He Built a No Code SaaS Over $1M / Year, Here’s How...

He Built a No Code SaaS Over $1M / Year, Here’s How...


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@AeoJx - 04.03.2024 10:09

Solid interview. Concise answers, organized questions. Glad this become a 1 hour podcast.

@TwoSetAI - 01.03.2024 19:28

This video is awesome, may I ask what's the app used for recording this remote video? thanks!

@stefanomartell8413 - 29.02.2024 21:10

This works because there are still man made operations. A full fledged SaaS with only code being the deliverable (say a fitness app) would have way more problems using no code due to customizations and deep specifications. Nocode is on the right direction though and is great

@OP3Beats - 28.02.2024 00:39

As a SWE I actually embrace no code as a tool. Let’s face it most apps devs are working on out there are simple crud apps at the technical level with some business logic and edge cases. It’s also not at MAANG scale either. So from a business perspective I think most apps can be done with no code. Most people just need a process automated and not a technical revolution that customer code would allow. I definitely see it as a killer for internal tools in small businesses like.

One comment I have about the FE devs you had trouble with. That was definitely a technical leadership problem. The app also doesn’t seem to be complex enough to need five years of development. But I’m sure no code was much cheaper.

@red9090 - 27.02.2024 23:51

If your startup is not complicated tech dont go for complicated tech.

Any good tech founder can tell you “just use wordpress” or go for “bubble + zapier” if theyve actually built things.

@gator701 - 27.02.2024 19:01

You encourage saas founders to look at no code platforms, yet discourage founders from lower ACV saas products

@zakirhoosen4404 - 27.02.2024 18:05

The difference with using Sales force as an Erp is not the core product you selling. If you were building and selling an Erp or salesforce your investor will want you to own it.

Your guest is very wrong as to the lock in. No.code means just that your app has no code and neither do you.. you have habe no asset

@ospinadigital - 27.02.2024 17:53

Excellent Interview!

@EaglEyesAI - 27.02.2024 10:58

Lots of wild statements, some misconceptions, but some good points and clearly it can work! Clearly burned by some misaligned or perfectionist Frontend developers. This is likely the difference between having a technical leader as a founder vs not.

@moechahine - 27.02.2024 09:08

I will automatically dislike your video anytime I see you posting after saying B2C SaaS is impossible. Lol joke

@keithfawcett1 - 26.02.2024 19:13

Just wait until you hit performance issues, continual price increases, and realize that you're locked into the platform with Bubble.

@abs80900 - 26.02.2024 17:10

I love the content of this channel, no long intro what so ever and straight to the point. LOVE IT and THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK.

@trading-university. - 26.02.2024 12:04

Nice interview but the guy is talking some crazy stuff. Using github libs etc is not anything like no code. While I believe no code has its place, it doesn't give much of a moat to competitors and also is impossible to leave bubble etc while taking your code with you.

@gaiustacitus4242 - 26.02.2024 08:16

I've been writing software since 1976 and I've seen all of the trends. The no code approach is great ... until it isn't. The problem with is that you are stuck with the limitations - and bugs - in the WYSIWIG code generators. This is why so product engineering companies have a not invented here ("NIH") approach to development. They've been burned by vendors who fail to address major bugs across multiple versions, get acquired and the platform your code is built on is discontinued, or go out of business.

Rolling out an early version on a no code or low code platform is fine, but as your business grows you will need control over the software that is key to your revenue stream.

FYI - If your developers are pulling open source code from GitHub or another source and you aren't paying the license fee(s), then you are violating copyright laws and should plan on being sued when the original developer(s) detect the unlicensed use. Open source does not mean the libraries are free to use.

@hasaan_ahmed - 26.02.2024 05:13

Also for people interested in getting an LLC and EIN, I just got an LLC in Wyoming and an EIN for 349$ through Northwest Registered Agents. I'm sure you can go lower than that. If you're in the US, you can get the EIN on your own and get the LLC for as low as 120$ I think. So make sure to compare the pricing and save some bucks.

