Why Detroit Became America’s Biggest Ghost Town

Why Detroit Became America’s Biggest Ghost Town

The Why Minutes

2 года назад

42,857 Просмотров

Detroit is infamous for its abandoned houses, decaying factories, and rapidly shrinking population.

But the collapse of Detroit is worse than you think.

Here’s how Motor City become America’s biggest ghost town.

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Corban Eells
Corban Eells - 09.10.2023 19:35

Hiroshima was populated by Asians. Detroit is not.

Jose Whales
Jose Whales - 27.09.2023 12:04

The blockbuster real estate agents played a major role in the decline of Detroit after Mayor Coleman Young got elected every evening they would go door to door with the sales pitch sell your house before the blacks move in. Being a former Detroiter I noticed that white people back in the 1970's when looking for a house to buy would "Never" buy a house that was put up for sale by blacks ( another major factor).
Lastly Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his cronys put the final proverbial nail in the coffin.
Lately Afro American Corruption has seaped into the Wayne County government and court system. The 3rd Circuit Court in Detroit has been taken over by corrupt black lesbian prosecutors and judges (black fat and ugly women who are outcasts in society feed on misery by railroad roading African American men),

Annabelle Lee
Annabelle Lee - 24.09.2023 15:22

The US isn't Japan. The US is not disciplined like Japan and willing to work for the greater good. The US isn't as educated as Japan. No, the US is going the way of every superpower in history and we will be epic as a poverty ridden 4th world hellhole. We only have ourselves to blame.

Sid Law Music
Sid Law Music - 18.09.2023 21:14

Since 1940, Detroit went from being a successful "white" town (90% of pop.) of over 1, 600,000 to a dysfunctional "black" town (77%) of 620,000. Mostly black mayors the last 50 years. The riot of 1967? Probably the nail in the coffin...

xooOne Pieceoox
xooOne Pieceoox - 12.09.2023 09:14

Why blame government why not blame the people who live in it..

Kevin Thorrington
Kevin Thorrington - 08.09.2023 05:30

Why did Detroit die??? Democrats ran it into the ground.

Gwar-Deth - 05.09.2023 14:12

Detroit ! dam i guess robocop couldn't save it

Long life
Long life - 31.07.2023 00:18

Your an idiot 500+ American cities are in the same boat but if you under 500,000 the media doesn't run with it

Huan Truong
Huan Truong - 28.07.2023 05:04

dont compare to SF...SF is the next Detroit too!

Tom Dockery
Tom Dockery - 23.07.2023 19:54

For one thing,they do have a lot of spooks.

Nimarus - 15.07.2023 13:08

A guy in California tried to build an apartment building in California. Residents paid the fee (I think $300) to put the permit on hold and have a meeting with the owner. The locals, almost exclusively Latino, had some demands. The biggest of which was for the owner to agree to give available housing to Latino applicants first. Putting the construction of much needed housing on hold, and possibly never being built, unless the guy agreed to ignore the Fair Housing Act. That's right, they demanded he give preferencial treatment to one ethnic group above all others. Why? They claim the neighborhood is traditionally Latino and they wanted to keep it that way. Then there was all the red tape, fees, and palms that had to be greased to get the construction done. I'm not sure it ever got built.

Tyal Prince
Tyal Prince - 14.07.2023 19:29

Detroit had a massive immigration of black southerners move for work but Detroit was racist, segregated them in poor ghettos without freedom to move out which ignited the crime. Causing a doom loop. Let’s not lie, it wasn’t stupid taxes. Detroit was majority white in the 1930’s & then majority black in the 1950’s & instead of allowing them to compete or have freedom, they followed redlining racial covenants creating slums in its own city.

Mike Fu
Mike Fu - 10.07.2023 01:40

The city TAXED everyone out!!......that's the Truth. First they went after the Wealthy....who OWNED the automotive businesses and industry.....so they Left. Then the city went after Home Owners, who couldn't pay......so most left also. So you got what you see now.

tristan long
tristan long - 26.06.2023 00:00

Well its more then just that.

High levels of crime made it unsafe to live and invest into.

Corruption is something I experienced in New Orleans and thats something that drove me away.
Hard to be honest when you get taxed to death and problems don't get solved.
You find out that the taxes are only high because the politicians and their lackies want more money.

The automotive industry was out the door when NAFTA got introduced.
They could build stuff far cheaper in other countries without having to worry about employees and benefits.
This is something that has helped destroy America in general.

At the end of a few decades.
Their was no jobs worth living there.
The crime made it too dangerous to live in.
The corruption turned all the honest people way.

Now the city is pretty much tearing down everything and starting over. Probably the best move tbh.

Me - 22.06.2023 17:20

Why? Because Americans bought into Reagan’s trickle down economics scam. This is Reagan’s legacy.

moriah - 21.06.2023 02:02

Hiroshima? Don't think that's a good example for how Americans might fix a city. Unless you are saying nuke it and ask the Japanese to fix what you ruined.

