Ep 107 Are You Ovulating? Key Signs and Symptoms to Know For Sure

Ep 107 Are You Ovulating? Key Signs and Symptoms to Know For Sure

Lora Shahine, MD

1 месяц назад

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@rukayyaibrahim2800 - 21.01.2025 14:45

We do appreciate your informative videos Dr ❤
I am one of those who know when the ovulation happens, I always have cramps on right or left lower abdomen that's the day i predict it happens,then the egg white discharge from 2 day's prior it'll keep increasing in the amount on that day I'll have sooo much that sometimes I have to wear panty liner. I am 35 years of age and I only use IUCD after my second childbirth for 3 years and never use any kind of birth control again for 8 years now

@JessicasMeltedMoments-zr2fj - 21.01.2025 15:33

What’s the difference between a regular thermometer and the basal body thermometer?

I have PCOS and I’m doing Ivf so how am I going to know that my cycle is regular? How does my team know when to start the Ivf cycle? Just bc you have a period and bleed doesn’t mean you’re ovulating. I’m also 41 so every month we go without information or a plan my brain freaks out bc there is so much pressure that my eggs age each month and I lose eggs every month so my chances go down…

I’ve learned so much my fertility doctor was surprised on how knowledgeable I am.

@N.C.-vj1pk - 21.01.2025 16:05

How big is the chance to still not ovulate while you have regular cycles?

@N.C.-vj1pk - 21.01.2025 16:09

Can you ovulate without having a higher temperature?

@N.C.-vj1pk - 21.01.2025 16:16

Would the ultra sound or progesterone bloodtest be more accurate to confirm ovulation?

@Ebby_MoonBunny - 21.01.2025 19:58

I usually had pretty regular cycles and have sooo much data tracking bbt and ovulation. But currently 2 1/2 weeks post d&c and now trying to track is so hard because all the hormones are out of sync. Finally getting super faint positive hcg test so maybe they will regulate soon 😅

@Titemaud - 21.01.2025 21:48

I've read that if you don't have a consistent sleep/waking up schedule, BBT is not really reliable, is that correct ?
Re ovulation, I think I can feel it, it's about midway between the belly button and the hip bone, and feels a bit like a non moving gas or a mild sidestich. 😅 For me it's consistent with an LH peak around 24h earlier.

@kristinaklaric55 - 22.01.2025 01:10

Thank you doctor! You are the best! 💯💫💕♥️

@katharina1439 - 22.01.2025 02:41

Stop driving yourselves crazy! It doesn't matter. Only if he has really bad sperm quality. Otherwise: ENJOY YOUR LIFE! DON'T TAKE TEMPERATURE AND THIS STUFF! LIVE YOUR LIFE!🎉 Have Sex every 2 -3 days in the middle of your circle and you are good👍🏻 that's how i got pregnant again 2 months ago 💘 at 41.

@roseargueta6345 - 22.01.2025 04:05


@MyeongwolDongBangTan - 22.01.2025 06:30

You know i feel like I'd never know when I'm ovulating after a miscarriage last Dec. My cycle is longer now and waiting for AF feels like forever.

@fraai8902 - 22.01.2025 11:12

I got bloated and gastric

@erikacavalcante1811 - 22.01.2025 17:29

@erin5109 - 22.01.2025 18:57

Hi Dr Shahine!

Is it a big problem if my BBT is taken in the early AM some days? Three times a week I am up at 4:30am for work. I usually wake up around 7-8am.

Thank you for this and all your wonderful videos!

@missnieka22 - 23.01.2025 00:12

My cycles are very predictive and my cycle is 26 days. Would I still use the 14 day as an ovulation.

@changrangzhou2601 - 24.01.2025 23:26

Thank you doctor! Is it possible i stop ovulating after my miscarriage? I am having irregular cycles three months after miscarriage.

@26pearlpearl - 29.01.2025 09:26

My period is always regular. However, I spot between periods (I have fibroid), which usually occur during the fertile window. Does this mean I didn't ovulate that month?

@katiecraven403 - 29.01.2025 10:41

My basal body temperature has risen right after my LH surge - my understanding is that it would rise in a couple of days, does that mean ovulation happened in the window between the LH surge (11am in the morning) and the next morning when I took my BBT (about 5.30am)? I thought it would start rising tomorrow!

@tibbysj4846 - 02.03.2025 18:58

Hi. I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks in January. I've had my first period since the miscarriage in February. Now I'm in the 14th day of my (new) cycle. But I don't have any discharge. It's more or leas completely dry. I've taken an ovultion test. It was positive, but I'm having doubts if I'm really ovulatingnor not.
