Hair and Scalp Damage: Common Mistakes and Solutions | Doctorly Tips

Hair and Scalp Damage: Common Mistakes and Solutions | Doctorly Tips


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LEOPOLD - 12.10.2023 19:19

16 minutes of nonsense

Lisa Schwartz
Lisa Schwartz - 04.10.2023 20:28

What do you recommend for men hair loss?

James Currie
James Currie - 30.09.2023 21:29


Love all your videos.Especially on skincare and skincare brands/recommendations in particular. I was wondering if you would perhaps do a video expanding more on the best haircare brands and the ingredients within. Love to learn all there is from you guys. Keep up the good work :)

Maimoona Shah
Maimoona Shah - 20.09.2023 05:50

Your advice is great but can you do a format where you give advice like 1, 2,3 rather than a lot of discussion. There is usually not time to listen to long vlogs, info is absorbed better if it’s short and to the point.

OmenX - 16.09.2023 07:24

Can I use nizoral psoriasis shampoo to treat dandruff?

charity0009 - 08.09.2023 06:03

Helpful video. Can you touch base on weather and climate effects. I live in FL. It's hotter and I feel like I wash my hair and by the end of the day it smells of outside which to me is a metal scent. 🤔 and I want to do a scalp detox but I am struggling with trying to figure out what my hair fall out issue is so I don't want anything harsh and aggravating. Advice??

June Szeider
June Szeider - 06.09.2023 19:47

Where are the recommended heat protectant list

luv2garden1 - 05.09.2023 02:18

So this is a commercial for products they're selling? 😂

Soto Soto
Soto Soto - 04.09.2023 14:47

Why u Don't recommend us some good shampoo.should we search for natural or synthetic products?

Xboyxqueque - 31.08.2023 21:24

I am very big on feeling in control in my out-of-control life, so everything I do is always put into an order/ list in my head. Haircare is no exception, so I use to google ‘how often should I wash my hair?’ or would change it up to follow someone else’s hair wash routine, etc. I’d write in my calendar ‘wash’ and ‘no wash’ according to whatever or whoever said was the holy grail duration to go without cleaning your hair. I remember going a WEEK without washing my hair because that was apparently ‘better’ for my hair. But that ended up with my hair feeling terrible all the time, even on my wash day. My hair actually thrives best on being washed every 2-3 days but I really believed I could train it to go longer than a month. I’ve been washing it as it needs and now I’ve noticed significantly less hair breakage and it’s softer, curlier, and it doesn’t look as thin anymore. I have actually been listening to my skin/ hair more, and instead of using the internet’s ‘best’ serum, moisturizer, sunscreen, etc. I’ve just been using MY tried and true products that MY skin and body likes; which is genuinely my biggest advice to everyone whose actually looking into changing their skin. Even if your favorite sunscreen causes everyone to breakout, if it works for you? It works for you!

Ria Moon
Ria Moon - 28.08.2023 02:11

What products do you recommend for thick frizzy hair?

D. Young
D. Young - 27.08.2023 20:38

Would love 2 know which "drug store" shampoos & conditioners R good 4 thinning hair & which R definitely NOT. I appreciate you, so much. ❤️

H - 26.08.2023 01:05

Can anyone recommend shampoo and conditioners?

Mar C
Mar C - 25.08.2023 00:54

They owe us the heat protectant links 😭

Harsha Akhade
Harsha Akhade - 23.08.2023 14:40

How to treat hair loss because of dryness / dry scalp?? Have found that hairloss occurs aslo accurs after oiling scalp and hair. Is there any "nourishing hair lotion or hair cream" products are available to treat dryness (instead of oil)??

nishayadav621 - 22.08.2023 15:13

Based on what I've seen, a combination of coconut and onion has proven to be an effecttive remedy for hairfall control, since it worked for me. I would make it myself earlier, but it's quite time-consuming and you can’t preserve it over an long period. So, I came across the cocoonion antihair fall kit by littleextra, that includes both coconut and onion. Whereas coconut offers nourishment, onion plays a role in reducing hair fall. I apply this kit twice a week, and thanks to it, my hair fall has gotten under control now. Moreover, due to its mild properties, this is good for hair.

Suedetussy - 12.08.2023 00:52

I‘m so thankful for your channel. Since i‘ve watched your video about cleanse - treat - protect, my skin is better than when i was younger.
You really have a lasting impact on my looks. Thank you so much for your time and energy that you put into spreading valuable information.

Mico Longino
Mico Longino - 11.08.2023 09:30

look at how the doctors look at each other

Sashabb Sousiii
Sashabb Sousiii - 10.08.2023 00:19

twice a day??? I mean I understand washing your body twice a day but your hair??

drycoon yoa
drycoon yoa - 03.08.2023 09:52

Can anyone give me some advice?: Im 15 years old and i have curly hair that frizzes after a long time, Ive been through the phase of trying lots of stuff and watching videos but i cant go anywhere, outside, school or just the grocery store without washing my hair because when i wake up its so frizzy and i just have to wash it every day, sometimes even twice. And i can clearly see it harms my hair and my hair is pretty dry. the only thing keeping it together is moisturizers, curling cream and coconut oil but i want healthy hair.. any tips pls??

