I Couldn't Save Him - Quiet Robe Cutscene Reaction - Metroid Dread

I Couldn't Save Him - Quiet Robe Cutscene Reaction - Metroid Dread


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@Andyblarg - 17.01.2024 07:56

The music really ties it all together.

@TurKlack - 08.12.2023 23:36

I recently found new Informations about Metroid Other M and it's laughable Story. Thing is, apparently, all the bad plot points and dialogue was almost always caused by a mistranslation from Japanese to english.

@kaithmcrae8630 - 22.11.2023 01:07

The mural art makes me think that the chozo were space Egypt

@vincentpey3929 - 16.11.2023 11:48

Tbh i never wanna hear Samus speak english again, having a spoken in universe language is so much cooler, also makes total sense she grew up arround Chozo and is part chozo, she's probably more accustomed to their culture than human ones.
Wonder how well known the Chozo language is across the Metroid Universe, the space pirates obviously had no data on it as seen in prime so it has to be at least somewhat obscurre, then again the space pirates have no regard for culture or linguistic studies so they very likely just dont care to learn other languages then their own (because of this i allways immagined them speaking english as if they where parrots just mimmicking sounds without having grammatical understanding of it only applying a vague meaning).
Maybe species that where affiliated with Chozo like the Luminoth know the language but who knows.

@myleswelnetz6700 - 12.05.2023 00:42

Raven Beak reminds me of Thanos. He’s a sociopath obssessed with forcefully reshaping everyone and everything around him in his image, all in the name of “peace”.

@myleswelnetz6700 - 12.05.2023 00:20

Promise you won’t let him down.

@myleswelnetz6700 - 12.05.2023 00:20

He knew, said, and did too much.

@mattialonghin_mr.l857 - 25.03.2023 01:34

Cmon I can't be the only one slightly interested in this newly developed Chozo language. I also discovered some dudes decripted the language and made a true guide to learn the language🤯

@wolfpriesty13 - 18.01.2023 23:24

When I played this and reached this part during my blind play through I was so freaken excited then deeply sad at his death

@SuperKricken - 31.12.2022 19:37

The biggest lore dump in the history of metroid.

@infinityzer054 - 27.05.2022 09:39

静かなローブ (Shizukana rōbui)
i wonder what chozo does to a name if its made possible. (i mean, cybertronian and ultra-language is somewhat possible too)

@KenanVonKaiser - 24.03.2022 21:12

Well Samus Dead!

@twistee1974 - 06.03.2022 18:29

INVISIBLE NIGHT SCHOOL you answered a question I was just about to ask

@av3nger3 - 14.12.2021 02:21

Despite Raven Beak's morally corrupt nature, I feel pity for both Quiet Robe and Raven Beak. Such a galactic loss in the story...

@earthsteward70 - 01.12.2021 01:38

the coolest part of this whole cutscene? chozo phonology is from real languages! Arabic and Hebrew to be exact.

appropriate honestly.

@eclipsez9108 - 23.11.2021 22:13

Please...give Samus an anime, or an (updated) manga (actually in english). Her story is so interesting!

@andrewp6387 - 22.11.2021 09:29

I want a Chozo dictionary now

@rickyricardo4331 - 21.11.2021 07:47

When that Brinstar theme hit tho!

@KiraSlith - 17.11.2021 09:17

As much as nobody "expects" Samus to talk much, this does make a good excuse as to WHY she doesn't. Chozo is her mother tongue, and now we've heard it, we know it's nothing like Basic (standing in for whatever language the game is set to). She's probably just not speaking or thinking in Basic on the regular, so we don't hear it.

