Arch Linux Is Finally 20 Years Old!!

Arch Linux Is Finally 20 Years Old!!

Brodie Robertson

2 года назад

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M O - 17.09.2023 07:50

In a weird way I kind of love that original logo

fosstera_synth - 03.06.2022 07:07

The first time i installed Arch was a few years ago, but there was some sort of error on my part that borked the network manager. I had Arch exclusively as a ttyl lol
Then i found manjaro and used that for a while. Then i tried vanilla Arch again a lil less than a year ago, but ended up breaking it. I cant remember what i did, but something happened. Went back to manjaro, but hated it. Then i hopped over to Endeavour a few weeks ago, and ive been happy with that since. Maybe i'll try out the Arch install script in a vm or something.

Donald Wyman
Donald Wyman - 04.05.2022 17:24

I have messed with arch or arch derivates on and off for probably 5-6 years now, usually just a "hey let me see if I can install this" type of thing, then I was using Manjaro for a while(the bad experiences with it had soured me on arch for a while until I learned that Manjaro and their flawed repo situation was the problem not arch), but Permanently moved over a year or so ago. Before That I was mostly on buntu derivatives or Debian derivates since like 07 but then went to fedora for about a year or 2 before deciding to come to Arch full time. Now I am instantly annoyed when using a deb/buntu type distro because if a package is not in the main repos you have to install it using a PPA, flatpak, AppImage, or if all else fails snap. The AUR has spoiled me.

feras toom
feras toom - 15.04.2022 20:29

i use endeveros and its awesome i love kali linux too its debian but rolling so its different and light wait

Al Buzz
Al Buzz - 13.04.2022 23:06

Redhat to Suse to Debian to Ubuntu user :0 never touched Arch "It wasn't me"

Chris van O
Chris van O - 09.04.2022 20:03

It's strange to me, with the amount of work and hassle that we used to have to go through in order to install and configure a usable Linux system, that people are still doing it today. I can't believe how much time I wasted with distros like Gentoo and Slackware, inevitably having to install over them with Mandrake in order to get a halfway decent desktop experience.

Charlos64 - 07.04.2022 06:12

I use Garuda Linux on the laptop and the desktop. I like it very much. I know how to install arch Linux but Garuda has like 90% of my settings in like 3 clicks

Diosphere - 28.03.2022 21:57

I just love how pacman works. Arch is also my favorite distro of choice. 🐧

Eduard - 26.03.2022 00:18

Guess the OS that I am running while watching this video. :P
Thanks for your video! I was even not fully aware of the 20 years age of the distro. Nice to learn about some history of it here.

I think I am also crazy enough to try that 0.1 version from github. I am kinda curious how Qemu will run it, or whether it fails completely. :P

Thomas Berger
Thomas Berger - 23.03.2022 13:40

I tried Arch once, and i hated it. Coming from gentoo, arch is bloated, custom package building is a fucking pain in the ass, changing compile time features gets out of the hand very fast, because changing PKGBUILD files is just not a good way to do it.

I'm sticking with me beloved Gentoo.

Hemish - 23.03.2022 11:41

started with debian distros but on arch for more than 1 and half year. tried switching to artix but somehow couldnt. stayed on arch

han - 22.03.2022 23:17

been using Linux for 1.5 yrs, started with elementaryOS and switched to Fedora about 2 months ago, i'm loving it but i can't help my curiosity about Arch, might give it a try at some point

generally unimportant person.
generally unimportant person. - 21.03.2022 01:42

i've been using arch since... 12/09/21. it's been fun, and i think i won't be switching anytime soon lol

generally unimportant person.
generally unimportant person. - 21.03.2022 01:31

that slide literally has + in binary written on it lol

Njul - 20.03.2022 19:26

Been using Arch Linux for about 7 years now, always been my favourite.

Francisco Cribari
Francisco Cribari - 20.03.2022 05:17

I used to run Manjaro and I now run Arch. I've been on Arch for the past three years. Surprisingly, Arch is much more stable than Manjaro. Arch + KDE is an amazing combo.

