Atheist Asks TOUGH Questions: EPIC Response! (DEBATE)

Atheist Asks TOUGH Questions: EPIC Response! (DEBATE)

Daily Dose Of Wisdom

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Marthinus Fourie
Marthinus Fourie - 02.10.2023 13:53

God is good and great!

L G - 02.10.2023 07:39

The undeniable truth is that anyone who speaks with specificity about their religious beliefs is statistically certain to be wrong. There’s a difference between knowing what’s true (in this case I don’t) and knowing that someone else is almost certainly wrong. If this doesn’t land with you and you are raving about Lennox here, just imagine that you and he separately write down all of your Christian beliefs, then share them with each other. There are sure to be differences. Between the two of you, you can be sure that at least one of you has some of your beliefs out of order with reality. This easy exercise should stop many people in their tracks. If it doesn’t make you uneasy about broadly and bluntly proclaiming the likelihood of Christianity to be the one true religion, please read it again. When you begin to feel uneasy, lean in!

The ‘wisdom’ that is peddled by this channel claims that if Darwin or any other scientist has elements of their work proven otherwise, this somehow proves a point for the validity of Christianity. This shouldn’t have to be pointed out given the tone of this channel, but this is not good argumentation.

If you’re taken in by Lennox and the host of this channel, respectfully, you don’t understand the argument that a vast majority of atheists are making. If that doesn’t sit well with you, ask yourself whether disbelieving in the particular god you feel drawn to is discouraged within the sacred scripture of your faith. If it’s blasphemous, and you don’t think that will cause some sort of cognitive dissonance, then that’s a problem when it comes to understanding of someone else’s position. We see a version of this in this in the scientific community too. It’s a human issue, but it’s particularly insidious within religious contexts, because in religious contexts it’s generally a sin referenced by god, carrying the possibility of eternal punishment. This doesn’t exist for scientists. Thankfully scientists conduct their work outside of the pressures of offending their creator.

Under the hat, behind the mustache, is simply someone who is incredibly uncomfortable with saying, “we don’t know.” It’s hard to do, but it’s the most generous thing we can do in the pursuit of furthering human knowledge. We don’t know everything. Things we think we know to be are actually not so. But having an incomplete picture or being wrong about the origins of the universe simply does not mean that the god of the Bible is the creator of the universe. It just doesn’t. This isn’t a hateful or bigoted or religious or secular statement.

gr8god4u - 02.10.2023 05:05

You should be a church preacher.

sgatea74 - 02.10.2023 00:09

God is always good, however there's no proof of its's existence. People living long time ago needed explanation and protection from events they could not understand.
Science explains the universe, the evolution of life and everything that we know of until present time with proof of experiment. Not that we know all of it, this is well known.
This is why science is better than religion since it accepts it does not know absolutely everything versus the absolutism of the religion but pushes the exploring path further

GesunddurchWissen - 01.10.2023 22:49


Silas Ghidei
Silas Ghidei - 01.10.2023 21:55

Thank you to hear this kind of discussion. As a Christian we live in a world which is full evil and times where we hear only bad news. But certainly our God is a good God .
God bless.

Louange Saves
Louange Saves - 01.10.2023 19:44

LOVE your channel . 🇨🇦

Larry Buckner
Larry Buckner - 01.10.2023 18:09

Standing there quoting a bunch of famous people it’s not proof of god! Christopher Hitchens talked about 100,000 years of humans been on earth and that 98,000 of those years god did nothing to help man. This guy has absolutely no argument for that and did not even bring it up. Just standing there saying a bunch of things and saying it’s true it’s all he is doing. Here’s a question… if Jesus died for our sins then why is there still a such a thing as sin and why do we have to pay for it after we die? Makes absolutely no sense at all!

x - 01.10.2023 14:00

So much wrong with Lennox' intervention, not enough time to go against it. But neither he nor our presenter contradicted any of Hitchens' remarks. Maybe due to the way this was cut from the complete debate. I'll have to take a look there.

Angelo tricolor
Angelo tricolor - 01.10.2023 11:38

I find it funny in a way, as always the argument: if God exists, why does evil exist? It's as if non-believers always hope for arbitrary solutions and always exclude the idea that God is not what is visible here, He is not part of the earth , he is not part of creation itself! He is the creator of this and the "evil" is nothing more than the evil of man, the natural evil (of natural causes), see the doctrine and life are to be contemplated and if prepare for the final destination. Life is the path towards unity with Christ or through ignorance and disbelief, eternal punishment. God acts in the world through simple acts for each of us, not with exaggerations.

Palette Integrated
Palette Integrated - 01.10.2023 11:07

Bro, first of all, dont forget to het back wall plastered ;-)

Yuri Delos Santos
Yuri Delos Santos - 01.10.2023 02:51

To those who base their faith to christ on the strengths or weaknesses of the arguments of both the christians and atheists or other people are weak and will surely fall when a strong wind comes. this is the reason why Abraham is great. when God told him to leave his place for the new land he obeyed. when God told him to sacrifice his son he obeyed without consideration of anything outside between him and God. If we will live with God we must not take into consideration anything outside of it, as simple as that. others may call it blind obedience. but remember, whether with God or something else, we are blind obedient. it's just a question of what?