@Raf8347 - 17.11.2021 07:38

he was such a nice character in this scene and then he died and i was so upset like "NOOOOOOOO D:"

RIP Quiet Robe 😢

@zeusraptis5834 - 16.11.2021 22:37

The best metroid game ever

@Seskal - 16.11.2021 15:55

So good, I'm actually gonna put a spoiler warning on a theory.
You know why this is significant right?
Because of course he can control the X, he made them too and didn't tell you. Same reason he's lying to you here about why Raven Beak think's hes controlling the EMMIs. He Isn't, and I just played the pronoun game. Most of r/chozolanguage has this one figured out. Metroid 6's metaphorical payoff is gonna be that Thoha genes made by the chozo were both able to recognize Samus only after thinking, but those aren't full chozo "mind" genes. Just the non-intelligent model. Chozo intelligence makes them too cunning, something the Thoha were learning from the Mawkin mid plan change.
It's why Quiet Robe later has white eyes again in the later scene where we see him "corrupted" by the x. He wasn't corrupted the same way the X was.
QR, or the Thoha made the X first, then made the metroid as a backup plan and didn't tell the Mawkin because Duh. It's a self answering question.
What did QR mean by RB "taking extreme measures"? Plot of metroid 1 was that Mother Brain just used to be a rogue AI right? And the they "retconned" that when this dev made the remake? When you know the answer, the rest of the plot makes sense.

@cyclops8238 - 15.11.2021 08:42

Fun fact. The actor who provides the voice for Quiet Robe is also the narrator for the childrens show poyoco.

@dudders___1684 - 15.11.2021 00:05

Yeah I was pretty torn up when quiet robe got killed, too 😞

@purpledragon1945 - 11.11.2021 09:00

seeing a living chozo just blew this game out of the water for me, i was ecstatic

@thelognerrator - 10.11.2021 12:07

Despite my saltiness that this getting in my recommend spoiled Quiet Robe dying you're reaction is still cool and the scene was still sick.

@Oso-Gaming - 09.11.2021 06:19

Good, I'm glad exposition parrot is dead! I featured his death twice in my recent video.

@dragonjames4500 - 08.11.2021 03:43

that cutscene had me go so many emotion's first a jump scare then joy of seeing a Chozo with out the armor. then sad that he dies and anger at the thang that kill him.

@TheSupremeXNERD - 05.11.2021 05:45

This scene sealed it for me, I knew from then on I was playing something I won’t forget.

@TheKenchanx - 05.11.2021 01:16

Dude. Love that they reused the Chozo Lore art you unlocked throughout Samus Returns!

@youngkappakhan - 05.11.2021 00:55

thanks for implying heavy spoilers in the title. i already played the game but there's some people who can't yet

@nicka.2766 - 04.11.2021 18:17

Quiet Robe’s voice in his language… sends a chill down my spine

@sirlodestar5677 - 03.11.2021 21:54


@cobeoe - 03.11.2021 00:08

I saw the cut scene before I got the video game and I was still surprised that they just killed them like that I got the feeling of I'm gonna play this game all over again I'm still gonna be surprised

@BaconNuke - 01.11.2021 18:41

I like how they had Samus speak and it be a good way of being like "we won't screw up like Other M, we using our own fake language so no one can be mad" (plus it probably saved money to not have to have like a bunch of different voice actresses and just subtitle the scene)

@codagaming9186 - 01.11.2021 00:01

This was my first metroid game and I still got goosebumps when Samus spoke.

@renimusprime - 30.10.2021 17:22

Quiet robe bowing to Samus shows that the Chozo did visit the Luminoth’s planet once. The screw attack in one of their vaults is also proof that the Chozo and Luminoth did trade technology with them.

@BasementCorvid - 30.10.2021 07:45

Its tragic when you realise he said he was the sole survivor of his tribe-
Means Raven Beak wiped em all out...
rip Quiet Robe

@xbtacomanz7243 - 28.10.2021 17:42

If this was other m she would’ve had a mental breakdown

@Ryuujin1078 - 27.10.2021 16:19

Having Quiet Robe die minutes after being introduced kinda pissed me off, god damn robot… I wish there was a scene of QR speaking his last words before dying to I dunno add more to this scene

@coolman229 - 26.10.2021 23:09

I had the exact same reaction. I was so hyped to see Samus talking to an actual living Chozo, and I nearly cried hearing her talk to Quiet Robe in the Chozo language. The games don't really focus too much on the fact that Samus was raised by the Chozo but I'm so happy Dressed acknowledged this part of her backstory. And even though they don't specifically name Gray Voice I love that they referenced the Chozo DNA he gave Samus and that it helped slow her transformation and keep her human.

