Pediatrician Reacts to Co-Sleeping Myths | Dr. Amna Husain #shorts

Pediatrician Reacts to Co-Sleeping Myths | Dr. Amna Husain #shorts

Dr. Amna Husain

2 года назад

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@libbylou6004 - 01.08.2024 16:18

I’ve heard to many stories of babies being k*lled from cosleeping it’s a no for me. Not risking rolling onto my baby or having them s*fficate in blankets (and by cosleeping I don’t mean in the same room I’m talking about having the baby in bed with you)

@rebecca05941 - 20.07.2024 23:38

You do know that most mothers end up cosleeping with their babies anyway and it’s people like you who shame them into not talking about it or doing it wrong because they’re not properly educated on how to do it safely. That’s how very tired mothers end up falling asleep with their babies on the sofa, etc then report cosleeping deaths. Just saying. We need to normalize, talk about and educate on safe cosleeping

@mimouchkittabenyoussef5892 - 05.07.2024 09:25

Co sleeping can be safe and it is so natural.alla mammals co sleep.the issue is how to Co sleep safely.this is a lack of education

@lilpandanesegirl - 16.05.2024 05:21

my toddler sleeps with us. but when she was a newborn and before a yearl old she would sleep in her bassinet or crib.

@sixshy8669 - 24.03.2024 08:16

I don’t trust her enough to go contradict herself twice

@HoustonBackyardGrower - 16.03.2024 18:07

We started sleeping with our baby with one of those portable cribs you can put right against your bed and once she could start siting up and picking up her head on her own we put her in the bed so like 6 months old or so and now she’s about to be 4 and we can’t get her out the bed

@naheedtasneem7226 - 07.03.2024 12:48

South east Asia doesn’t have problems like these.. we co-sleep always. So why is the rate of deaths from co-sleeping so high in the US?? Is it death from co-sleep or SIDS ?

@DiaryofAllisonNicole - 27.02.2024 21:41

The amount of survival bias in the comments

@THSimagery - 21.01.2024 11:00

Keep it a buck, only 2300 kids died from sids in the US last year. The numbers just don’t line up. How can he and his team experienced so many deaths when they’re so few. I’m just saying, him and his team must work in a Sid’s hot bed!

@cardboardcapeii4286 - 11.01.2024 09:17

Co sleeping can be done safely.

@Sammiejammie521 - 28.12.2023 14:22

Can honestly say I’ve almost hurt my baby worse by trying to stay awake to get them in their crib

@racheln4309 - 26.11.2023 06:36

I respectfully think you may be behind in the literature on this issue, you should read the research James McKenna has done! We are mammals, mammals sleep with (and nurse) their young!

@teresalavoie - 14.11.2023 18:28

Ugh… co sleeping done safely, where many doctors lack in the USA, can be highly beneficial for mom and baby. Japan and Latin America does it and the rate of infant death is low.

@SisterSanMiguel - 14.11.2023 04:26

It kind of bothers me when breastfeeding moms say they can’t sleeptrain bc of breastfeeding bc I’m a breastfeeding mom and sleep trained and the baby slept all night

@Nanomachines5on - 30.09.2023 01:54

The number of people morally grandstanding on evidence they don't fully understand here is not surprising. Turns out shaming and vilifying families who co-sleep with babies actually INCREASES ASSB rates (like they have in the US, where rates of Sudden unexpected infant deaths are WAY higher than the UK). The co-sleeping case-control study from Tappin's group in Scotland and many others that are frequently cited are important but low-grade evidence, establish NO causality, and full of numerous confounders! This is because baby sleep deaths are still a mystery and very difficult to research. The topic needs to be studied further to find the actual truth. Until we have that truth, every parent decides their acceptable level of risk vs benefit for a given activity and must live with that decision.

@Noel15879 - 22.09.2023 21:14

And none of your patients will trust you enough to tell you they cosleep even though about half will. At least tell them not to sleep on couches and to never drink or take any sedative if Cosleeping. That’s how you can be helpful.

@Noel15879 - 22.09.2023 21:10

You’re a bit behind on current research. Cosleeping is safe if done correctly and millions of moms around the world safely cosleep. Cosleeping as dangerous is pretty exclusively a western idea yet many other countries who cosleep have far better outcomes. What I think is worse is sending sleep deprived mothers home from the hospital terrified that their baby will die from SIDS in their crib or be suffocated in their bed. I tried a crib and ended up unintentionally/unsafely Cosleeping because I was exhausted while breastfeeding. To just tell moms not to fall asleep is not helpful and is why people are trying everything to avoid modern medicine because we treat patients like they are irrational and brush off their concerns. You should read Safe Infant Sleep by Patrick McKenna PHD.

@elodieelizabeth330 - 17.08.2023 11:44

Interesting. The official guidance and evidence base is different here in the UK. The blanket 'no co-sleep' and 'any/all co-sleep is dangerous' message of the AAP is not seen to reflect the evidence here or lead to the safest outcomes (we used to have that guidance too). It draws a distinction between co-sleeping where precautions have been taken and accidental co-sleeping/co-sleeping where specific hazards are present.

@badumtsss5691 - 05.08.2023 09:39

Babies are meant to sleep with their mother. That's what's biologically normal and the best thing you could do for your child along with feeding them the way nature intended. Research breast sleeping by dr james McKenna

@peterfuentes5893 - 08.07.2023 09:23

How do I get my baby to stop co-sleeping with my wife? We’ve been trying to get her to sleep in the bassinet but it’s nearly impossible.

@rossicapone3 - 21.06.2023 15:13

What's a good age to end co sleeping?

@babyjco08 - 29.05.2023 14:28

If it's not safe then teach parents safe methods. Cosleeping and breastfeeding do go hand and hand. Baby and momma are happiest and sleep the most

@CutieMoli - 11.04.2023 00:04

Lmao Westerners scared of sleeping with their babies

@katw8327 - 24.03.2023 05:45

Cosleeping is totally fine of you know your boundaries and the L.O.

@jadel7118 - 16.06.2022 02:04

The visual is definitely terrible, but what about safe cosleeping? ( ie on a hard surface with no blankets or pillows). Many moms will accidently cosleep in unsafe places due to fatigue, so couldnt having a safe plan be a good idea? Plus baby gets extra love and comfort. Of course safety comes first, but there are safe ways