Redmage913 - 19.03.2022 20:31

After being dissatisfied with Ubuntu 10.10, I tried playing around with Gentoo, but the compilation time was hell on my P4 and Atom machines. I found the Arch Beginners Guide, which taught me so much about the Linux framework, partitioning, package management, and building my own GUI with openbox. No other distro has been as informative for me, even though I moved to Manjaro for easier Optimus usage.

I miss the Beginners Guide.

Mario - 19.03.2022 20:30

I started my linux desktop journey about 2.5 years ago with arch, after having experience with linux through working on research software for HPC systems. Back then my personal computer was a mac and I was basically just using the terminal and browser on there, customizing as much of my work flow as possible. I was really annoyed by how apple makes things not just fool proof, but they also prevent people with significant IT knowledge from controlling their system. So arch was the natural move for me and It's been an awesome experience so far!
The hardest part about moving to arch was exporting my passwords out of apple key chain. When I exported my passwords you had to export every password individually and confirm it with your user password. Also you couldn't write a script that interacts with the GUI to automate it. Because you can only use applescript to interact with the GUI!!!!
So I had to learn applescript and write custom code just to export my stupid passwords...
Thanks apple for making everything so damn difficult for no reason other than forcing people to stick with your products!

Tim Haines
Tim Haines - 19.03.2022 08:00

I've used it since a year before the systemd switch? Then the switch happened an hosed my system and distro hopped for awhile and been off and on for the past 5 or so years. On my main systems, I've always had in in a VM though. And recently, I just installed Arch32 on my OLD computer.

Tim - 19.03.2022 02:21

2 years

Dexedrine - 19.03.2022 00:41

how did you get your brave browser to look the way it does? Are you using some kind of GTK+ theme for it & if so which one?

ThePaulCraft - 18.03.2022 21:19

On my main machine I run debian, and on my laptop i use Arch, but I have to say, there is literaly no difference in the day to day usage(programming and stuff)

Влад Б. Waldemar B.
Влад Б. Waldemar B. - 18.03.2022 20:49

Not only Arch. Many of linux distributions age of majority in these days. Debian for example.

Sk. Mashrur Sourov
Sk. Mashrur Sourov - 18.03.2022 20:37

Damn! It's kinda impossible to believe that, that was the Arch we know today. 😲😲

Stian - 18.03.2022 19:03

On my laptop(s) 4-7 years and desktop 3-4 years. I changed disks and reinstalled a few times but also kept track of what to install.. Been 99% stable for me. Laptop 100& stable btw.

cheesits456 - 18.03.2022 18:17

Switched from Windows XP to Ubuntu 14.04 back in 2014 (I had an IBM ThinkPad z61t from 2001 with half a gig of RAM at the time), continued using Ubuntu across the various machines I've owned since then up to the 20.04 release, but decided to upgrade from 18.04 to Arch Linux. I've never looked back. I'm still using Ubuntu server 18.04 on my server machine because rolling release isn't a great idea for a server, but I can't see myself ever switching back from Arch on my main desktop machine

Ricard Illa Pujagut
Ricard Illa Pujagut - 18.03.2022 18:14

Around 10 years ago, I moved from Ubuntu to ArchBang. At that time Ubuntu had recently moved to Unity which I really didn't like and ArchBang's Openbox desktop was quite sexy. I eventually installed vanilla Arch and used it for many years.
These days I am mostly using NixOS and sometimes Alpine, but I still have fond memories of Arch.

sazk4000 - 18.03.2022 16:53


Pathum Madhusanka
Pathum Madhusanka - 18.03.2022 16:20

It’s about 2 years now. Arch+qtile 🔥❤️

SearInMinecraft - 18.03.2022 15:56

I actually have been using Arch for basically 6 months now. And I'm really loving it. Before I used Arch, I was just distrohopping from distro to distro. But then I decided, "you know what? I should give Arch a try." And boy I didn't regret it. I used to be a Ubuntu user (I started using Linux 8 months ago). And now I use Arch (btw) with the BSPWM window manager. And I will never move to another distro ever again. (Unless I decide to install Gentoo Linux.) Happy 20th anniversary Arch Linux!