@Thekikoblazko - 26.10.2021 05:22

-She must be in an emotional roller coaster right now

* Samus, completely chilling on the ground *

@eltigreandthewalrus - 24.10.2021 09:55

Okay after playing Metroid Dread I’ve realized a few things. I loved the scene where Mercury Steam remembered that Samus was raised by the Chozo. And that she spoke in the Chozo language. Now they need to go back to “Other M” and change it to fit in the timeline. They need to remember that Adam was a Commander that Samus had so much respect for, that if he asked her not to use power up do to the safety of others, that she wouldn’t. And not that he’s “like her father”. No. She had a father in Old Bird.
Other M has such great gameplay, and on Nintendo’s new consoles it would feel and play even more amazing, and they would be able to tweak out all the bugs. Movement would be so smooth with today’s controls, and you can have a 1st person view for looking/shooting if needed, but it doesn’t need to be required, it would just be a button press.
Then they need to go and bring in their best sound designers and orchestra, they need to bring the music back to Metroid, just like they did with the prime series, and Samus Returns. But with all new themes.
Music in Metroid let’s you know how Samus feels, it makes the mood.
They need to bring back the “purple” Gravity Suit, and not just a feature.
Missiles have to be useable in 3rd person, and not just first person view.
The counter needs to be updated to the new counter strike that’s in Samus returns/Dread, it would make the gameplay so much smoother then trying to manually dodge, or trying to jump on the enemy’s head.
Now let’s focus on the story.
First off we need a title that makes sense, and not a code for Mother. This is a game where everyone aboard a space ship dies, and so we need a strong name. Also
Samus never called the Metroid a baby in Samus Returns or Super Metroid, she called it “the Infant Metroid”, so let’s completely ditch her saying “the baby”. That got old pretty quick.
Now… Let’s address the PTSD when she sees Ridley, up to that point Samus has faced Ridley 5 times, and not once did she go PTSD. She can have a panic attack because yes she completely destroyed him in Super, and she’s completely shocked that the creature that killed her whole family in front of her is alive, but give the lady some dignity, and not make her out to be crazy.
And finally…
Adam didn’t shoot Samus in the back to stop her, instead the cloned infant Metroid attacked Samus, as she thought it just hatched and that she might develop a bond like before, and he shot the Metroid killing it, and saving her. That’s why she was so exhausted, because it had drained her life energy to feed.
Now the Voice acting/translation needs to be updated to our culture style, and not Japans culture style. People in other countries don’t always understand others cultures, and it makes things feel weird/awkward or dry. Instead let the actors and translation teams do what they do best. “Act”.
I think people really feel that Other M is a bad game because of a few missteps along the way, and because they forgot some of her real past. But at its core it’s a good game, and it has so much potential. Let’s make it be the game it deserves.

@speedude0164 - 23.10.2021 01:57

I was so blown away by the fact that I was in front of an actual living Chozo who was talking to me in his native language right this very moment, immediately followed by Samus speaking Chozo herself, that I missed like half the lore that was dumped. So after getting destroyed by the boss I had to watch it again. Absolutely no complaints though.

@AdamEspersona - 19.10.2021 13:46

You have to wonder… how long has it been since Samus had seen a living, benevolent Chozo, much less spoken in their tongue?
Too long. But for the briefest of moments, it was as if she was among those she once called her people, her “family”. And then this moment was cut short.
Damn you, Raven Beak.

@merritt2014 - 18.10.2021 05:31

Man, adding the Brinstar red soil/swampy area theme to the cutscene was amazing. Just makes me wish the rest of this game's own OST was even slightly as good as SM's

@machewgun503 - 18.10.2021 05:03

Im pretty sure they used an spanish voice actor for the voice of the bird, the way he pronounce the S, and uses the iberic way to pronounce J (and make sense, this game was developed in spain)

@Shadowproto17 - 17.10.2021 01:39

I only heard of the metroid series and knowing that the chozo really weren't alive through the games.
This is my first metroid game ever and I was taken aback to hear samus speaks after going through the game. I thought she wasn't going say anything. This game made a he'll of a first impression
