The Unbuilt Monuments of Washington D.C.

The Unbuilt Monuments of Washington D.C.

Kings and Things

2 года назад

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Madelon Greve
Madelon Greve - 18.09.2023 05:51


Goblue5555 - 14.08.2023 05:13

depressing we don't have them

RonaldReaganRocks1 - 06.07.2023 11:45

Modern designs are so ugly! It's an embarrassment. Go back to building classical ones!

RonaldReaganRocks1 - 06.07.2023 11:43

This is such an awesome channel.

Choogz - 02.06.2023 11:21

Probably best they werent built, It'd be too heart breaking to see the communist mobs trash them and tear them down.

Mr. Smiles and Hugs cuz ur depresso
Mr. Smiles and Hugs cuz ur depresso - 30.04.2023 00:48

We need more Ziggurats.

Napoléon Fëanor
Napoléon Fëanor - 26.04.2023 09:26

The Lincoln monument is kinda "blasphemous" because he sits on throne.

Lord Molyneaux
Lord Molyneaux - 24.04.2023 05:56

That Gothic tower looked amazing.

Urkaim - 19.04.2023 00:57

Had this been built in some non-US friendly country, this would be considered horrible totalitarian architecture celebrating personality cults.

Brentenjs550 - 15.03.2023 05:29

The design for the Washington Momument by a “private society” won? Hmm… could it perhaps be the satanic Freemasons? The same monument is also everywhere else in the world, including in front of the Vatican, and is designed to be the “shaft” of Baal, after all.

Synner707 - 06.02.2023 07:20

Is there a coffe table book that has stuff like this ? Recommendations would be appreciated. I love old architecture illustrations.

Cush - 04.02.2023 18:27

The architecture of Washington D.C. is the expression of US chauvinism and hubris, while it was exploiting women, slaves and the indigenous. The USA has never lived up to any of its high ideals

Vulpes - 07.01.2023 00:26

Frank Gehry is a disaster to architecture

DerJungeMensch - 19.12.2022 15:01

Isn't it interesting that most of these harken back to pagan temples, or structures like temples and Oblisks? I wonder why the man in charge would pay so much money to build these monuments. What do they mean and where do they come from?

Simgr Memaj
Simgr Memaj - 14.12.2022 04:26

Those contemporary proposals for the Eisenhower memorial are physically revolting… Mixed use office buildings integrated into a memorial?… We really have lost touch with the greatness which survives from our heritage in the form of historical remains in a very real sense.

Brendan Riley
Brendan Riley - 01.12.2022 10:05

The Gehry modernist design is atrocious.

O.D. - 30.11.2022 22:30

All the evil, freemason structures should be destroyed. They are symbols of hate and enslavement and are used by the globalist slave masters to hold power over people. Washington D.C. is privately owned land and not subject to United States laws. It is owned by foreign entities.

ye ye
ye ye - 30.11.2022 13:20

so many monuments for a country with no history but that will kill more than enough to get history.

maggot - 29.11.2022 00:39

An the statue of liberty is sat on a star fort

Jeremy Stacey
Jeremy Stacey - 28.11.2022 09:12

But all these monuments actually do exist. They exist in the parallel universe

Cesar Victoriano
Cesar Victoriano - 27.11.2022 20:47

This video just casually sitting here ready to give MISTER MANTICORE ideas while teaching us… nice.

A zoomer named Tone
A zoomer named Tone - 27.11.2022 08:52

Who knew greco Roman larping could end in such neat buildings?

Moonjumper Reviews: Who Cares What I Think!?
Moonjumper Reviews: Who Cares What I Think!? - 25.11.2022 07:20

Very interesting.

EDEN - 25.11.2022 07:06

They should have little life sized statues of all of the presidents

Kwikfix747 - 24.11.2022 09:12

I think that an Arch is still a Victory symbol whether you label it a peace arch or not. I dont think that an arch is appropriate for WW2 given the terrible nature of that war, and the implications of Roman victory and conquest that an Arch holds. We may have seen our last victory arches already built.

English Jona
English Jona - 22.11.2022 03:12

Lol these competitions 😂

Law0086 - 21.11.2022 20:37

Peace through understanding nuclear weaponry.

drakegod84 - 21.11.2022 06:06

And Europeans say we don't have culture...Well it's because we don't. At least we're not as ugly as Canada I guess.

Gabriella Zane
Gabriella Zane - 20.11.2022 18:38

I go to GWU, which is only 3/4 blocks from the monuments. Countless GWU students have drunkenly gone “monumenting” to the point it’s become tradition. I have countless memories there, including having my first kiss with my boyfriend there.