Nathan Armstrong
Nathan Armstrong - 30.09.2023 22:34

I don't agree with him, but Hitchens is one of, if not the best, aethist of all time at explaining the position. Much respect.

Steven - 30.09.2023 18:58

Gods love for humanity comes to us in the form of a man named jesus. If you won't believe truth its your bad not mine. Whether you choose to believe is your own personal choice. The simplest things are always the hardest things some humans have grasping because it doesn't fit into the laws of this carbon universe. Peace ✌

Hooked GB
Hooked GB - 29.09.2023 14:16

No your god is not worthy of worship and once you banish him from your life, life itself becomes simpler, cleaner and more worth living.

Soei23 - 29.09.2023 13:28

Interesting editing

Zamolxe Zamolxe
Zamolxe Zamolxe - 29.09.2023 09:08

Oh man Lennox is using his imaginary friend in any sentence. It all boils down to one single question which no religious zealot so far can prove: is there any deity, are there any deities out there? Till now, zero evidence.

G 4orce
G 4orce - 29.09.2023 01:34

Im agnostic! And i firmly stand on that line! If there's a god! It should understand that

Ohrenishii - 29.09.2023 00:40

So his argument is the fact that cannot understand. Claiming where is the Devine if so much has died. It’s not an argument at all, it’s a lack of understanding.

Nikitas Nikitakis
Nikitas Nikitakis - 28.09.2023 23:54

Cristians use to use electricity and electronics when is known that Jesus moved around just according his little donkey abilities

John Trucano
John Trucano - 28.09.2023 22:11

Curious that Hitchens was given four minutes while Lennox was allowed over ten.

Anthony O'Donnell
Anthony O'Donnell - 28.09.2023 21:51

It was belief in God that motivated the advance of science long before the 16th and 17th centuries for the reasons Lennox cites.

Kenneth Ruxton
Kenneth Ruxton - 28.09.2023 20:42

Humans have existed for millions of years and have become extinct several times.

Kinsei - 28.09.2023 14:24

I can't do it anymore...
Your master debater over here
wants to convince people that
atheism is a belief rather than
the lack of and you call it
At this point atheists can only
walk away shaking their heads
and throwing their arms up.
I grow tired of explaining to
you children that your imaginary
friend is just that: imaginary.
Religion was mankind's
greatest mistake. I am baffled
by the ignorance on display.

Spark Champ
Spark Champ - 28.09.2023 12:54

Being a MUSLIM, I request all of you ATHEISTs, a simple polite and humble question to ask yourselves...

The phone you are using to read my comment...does it have a creator? Sure there is...a factory behind it

Does every materialistic object that you see around you have a creator? Sure there is...there are loads of factories behind it

So why dont you ask yourself, when everything i see around has a creator...who just CREATED me??

Who created you so perfect with 2 genders? Why your hand is not at the place of feet and vice versa...why your head is not at the place of belly? Who created the DNA on the first go? Who let the big bang happen? Why everything is just so perfect?

Dont you see a perfect wisdom and intelligence behind it?

Yes...the answer is, its the wisdom and intelligence of the Creator

Creator can not be proven by science and technology...hes proven by an open hearted logical reasoning, which shows the biggest truth of One True Lord, of All of Us...He is recognized by His signs spread throughout the world, which shows His Existence

P.S. Why you believe on big bang? Have you witnessed it? Can you do a big bang for me, to believe that its real?

Nicejimberjam - 28.09.2023 12:40

“If I fail to distinguish the genius of Einstein and the abuse of his science to create weapons of mass destruction, I might be tempted to say science is not great and technology poisons everything.”
The problem with Lennox’s little analogy here is that science isn’t a dogma that demands belief in and obedience to often violent doctrines—and organized religion is. There is no “god of science” commanding the murder of homosexuals, nonbelievers, and disobedient children (you know, like the bible does). Any ethically questionable acts people might commit with science has no bearing on science itself as it is merely a tool for the purpose of discovery, whereas what people do in the name of religion must lead back to the doctrines it pontificates as a moral guideline for believers. Science and religion are not analogous.

