Clicker Training FOR CATS Tutorial - How to CLICKER TRAIN CAT in 3 steps

Clicker Training FOR CATS Tutorial - How to CLICKER TRAIN CAT in 3 steps

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Spitfire Games
Spitfire Games - 14.09.2023 06:34

I think Im gonna start training my cat and my brothers cat with the help of your video, so thanks for your tips hottie ;)

Joseph Irias
Joseph Irias - 13.09.2023 10:08

How old was she for her first jump? I just rescued a kitten. Wondering when she will finally begin to jump

Rochelle Gordon
Rochelle Gordon - 04.09.2023 16:22

I can't even charge my clicker my 3yr old, rescue cat that has had me for about about 1 month is scared of the sound of the clicker😢 Salem runs and hides every time he hears it. Any suggestions?

NadeemShah - 27.08.2023 16:05

I’ve got my cat for 8 months but if I train my cat with this tricks will it work because whenever I call my cat he never comes to me unless I show him food

And yes I’m new to your channel 🙂

FN Ramish
FN Ramish - 09.08.2023 00:22

I love how he is always positive and smiling keep it up man ur gonna have a longer life 😌

Lilac Blue
Lilac Blue - 25.07.2023 18:09

So is free feeding having a strict schedule for food? And doing the training when he is not very hungry but also not when he didn't just eat?

Jose Alicea
Jose Alicea - 29.06.2023 04:02

I have a 3 month American shorthair. I’m having a hard time finding a kibble snack he likes. So far he only goes for wet snack sticks

Allyza Nicole Hernandez
Allyza Nicole Hernandez - 25.06.2023 16:21

i just wanted to drop by and say thank you for your service 💖 didn’t know this was possible with kitten / cats!!

will try this after my kitten has settled in my home ✨

Online Help Tech Bd
Online Help Tech Bd - 01.06.2023 13:14


Pc Brown
Pc Brown - 31.05.2023 08:44

I just found you and I am completely excited to train (myself!) and my cat! May I ask what treat you prefer to use while training?

Joseph Schwartz
Joseph Schwartz - 26.05.2023 08:34

I’m so confused and a bit frustrated.
what if I don’t want to use the clicker?
Meaning I want her to come to the command of my voice.

NotThatGuy - 20.05.2023 04:37

Can someone please create a way to do this Clicker Training with one hand only. I am a cat lover with only one hand. The time between me clicking and retrieving a treat with one hand... my cat loses focus and interest. It feels counter productive and more frustrating than anything. I sound winy and needy but I am open for suggestions.

NETTA F - 20.05.2023 03:38

I don't even have a cat; but she's so cute and smart makes me want one...
Lawd I thought it was only babies that did that to people... lol😂

Juliette Duncan
Juliette Duncan - 12.05.2023 17:13

Hi, I have a question about the no free feeding part. I feed my cat twice a day but he usually eats during the night or at random times. Should you actually remove the food after feeding? If yes, how long do you leave it for, and do you throw it out?
Thank you for you video!😊

L C - 27.04.2023 11:18

Thanks for the informative video. What sort of treats wold you recommend and why?

Dj Richardson
Dj Richardson - 25.04.2023 07:48

Hi can someone tell me what he uses instead of treats? Im having trouble heating it. Thanks in advance.

Mely - 18.04.2023 06:26

Hello! My Bengal is 10 weeks is that a good time to start teaching? I will be following every step you teach. Just want to make sure if he is not too young. Thank you

David S
David S - 12.04.2023 01:10

Should we always have the clicker and some treats in the pocket to reward the good behaviour in time?

Cody Bryson
Cody Bryson - 30.03.2023 14:47

Did he call her Mia or Meow ??

Cody Bryson
Cody Bryson - 30.03.2023 14:46

I LOVE ❤️ Meow good cat

Cassandra Edwards
Cassandra Edwards - 26.03.2023 21:56

Wait, don’t give them treats, give them Kribble? Do you mean Kibble? Sorry very new cat mom here, I don’t pick up my kitten for another 26 days but I’m trying my best to learn as much as I can before hand 😅

Laura Tempestini
Laura Tempestini - 20.03.2023 02:42

How do we get them from scratching the sofa?

Jasmin Tegist Villefrance Selch
Jasmin Tegist Villefrance Selch - 04.03.2023 08:09

Hi Albert. I tried to find my question answered in the comments without luck- but how long did you clicker train?