Original Taboo
Original Taboo - 20.11.2022 12:55

Trump has a memorial. It’s in the Capital Building in the men’s room.

Maruku - 20.11.2022 04:46

There should be a monument to Donald Trump.

CreativeUsernameHere - 19.11.2022 14:21

The Eisenhower proposal was a great idea, shame we went with the one that is done

scottyb68 - 16.11.2022 04:40

The Washington Monument sucks. Most DC monuments are great though.

Nullifye - 15.11.2022 16:33

It's amazing to think that it could've been even worse than it is now.

Stevonnie Jenkins
Stevonnie Jenkins - 12.11.2022 22:21

If there was a Benjamin Franklin monument i would imagine it might also be a brothel, it very well might be what he wanted lol

Ian Brown
Ian Brown - 10.11.2022 19:24

The obelisk is part of a larger power structure moving northeast up the coast to Boston. Freemasons have their hands ALL over DC.
As an example, the obelisk is 555 feet tall, which is 6,660 inches. Absolutely not a coincidence

Gravity Is Wrong
Gravity Is Wrong - 10.11.2022 18:37

Eisenhower was not a fan of the Neo-classical architecture of DC. He felt it shackled the nation to the ideals of empire and war of the past. He wanted government architecture to break away from the past and look forward to a better future of technology and peace.

The memorial is a pretty good interpretation of his views.

Bigbo 1
Bigbo 1 - 10.11.2022 16:20

The funny thing is that the U.S. doesn’t use tax money on grand shows of artistic force like movements, because they believe that taxpayer money should be fed into “practical” government programs. However, I can almost guarantee that people would be more happy with a massive monument than a useless government program that does nothing other than suck money from the pockets of taxpayers.

Eric R
Eric R - 10.11.2022 01:45

The destroyed monuments is the real truth everything is a lie these city's and technological structures were already here covering all known lands somehow all humanity has been brainwashed and history erased altered and its disgusting this thing that controls the government whatever it is in fact, it is killing and poisoning all life and has enslaved us all for its goals

Timbaktu Thankgod
Timbaktu Thankgod - 08.11.2022 13:03

Founding fathers, the pre-1900s generations had great taste - classical architecture! Now the ugly skyscrapers and Obama's Chicago foundation building looks like a skin tent of a African slave holding tribe! Why did they pass it? Blacks dominate Chicago politics and they have zero aesthetic sense.

Jack Burns
Jack Burns - 08.11.2022 11:53

I want a video about why the shitty Eisenhower memorial was chosen when there were so many much cooler designs to choose from.

Chameleon1616 - 08.11.2022 03:02

One of the worst things about modern architecture is how well it insulates itself from the public's desires for their own environment. The style has become a dumb death and blind billboard against itself surviving through its own unshakable and insular self-confidence. The fact that the Eisenhower monument could have been an exception to this in the modern age only makes it sadder that it was so typically snubbed.

Mostfunnestchannel - 07.11.2022 18:40

This is a great video with a lot of good photographs showing monuments in construction. I specially like the one of the Lincoln Memorial in the middle of a swamp. I am a tour guide in DC and I always explain to tours that DC was built on a swamp, and that the whole half of the mall west of the Washington Monument used to be under the Potomac river, even after dredging it was still a swamp. That is why everything is slowly sinking in DC. The official tour of the US Capitol shows a video that lies to you, says that DC was built on a hill overlooking the Potomac. There is no hill, DC was really built on a swamp overlooking the Potomac. Very fitting that the tour of the US Capitol would lie to you.

john toet
john toet - 06.11.2022 23:11

GYRO DRIVEN AIR VEHICLES. IN COMBINATION WITH A HUGE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY SYSTEM. THAN EVERYTHING BECOMES A LOT MORE UNDERSTANDABLE. like the many flat roofs on starforts. and cathedrals. and the details on the buildings. which are now functional. because otherwise from the groundlevel. it was a waste to make detailed figures on the roofs. like on the pope's house in the vatican.

Gato - 02.11.2022 20:02


Daniel Serrano
Daniel Serrano - 30.10.2022 20:36

They should have made it consisntently all to look like Greek/Roman with plenty of greenery, wtf is that wall thing.

jaws - 27.10.2022 14:17

if you have to tell the story of who the monument is for as a part of the monument experience, that person doesn't deserve a monument at all. people need to already know about them

Luis M
Luis M - 26.10.2022 14:55

We need to build all of these.
