Lambda World 2018 - A roadtrip with monads: from MTL, through tagless to BIO - Paweł Szulc

Lambda World 2018 - A roadtrip with monads: from MTL, through tagless to BIO - Paweł Szulc

Lambda World

5 лет назад

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@rresino - 05.12.2018 19:05

Where can I get the slides? Because sometimes the code cannot be readable. Thanks!!!

@nirgle - 05.12.2018 22:59

Can you keep the slides showing the whole time, the full shot views of the person talking are not really helpful

@atomiclambda - 11.12.2018 09:23

Who cares how the room looks like, show the slides! So annoying!

@emacsprince5586 - 08.06.2019 11:08

I was in the room, and I really enjoy the way how Pawel introduces the concepts: moving the hands, changing the voice to emphasize key points... Really great speaker! I hope he will attend future lambda events.

@user-dn7qr7vs1h - 16.11.2020 16:34

Aww so cool. I would like to see how the Free Monads work on that example, in comparison with Final Tagless and MTL 😁
