Caged In [Extended Version] - Award winning Domestic Violence short film (2016)

Caged In [Extended Version] - Award winning Domestic Violence short film (2016)

Small Voice Films

4 года назад

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Ann Marie DelGrande
Ann Marie DelGrande - 17.09.2023 04:13

Men who verbally and physically abuse women are low life PIECE'S OF GARBAGE SHOULD ROT IN HELL FOREVER

The Calm Mom
The Calm Mom - 14.09.2023 14:31

Someone said: it's better to check thousand times your entry,than losing a hundred trials to leave.Check every detail and test the person before any entry

Alejandra Olivares
Alejandra Olivares - 10.09.2023 03:03

Sorry for my English Im Mexican. Many years ago when I was 22 I was pregnet 6 months and my older son has 2 years all , the father of my children was sleeping during the night so I went to the kitchen and I took the biggest knifne I have , so I was in front of hem sleeping and the knife was shaking with my hands and all my body, I saw my belly six mont pregnet and I saw my two years old son sleeping , them I came down to the kitchen and live the knife cause I decide I dont want to spend the rest of my life in jail for a peace of sh@et. So I went far away from him whit my childs, but I almost kill some one, a very violent man. The solution is run away.

T W - 08.09.2023 07:36

That poor woman.

Lifespan Wellness & Beauty - 60 is the New 40!
Lifespan Wellness & Beauty - 60 is the New 40! - 06.09.2023 06:05


rhian jones
rhian jones - 04.09.2023 17:55

How can any woman put up with this despicable man like to say least

Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 03.09.2023 18:51

I was engaged to a bloke years ago he hit me once I gave him a hiding with my umbrella didn’t cause him any damage he never got the chance again I sen t him packing. Good riddance. Xx❤❤

Louise Eckert
Louise Eckert - 02.09.2023 13:15

LouiseAustralia 🦘

Louise Eckert
Louise Eckert - 02.09.2023 13:09

LouiseAustralia 🦘

Elena - 02.09.2023 01:53

When u stay, u teach your daughters that this is ok, that u must tolerate this abuse. Yes it’s not easy, but it’s do able with support.

Ursula Smith
Ursula Smith - 02.09.2023 00:59

Why are men doing this? No wonder, i stay alone! Too high of a price to pay!

aj jj
aj jj - 31.08.2023 17:19

Silent dying inside brain washing and you are always in wrong , people see what they want to see ... Friends and family you want to protect them. You rather die but yet he won't kill you because then is your fault as well and he will go after your family, so you just learn how to live different then to what you imagined or hoped for, and don't speak about it especially with powerful people there is no end 🔚❤ love and support to you all ❤️ never forget who you yourself are ❤

Mad Mir
Mad Mir - 30.08.2023 16:27

This was very hard to watch😥

Sharon Mathers
Sharon Mathers - 30.08.2023 06:00

Get lawyer sign up for divorce him called a police .

Catherine Willett
Catherine Willett - 29.08.2023 23:23

I was also a victim and he got by with it and even laughed at me ….I put myself through nursing school while he would never allow me to sleep until 1-2 hours before I had to get up…he wanted me to fail at this but I made it….even he went in purse and into my wallet and took all of my identification cards and social security card in hopes that I would not be able to take my state board test….but he did not know that I had a old IDENTIFICATION that I kept which had my SS number on it with my name….and I was still able to take my test and PASSED!!! But it never stopped….the verbal abuse and physical violence…not only that but what he had done to my daughters would make it even worse because again the court system and the judge believed HIM!!! He raped my daughters and he had raped me and because we were married he said he was allowed to do anything he wanted! I did divorce him and lies he told were soooooo horrible and he got by with it….get this—the judge even gave this monster permission to inspect any place that I want to live because he was the father and I had to get his approval or permission to have an apartment or rent a house and in his mind which he told me that because I rent I have ZERO rights and that I was not a homeowner so he can come over anytime that he wanted to….he would steal things out of my place while I was at work and just laugh at me! Not only did I live a 17 year nightmare but an additional 12 years after the divorce until he died….his family was a nightmare too ….sooo I had no relief until then…I was made to feel that it was all my fault! And it is very hard to get away and I had no one to help me! So my advice to women and young women DO NOT ALLOW A MAN OR BOYFRIEND KEEP YOU ISOLATED FROM FRIENDS OR YOUR FAMILY!!!!! Or if they can’t keep a job THEN GET RID OF THEM!!

joy joy
joy joy - 29.08.2023 19:51

I was blamed and accused for not keeping myself and my son safe so socialwork and childcare service decided to take my son away cause at least he would have a better chance without me
And i was already lost anyway
And chose the abuser side
And i was the bad mum for keeping him Alive and healthy
While moving through the country at least 10 different places inside shelters
And my abuser could just continue with his life
And im still homeless basically
Pregnant never AGAIN
CPS owns my whom
Every child i birth they take it away and make a lot of money
So basically
legally human trafficking
And im basically legally trafficked Aswell
But that doesn't count
So Yeah wonderful to be a woman with borderline
Screwed forever

Jai - 29.08.2023 04:02

If they don't WANT help,what can ANYONE else to?
She should've took the help of another MAN,THE OFFICER when he offered.
He would've did something, men like that don't fight other men.
Wouldn't taken that ride though, not smart since she's not letting him help her.

