BEST Age to Start Sleep Training, Should You Wake a Sleeping Baby & Breastfeeding From 6-12 Months

BEST Age to Start Sleep Training, Should You Wake a Sleeping Baby & Breastfeeding From 6-12 Months

The Doctors Bjorkman

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Lily Wang
Lily Wang - 02.10.2023 19:56

My baby was born at 3.6kg, and by his 2w check-up, he was already 3.9kg. Around 2.5w, he slept for 6 hours straight until we woke him up for feeding. I was terrified but also excited. He's 4w now and often sleeps for 4-5 hours. I don't know if this is something normal. I asked his pediatrician, and he's okay with this.

poorni wanasinghe
poorni wanasinghe - 06.09.2023 11:31

Very helpful video. Thank you so much 🙏

well well well
well well well - 21.06.2023 00:39

We started at 2 months and she’s been crib trained since then. Sleeps about 8-12 hours. Gave me a huge peace of mind

Anna Berzitskaya
Anna Berzitskaya - 24.05.2023 05:57

I struggle with convincing myself that sleep training does no harm to babies, and there are a few reasons for that:

1. Numerous cases exist where studies that were widely promoted were later proven to be false.

Remember how pediatricians used to recommend placing babies on their stomachs to sleep?

Given the ongoing replication crisis, it's challenging to fully trust even "evidence-based information."

2. My heart cannot accept the idea that a little creature who spent almost a year in their mother's womb would be ready to sleep by themselves in a strange and unfamiliar environment.

I understand the benefits it would bring to the family to have a good, uninterrupted night's sleep, but it is incredibly difficult for me to convince myself that it is for the best to leave my loved one to soothe themselves.

Kimberly - 18.02.2023 07:27

My son is 3 weeks old and was born at 37 weeks. I have both a bassinet and a mosses basket that I have in my bed. He doesn't have any issues falling asleep on my chest, however anytime I try to put him down whether it be in the mosses basket or his bassinet he cries and gets extremely upset 😢 😞 so I usually have him sleep on me during the night. I'm trying to break this habit, but it's easier said than done. I co-slept with my daughter the day she came home from the hospital. She was a day late. So totally opposite of my son. This was also 17 years ago! So I feel like a brand new parent all over again. My son also recently got circumcised 4 days ago. So while family is saying I should put him in his bassinet/mosses basket and let him cry 😢 I feel in my heart he's not ready and it would be too hard on him emotionally right now. So my question is. When should I let him "cry it out" or self sooth until he falls asleep on his own and not on me? Also I'm currently not producing a lot of milk so he's been getting 90% formula and 10% breast milk. Im trying to pump to increase my milk but its hard when im holding him constantly. I pee holding him, clean holding him... you get the drift 😐 it's just really hard for me to see him get so upset. Oh also he isn't the best with breastfeeding. It doesnt help that my nipples are inverted too 😕 And now he literally does one or two sucks and he gives up and starts crying. I watched another video that said if babies are using medium flow bottle nipples they can get a bit lazy with the boob. They're so used to not having to work for the milk. Nipple shields are great but when he doesn't suck long enough to get anything out he gets upset.

I hope all this made sense. It's kinda all over the place. Like my life is right now 🙃 😆 🤣

Praying you see this and can help me, because lord knows I need all the advice and support I can get 🙏 Thank you so much ♡♡♡

Jen Weatherwax
Jen Weatherwax - 25.01.2023 01:31

Why does the AAP recommend babies sleep in your room at least 6 months and preferably up to a year if SIDS almost always occurs between 2-4 months? The recommendation doesn’t seem very logical. Especially when you could be sleep training your baby and giving them better rest

Savannah S
Savannah S - 07.12.2022 01:07

So what do we do 2-4 months? Possible to sort of sleep train? Sleep prep?

Gabriella Montez
Gabriella Montez - 23.09.2022 05:41

Could you talk about the updated covid booster please

Juliet - 21.09.2022 23:05

I have twins. There is no way, I am feeding one without waking the other, night or day. Otherwise I would never have the time to sleep. I think there should be an exception when it comes to parents of multiples. Just imagine having triplets and feeding them at different times.

ferretchick2006 - 18.09.2022 19:11

Thank you for picking these questions! They address right where I'm at with baby and was the reassurance I needed!

Deepa Shah
Deepa Shah - 18.09.2022 12:32

Your videos are too long

NSMD - 17.09.2022 23:08

Thank goodness for your videos by how do you get your baby to sleep independently. My baby is six weeks old and she falls asleep on me and when I transition her to her crib, she wakes in less than 5minutes

Lydia Smith
Lydia Smith - 16.09.2022 02:01

I know you two have mentioned your dogs! Do you have any special tips for introducing baby to the dog? Did you train your dog on anything new before hand?

Melissa Hebert
Melissa Hebert - 14.09.2022 19:30

Any thoughts on night lights once baby starts sleeping in their own room? We have the Hatch and I'm wondering whether to keep the soft light on at night or go pitch black.

Isbett's Trips
Isbett's Trips - 12.09.2022 22:08

Love your videos!!!! <3 Thank you for sharing your experience.
Just had my first baby and she was sleeping 8-10 hours during the night. Then, when she turn 6 months it all went down hill and wakes up every 2-3 hours.
Definitely, will try the sleep training and your tips :)
Question, if a baby is getting enough milk oz during the day. Then how much food should they eat? Do you cut down on milk when you start to introduce solids to a baby?

Marissa the Xplorer
Marissa the Xplorer - 12.09.2022 20:46

Super informative. Thank you!

Habibti114477 - 12.09.2022 19:55

Hello doctors! My daughter just turned 6 months and started flapping one arm a few weeks ago. She responds to her name, plays perfectly, already crawls, loves standing and is very playful with everyone around her. I have been trapped in the cycle of autism videos and flapping arms is a common sign of autism. Should I be concerned or is this just a normal baby thing? Can signs of autism even be seen this early on?

Lydia Park
Lydia Park - 12.09.2022 19:24

Thank you so much for answering these questions. I’m 38 weeks now with my baby and these are all the questions I had prior to my little coming. Thanks doctors!