Chris Daniel
Chris Daniel - 28.09.2023 10:03

Its not him, its the spirit of God that speaks through him, may the glory always be of Gods

Chimp Travel
Chimp Travel - 28.09.2023 07:11

He died. Bet he wished he believed in God while he is burning in hell

Winston Smiths
Winston Smiths - 28.09.2023 05:50

It is NOT hard to understand how evil and brutal this world God created is. The current condition of the world was introduced by the fall of man. Man disobeying God and seeking knowledge he is not able to harness to maintain good introduces corruption, the corruption caused by man. Man is like Lucifer, we think we can do better than God. We exalt ourselves above God.
God allowed this to happen and continue as the only way for use to understand what life and eternity would be with a lesser being being in charge. If He were to force the outcome, another Lucifer would surely arise, stating that, "Well God MADE us this way or that. We had no choice but to love Him". There would always be doubt unless God allowed US to make the choices we made, to take the actions we do, or allow our inaction to occur. All of which allow for pain and misery if God's laws are not kept. Jealousy, envy, greed, lust would all creep into our minds overtime, if we do not/did not see the results of chasing after these things rather than loving and caring for each other. The free will God gives us is for eternity. God will trust us to be independent beings who choose to be with Him (after the Judgement), to love Him without coercion, lack of knowledge or understanding.

Juan Tapia
Juan Tapia - 28.09.2023 04:21

Lennox just preached, that’s it. Lots of fallacious arguments.

Luke W
Luke W - 27.09.2023 23:43

I just can't understand how people believe that Jesus was God. Jesus prayed to someone in heaven, and someone in heaven spoke when Jesus was baptised.
And the Bible says that Jesus was the first ever thing that was created.
So how can Jesus be God??

Him Bike
Him Bike - 27.09.2023 22:26

Hitchens • a lot of animals died.
So there is no God

T Lav
T Lav - 27.09.2023 20:43

Hitchens' main personality trait seems to be arrogance.

Dave Wheeler
Dave Wheeler - 27.09.2023 20:05

John is very eloquent and passionate about his subject. His analogies with human invention and scientific discovery don't convince me of anything. In fact I would expect such an intelligent man would have had a more compelling argument. What he says has does not explain the existence of his religious god in any way. If a religious God exists, and I think death will be far more interesting if it does, and it is as great as John makes out then it is way above the need for worship. God must cringe at every ceremony to worship it. To worship something so great, wise and powerful and feel the need to worship highlights human fragility and man's fear of such a god. I do believe there is something but it is beyond our comprehension. To speak on behalf of a God and claim to know him and know his image is delusional at best and arrogant at worse. I hope this explanation of my thoughts doesn't offend anyone of faith. Each to their own. Be kind to everyone you meet.

Super Muscario
Super Muscario - 27.09.2023 19:08

you really THATS compelling? everything he said was in relation to the version where there IS NO GOD. in the v there IS A GOD,we can read about in the bible. what on earth are you on,man? if that is compelling to you,i have this beautiful bridge to sell you.

Oliver Parry
Oliver Parry - 27.09.2023 18:54

I found a massive hopelessness in the Christian teachings and around 14 years old found science and atheism and was set free from the paranoia of religious shackles

Oliver Parry
Oliver Parry - 27.09.2023 18:46

Not impresseed by that response at all 😂

Jeff Jacobson
Jeff Jacobson - 27.09.2023 17:39

I wonder what Mr. Hitchens thought, dying of cancer, on his death bed? He literally lost his ability to speak. Do you think he said, oops? Douglas Adams, the wonderful writer, was a “radical “ atheist as well. Guess what happened when he died? He had a Catholic funeral.

Lily Sudak
Lily Sudak - 27.09.2023 16:06

Why did the first speaker have a much shorter time than the second. I am a believer and i loved the second I just found it unfair a little

Louie Taylor
Louie Taylor - 27.09.2023 15:04

I saw Lennox give a fantastic talk at the university of Bristol, UK and it was incredible to witness his logical genius live on stage. He spoke a lot of these same principles and it was a turning point for me in my journey to faith

Terralynn Dockins
Terralynn Dockins - 27.09.2023 13:51

audioslave bio study listen YOULL GET IT >>>you want a god i give you thor want christ i give you father he has our son ..DEARS

Terralynn Dockins
Terralynn Dockins - 27.09.2023 13:50


Jason Phillips
Jason Phillips - 27.09.2023 09:51

The biggest problem with these debates is that both sides are actually correct! The Elohim (gods) of John are not God, but God the source of all does exist😅

AlloBruxelles - 27.09.2023 08:18

Isaiah 11 :
The wolf will live with the lamb,
    the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling[a] together;
    and a little child will lead them.
7 The cow will feed with the bear,
    their young will lie down together,
    and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
8 The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
    and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
9 They will neither harm nor destroy
    on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord
    as the waters cover the sea.

10 In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious. 11 In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush,[b] from Elam, from Babylonia,[c] from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.

KVT-679 - 27.09.2023 08:11

The Atheists voice is so satisfying

Benjamin Knotts
Benjamin Knotts - 27.09.2023 06:24

Lennox is so knowledgeable and eloquent in his understanding and wisdom with God and his creation

Jessica Brown
Jessica Brown - 27.09.2023 06:07

The world is not 90,000 nor is it billions yrs old....only about 7,000 yrs old...

James - 27.09.2023 05:31

"...In the beginning was the word, and the word was God, all things were made by Him...That makes perfect sense to me, as a mathematician"
Really? That makes perfect sense "as a mathematician"?
I just cannot take this person seriously.
