Will vinyl stick to it? How? What kind? I just want to put her name on it.

@connerl77 - 09.07.2023 22:30

Omg!!! Thank you sooo much for the help! I needed this. I'm just starting my journey on HTV Cricut designs! This helps me with a layered Logo. 🥰

@tommyvelez3338 - 17.07.2023 20:04

I just started my business to sell stickers and decals and im getting as much help as i could and you did help me out a lot. thank you. I just subscribed and im going to watch all the videos i can. I got a Cameo 4 to start off.

@O.S.R.C. - 27.07.2023 00:47

Parchment paper was Top Drawer...

@kathleen8167 - 16.08.2023 05:52

Im just starting and this is sweet Thank you .

@garthlemere3245 - 24.09.2023 19:30

First time watching! I've been doing it wrong for nearly 15 years! I'll be binge watching along with my staff!

@rachelrocha9581 - 26.12.2023 05:17

Thank you so much! I’m new to all this and your video helped me a lot! ❤

@Aaron4Giants - 30.12.2023 02:15

How much would you charge your customer for this whole process for that one decal?

@mustgofaster6545 - 25.01.2024 19:19

Solids tips! Thank you

@tammygemas8797 - 30.01.2024 15:40

Great hack. love how you don't mess around and just do the demo

@MichaelOechsle - 14.02.2024 14:24

i like the way you work. it is how i lerned in early days in my job. great video 1x1 of how2do

@RVingTheCountry - 23.03.2024 07:57

This is pretty awesome! I tint rv’s at Rv resorts and would love to offer these to my customers. RVers live there dogs. So if they can put these on their rv windows with a phone number for emergencies I’m sure I could sell a ton. I just looked up how to create a SVG using a picture of their actual dog. How cool is that gonna be. I’ve never done vinyl but I’m buying some to practice. Thanks so much man!

@P40BTomahawk - 01.04.2024 19:02

Parchment hack is great! Thanks.

@albert2araujo - 01.04.2024 21:27

So freaking awesome!

@Kmass - 16.04.2024 13:30

I am just starting my decal journey, this was a great video gonna try this

@shane46947 - 30.04.2024 19:46

pretty sweet hacks will try to remember these

@gideons300club3 - 10.05.2024 21:56

good class ty

@FUNNYMANERICWHITE - 19.05.2024 03:59

Do you need laminate over regular car stickers (not decal) ? I just want to make regular car stickers. I might go with the cricut vinyl but don’t know if I need to laminate it for extra protection. Trying to save money and time. Thanks

@masterg441 - 06.06.2024 21:13

New to decals. Probably the most valuable video I've seen to date. Straight to the point. No yada yada. Brilliant

@watersd3095 - 29.06.2024 17:43

Great tips, you make it so simple, Thanks

@3dPrintCreator - 03.07.2024 16:47

The reverse method was a great new tip. Thanks.

@moondive4ever - 08.07.2024 09:37

Legend. TY

@ddogmog - 26.08.2024 23:28

I buy a few decals every year. Maybe 8-10. Half of which I never use because it wasn't what I was expecting wrong color or sometimes the maker can't read a tape measure. so wrong size. I thought it would be easier to just make my own and have exactly what I wanted. Been looking at machines over a year now. Anyway, I got a HUGE 34" VEVOR at amazon because it was so cheap. $180 Unfortunately, there's no support for the software that comes w/it, which makes the learning curve incredibly steep for a beginner like me. What do you think is the easiest to use and does it have tech support? And most importantly - Is there one that will let me copy images from the internet and then cut them. Like a ford or chevy logo? I have zero interest in starting a business, but I really like how you made all of that look so very simple. I can't even make a word the same size twice in the same cutting cycle. Like if I want to spell (dog) 20 times and cut them all at once - they will all be different sizes. I had to return that giant cutter, but I still want to try again. And I'm even willing to spend a little more if I can find one that will do the things I mentioned previously. I still have $150 in tools and multiple rolls of vinyl that I can't return anyway. Any suggestion? Thanks

@BassCoastImages - 29.08.2024 09:33

I love these tips, thank you. So sick of dithering people on craft videos. Please, just get to the point and show me how to do it. You did that!! New fan here :-)

@yemarican - 05.09.2024 09:50

Thank you.

@tiasmile - 14.09.2024 10:43

Actually useful

@sharon2922 - 20.09.2024 20:10

Really quick, accurate, no drama tips. On point! Very helpful.
Thank you sir.

@Oldman_Dan - 20.10.2024 12:15

AWASOME or as we say in South Africa: AMA-zing!!! Thanks for these tips.

@davidstone61 - 18.11.2024 20:54

The Light Board link to Amazon didn’t lead to anything. Maybe the item is no longer available.

@melodieweller532 - 28.11.2024 10:33

I've been thinking about starting a small decal business, and this video was great! I'm on disability and would like to have a little extra income to help pay monthly expenses. I'm looking forward to watching all of your videos to make the best decisions on machines and products. Thank you! 🎉

@RicciDeVries - 11.01.2025 10:04

Awesome i will definitely use all of them

@RichMoshier - 24.01.2025 19:21

I’m a total newbie, that was a very helpful video. Pretty cool stuff.

@gabrieltrb - 29.01.2025 21:34

amazing hacks, thanks from Brazil
