Calm Post-Rock Music To Concentrate

Calm Post-Rock Music To Concentrate


3 года назад

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fiso wong
fiso wong - 05.09.2023 15:26

these melodies would make me think a lot, a lot about my passed

Rammstein x
Rammstein x - 14.08.2023 13:05

I remember coming across your channel and thinking, "Now, this is the music I've been after!" Can't really put me finger on the feelings it stirs up – a bit of solitude, a touch of loneliness, a dash of isolation – all in a good way, mate. Every so often, I swing back to your channel and crank up the same music – still manages to bring about them same ripper feelings, it does. Every song on your playlist takes me back to my memories that I fought so hard to let go of, to completely erase from my mind ♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥

Tech Heck
Tech Heck - 13.08.2023 18:06

i keep accidentally reading the text as compost-rock and im always like wait wat

dane myers
dane myers - 24.07.2023 21:50

I always love these mixes you put together. I find myself recognizing songs I’ve heard from other places, whether it be another mix, or an artist that I found because of you. Now… there are some thoughts I want to put into words, but before I do: thank you. Music is the one thing I cherish over everything and this channel has helped me through many things. Anyway, onward:

It’s odd. I don’t find myself missing you. Instead, I’m happy I’m out. It feels like I’ve been released from a trap. Like I’m free to be who I’ve always wanted to be. When you left, I was destroyed… for about a week. The truth is, I wanted out for a while. I was never happy. I was afraid though, that if I tried to leave you’d do something… irreversible. So I had to wait. Patiently. Even though I had wanted out, all I ever wanted for you was happiness. I wanted you to find your peace. To be truly… happy. But… you didn’t have to leave as quietly as you did. I knew you would, eventually. Just not like that. Told me you were moving out, because your mom wanted you to take over rent on a house. That made sense. Though, with all that… you didn’t have to lie about your friends sexuality. Telling me it was one way, then it was another a month later. I think that’s when I knew. The first hint. After that, you moved out. I know you were ready to break it off between us then, but you didn’t. You led me on, knowing that I didn’t want to be alone. So one night I asked if things were alright between us, and you said, “not really.” I expected that. I didn’t expect the manipulation that came with it. The… little lies you were telling yourself. And me. I wanted to talk it through. Not to avoid the separation, but because I had a small belief that we could at the very least be friends. You told me it was codependency. When I disagreed, you cut me off. Now I’ve proved to myself that my disagreeing with your view was valid. You thought I was attached. That I didn’t have it in me to move on. The truth is, I have. I haven’t moved past the way you treated me. But I have forgotten your touch. Your words. Now, you seem to have some other… friend. The same that you lied to me about. I see how close you are to him. I think, in some capacity, you hope it will hurt me. It doesn’t. I ignore it, not to repress my feelings, but because it never mattered to me. I had hope… for you. That you’d be happy. That you could change. Maybe you have, but… you’re as self destructive as ever, and that hurts to watch. I hope you’re happy. Genuinely. Every time I go up to the gas station when you’re working, you seem a little lower. Just… keep your head high. Not for me. For you. Maybe someday you’ll grow. I’m just happy to say that I’m okay with not being a part of that story.
Keep going, Lou. Maybe eventually you’ll get to where you want to be. Be happy. 💙

SHK 13
SHK 13 - 07.07.2023 10:16

Top 5 postrock band=

Temporary Name
Temporary Name - 02.07.2023 21:20

This is perfectly what I needed today.

Alaric Balthi
Alaric Balthi - 06.05.2023 11:09

Only thing that would make this better is to take that Gallant Gentleman off the compilation. The soothing vibe goes out the window when mid-way of it starts banging...
Not a bad song, just doesn't fit with the rest.

Bakerr - 30.04.2023 00:54

thought this said clam post rock. disappointed [light-hearted]

ma goateema
ma goateema - 27.01.2023 05:15

Dr ouissal El mghari
Dr ouissal El mghari - 13.12.2022 01:45

Magnifique ❤

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 04.12.2022 05:24

Vasudeva and corey mastrangelo make some amazing post Rock this is ok to

xavkoston16 - 15.11.2022 20:35

A Gallant Gentleman has such a melancholic vibe ... The emotion it gives is so unique, a true piece of art.

