We do appreciate your informative videos Dr ❤
I am one of those who know when the ovulation happens, I always have cramps on right or left lower abdomen that's the day i predict it happens,then the egg white discharge from 2 day's prior it'll keep increasing in the amount on that day I'll have sooo much that sometimes I have to wear panty liner. I am 35 years of age and I only use IUCD after my second childbirth for 3 years and never use any kind of birth control again for 8 years now
What’s the difference between a regular thermometer and the basal body thermometer?
I have PCOS and I’m doing Ivf so how am I going to know that my cycle is regular? How does my team know when to start the Ivf cycle? Just bc you have a period and bleed doesn’t mean you’re ovulating. I’m also 41 so every month we go without information or a plan my brain freaks out bc there is so much pressure that my eggs age each month and I lose eggs every month so my chances go down…
I’ve learned so much my fertility doctor was surprised on how knowledgeable I am.
How big is the chance to still not ovulate while you have regular cycles?
ОтветитьCan you ovulate without having a higher temperature?
ОтветитьWould the ultra sound or progesterone bloodtest be more accurate to confirm ovulation?
ОтветитьI usually had pretty regular cycles and have sooo much data tracking bbt and ovulation. But currently 2 1/2 weeks post d&c and now trying to track is so hard because all the hormones are out of sync. Finally getting super faint positive hcg test so maybe they will regulate soon 😅
ОтветитьI've read that if you don't have a consistent sleep/waking up schedule, BBT is not really reliable, is that correct ?
Re ovulation, I think I can feel it, it's about midway between the belly button and the hip bone, and feels a bit like a non moving gas or a mild sidestich. 😅 For me it's consistent with an LH peak around 24h earlier.
Thank you doctor! You are the best! 💯💫💕♥️
ОтветитьStop driving yourselves crazy! It doesn't matter. Only if he has really bad sperm quality. Otherwise: ENJOY YOUR LIFE! DON'T TAKE TEMPERATURE AND THIS STUFF! LIVE YOUR LIFE!🎉 Have Sex every 2 -3 days in the middle of your circle and you are good👍🏻 that's how i got pregnant again 2 months ago 💘 at 41.
ОтветитьYou know i feel like I'd never know when I'm ovulating after a miscarriage last Dec. My cycle is longer now and waiting for AF feels like forever.
ОтветитьI got bloated and gastric
ОтветитьHi Dr Shahine!
Is it a big problem if my BBT is taken in the early AM some days? Three times a week I am up at 4:30am for work. I usually wake up around 7-8am.
Thank you for this and all your wonderful videos!
My cycles are very predictive and my cycle is 26 days. Would I still use the 14 day as an ovulation.
ОтветитьThank you doctor! Is it possible i stop ovulating after my miscarriage? I am having irregular cycles three months after miscarriage.
ОтветитьMy period is always regular. However, I spot between periods (I have fibroid), which usually occur during the fertile window. Does this mean I didn't ovulate that month?
ОтветитьMy basal body temperature has risen right after my LH surge - my understanding is that it would rise in a couple of days, does that mean ovulation happened in the window between the LH surge (11am in the morning) and the next morning when I took my BBT (about 5.30am)? I thought it would start rising tomorrow!
ОтветитьHi. I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks in January. I've had my first period since the miscarriage in February. Now I'm in the 14th day of my (new) cycle. But I don't have any discharge. It's more or leas completely dry. I've taken an ovultion test. It was positive, but I'm having doubts if I'm really ovulatingnor not.