The Gig Economy | Patricia Romboletti | TEDxCentennialParkWomen

The Gig Economy | Patricia Romboletti | TEDxCentennialParkWomen

TEDx Talks

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@VitaKoreneva - 26.09.2023 23:40

Excellent content! 👍

@SachinGanpat - 03.07.2023 01:25

The Gig economy is BS and is just a way for the capitalistic class to exploit people. No benefits. No health insurance. No vacation. This "disruption" is just a way to treat everyone as disposable. Just say no.

@sandraganguly490 - 28.01.2023 20:57

Love the disrupt yourself message very inspiring.

@joescissorhands141 - 09.10.2022 03:46

"Disrupt....disrupt....disrupt" Check your Merriam-Webster, that word doesn't mean what you think it means.

@macbrebonicks8668 - 23.08.2022 10:38

Gigger lover!

@kristinakulikauskyte5964 - 04.08.2022 14:47

my like was 777th :}

@neddoh4300 - 03.05.2022 21:04

Patricia, maybe you should advise companies to stop asking interview candidates about their “skipping” companies on their resume

@neddoh4300 - 03.05.2022 20:56

She just realizes this now? Where has she been, under a rock?

@louiseely5099 - 05.04.2022 02:44

These young students of the gig economy quickly learn the life lesson; you don’t show up nor will their paycheck!

Ответить - 14.12.2021 08:48

this lady needs to stop saying "gigger"

@MrJunga - 13.11.2021 20:52

The dystopian hellscape we're headed towards, and why you should embrace it.

@A_Box - 17.06.2021 00:21

Don't know what's more disturbing, the clap at the end of the video or the bunch of dimwits in the comment section cheering this race to the bottom ideology. SMH

@corpuscallosum4677 - 06.05.2021 21:09

Sales woman of Gig economy, which is another kind of serfdom! Tell us where the distribution of wealth among CEO, CFO, UFO ( :-))s, OH so important exploiters, and the struggling workers with high disciplinary penalties, no benefits and slim profit margins ( with Uber drivers, sometimes they lost money), then talks and promote this 21 century's biggest exploitation system!! TEDx is losing its halo by inviting this kind of guest speaker!! 2 thumbs down!

@Kin-nigérian - 20.02.2021 19:14

Presenter: Oh sorry !! got to move
Me: Oh i got to become a Gigger...
Who else is also thinking in my direction ?

@chinuephillips4464 - 25.01.2021 04:51

This was so imformative......thank you

@demianmckenzie3022 - 03.01.2021 01:15

The reason gig workers are agile and flexible is because it is a matter of life and death for them. They’re one lost “gig” away from losing their homes or not being able to provide care for a sick child. This is advice for those who work in management levels at dying corporations to find work at other, more “innovative” corporations, the businesses that make all their money finding more and more efficient ways to leverage human capital into quick profits, then transfer that risk to the public through an IPO, and inevitably crash and burn, keeping the profits for themselves and leaving all their workers in the cold. Yes, be flexible, because it’s only a matter of time before they’ll find a way to completely eliminate mid-level positions, and you’ll be just another gig serf, right along with all the rest of us.

@milo_thatch_incarnate - 02.01.2021 01:01

I'm 21, and my dad instilled a love of this kind of content in me, and maybe THE biggest thing I'm building my young budding career life around is the trades. Industries like construction, home damage repair, plumbing, electric, etc, are ALWAYS relevant, because people always need someplace to live, and that place always needs repairs. You can much more easily work for small and local businesses, make great wages, have a skill set you can take anywhere, AND lift the finger to being a cog in the working of those massive corporations listed in the video.
I just WISH more young people, especially the ones going to college, would grasp that opportunity instead of aiming for those top 500 companies.

@onursaruhann7187 - 17.12.2020 23:04

This is the race to the bottom. We need a more rigid labor law.

@Moviebuzzhindibypradeep - 24.11.2020 22:25

Like it

@20128096 - 05.11.2020 11:07

Great work!

@cameronlupke2057 - 30.09.2020 10:52

I'm sorry but this gig economy way of life seems to be promoting underemployment, increase in working class poverty, no health insurance and corporates evading more and more tax without citizens having a safety net. This economy is going to ruin lives.

