WHY Girls LIKE BAD BOYS ... EXPLAINED! | How to be a Bad Boy & Why Nice Guys Finish Last

WHY Girls LIKE BAD BOYS ... EXPLAINED! | How to be a Bad Boy & Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Benjamin Seda

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@user-ek7wx9ms7j - 02.02.2024 03:18

But aren't they their mama's boy 😂😂

@MrSexysPizza1 - 01.02.2024 23:35

"Almost forgot I was a God for a second."

If I had a nickel for every time I'd thought/said that. (I don't have a god complex. Your god(s) have a me complex.)

@user-ek7wx9ms7j - 21.01.2024 01:04

Many people claim that women want to be in relationship or married to alphas or bad boys because of their sex appeal but To me In realationship/marriage its not about the best hot sex or about the hot man aka the alpha male / bad boys who are claimed to be the best who give sex which is completly false and in reality they are just horny dudes who cant keep it in their pants !
But for me The best sex is in which the couple exchange love,care,comfort,empathy in it and not the horniness,attractiveness,sex appeal,...etc

@tonybirks4956 - 09.01.2024 08:19

Stfu and sell your shit elsewhere.

@allysondelaguila9010 - 27.12.2023 02:28

Something about a guy telling me what we’re gonna do vs asking is so attractive

@allysondelaguila9010 - 27.12.2023 02:27

This is so accurate 😂

@SDRicky - 18.12.2023 11:27

Depends , In my experience, every girls are different, have different mentality , different way of thinking, different mindset. I had seen girls who like flirts also had seen girls who don't like flirt but honesty. So , it depends some girls give more value to look , dominating attitude, flirty , cocky guys. But there also girls who think in completely opposite way , they see these people as someone who try to pretend themselves oversmart , not at all genuine , may had done the same approach to many other girls as well. So , yeah , moral of the story it depends.

@crazyralph3585 - 10.12.2023 12:58

To show that I am not such a "nice guy", but that I can be a real "bad boy", I say this to all females. who get turned on by "bad boys"...

When you die, you need to go to Hell and spend eternity there. In Hell, you will get to be with the ultimate bad boy, SATAN. Most of those nice boys that you have been dumping on are probably born-again Christians, and they will be spending eternity with God, in Heaven. You would hate being in Heaven, it's too boring; too many nice people there. You will love it much more in Hell. It is a real "hot spot". Just imagine all of the fun and excitement you will have, being in the company of the baddest of the bad boys, the Devil and his demons. You will spend eternity with them, while you are burning forever and ever in that eternal Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:15).

@crazyralph3585 - 10.12.2023 12:57

Good boy, bad boy, or whatever; as long as he pleases her sexually, does it really matter what label gets put on him? Personally, I believe that these females who say that they like "bad boys" rather than "nice boys" are more intrigued with the THOUGHT of having the company of a "bad boy", rather than the actual EXPERIENCE of it. And their attraction to bad boys is based more on superficial imagery than on actual reality.
What's more, females who expect a man to be "bad boy", "macho", or "alpha" in order to appear masculine and confident; are really insecure, diffident, and sometimes codependent. They are weak and insecure about their own femininity, and they have low self-esteem. So they gravitate to men who appear hyper-masculine ("bad boy", "macho", etc.) in order to hide this insecurity. To make matters worse, in order to hide these female insecurities and low self-esteem, they project these insecurities onto men who appear "too nice" through a judgemental attitude, excessive criticism, and even calling them "weak". The truth is that there is nothing wrong with these men. The reason that some females are repulsed by men, whom they deem as "too nice", is because of their own insecurities, weakness, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence in their own femininity. So I tell all men, if a woman rejects you for being "too nice" then LET HER GO; she is not worth it. The problem is not with you, it is with her. Beneath her critical, judgemental, condescending attitude there is a soul that is pathetic, weak, insecure, and even NARCISSISTIC; and you don't need her projecting any of this onto you.
Overall, most of us have different definitions of what a "nice boy" and a "bad boy'" are. So what is the point of labeling? I think it's just plain stupid! So, ladies, I appeal to you, as long as a man meets your needs as a friend and lover, then WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE whether you label him as a nice guy or a bad guy? Besides, with all things considered, most of us men are neither all nice guy nor all bad guy. Most of us lie somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. And...