Mark Yuto
Mark Yuto - 15.06.2023 00:20

Voting for the same party again and again. That's stupidity for you unless there's huge cheating that's happening.

Callum Freebairn
Callum Freebairn - 14.06.2023 05:26

hiroshima 87 years later...

Angel - 28.05.2023 04:27

What goes up comes down.

Christa VerDuren
Christa VerDuren - 07.05.2023 20:12

Look at all the large cities (outside of NYC) in New York State! The crime in Rochester alone is off the charts, not to mention arson, and all the rest Nick mentioned. Buffalo, Syracuse, Binghamton, even some of the smaller cities with high drug problems have crime that's off the charts. and yet taxes are higher, and regulations stricter. People are feeling like rats off a sinking ship, the ones that can at any rate.

Michael Robles
Michael Robles - 21.04.2023 17:18

Model Cities, an element of President Lyndon Johnson's War on poverty and community planning

NoMercy - 06.04.2023 18:04

You can blame whoever you want. It all comes down to one thing, CRACK COCAINE. Watch New Jack City. Its modeled after NYC, but it should have been Detroit. Now, Detroit should be walled off, just like in Escape from New York. Rapist, Child Molesters, Murderers, Drug Dealers should all be dumped there. The place is a shithole anyway. What difference would a few more turds make.

TheseusTitan - 29.03.2023 01:05

Mayor Young reined over the city and did it his way for 20 years… the same 20 years of decline (1974 till 1994).

Vincent van Meow
Vincent van Meow - 12.12.2022 08:53

I’ll tell you why. N

someone - 04.12.2022 10:16

Pretty sad

Eddie B Remnant Watchman
Eddie B Remnant Watchman - 04.10.2022 07:25

Because the people in government have no imagination, and think it’s still the 60s.

PAC FAB - 19.08.2022 16:54

I used to think when they called Detroit a ghost town that just mean it was because nobody was there but I mean ghosts you can feel Spirits walking up behind you as you walk up the street all types certain blocks you don't see nobody but you feel them very weird place to be

Kirk Marusak
Kirk Marusak - 02.06.2022 19:21

Nick Freitas is not an expert on Detroit. As a Virginia delegate, he gets most of his campaign contributions from Big Business and Industry. He never lets them down with his votes on legislation in the Virginia General Assembly and with his statements and positions on issues. Freitas never bites the hands that feed his campaigns!

My ancestors started arriving in Detroit in 1882, and I was born in the Detroit area. Most of my relatives still live there. There are a variety of reasons for Detroit's decline. A big reason for Detroit's population lose was the entire area became dependent upon one industry rather than diversifying. When Americans stopped buying U.S. automobiles that were poorly made, they switched to higher quality Japanese cars.

Americans automobile makers did not leave Detroit solely because of high city taxes. They set up plants in the American South and in places like Mexico where workers can be paid a lot less. They are places where no labor unions exist. The Japanese car companies began setting up plants in the U.S. to maunfacturer parts for their vehicles if they needed parts.

This practice of seaching out locations where wages are very low has been done by companies since our country was founded. For example, the textile industry left New England to set up plants in the U.S. South. Then, the textile industry moved out of the U.S. to set up plants in China, India, and Bangladesh. Making larger profits is their only motive. Cities and towns that rely almost entirely on one industry often lose population or become ghosts towns when their industries close down and exit. That is what happened to Detroit.

A second factor in Detroit's decline is race. The federal government once only gave mortgages to white people and denied them to black residents. In addition, banks and lending institutions once only gave loans to whites. Thus, black families could not afford to fix up their homes unlike whites. Whites were able to move to the suburbs and buy a new house with a mortgage. It did not help when Republican Detroit Mayor Albert Coho, an real estate realtor and openly hostile racist elected in 1949, pushed to build more highways in Detroit to make it easier for workers to leave Detroit's business district to the Detroit suburbs. Black people were afraid to move to the Detroit suburbs for fear they would be harassed by white residents who did not want them living in their communities.

Yukihira Souma
Yukihira Souma - 02.06.2022 00:43

Your channel is underrated man.

Brian Fernandez
Brian Fernandez - 02.06.2022 00:01

I don't know why Republicans don't talk about this more. This should be taught in schools.

viper_irl - 01.06.2022 22:42

bad government? also great beard

Caleb T. Reid
Caleb T. Reid - 01.06.2022 22:01

Beard Wednesday!

LANMark Networking
LANMark Networking - 01.06.2022 21:51

Unions destroy what they touch.
Just look at teachers and police.

t k
t k - 01.06.2022 21:37

Corruption and stupidity will always be a city killer.

Please - 01.06.2022 21:29

Does private colleges provide better quality due to competition? Does free market economic works in education system? What about developing countries why is there private colleges underperforming ?

ExplodingWolf Gaming
ExplodingWolf Gaming - 01.06.2022 21:17

Commenting 4 algorithm
