Skyrim - The SECRET Pasts of the Dark Brotherhood - Elder Scrolls Lore

Skyrim - The SECRET Pasts of the Dark Brotherhood - Elder Scrolls Lore


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Joseph Tillson
Joseph Tillson - 31.05.2023 02:46

The dark brotherhood characters are some of the most vomit inducing cringe in games

dsouth - 27.02.2023 04:15

Honestly, I would really love to see any faction in the future where I don't become the guildmaster or some form of inconsequential leader. It's so pandering; I don't need the game to suck my ego off. If TES VI is actually implementing a kind of political system, it might actually add some intrigue to leading a faction. I'd love for there to be mandatory meetings and decisions to maintain guild rep and acceptance as leader.

If I finish the Thieve's Guild questline and bugger off for weeks of in-game time, I'd love to be demoted or have to work my way back up. Essentially, make a guild/faction permanently relevant for the course of the game, even past the completion of its quests.

OnePolishMoFo - 26.12.2022 07:53

I sometimes get Hammerfell and Hammerfall mixed up. One is a fictional country and the other a kick ass Swedish heavy metal band .

OnePolishMoFo - 26.12.2022 07:48

Krex likes to waltz right up to his target, introduce himself and melt their face off with a sick guitar solo.

connor barton
connor barton - 06.12.2022 23:07

Anyone think about the fact that the LDB is very new to Skyrim, and finds aventus through bar rumours yet the DB and astrid hadn’t heard of it? I wonder how seriously astrid took her job

Offline Raided
Offline Raided - 07.06.2022 22:14

Important to note you go on in the beginning about Mephala but Mephala isnt the Night Mother. The lore across the games is meant to be various unreliable points of views of the authors you cant believe but in Oblivion you definitively see and learn the Night Mother's origin and you learn where she was buried and even talk with her spirit. The true origin of the Night Mother is the story of the Dunmer woman of Bravil who begot Sithis 5 children and delivered them to the void. You learn she is buried under the Lucky Old Lady statue in Bravil and even see the bones. The Dark Brotherhood never worshipped Mephala only Sithis and the Night Mother, you are confusing Morag Tong lore with Dark Brotherhood lore. In summary Mephala doesnt predate Sithis and Sithis chose the Dunmer woman of Bravil long after Deadra came into being negating any contradicting lore

leena wayne
leena wayne - 05.02.2022 14:56

Cicero is my fav charcter hes uneeck
In his own way

leena wayne
leena wayne - 05.02.2022 14:55

I mean astrid killed like Ll the memebers her brother and even her husband shes a fucking monster

leena wayne
leena wayne - 05.02.2022 14:48

Dude i love the dark brotherhood i sall the titul of this vid and fote i have to wach this

Thegreat Broohighny
Thegreat Broohighny - 29.12.2021 07:35

With Mephala being so tied in with the Morag Tong and the Morag Tong's hatred of the Dark Brotherhood, I don't think Gabrielle has any connections to Mephala

McGather - 09.11.2021 02:35

the brotherhood is necessary evil the reason Titus Mede II is dying and Goldbrand has left him

Rand-Tor - 19.07.2021 06:13

Where was the Black Hand during Skyrim?

Aura Seniceros
Aura Seniceros - 15.07.2021 04:52

I would love to see Babette in future games still alive and well in the dark brotherhood

anti hero
anti hero - 22.06.2021 14:26

Arnbjorn, His race! His hair! His beard! His black clothes! His axe! PURE HEAVY METAL!!!!

TJM - 03.05.2021 10:26

You know nothing, a crochet needle is about a foot long, Sorry, the accent, about a third of a meter long you wanker. If you get a unicorn right behind the ear, push towards the opposite eye, she'll never even make a sound. 🦄🪛👂👁

jinnyyyy - 28.03.2021 01:50

I think about this a lot.

"When I first received the blessing of the wolf, my creator gave me a valuable piece of advice. "Arnbjorn," he said. "Never lose!" And I never do."

Airitin de Parrotin
Airitin de Parrotin - 22.03.2021 03:06

Me: Hey, Goofball!


Me: Marry me...

Cicero: Oooh Listener! Can't you see that's impossible???

Me: you wish to invoke the wrath of Sithis, do you...

Ciarasteina - 28.01.2021 21:00

"Day of my hatching"??? I thought argonians were born live? Or was that ret-con'ed?

JJJackson - 23.01.2021 20:33

Fun fact: you can actually find Babette in every single elder scrolls game, although she is only able to engage in dialogue in Morrowind, Oblivion & Skyrim

Doomguy - 16.11.2020 09:32

Holy shit
Babette has REALLY seen some shit

jerry henderson
jerry henderson - 12.10.2020 11:28

In my game Cicero looks more like Harley Quinn .

The GanJiCiAn
The GanJiCiAn - 10.09.2020 20:09

It would have been kinda cool for the Dragonborn to bring together the dark brotherhood and the morag tong since both groups are barely holding themselves together. It could have been a really cool quest for the expansions to have us join both groups back together or eradicate them since they are trying to kill you. Idk I think it would be cool or something like this

Werrf1 - 09.09.2020 02:05

Hang on a second... Gabriella is lying. She couldn't have stabbed a unicorn with a crochet needle, because there's no such thing as a crochet needle. Crochet is done with a hook, not a needle...and what would a knitter be doing with a crochet tool anyway? Knitting and crochet are totally different arts. Yes, it's possible that a person can do both - my wife does, she's the one I consulted on this "Well akshually..." - but she specified knitting.

LaserswordGoblin - 21.08.2020 22:22

Is Cicero an example of 'mantling', but on a smaller scale? Meaning not mantling a hero or god, but just another mortal.

Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba - 05.08.2020 10:35

I ALWAYS thought the spider belonged to Babette

A G - 24.07.2020 11:14

The real mystery is how on earth they are considered assassins when all they do is sit in the sanctuary and make me do all the dirty work for them.

IceColdDr-Pepper - 23.07.2020 19:25

So Cicero was the adoring fan in oblivion??

Mary Stone
Mary Stone - 21.07.2020 06:28

Also, if the Last Dragonborn is a werewolf when they join the Dark Brotherhood, they have a unique lines of dialogue with Arnbjorn, remarking that you are "moonborn, you are wolf." and hopes you have better luck with them than he did.

Mary Stone
Mary Stone - 21.07.2020 06:22

It stinks that Festus Krex isn't a Destruction Trainer, just imagine, the spells the Last Dragonborn could have learned from him! probably something similar to the Enemies Explode spell during the Mages Guild questline in Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. It would have been BADASS to learn the spell that can turn enemies inside out! Then, you could have used said spell to turn Commander Maro inside out!

TyX - 13.07.2020 19:36

Hey Scott, do you think that the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood is/was the final sanctuary? I mean since there’s 2 sanctuaries and only one survived

LS-Swapped Cessna
LS-Swapped Cessna - 13.07.2020 06:27

"In truth, I'm no more a little girl than you are."

Man, I hope the child actress (well, she was 10 at the time) that voiced that line got paid handsomely, for that line alone is absolutely priceless. It gets me every time.

WheresPoochie - 30.06.2020 05:33

My hunch is that come TES VI, Aventus Aretino will be leading the Dark Brotherhood

Justin Johnson
Justin Johnson - 24.06.2020 00:25

One of the brothers at the three brothers trade goods in the IC market district is named Cicero. Doubt it’s related, but not a very common name.

Boi - 20.06.2020 22:11

Tbh night mothers a dumb bitch, shes imo the main reason for the modern dark brotherhoods downfall

Niles Willmore
Niles Willmore - 01.06.2020 04:48

When I first played Skyrim I hated cisero cause I found him creepy and weird. But then I learnt more about him and now he's one of my favourite characters cause his story is so tragic

MR. X - 16.05.2020 06:13

"I once took a seaside stroll, on a moonlit night, and discovered a unicorn (should be "an". Phonetic writing doesn't include subtitles)... which I proceeded to stab in the throat with a crochet needle". So it wasn't Voldemort drinking the Unicorn's blood. It was Gabriella.

Whiterun Guard
Whiterun Guard - 09.05.2020 11:40

And that’s why I murdered the Adoring fan to death.

0cean Mann
0cean Mann - 09.05.2020 00:09

Other guild endings: 1-3 people die and it's usually their leader

Dark brotherhood questline: almost everybody dies and you are left to rebuild again with the last remaining 2-3 members

Telbor - 08.05.2020 14:46

that dark motherhood is a pathetic bunch of idiots . I didn't like their story in skyrim at all. plus the fact that once you join them or proceed far enough in their questline some random ass guard walks up to you saying something along the lines like "hey, you and the dark brotherhood...I know! heil sithis!" wtf? shouldn't they be a secret organisation shrouded in mystery?
same goes for the thiefs guild. from minute one stepping into rifton I've heard the term thiefs guild 3-4 times in the first minute being there. everybody seems to know where they hide and nobody cares about doing something against it...I never understood why those guilds where so poorly implemented into the game :/

Darryl Lyle
Darryl Lyle - 29.02.2020 01:02

Erik Dellum's voice is great and i'm glad you let it play out.

cory johnson
cory johnson - 12.02.2020 18:57

I call bs on the unicorn kill the one from Oblivion was not an easy kill

PandorasBox - 25.01.2020 05:47

How did Astrid get control, I wonder? She doesn't look all that old - she can't have been in charge that long.

Ghost of Ronin
Ghost of Ronin - 09.12.2019 22:32

I always kill Cicero I just find him annoying

Shii - 06.12.2019 08:09

I'm more of a Morag Tong kinda gal.

Gavin Rain
Gavin Rain - 22.11.2019 16:07

Gabriella is definitely not insane. She was just being sarcastic and making a joke. I actually believe she’s very intelligent and collected.

Karl Andersson
Karl Andersson - 11.11.2019 21:01

Jesus, Bethesdas writing... cringe city

Corn Pop42020
Corn Pop42020 - 08.11.2019 04:22

I have a fun little theory in regards to that story Babette is telling when you first enter the Sanctuary. The man she describes was actually Uncle Sweet Share from the Morrowind Blood Moon expansion. I mean the dude was a creepy fucker, who like to deliver "candy" to children. With that I'm inclined to believe she spent 100 years living in Solstiem before or after she joined the Dark Brotherhood.

PinkWytchBytch - 29.10.2019 17:56

(This was a modded playthrough) if you have a Marry Anybody mod, and you marry Veezara, two strange things will happen. Firstly, Gabrielle actually attends your wedding, in full Brotherhood robes, and congratulate you on your marriage. Where that one is weird is I'm on PS4, no external assets allowed. Secondly, if you adopt children while married to Veezara, the npc children will continue to mention things about "how daddy took them fishing today" and all those other voicelines from a normal unmodded playthrough AFTER THE sanctuary is destoryed. Anyone else find the Gabrielle bit confusing? I've never heard her mention that voiceline in vanilla, but my console doesn't allow new textures, scripts or voices, so... yeah

Elektronox - 24.10.2019 13:59

I miss Vazeera... Poor lizard :'C