Each of us just wants to be accepted, loved, and appreciated as the unique individual that God made us. Above all, in the eyes of the LORD, we are all "bad" because we are all sinners (Romans 3:10-11 and Romans 3:23). Therefore, to go around labeling each other as good, bad, naughty, or nice, is not only frivolous; it is downright foolish and often harmful. My challenge to all women is to stop playing games; stop labeling, categorizing, and stereotyping men; and focus on the uniqueness of the individual. If you will do this, then male-female relationships will be so much better.
I pray that God will open the blind eyes of so many women in this country so they can see the whole truth, and they can see the harm that they are doing to men.

@barcoofius - 27.11.2023 02:13

Stupid. Be yourself. If she don’t like u buzz off

@liamgoyal - 12.11.2023 02:47

this mean girl's are really horny

@thatonkgau5221 - 08.11.2023 22:54

It's simple Women like bad boys because there bored and feel trapped in there lives by societal rule's and expectations. They go with the bad boys to add more excitement in their lives and to make them feel more free.

@user-ek7wx9ms7j - 15.10.2023 00:26

Girls not all girls but girls who lack self respect/self love love bad boys because they reject them and dont give them attention but if a bad boy or an alpha or whatever showed them love, care, or attention the game stops and they become turned off and thats fu** up and unhealthy but ironically they also reject and ignore guys who show interest in them and do to themselves what they do to others so its overall a toxic cycle and my advice to any sane person boy or girl stay away from people like that they are toxic towards themselves before they are toxic to others the healthy basis of relationships should be love, empathy, and caring and not a game of chasing , manipulation and throwing people away when bored as if they are objects

@user-re1ek9dm8p - 02.10.2023 14:12

So women love bad men and hate good men it means that they want that bad man who cheating on them , hitting them and killing them if he is overdrink , honestly how stupid women are ! because they prefer the bad thing and rejected the good thing

@KoolKatKlub - 29.09.2023 17:03

So why do good girls like bad guys?

@abhijayskumar7408 - 19.09.2023 16:29

1. Girls dont like bad boys , but the power qualities in bad boys , not the shit part of arrogance , alcoholism
# A kind guy is nice to everyone
2. Bad boys have a good outfit.
3. Bad boy leave upredictably
4. Unreactive

@abhijayskumar7408 - 19.09.2023 16:27

I just realised i am bad boy ... Just need to get rid of tension due to stuff in life

@user-ek7wx9ms7j - 02.09.2023 18:47

No we dont stop saying that its fucking annoying who made you speak for all women its you and toxic men and toxic women who live in denial that we love bad boys and infact we are disguisted by them and never respect them they are not even husband material 🤢

@garmarrod - 14.08.2023 06:40

Don’t be nice; don’t be bad. Be godly.

@gracechan7927 - 31.07.2023 07:35

Girls like “handsome” bad boys… If you are ugly and you are bad? Hmmm…you are just a creepy person…🙄

@iamthatiam4637 - 28.07.2023 19:22

Im going to roma army. I rsther get a female perspective. I know the comments say this and that but i rather get a female opinion about females.

@jeandubois8810 - 20.07.2023 16:08

Hypermasculine traits, on an evolutionary standpoint, bad boys probably make good reproducers in resource-scarce environments where competition over land control is extremely important for long-term survival. The "hypermasculine" social behavior traits are mostly found among adult males from desert and steppe climate environments (Think Zoulou, Arabs, Ouigur and Mongol tribes). I think western caucasian picked up a lot from Neanderthal which were, due to their environment, probably more "social" than strictly "nomadic".

@daviedood2503 - 15.07.2023 01:07

Bad boys do what they want and dont simp for chicks and tell her shes pretty. He tells he doesn't ask. Many women I've matched with on coulle dating apps admit they love a guy who SAYS where theyre going at what time and what to wear.
"Hey, be ready by 7 we're going out, wear the black skirt"

Its the direct confidence. Yheyre not afraid of letting go kf a chick. They dont hokd in to her iut if fear of being alone. Very brave people. Goes against the grain so hes not labeled a sheep. Go along to get along crap. He WILL speak up and yes, he CAN fight ( girls love a fighter) and have a deep voice u actually CAN change ur voice u can train it to go lower and STAY there.

Handsom face good haircut and deeo voice. Scruffy beard like a 5oclock shadow. Not that crisp suoer clean crap. Thsts femenine stuff. Looking like a woman that cares about clean lines etc.

@hexis23 - 12.07.2023 02:26

girls choose bad boys.