All because of technology we did not need and gave into too much. Humans gave into laziness and this is the payback

@sjmcn500 - 18.09.2020 03:11

Or maybe another option is mass worker strikes to force the billionaire class to stop exploiting workers and pay taxes instead of offshoring jobs and profits. Gig economy equals slavery. This Ted speaker is an apologist for exploitative modern capitalism. Boo!

@DebatingWombat - 14.08.2020 09:04

Patricia Romboletti is the O’Brien of our age:
She will teach you that 2+2=5 and to truly love Big Brother.

@ivetteaquino2532 - 11.08.2020 00:40

Excellent! Thank you, I am now empowered to move on my project!!

@josedrivas-evans9270 - 20.07.2020 22:09

Outstanding presentation!! Great and actionable advice on (a) how to stay relevant in our professional careers, (b) how to navigate through our ever-changing/gig economic landscape, and (c) taking a pragmatic approach on how to disrupt ourselves while becoming nimble, flexible and keep moving. Thanks Patricia, for sharing your wisdom and professional coaching expertise.

@PinoGrigio77 - 24.06.2020 23:03

Get comfortable with the uncomfortable!

@ReubenAStern - 20.06.2020 23:41

YEAH!! YEEEAAAAH!! Thanks lady! This is probably the only way I will ever be able to afford a house.

@brianklapp4386 - 05.05.2020 17:44

Message rings true, especially after 40

@michaelallman6598 - 14.03.2020 08:38

How does a ginger manage if they have a health problem, when we have so many people who go bankrupt because of health care costs?

@ThisHandleIsNotAvailable. - 25.02.2020 18:02

This is a strong argument for Universal Healthcare, limited UBI and education (and continuing education) investments for a transitioning society in a 21st century economy. We will need to be flexible to mitigate the shock of advancement.

@JohnSmith-el2nj - 23.02.2020 21:21

the great pie in the sky

@robotinthebrain - 18.02.2020 21:33

Gig economy is the bliss for anti-utopian world.

@mycooldjofficial - 07.01.2020 02:37

WTF?! Gig workers have no safety net. That's why we need UBI

@mycooldjofficial - 07.01.2020 02:30

No CDs Stores or DVD stores, banks are closing branches. Self-serve checkouts

@pohkhui - 03.01.2020 06:27

Wonderful speech. Anyway, not everyone can adapt and make change.

@paochoua - 11.11.2019 14:38

Go Vote for Andrew Yang. Universal Basic Income or a Freedom Dividend. Andrew Yang has been preaching about losing jobs to tech.

@hamma2006 - 08.11.2019 05:31

That was awesome and Scary and I'm going through it right now, 15 years in a spot where I was "The Guy" now I can't even find a part time job!

@faimhurensohn7608 - 02.11.2019 16:24

what should I care if some old money sack loses his job

@ujean56 - 15.10.2019 19:17

What she's talking about is how the economy will crash and how it will not recover. Let's call it the end of capitalism and the return of feudalism. What's missing is the fact that the majority of these rapidly growing "Companies" go bankrupt.

@nothingness3 - 23.08.2019 04:04

Wonderful lecture...very helpful..

@trano275 - 04.08.2019 17:47

Every word counts :3

@fredoknowsbest - 31.07.2019 06:13

I've been in a gig economy for several years now and everything this woman says is true. I even created a website that teaches people how to get into the gig economy.

@theindividualizt - 15.06.2019 00:13

That is what happens when you have an unregulated economy, and unprotected workforce.

@markprahl1943 - 02.04.2019 22:43

Patricia Romboletti is an absolute gem who articulates a pragmatic approach to today’s workplace without any criticism, judgement, or sentimental longing for the “good old days.”

@margotbernstein7504 - 29.03.2019 23:15

Excellent presentation. Pat Romboletti is one of those coaches who listens to her charges and creates solutions for them. This video is an example of how she stays ahead of the noise in the market and brings valuable knowledge that executives and careerists can readily use.

@brianengleman4076 - 29.03.2019 22:45

Great information, emphasizing the importance of networking in our current environment.

@rebeccameunier2689 - 29.03.2019 18:56

Pat Rombelleti does a great job of telling it like it is! Today's employers don't play by the same rules any more, and it's up to us to understand how to play along.

@pipierbewlay3521 - 26.03.2019 22:31

Pat, you always hit it on the head...

@cpinzone1 - 26.03.2019 03:22

Great advice and presentation by Patricia!