Grace Henderson
Grace Henderson - 31.07.2023 20:28

They mention linking heat protectant products they recommend in the video but I don’t see them anywhere. Has anyone else found?

qudhac hure
qudhac hure - 31.07.2023 17:11

Why are thy looking each other like that

Dam Damfino
Dam Damfino - 27.07.2023 19:22

I feel like men/people with short hair benefit from daily washing in a different way than woman/people with long hair. I’ve started showering/washing my hair daily because it’s summer, and it’s done WONDERS for my acne, but a nightmare for my hair. I used to be able to go 3 days before my straight, fine hair starts to look too oily and it felt very healthy and shiny and plump all the time. Now with daily shampooing and conditioning it’s dry, frizzy and almost crunchy and just feels more damaged than it used to. So having that extra oil to sit and absorb and spreading it down to my ends for a few days really helped my longer hair, but I can see if you have short hair how daily washing might be necessary since the oil has nowhere to really go.

Waseem Khan
Waseem Khan - 27.07.2023 03:17

Hope these shampoo is good

sara xoxo
sara xoxo - 18.07.2023 11:05

if i wash my hair everyday i get lots of hairfall but if i dont wash it i get super oily and flaky hair what to do?

Natasha - 17.07.2023 13:58

date someone who looks at you the way maxfield looks at shah 😊

Esther Ortiz
Esther Ortiz - 17.07.2023 09:10

I think you both are wrong because guys and gal are so different on how much oils you have. My husband is much more oily and my hair is very, very dry. Women vs. Men. I don't think you two address the difference on hair washing, etc.

All about football
All about football - 10.07.2023 18:28

I have snowflakes even in short hair whcih shampoo do i use

Christine Janvier
Christine Janvier - 02.07.2023 20:28

I've been using their body wash exfoliater, and body lotion for 3 years. I wish I had a lifetime supply of the lotion in Eucalyptus, and their Deodorant in eucalyptus is amazing.

Death - 24.06.2023 09:44

Bro who tf is mr zarbon this sound like a bot attack lol

Abhishek Tyagi
Abhishek Tyagi - 04.06.2023 21:23

wtf, I thought you guys are a couple. 😂

Neilted - 27.05.2023 21:30

If Mr. Zarbon continues like this,
no one will be bald anymore, everyone will have perfect hair

Victorrolman - 27.05.2023 21:26

I have a friend in college who almost lost all his hair.
He tried all possible products and methods to get hair back and failed.
However, mrzarbon gave him that one recipe 20 days ago, and believe me or not,
he got 70% of his hair back!! I was in shock and still am. I have never seen anything like this in my life!

Joey - 27.05.2023 21:20

Whoever that mrzarbon guy is, may God protect him

greenford - 27.05.2023 21:05

I have been using mr zarbon's product for 2 months now and I
have experienced a fascinating hair transformation. I was on the
verge of balding and now I have full, thick hair. I've never been happier.

andrewjohns12 - 27.05.2023 20:57

Do this and thank me later:
-contact mrzarbon
-ask for recipe for hair regrowth
- use it for 15 days
- watch your hair grow incredibly fast

Amy Woolsey
Amy Woolsey - 27.05.2023 16:54


Shreya Jain
Shreya Jain - 26.05.2023 22:20

Yu were not suppose to fall into each others eyes 😂😂❤ loved it

zzidan0 - 24.05.2023 12:34

Is sulfate a negative impact for hair?, because i heard recently that sulfate in shampoo product might not be the best for hair, especially me that have dry scalp/hair and have a lot dandruff, is it really true?

T Rell
T Rell - 20.05.2023 08:18

Man I love ya'lls channel.

Jim Redd
Jim Redd - 12.05.2023 11:41

When you say wash, do you mean shampoo, or just rinsing? Shampooing your hair twice a day seems insane.

I do it like 2-3 times a week max.

Rona zimmerman
Rona zimmerman - 10.05.2023 14:41

Anyone try this shamoo with curly hair?

Emma - 09.05.2023 17:31

Zinc pyrithione is banned in the EU since March 2022, it is supected to be a cancerogen mutagen reprotoxic. It's not recommendable for usage...

Maxmayer Mustermann
Maxmayer Mustermann - 08.05.2023 13:34

I used minoxidil for about a month and a half because the corners of my hairline started to recede minimally. Using it made my hair much worse I started loosing more hair and it began to thin. Today I shaved my whole head and I see dark spots where I’ve been using it. I really hope it grows back to normal

Vine Sh
Vine Sh - 04.05.2023 14:13

Is that fact rosemary water help hair growth and shine?

gabbyyyyy - 28.04.2023 23:16

Worst thing I did was listen to people say you can “train your hair” I tried every other day washing for a long time , the 2nd day always looked disgusting, greasy, can even see patches of my scalp lol. I have naturally straight fine blonde hair.

Sonia - 22.04.2023 08:15

Hello! I love your channel so much. 😊I have asthma and am allergic to Limonene and fragrant. Can’t find much hair products that doesn’t have that ingredient in it. Could you please recommend a few products that’s doesn’t use Limonene in it? Your recommendation is greatly appreciated! ❤

Svetlana K
Svetlana K - 22.04.2023 07:02

Could you do a video on the best drugstore shampoos. The options you presented in the video are a bit pricey. It would be great to find something affordable that is not harmful, simple, and gets the job done. Thank you for your service 🫡. “Hair is everything” Fleabag.

Cristina Benavente
Cristina Benavente - 20.04.2023 21:37

Can you do a new video on hair strengthening for menopausal hair ( breaking , spilt ends, fragile) and effect of supplements? There are so many out there 😊