Women choose good Men.

@rayvictory - 07.07.2023 05:42

Part 2

@Mikenike88 - 05.07.2023 06:01

I just got a tear drop tattoo now I’m a certified bad boy

@strongindependentblackwoma1887 - 26.06.2023 08:43

Does that explains why a 14 year old "good girl" would become girlfriend with a guy who has 4 piercings in the face, multiple small tatooes across his body, his hair is kinda long and some parts are shaved randomly, ilegally buys weed and post it on social media to show off i think, and finally he looks like in his mid 20's?

@jackpot1359 - 01.06.2023 10:08

Girls like bad boys, such as Andrei Chikatilo😊

@BloodyHeck - 30.05.2023 04:46

My first wife had an affair with a bad boy loser and she was loyal to him to the day he died. But I saw what he was like and there’s no way I could be like him. He was abusive in all ways including physical. He slept with as many women as he could and hit on my ex’s friends and her younger sisters. He was an alcoholic and drug addict. He couldn’t have a job or bank account because of all of the child support orders. When he died I doubt he even knew how many kids he had because so many were from one night stands.
I can’t bring myself to treat a woman like crap so I’ll stay the nice guy.

@Damonarch7327 - 26.05.2023 08:10

Boy ya'll sound sour as hell in these comments 😂... the bad boy told me to tell ya'll to GETCHA BALLS UP NIGGA❗

@Outdoorsy368 - 22.05.2023 14:51

My son is a nice guy not a "bad boy". I watched him lay out a "tough guy" once because his girlfriend egged him into a fight. Nice guys can be tough too!

@TigerBaron - 16.05.2023 16:47

Dressing up like a bad boy in your opinion looks more like dressing up like a modern teenage fuckboy.

Only thing that comes to my mind seeing those ripped jeans honestly.

@JeromeProductions - 11.05.2023 03:33

You actually have a point about approach…. I always overthink stuff

@Dv-rh7uu - 07.05.2023 15:47

Hey Zeus! I sweat a lot idk it's anxiety or something but i just sweat a lot and that makes situation looks clumsy for example I'm a. Banker and when i go to atm to load cash i just like bath in sweat and i can't handle properly the cassettes and it's looks super clumsy what should i do?!

@ablprose491 - 05.05.2023 13:19

Every bad boy I’ve ever encounter is a butt f’n loser. Blame it on beatch mothers,..

@roblarrel9002 - 04.05.2023 22:57

One thing Is wanna look like one and Being one

@Kay_R - 29.04.2023 14:21

Being a bad boy will get you bad girls. Not the intimate ones you want

@Paul-hn8en - 27.04.2023 08:25

I think it's stupid. I don't wanna be a bad boy so women like me. Women already love me! I wanna be a bad boy for my self 😢

@zjthelion4829 - 10.04.2023 01:44

This is why Drake is acting like a bad boy to get Rihanna

@mrcakemarvelous1674 - 04.04.2023 22:09

Bro's gonna be like megamind's thighten

@emilyling-fb4zb - 01.04.2023 16:40

Thank you!! Nice guys sometimes turn out to be the most abusive!! Cos it’s just an act!!

@meganbrooks4961 - 17.03.2023 16:58

Women like bad boy becauses physical attraction

@rameshwallace39 - 27.02.2023 07:55

Wow ice lol! I’m a bad boy now😊 let’s go🎉❤ this guy is the goatlol

@robinsonmbapah2049 - 16.02.2023 22:09

Correct!!! Great job. Thank you.

@sachinjunior7208 - 07.02.2023 16:48

Please make part 2

@Travisfairman - 04.02.2023 14:29

This is all bullshit info, just because you’re nice doesn’t mean you do it for sex, maybe you want a relationship and the bad boys just wanna fuck.

@invernessfan3017 - 29.01.2023 03:40

People who fancy evil people are evil.
People who fancy bullies are supporting evil.
People who want the evil people to win are supporting evil people.
It is warped, twisted, nasty, narcissistic, cowardly, creepy selfish, cruel and evil to fancy evil people.
Evil is not attractive to good people.
Niceness and goodness are the most important qualities in personality.
I love women. That is my view.
People who support evil are evil.

@Lightflames85 - 11.01.2023 19:12

He is completely right.

@axelblaize6748 - 04.01.2023 21:22

One Day, I will become a Bad guy. I will use & throw Girls