Pit Agora
Pit Agora - 02.03.2023 15:12

don't free feed the car with treats for food???

Mo Kalache
Mo Kalache - 28.02.2023 15:56

Love your videos ❤ and MIA. My bengal cat Mowgli is now more than 3 years old, is it too late to clicker training him ? I also take him in the backpack for the outdoors but he doesn’t always want to get in the bag 😢

Joel Kirschner
Joel Kirschner - 22.02.2023 15:28

Just wondering g if you said you use kibble for clicker training?

nazia arshad
nazia arshad - 07.02.2023 03:29

Can some one explain what free feeding really is in detail

lapo botteri
lapo botteri - 04.02.2023 13:40

good morning I would like to ask you for advice on the clicker, I have three cats and my doubt is ... if I train a cat in a room with the clicker the other two hear the sound from outside the door... can this affect their training effects?!?

Diana Suwanlo
Diana Suwanlo - 28.01.2023 19:31

Just found ur videos I love this! This is so useful, btw! I don’t see the link about Finger targeting.. I really wanna learn everything step by step if you see my comment pls lemme know if the link still and thank you so much I already love this channel

LJCM * - 09.01.2023 04:47

Hi Albert!
Thank you for your videos! We got two kittens from the rescue a few weeks ago and I’d like to use your videos to help train them now that they are a bit older and have had some socialisation. My question is, how should I do the training with two cats. Should I hold training sessions together or should I separate them? They are always together so it feels weird to take one of them away!
Thank you 🤗

Tempestive - 07.01.2023 01:24

I'm just using a jar lid :D

Anet! - 27.12.2022 17:40

is this applicable to 2 months old kitten ?

benkraken - 26.12.2022 08:25

excuse my ignorance.. but what is scribble? my kitty gets full off of so few treats

Benedetta M.
Benedetta M. - 25.11.2022 22:04

Hi! Your videos are so nice! I wanted to ask you how old was Mia when you've started training her? I've a new kitty friend that is 3 months, she's already following my finger with the treat thanks to your video. Can we start so early?

A Ha
A Ha - 25.11.2022 16:18

Really helpful ✌️

Alex Borda
Alex Borda - 12.11.2022 15:13

Can you please tell me what you use instead of treats, I can't make it out , is it scribble? Are there ways to make some delicious treats at home ? Are there any brands that you recommend in particular?
Just starting out in my journey to train my bengal. I appreciate your help.

KaamE Plays
KaamE Plays - 04.11.2022 10:40

I did the finger target training first by mistake

Toan Nguyen
Toan Nguyen - 28.10.2022 10:35

Hi I just adopted this 6 months old kitten from the shelter for like a week now. At the beginning he was very shy and timid with his surroundings but after 2-3 days he started letting us pet him. I bought him all sort of treats from lickable to solid ones. But it seems that he doesn’t like his treats a lot, the only time I was able to get him to eat his treat was by feeding him the lickable one and I had to put it right in front of his mouth. Is there any other tricks with the Clicker that I can make him obey my command with or I still I have to try giving him treats?

María José Peña
María José Peña - 23.10.2022 02:27

I have two kitties: 7 months and 10 months. Should I clicker train them separately or is it ok to train both at the same time?

Malik Seelal
Malik Seelal - 18.10.2022 22:56

So you break up the treats?

Lieke Rietrae
Lieke Rietrae - 27.09.2022 23:09

Great video, thanks! Just got a clicker and will start training with it. One question though: if I have catcandy with me, they will try to scratch it out of my hands there's a big eagerness, doesn't matter what time of the day I train with them or if they had food or not. And this scratching is quite painful. Any tips?

Silo 101
Silo 101 - 24.09.2022 06:23

Can I start this at like 2 and a half months old? Vets say to free feed the kitten because he's growing a lot but if I do then how can I start training.

Fire Bolt 81Zee
Fire Bolt 81Zee - 01.09.2022 23:33

Where is the charging port and batteries of the clicker?? HAAA???

Paula Reverbel
Paula Reverbel - 24.08.2022 00:12

Thank you for this! It's a huge help

Tiffany :3
Tiffany :3 - 18.08.2022 19:43

I have a question. Where do I get a clicker ?

antrocks - 18.08.2022 11:44