Laura Kay
Laura Kay - 29.08.2023 01:37

For ppl who think it’s easy to “just leave” they don’t ever think of the consequences of leaving. I finally got the courage to leave after he attacked me one night and I had to lock myself with my newborn In the car. He had blocked me in and it was winter and my keys were inside in my diaper bag. I sat for 45 mins in a car with my baby as he circled my vehicle like I was prey and he was predator. It took 45 mins for the police to get there and when they did they made ME leave because his family is “inner circle” with the police around this small town area. I came back the next day after my dad came to remove him and he had come back before I got there and burned my bed, my dresser, tv, and other furniture in my yard. He waited for me to come down the road and chased me on icy roads with 3 kids trying to run me off the road. He blocked me from my driveway and got out of the car to attack. No one realizes how DANGEROUS LEAVING IS. I was granted the next day with a OFP and I know for sure that’s what saved my life.

James David
James David - 29.08.2023 01:27

All the world's a rage at one red breasted robin in a cage.

(i.e., how'd dat Byrd go whit, huh?)

Cindy - 28.08.2023 14:46

thank you 😢

ritaroad - 26.08.2023 08:04

We are told violence is never the answer but…I met a man whose sister suffered physical abuse every time her husband came home drunk. Apparently she was a rather buxom girl and he was scrawny. The brother said, how do you let him get away with that…grab a frying pan. The next time she hit him with the pan. When he tried to get up to hit her she hit him again. He was begging her not to hit him anymore. After that all she had to do was show him the frying pan and he’d slink off to bed. Not a good way to live. I’m sure by now they’re divorced.

Sammie - 26.08.2023 01:53

the fear, shame, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, being financially kept poor, controlled/brainwashed, emotional and physical slowly dies...thinking it is one's fault.......many suffer in silence...tooo ashamed!

Amalfitana G.
Amalfitana G. - 22.08.2023 22:20

All the evil things in the world are created by men.

Beverley scott
Beverley scott - 21.08.2023 14:07

Poor lass don't deserve that don't put up with violence all

LAB - 21.08.2023 08:02

I left an abusive marriage 14 years ago. I stayed too long. I had my plan in place-and I did it. My son’s wanted to go with me. They were 14 and 20. I paid for therapy for us. I made amends. Fast forward to 2022. My oldest son had married and they had a beautiful baby girl. I fell in love with her immediately. I was in her life until a year ago, when she turned one. They moved. They left no forwarding address. They changed their phone numbers. I was devastated. I cried every day. I asked why? Why did my son do this. We did not have a fight. It has been a year now. No word. I can’t find him. I live with grief and depression. Marrying his dad is still haunting me. There are days when I want to leave this planet. But I know that I can’t leave my younger son. Recovery from abuse has been anything but easy, but I’m still grateful that I did.

A - 21.08.2023 01:48

Leave for the kids sake cos they suffer the most!😢

mskellycatful - 14.08.2023 22:28

Been there, done that. When you have a gun pointed at your face and they are telling you “If I can’t have you then no one will.” You fear even taking your next breath. 6 yrs of hell but overcame the nightmares.

Pat Collins
Pat Collins - 14.08.2023 14:05

The unfortunate thing is that some women never gain the strength to leave and keep making excuses to stay,control is a horrible condition fed by the weaknesses of the abused ,there is no cure for abusers male or female, they are vile human beings who live off the fear of others, i cannot or will never understand how a man / woman beat their partner lt is beyond comprehension, nd deserves nothing but a long prison sentence,there are many types of abuse ,including mental and physical, both equally horrendous in there own way, for anyone who is in this situation, 2 words ,get out stay out and be strong .

Fairly Vague
Fairly Vague - 13.08.2023 20:35

He. Does. Not. Love. You.

Marina Neary
Marina Neary - 11.08.2023 05:34

You can't teach an abuser not to abuse. It's pointless. People like that cannot be reformed. They can only be isolated.

Corine Beasle
Corine Beasle - 10.08.2023 19:49

Important vidéo !🙏🙏😔

Kittyququmber - 10.08.2023 14:36

Part if domestic abuse is that the victim is slowly “trained” to stay.

Donna Flowers
Donna Flowers - 08.08.2023 03:43

Very, very good😊

T - 07.08.2023 22:35

no way out

CLo! - 06.08.2023 20:50

I'm a retired Chicago Police Officer of 25 years. Domestic disturbances are dangerous for the victim as well as the officers called to the scene. There is a lot of displaced anger! The victim needs help, and the offender doesn't want us there. I dealt with too many domestic batteries where people actually got killed or severely hurt. Please, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Get out of your situation and seek help. It is not easy, but it is not impossible. Save your life and the life of your children. You are worth it! The world is a better place with you in it!

Stacey Scalzo-Adkins
Stacey Scalzo-Adkins - 06.08.2023 16:11

And this is why I am afraid to live with a man ever again... 14 years off this and been free for 2... I'll never be able to view things how I used to and may not even be able to find real love because Imma afraid to put myself in another situation similar and feel stuck..😢

dawn rosecrants
dawn rosecrants - 29.07.2023 07:20

Scary and wonderful movie at the same time. BUT 99% of abused women are terrified to even talk to another man. Just in case HIS watching. 😱🙏😩

Karol De La Cruz
Karol De La Cruz - 25.07.2023 17:31

How can a man take 3 dudes home? Instead of spending the moments with his wife!
I'm not perfect but I would never take a man into the house! Not because I don't trust my wife but a wife is not a maid!

MARANATHA - 19.07.2023 18:51

Never leave when they are home

Nordica - 19.07.2023 09:07

😮 sucks being trapped , I just hope
Mine kills me soon ❤

Heather Clare
Heather Clare - 12.07.2023 22:19

A perfect ending 😊

xX_SugarCube_Xx - 06.07.2023 00:02

The dove is so cute! ^^