Bear thestoryteller
Bear thestoryteller - 03.11.2022 00:31

So grateful to be in this playlist and let "Nuberu" join all of you in your calm places.
Hope you all are doing good with health.
Hugs from Córdoba (Spain)

d. aLLy 🎶
d. aLLy 🎶 - 26.10.2022 15:44

this came on randomly after I listened to another song, but I am so happy it did. The perfect playlist for a foggy fall day 💚

Vladislav Ivanov
Vladislav Ivanov - 24.10.2022 21:33

Post-Rock is basically a child of prog-rock and ambient music.

Patrick MAILLARD - 15.10.2022 20:45

Calm oui ! 👍

Philippe Cirse
Philippe Cirse - 07.10.2022 20:53

The expressive power of the sound architecture breaks with any form of transcription of the real to attach itself to the expression of an explosive/serene universe. (remove the useless word) Colors and rhythm of these compositions are a language that gives life to exaltation. Words of a musical Nerd 🤡

Norbert Kakuk
Norbert Kakuk - 20.09.2022 22:22

That calm vibe just gives me rest. Thanks for uploading ! 🎵🎶🎼💯

Piotr Głowacki
Piotr Głowacki - 11.09.2022 01:19

Post-rock is my new music-crush. Biggest crush of my life, honestly.

Quasiportal - 12.08.2022 17:36

Post rock clam concentrate

Sarah LE GOFF - 21.07.2022 21:18

Awesome that's all i need to Say about This music !! ✨✨

varun manjunath
varun manjunath - 14.07.2022 21:27

Those who have found this channel's content great.... you have grown beyond PPL, Thoughts and materialistic life.... ✌️ have started to accept things just how they are.... 🙏

richard - 03.07.2022 05:10

do i even matter

Matthew Darby
Matthew Darby - 02.07.2022 16:08

8.00 mins in, echos of Clannad, very Celtic.

Stuff ._.
Stuff ._. - 28.06.2022 07:19

ok im so confused

what is "post rock"? is this some sort of music subgenre i just havent heard of? is it some term this channel made? is it what they think you should listen to after listening to rock...? please enlighten me ;-;

George Fisher
George Fisher - 08.05.2022 20:31

Maximal enjoyment with minimalist input. I'm hooked; or, hooking.

OBcT - 06.05.2022 12:35

Calm post rock? I was looking for Compost Rock!

Jon Pamenter
Jon Pamenter - 05.05.2022 12:06

Can't praise you enough for this wonderful playlist, it's perfect.

rap-I-ya - 28.04.2022 21:06

Keep it up with the good work!!!!!! Don't give up posting such good songs for us!! Loves from Brazil!🇧🇷💚

biraztengri - 20.04.2022 15:44


Opinador Enmascarado
Opinador Enmascarado - 10.04.2022 18:43

Is this music copy right free?

mish - 06.04.2022 15:33

being alone with postrock, one of the best moments in my life

EzequielPaez - 05.04.2022 05:29

I want this playlist on Deezer!

Lea Sunny
Lea Sunny - 31.03.2022 22:10

Reading Tolkien with this, It's epic and relaxing

Lavina - 20.03.2022 19:01

one of the most beautiful and soothing playlist I have ever listened to!

waylingtons - 16.03.2022 16:42

Mono - silent flight sleeping dawn had to be one of the most beautifully pieces of music I have heard for a while. That chord progression got me right in the feel. Mystical and touching. This whole playlist is just incredible.

Huw Tindall
Huw Tindall - 06.03.2022 20:06

Fantastic addition to the channel mate!

Music Tapes
Music Tapes - 02.03.2022 17:39

We really love this compilation. :)

Caleb M. F
Caleb M. F - 25.02.2022 05:59

Listening while WW3 starts

flnks - 24.02.2022 11:34


Liva Drim
Liva Drim - 22.02.2022 20:20

Wow this music is so awesome! I listen it for the first time, but I enjoy it!!
Btw, check my music, maybe you will like it too😀😃😆😁🙃
Have a nice day!!!😛

Retro Lemons
Retro Lemons - 15.02.2022 01:56

I used to think this sort of music brought me back to a time in my life. Or invoked some type of nostalgia in me. But in truth I think it "puts" me into a mood or space... if that makes sense. Like I don't fee like I am going back in time. I feel like I am going back into a room or visiting someone....

Bethann - 04.02.2022 21:54

Compost Rock! Yeah, it's music for gardeners. Just kidding! I love this music. Thanks for a great selection of songs.