Phazonviper - 18.03.2022 15:23

I've been using Artix for a bit longer than a year as my first distro lul.

Ridwan Rawriet
Ridwan Rawriet - 18.03.2022 15:10

6 months of Linux & Foss = 1st month manjaro + 5 months of pure Arch
The best thing to happen to me in 2021

Rene Rasmussen
Rene Rasmussen - 18.03.2022 14:47

I've used Arch Linux on and off since about 2002. Although nowadays I prefer the installer from something like arcolinux or manjaro. (yes, I am lazy ;-)

Linux Overdose
Linux Overdose - 18.03.2022 14:40

Been a Debian user forever. I did manage to install Arch in a VM. Took me my third try, but got it stable and working correctly. I can install Arch on real hardware at anytime. But I actually enjoy using Debian Stable. I have old packages, but they work like a charm. I do know how to build from source with no problems. So I can upgrade a few old packages when need to. But I mainly stick will the Stable repositories. You can call me crazy. I settle on MX-21 Xfce, it's prefect and great developers and great documentation and love all those MX tools.

pigeon - 18.03.2022 14:23

I started using Linux with arch and I have to say It helped me learn a lot about Linux.

ShizuVoice - 18.03.2022 14:13

Been an Arch user for almost 6 months now and I haven't returned back to Windows. Doing programming is easy here on Linux where you don't need to configure much unlike on Windows setting the "PATH".

But one thing that surprised me is that Arch Linux came two months later after I was born.

Toran Shaw
Toran Shaw - 18.03.2022 12:13

I've tried Arco and Manjaro but not pure Arch... maybe it's about time I give it a try, this year!

Hatifnatt - 18.03.2022 12:08

Can't remember, but looks like I've been using arch for almost ten years now. Still remember time when it went from SysVInit to systemd. And pretty sure, that, at least, my first installation of arch was done with fancy installer with menus and stuff...

ConceptRat - 18.03.2022 11:48

Sooo many good memories. WindowMaker oh yeah. Xeyes 🙄
Oh yeah and Walnut Creek Slackware

DullJoker - 18.03.2022 11:16

I've used all sorts of linux distro's by now, currently got a Win10 / Manjaro dual boot system. Only reason why I went for manjaro is that I wanted a arch based dual that was easy to setup alongside a different OS. (I know I could have went for a manual arch install, I was just to lazy to do so)

ZeoCamo - 18.03.2022 10:41

well, around 2014-2016 when Ubuntu kill it self, i started to search for a new home, so around 2017-2018, i try Arch and it was more stable then any other Distro, because of the new packages, there was less of the backport bugs that make the Static distros like Ubuntu and Fedora so unstable, and if there is a problem, it is 1 command to rollback to the previous version.

i dont look back any more, well unless i need to help a friend on Ubuntu, but many of the problems is the same thing, Snapd is broken, and the best fix for this is to install POP_OS!, and tell them to use flatpak.

ZeoCamo - 18.03.2022 10:23

the binary in the logo is of Cuz 86 as Arch was x86, i think

Ron David
Ron David - 18.03.2022 10:05

I don't use arch because I prefer reliability over bleeding edge. This distro is great, but not for me!

CobaltMK1 - 18.03.2022 08:43

This is a very interesting video!! I’ve been using Debian for a little over 2 years. Also here’s an interesting fact: there is a Linux distribution called CRUX which inspired the Arch Linux creator to make Arch! Sadly, CRUX isn’t that popular anymore.

lpc - 18.03.2022 08:12

I fell in love with Arch on the first day of configuration.

- - 18.03.2022 07:37

I use Artix btw.

Farzad Majidfayyaz
Farzad Majidfayyaz - 18.03.2022 07:29

I think Arch itself is amazing, but the number of Arch-based distros that were created (with quite a few being also awesome) is a true testament to how super amazing it is