@vladluteen2299 - 26.02.2024 05:08

Hired mediocre developers for a good price. They did a crappy job as most devs do. Blames it on the code.

@hasaan_ahmed - 26.02.2024 05:07

Well, their business is primarily non-tech and for most non-tech businesses I think we can make the case that No code is now the better approach. Coding only makes sense when you have incredibly complex product with a lot of use cases and tech-intensive features. I see a lot more No code businesses becoming hugely successful in the future. But let's say if there's a social media built on code and a social media built on no-code I'd always bet on the code one because it'll be more optimized and the developers will have the freedom to not be limited by a no code platform.

@hustlin_heev - 26.02.2024 04:25

Devs dont wanna hear this but - The buyer at a business doesnt give a fuck if ur backend is in golang, he/she just wants software that works. If its bubble or the newest version of react, it doesnt matter as long as it solves his/her problem.

@alexstone1492 - 26.02.2024 01:33

I run a bubble dev agency for a couple of years and delivered amazing fully working apps for under $10k. I personally don’t like bubble much, but there are many devs who know it well.

@atomparish - 26.02.2024 01:26

Finally someone on here who knows the power of bubble

@DannyBoy443 - 26.02.2024 01:19

The arrogance (and balls) to charge for a ticket to this conference man lol. Damn.

@DannyBoy443 - 26.02.2024 01:12

Loom?? lmao

@youtubevideos415 - 25.02.2024 23:16

This is pretty hilarious. I mean you can use no code tools like this to develop an early prototype to attract investors. But building a business around this is insane. You basically become trapped by this no code provider. They can and will change pricing drastically in the future and you can't move away from them. And they might close their service at any time and then you are left with nothing. This happens even to the no code offerings of the largest companies in the world. Amazon AWS had a no code offering called Honeycode. And it was canceled just recently and everybody who built their business on that has lost all their work.

@OMFGXeno - 25.02.2024 22:47

Furthermore, if your developers are taking years to develop login and basic features like that - you have a huge problem.

And you built a custom project management system? Good lord.

@OMFGXeno - 25.02.2024 22:45

To me it just sounds like an inability to manage the development team.

If your development team is not developing features, and apparently switching to loads of different frameworks, then your problem is the technical leadership, not the developers themselves (although you'd expect the developers to have some common sense).

However, after a bit of research, it appears that the only FE dev I could find that worked there was only 6 months worth of experience when they joined.

As an example, Just loading the 'reviews' page takes upwards of 14 seconds to load and uses jQuery? What year is it? I think the issue was the junior devs, not devs in general.

Furthermore, I can't see any actual CTO in the business, so I'd assume a tech co-founder would've solved these issues.

@meet_sid - 25.02.2024 22:07

As someone who has worked witha lot of Saas. Their technical leadership was definitely at fault. Also, their startup doesn't sound very technically challenging maybe that's why No Code worked for them. The end comparison between no code and salesforce is super weird. IMO

@yuriy5376 - 25.02.2024 21:38

If he looks and talks like a Chad - he's a Chad!

@LisyRuiz - 25.02.2024 21:22

great info!

@L4B5 - 25.02.2024 21:15

everyone who remembers Dreamweaver wysiwyg deserves 6-number ARR SaaS

@mikeshortall4666 - 25.02.2024 21:07

Great to see this use case for bubble. Iv use it for an MVP and it worked our great.

Im unsure if Id stick with it forever though. If I remember correctly bubbles pricing structure changed last year and caused a lot of issues for their community.

@fyfoh - 25.02.2024 21:05

Like everyone else here, I immediately sensed that he had a problem with his technical cofounder or some of his engineering staff. Suspicion confirmed. Honestly for what he's doing, the no code stack is probably good enough.

@peterweicker77 - 25.02.2024 20:58

Memorable interview. Everything about this discussion feels rock solid.

@marshallcapps3084 - 25.02.2024 20:37

Saying that using Bubble is comparable to large companies using Salesforce is a wild statement
